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// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
part of ui;
/// Defines how a list of points is interpreted when drawing a set of points.
/// Used by [Canvas.drawPoints].
enum PointMode {
/// Draw each point separately.
/// If the [Paint.strokeCap] is [StrokeCap.round], then each point is drawn
/// as a circle with the diameter of the [Paint.strokeWidth], filled as
/// described by the [Paint] (ignoring []).
/// Otherwise, each point is drawn as an axis-aligned square with sides of
/// length [Paint.strokeWidth], filled as described by the [Paint] (ignoring
/// []).
/// Draw each sequence of two points as a line segment.
/// If the number of points is odd, then the last point is ignored.
/// The lines are stroked as described by the [Paint] (ignoring
/// []).
/// Draw the entire sequence of point as one line.
/// The lines are stroked as described by the [Paint] (ignoring
/// []).
/// Defines how a new clip region should be merged with the existing clip
/// region.
/// Used by [Canvas.clipRect].
enum ClipOp {
/// Subtract the new region from the existing region.
/// Intersect the new region from the existing region.
enum VertexMode {
/// Draw each sequence of three points as the vertices of a triangle.
/// Draw each sliding window of three points as the vertices of a triangle.
/// Draw the first point and each sliding window of two points as the vertices of a triangle.
/// A set of vertex data used by [Canvas.drawVertices].
class Vertices {
/// Creates a set of vertex data for use with [Canvas.drawVertices].
/// The [mode] and [positions] parameters must not be null.
/// If the [textureCoordinates] or [colors] parameters are provided, they must
/// be the same length as [positions].
/// If the [indices] parameter is provided, all values in the list must be
/// valid index values for [positions].
factory Vertices(
VertexMode mode,
List<Offset> positions, {
List<Offset>? textureCoordinates,
List<Color>? colors,
List<int>? indices,
}) {
if (engine.experimentalUseSkia) {
return engine.CkVertices(mode, positions,
textureCoordinates: textureCoordinates,
colors: colors,
indices: indices);
return engine.SurfaceVertices(mode, positions,
colors: colors,
indices: indices);
/// Creates a set of vertex data for use with [Canvas.drawVertices], directly
/// using the encoding methods of [new Vertices].
/// The [mode] parameter must not be null.
/// The [positions] list is interpreted as a list of repeated pairs of x,y
/// coordinates. It must not be null.
/// The [textureCoordinates] list is interpreted as a list of repeated pairs
/// of x,y coordinates, and must be the same length of [positions] if it
/// is not null.
/// The [colors] list is interpreted as a list of RGBA encoded colors, similar
/// to [Color.value]. It must be half length of [positions] if it is not
/// null.
/// If the [indices] list is provided, all values in the list must be
/// valid index values for [positions].
factory Vertices.raw(
VertexMode mode,
Float32List positions, {
Float32List? textureCoordinates,
Int32List? colors,
Uint16List? indices,
}) {
if (engine.experimentalUseSkia) {
return engine.CkVertices.raw(mode, positions,
textureCoordinates: textureCoordinates,
colors: colors,
indices: indices);
return engine.SurfaceVertices.raw(mode, positions,
colors: colors,
indices: indices);
/// Records a [Picture] containing a sequence of graphical operations.
/// To begin recording, construct a [Canvas] to record the commands.
/// To end recording, use the [PictureRecorder.endRecording] method.
abstract class PictureRecorder {
/// Creates a new idle PictureRecorder. To associate it with a
/// [Canvas] and begin recording, pass this [PictureRecorder] to the
/// [Canvas] constructor.
factory PictureRecorder() {
if (engine.experimentalUseSkia) {
return engine.CkPictureRecorder();
} else {
return engine.EnginePictureRecorder();
/// Whether this object is currently recording commands.
/// Specifically, this returns true if a [Canvas] object has been
/// created to record commands and recording has not yet ended via a
/// call to [endRecording], and false if either this
/// [PictureRecorder] has not yet been associated with a [Canvas],
/// or the [endRecording] method has already been called.
bool get isRecording;
/// Finishes recording graphical operations.
/// Returns a picture containing the graphical operations that have been
/// recorded thus far. After calling this function, both the picture recorder
/// and the canvas objects are invalid and cannot be used further.
Picture endRecording();
/// An interface for recording graphical operations.
