blob: 545808e0d49e85ab69a607f952a7567d12e9e83b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <lib/async/cpp/wait.h>
#include <lib/zx/event.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include "flutter/flow/raster_cache_key.h"
#include "flutter/flow/scene_update_context.h"
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "flutter/vulkan/vulkan_command_buffer.h"
#include "flutter/vulkan/vulkan_handle.h"
#include "flutter/vulkan/vulkan_proc_table.h"
#include "flutter/vulkan/vulkan_provider.h"
#include "lib/ui/scenic/cpp/resources.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSurface.h"
namespace flutter_runner {
// A |VkImage| and its relevant metadata.
struct VulkanImage {
VulkanImage() = default;
VulkanImage(VulkanImage&&) = default;
VulkanImage& operator=(VulkanImage&&) = default;
VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo vk_external_image_create_info;
VkImageCreateInfo vk_image_create_info;
VkMemoryRequirements vk_memory_requirements;
vulkan::VulkanHandle<VkImage> vk_image;
// Create a new |VulkanImage| of size |size|, stored in
// |out_vulkan_image|. Returns whether creation of the |VkImage| was
// successful.
bool CreateVulkanImage(vulkan::VulkanProvider& vulkan_provider,
const SkISize& size,
VulkanImage* out_vulkan_image);
class VulkanSurface final
: public flutter::SceneUpdateContext::SurfaceProducerSurface {
VulkanSurface(vulkan::VulkanProvider& vulkan_provider,
sk_sp<GrContext> context,
scenic::Session* session,
const SkISize& size);
~VulkanSurface() override;
// |flutter::SceneUpdateContext::SurfaceProducerSurface|
size_t AdvanceAndGetAge() override;
// |flutter::SceneUpdateContext::SurfaceProducerSurface|
bool FlushSessionAcquireAndReleaseEvents() override;
// |flutter::SceneUpdateContext::SurfaceProducerSurface|
bool IsValid() const override;
// |flutter::SceneUpdateContext::SurfaceProducerSurface|
SkISize GetSize() const override;
// Note: It is safe for the caller to collect the surface in the
// |on_writes_committed| callback.
void SignalWritesFinished(
const std::function<void(void)>& on_writes_committed) override;
// |flutter::SceneUpdateContext::SurfaceProducerSurface|
scenic::Image* GetImage() override;
// |flutter::SceneUpdateContext::SurfaceProducerSurface|
sk_sp<SkSurface> GetSkiaSurface() const override;
const vulkan::VulkanHandle<VkImage>& GetVkImage() {
return vulkan_image_.vk_image;
const vulkan::VulkanHandle<VkSemaphore>& GetAcquireVkSemaphore() {
return acquire_semaphore_;
vulkan::VulkanCommandBuffer* GetCommandBuffer(
const vulkan::VulkanHandle<VkCommandPool>& pool) {
if (!command_buffer_)
command_buffer_ = std::make_unique<vulkan::VulkanCommandBuffer>(
vulkan_provider_.vk(), vulkan_provider_.vk_device(), pool);
return command_buffer_.get();
const vulkan::VulkanHandle<VkFence>& GetCommandBufferFence() {
return command_buffer_fence_;
size_t GetAllocationSize() const { return vk_memory_info_.allocationSize; }
size_t GetImageMemoryRequirementsSize() const {
return vulkan_image_.vk_memory_requirements.size;
bool IsOversized() const {
return GetAllocationSize() > GetImageMemoryRequirementsSize();
bool HasStableSizeHistory() const {
return std::equal(size_history_.begin() + 1, size_history_.end(),
// Bind |vulkan_image| to |vk_memory_| and create a new skia surface,
// replacing the previous |vk_image_|. |vulkan_image| MUST require less
// than or equal the amount of memory contained in |vk_memory_|. Returns
// whether the swap was successful. The |VulkanSurface| will become invalid
// if the swap was not successful.
bool BindToImage(sk_sp<GrContext> context, VulkanImage vulkan_image);
// Flutter may retain a |VulkanSurface| for a |flutter::Layer| subtree to
// improve the performance. The |retained_key_| identifies which layer subtree
// this |VulkanSurface| is retained for. The key has two parts. One is the
// pointer to the root of that layer subtree: ||. Another is
// the transformation matrix: |retained_key_.matrix()|. We need the matrix
// part because a different matrix would invalidate the pixels (raster cache)
// in this |VulkanSurface|.
const flutter::LayerRasterCacheKey& GetRetainedKey() const {
return retained_key_;
// For better safety in retained rendering, Flutter uses a retained
// |EntityNode| associated with the retained surface instead of using the
// retained surface directly. Hence Flutter can't modify the surface during
// retained rendering. However, the node itself is modifiable to be able
// to adjust its position.
scenic::EntityNode* GetRetainedNode() {
used_in_retained_rendering_ = true;
return retained_node_.get();
// Check whether the retained surface (and its associated |EntityNode|) is
// used in the current frame or not. If unused, the |VulkanSurfacePool| will
// try to recycle the surface. This flag is reset after each frame.
bool IsUsedInRetainedRendering() const { return used_in_retained_rendering_; }
void ResetIsUsedInRetainedRendering() { used_in_retained_rendering_ = false; }
// Let this surface own the retained EntityNode associated with it (see
// |GetRetainedNode|), and set the retained key (see |GetRetainedKey|).
void SetRetainedInfo(const flutter::LayerRasterCacheKey& key,
std::unique_ptr<scenic::EntityNode> node) {
retained_key_ = key;
retained_node_ = std::move(node);
static constexpr int kSizeHistorySize = 4;
void OnHandleReady(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
async::WaitBase* wait,
zx_status_t status,
const zx_packet_signal_t* signal);
bool AllocateDeviceMemory(sk_sp<GrContext> context,
const SkISize& size,
zx::vmo& exported_vmo);
bool SetupSkiaSurface(sk_sp<GrContext> context,
const SkISize& size,
SkColorType color_type,
const VkImageCreateInfo& image_create_info,
const VkMemoryRequirements& memory_reqs);
bool CreateFences();
bool PushSessionImageSetupOps(scenic::Session* session);
void Reset();
vulkan::VulkanHandle<VkSemaphore> SemaphoreFromEvent(
const zx::event& event) const;
vulkan::VulkanProvider& vulkan_provider_;
scenic::Session* session_;
VulkanImage vulkan_image_;
vulkan::VulkanHandle<VkDeviceMemory> vk_memory_;
VkMemoryAllocateInfo vk_memory_info_;
vulkan::VulkanHandle<VkFence> command_buffer_fence_;
sk_sp<SkSurface> sk_surface_;
// TODO: Don't heap allocate this once SCN-268 is resolved.
std::unique_ptr<scenic::Memory> scenic_memory_;
std::unique_ptr<scenic::Image> session_image_;
zx::event acquire_event_;
vulkan::VulkanHandle<VkSemaphore> acquire_semaphore_;
std::unique_ptr<vulkan::VulkanCommandBuffer> command_buffer_;
zx::event release_event_;
async::WaitMethod<VulkanSurface, &VulkanSurface::OnHandleReady> wait_;
std::function<void()> pending_on_writes_committed_;
std::array<SkISize, kSizeHistorySize> size_history_;
int size_history_index_ = 0;
size_t age_ = 0;
bool valid_ = false;
flutter::LayerRasterCacheKey retained_key_ = {0, SkMatrix::Scale(1, 1)};
std::unique_ptr<scenic::EntityNode> retained_node_ = nullptr;
std::atomic<bool> used_in_retained_rendering_ = {false};
} // namespace flutter_runner