blob: 43dc09e7bd0ca7f4aca03b11600aa5e6301d9560 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(yjbanov): rename this file to web_only_api.dart.
// Rather than extending this file with new APIs, we
// should instead use js interop.
// This file contains extra web-only API that non-web engines do not have.
// Why have web-only API?
// Because all Dart code is compiled (and tree shaken) as a single compilation
// unit it only has one entry-point - the `main()` function of the Flutter
// app. The top-level `main()` is generated by Flutter tool and it needs to
// ask the engine to initialize itself before calling the handwritten `main()`
// function of the app itself. To do that, it needs something to call. The
// mobile engine doesn't provide a function like that because the application
// starts from the Java (Android) or Objective-C (iOS). Any initial
// configuration can be done in Java and the engine's C++ code prior to
// calling Dart's `main()`.
part of ui;
// TODO(mdebbar): Deprecate this and remove it.
Future<void> webOnlyWarmupEngine({
VoidCallback? registerPlugins,
VoidCallback? runApp,
}) {
assert(() {
'The webOnlyWarmupEngine API is deprecated and will be removed in a '
'future release. Please use `bootstrapEngine` from `dart:ui_web` instead.',
return true;
return ui_web.bootstrapEngine(
registerPlugins: registerPlugins,
runApp: runApp,
// TODO(mdebbar): Deprecate this and remove it.
bool get debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment {
assert(() {
'The debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment getter is deprecated and will '
'be removed in a future release. Please use '
'`debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment` from `dart:ui_web` instead.',
return true;
return ui_web.debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment;
// TODO(mdebbar): Deprecate this and remove it.
set debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment(bool value) {
assert(() {
'The debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment setter is deprecated and will '
'be removed in a future release. Please use '
'`debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment` from `dart:ui_web` instead.',
return true;
ui_web.debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment = value;
// TODO(mdebbar): Deprecate this and remove it.
ui_web.AssetManager get webOnlyAssetManager {
assert(() {
'The webOnlyAssetManager getter is deprecated and will be removed in a '
'future release. Please use `assetManager` from `dart:ui_web` instead.',
return true;
return ui_web.assetManager;
// TODO(mdebbar): Deprecate this and remove it.
void webOnlySetPluginHandler(PlatformMessageCallback handler) {
assert(() {
'The webOnlySetPluginHandler API is deprecated and will be removed in a '
'future release. Please use `setPluginHandler` from `dart:ui_web` instead.',
return true;
// TODO(mdebbar): Deprecate this and remove it.
ui_web.PlatformViewRegistry get platformViewRegistry {
assert(() {
'The platformViewRegistry getter is deprecated and will be removed in a '
'future release. Please import it from `dart:ui_web` instead.',
return true;
return ui_web.platformViewRegistry;