/// [Canvas] objects are used in creating [Picture] objects, which can
/// themselves be used with a [SceneBuilder] to build a [Scene]. In
/// normal usage, however, this is all handled by the framework.
/// A canvas has a current transformation matrix which is applied to all
/// operations. Initially, the transformation matrix is the identity transform.
/// It can be modified using the [translate], [scale], [rotate], [skew],
/// and [transform] methods.
/// A canvas also has a current clip region which is applied to all operations.
/// Initially, the clip region is infinite. It can be modified using the
/// [clipRect], [clipRRect], and [clipPath] methods.
/// The current transform and clip can be saved and restored using the stack
/// managed by the [save], [saveLayer], and [restore] methods.
abstract class Canvas {
factory Canvas(PictureRecorder recorder, [Rect? cullRect]) {
if (engine.experimentalUseSkia) {
return engine.CanvasKitCanvas(recorder, cullRect);
} else {
return engine.SurfaceCanvas(recorder as engine.EnginePictureRecorder, cullRect);
/// Saves a copy of the current transform and clip on the save stack.
/// Call [restore] to pop the save stack.
/// See also:
/// * [saveLayer], which does the same thing but additionally also groups the
/// commands done until the matching [restore].
void save();
/// Saves a copy of the current transform and clip on the save stack, and then
/// creates a new group which subsequent calls will become a part of. When the
/// save stack is later popped, the group will be flattened into a layer and
/// have the given `paint`'s [Paint.colorFilter] and [Paint.blendMode]
/// applied.
/// This lets you create composite effects, for example making a group of
/// drawing commands semi-transparent. Without using [saveLayer], each part of
/// the group would be painted individually, so where they overlap would be
/// darker than where they do not. By using [saveLayer] to group them
/// together, they can be drawn with an opaque color at first, and then the
/// entire group can be made transparent using the [saveLayer]'s paint.
/// Call [restore] to pop the save stack and apply the paint to the group.
/// ## Using saveLayer with clips
/// When a rectangular clip operation (from [clipRect]) is not axis-aligned
/// with the raster buffer, or when the clip operation is not rectalinear (e.g.
/// because it is a rounded rectangle clip created by [clipRRect] or an
/// arbitrarily complicated path clip created by [clipPath]), the edge of the
/// clip needs to be anti-aliased.
/// If two draw calls overlap at the edge of such a clipped region, without
/// using [saveLayer], the first drawing will be anti-aliased with the
/// background first, and then the second will be anti-aliased with the result
/// of blending the first drawing and the background. On the other hand, if
/// [saveLayer] is used immediately after establishing the clip, the second
/// drawing will cover the first in the layer, and thus the second alone will
/// be anti-aliased with the background when the layer is clipped and
/// composited (when [restore] is called).
/// For example, this [CustomPainter.paint] method paints a clean white
/// rounded rectangle:
/// ```dart
/// void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
/// Rect rect = & size;
/// canvas.clipRRect(new RRect.fromRectXY(rect, 100.0, 100.0));
/// canvas.saveLayer(rect, new Paint());
/// canvas.drawPaint(new Paint()..color =;
/// canvas.drawPaint(new Paint()..color = Colors.white);
/// canvas.restore();
/// canvas.restore();
/// }
/// ```
/// On the other hand, this one renders a red outline, the result of the red
/// paint being anti-aliased with the background at the clip edge, then the
/// white paint being similarly anti-aliased with the background _including
/// the clipped red paint_:
/// ```dart
/// void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
/// // (this example renders poorly, prefer the example above)
/// Rect rect = & size;
/// canvas.clipRRect(new RRect.fromRectXY(rect, 100.0, 100.0));
/// canvas.drawPaint(new Paint()..color =;
/// canvas.drawPaint(new Paint()..color = Colors.white);
/// canvas.restore();
/// }
/// ```
/// This point is moot if the clip only clips one draw operation. For example,
/// the following paint method paints a pair of clean white rounded
/// rectangles, even though the clips are not done on a separate layer:
/// ```dart
/// void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
/// canvas.clipRRect(new RRect.fromRectXY( & (size / 2.0), 50.0, 50.0));
/// canvas.drawPaint(new Paint()..color = Colors.white);
/// canvas.restore();
/// canvas.clipRRect(new RRect.fromRectXY( & (size / 2.0), 50.0, 50.0));
/// canvas.drawPaint(new Paint()..color = Colors.white);
/// canvas.restore();
/// }
/// ```
/// (Incidentally, rather than using [clipRRect] and [drawPaint] to draw
/// rounded rectangles like this, prefer the [drawRRect] method. These
/// examples are using [drawPaint] as a proxy for "complicated draw operations
/// that will get clipped", to illustrate the point.)
/// ## Performance considerations
/// Generally speaking, [saveLayer] is relatively expensive.
/// There are a several different hardware architectures for GPUs (graphics
/// processing units, the hardware that handles graphics), but most of them
/// involve batching commands and reordering them for performance. When layers
/// are used, they cause the rendering pipeline to have to switch render
/// target (from one layer to another). Render target switches can flush the
/// GPU's command buffer, which typically means that optimizations that one
/// could get with larger batching are lost. Render target switches also
/// generate a lot of memory churn because the GPU needs to copy out the
/// current frame buffer contents from the part of memory that's optimized for
/// writing, and then needs to copy it back in once the previous render target
/// (layer) is restored.
/// See also:
/// * [save], which saves the current state, but does not create a new layer
/// for subsequent commands.
/// * [BlendMode], which discusses the use of [Paint.blendMode] with
/// [saveLayer].
void saveLayer(Rect? bounds, Paint paint);
/// Pops the current save stack, if there is anything to pop.
/// Otherwise, does nothing.
/// Use [save] and [saveLayer] to push state onto the stack.
/// If the state was pushed with with [saveLayer], then this call will also
/// cause the new layer to be composited into the previous layer.
void restore();
/// Returns the number of items on the save stack, including the
/// initial state. This means it returns 1 for a clean canvas, and
/// that each call to [save] and [saveLayer] increments it, and that
/// each matching call to [restore] decrements it.
/// This number cannot go below 1.
int getSaveCount();
/// Add a translation to the current transform, shifting the coordinate space
/// horizontally by the first argument and vertically by the second argument.
void translate(double dx, double dy);
/// Add an axis-aligned scale to the current transform, scaling by the first
/// argument in the horizontal direction and the second in the vertical
/// direction.
/// If [sy] is unspecified, [sx] will be used for the scale in both
/// directions.
void scale(double sx, [double? sy]);
/// Add a rotation to the current transform. The argument is in radians clockwise.
void rotate(double radians);
/// Add an axis-aligned skew to the current transform, with the first argument
/// being the horizontal skew in radians clockwise around the origin, and the
/// second argument being the vertical skew in radians clockwise around the
/// origin.
void skew(double sx, double sy);
/// Multiply the current transform by the specified 4⨉4 transformation matrix
/// specified as a list of values in column-major order.
void transform(Float64List matrix4);
/// Reduces the clip region to the intersection of the current clip and the
/// given rectangle.
/// If [doAntiAlias] is true, then the clip will be anti-aliased.
/// If multiple draw commands intersect with the clip boundary, this can result
/// in incorrect blending at the clip boundary. See [saveLayer] for a
/// discussion of how to address that.
/// Use [ClipOp.difference] to subtract the provided rectangle from the
/// current clip.
void clipRect(Rect rect,
{ClipOp clipOp = ClipOp.intersect, bool doAntiAlias = true});
/// Reduces the clip region to the intersection of the current clip and the
/// given rounded rectangle.
/// If [doAntiAlias] is true, then the clip will be anti-aliased.
/// If multiple draw commands intersect with the clip boundary, this can result
/// in incorrect blending at the clip boundary. See [saveLayer] for a
/// discussion of how to address that and some examples of using [clipRRect].
void clipRRect(RRect rrect, {bool doAntiAlias = true});
/// Reduces the clip region to the intersection of the current clip and the
/// given [Path].
/// If [doAntiAlias] is true, then the clip will be anti-aliased.
/// If multiple draw commands intersect with the clip boundary, this can result
/// multiple draw commands intersect with the clip boundary, this can result
/// in incorrect blending at the clip boundary. See [saveLayer] for a
/// discussion of how to address that.
void clipPath(Path path, {bool doAntiAlias = true});
/// Paints the given [Color] onto the canvas, applying the given
/// [BlendMode], with the given color being the source and the background
/// being the destination.
void drawColor(Color color, BlendMode blendMode);
/// Draws a line between the given points using the given paint. The line is
/// stroked, the value of the [] is ignored for this call.
/// The `p1` and `p2` arguments are interpreted as offsets from the origin.
void drawLine(Offset p1, Offset p2, Paint paint);
/// Fills the canvas with the given [Paint].
/// To fill the canvas with a solid color and blend mode, consider
/// [drawColor] instead.
void drawPaint(Paint paint);
/// Draws a rectangle with the given [Paint]. Whether the rectangle is filled
/// or stroked (or both) is controlled by [].
void drawRect(Rect rect, Paint paint);
/// Draws a rounded rectangle with the given [Paint]. Whether the rectangle is
/// filled or stroked (or both) is controlled by [].
void drawRRect(RRect rrect, Paint paint);
/// Draws a shape consisting of the difference between two rounded rectangles
/// with the given [Paint]. Whether this shape is filled or stroked (or both)
/// is controlled by [].
/// This shape is almost but not quite entirely unlike an annulus.
void drawDRRect(RRect outer, RRect inner, Paint paint);
/// Draws an axis-aligned oval that fills the given axis-aligned rectangle
/// with the given [Paint]. Whether the oval is filled or stroked (or both) is
/// controlled by [].
void drawOval(Rect rect, Paint paint);
/// Draws a circle centered at the point given by the first argument and
/// that has the radius given by the second argument, with the [Paint] given in
/// the third argument. Whether the circle is filled or stroked (or both) is
/// controlled by [].
void drawCircle(Offset c, double radius, Paint paint);
/// Draw an arc scaled to fit inside the given rectangle. It starts from
/// startAngle radians around the oval up to startAngle + sweepAngle
/// radians around the oval, with zero radians being the point on
/// the right hand side of the oval that crosses the horizontal line
/// that intersects the center of the rectangle and with positive
/// angles going clockwise around the oval. If useCenter is true, the arc is
/// closed back to the center, forming a circle sector. Otherwise, the arc is
/// not closed, forming a circle segment.
/// This method is optimized for drawing arcs and should be faster than [Path.arcTo].
void drawArc(Rect rect, double startAngle, double sweepAngle, bool useCenter,
Paint paint);
/// Draws the given [Path] with the given [Paint]. Whether this shape is
/// filled or stroked (or both) is controlled by []. If the path is
/// filled, then subpaths within it are implicitly closed (see [Path.close]).
void drawPath(Path path, Paint paint);
/// Draws the given [Image] into the canvas with its top-left corner at the
/// given [Offset]. The image is composited into the canvas using the given [Paint].
void drawImage(Image image, Offset offset, Paint paint);
/// Draws the subset of the given image described by the `src` argument into
/// the canvas in the axis-aligned rectangle given by the `dst` argument.
/// This might sample from outside the `src` rect by up to half the width of
/// an applied filter.
/// Multiple calls to this method with different arguments (from the same
/// image) can be batched into a single call to [drawAtlas] to improve
/// performance.
void drawImageRect(Image image, Rect src, Rect dst, Paint paint);
/// Draws the given [Image] into the canvas using the given [Paint].
/// The image is drawn in nine portions described by splitting the image by
/// drawing two horizontal lines and two vertical lines, where the `center`
/// argument describes the rectangle formed by the four points where these
/// four lines intersect each other. (This forms a 3-by-3 grid of regions,
/// the center region being described by the `center` argument.)
/// The four regions in the corners are drawn, without scaling, in the four
/// corners of the destination rectangle described by `dst`. The remaining
/// five regions are drawn by stretching them to fit such that they exactly
/// cover the destination rectangle while maintaining their relative
/// positions.
void drawImageNine(Image image, Rect center, Rect dst, Paint paint);
/// Draw the given picture onto the canvas. To create a picture, see
/// [PictureRecorder].
void drawPicture(Picture picture);
/// Draws the text in the given [Paragraph] into this canvas at the given
/// [Offset].
/// The [Paragraph] object must have had [Paragraph.layout] called on it
/// first.
/// To align the text, set the `textAlign` on the [ParagraphStyle] object
/// passed to the [new ParagraphBuilder] constructor. For more details see
/// [TextAlign] and the discussion at [new ParagraphStyle].
/// If the text is left aligned or justified, the left margin will be at the
/// position specified by the `offset` argument's [Offset.dx] coordinate.
/// If the text is right aligned or justified, the right margin will be at the
/// position described by adding the [ParagraphConstraints.width] given to
/// [Paragraph.layout], to the `offset` argument's [Offset.dx] coordinate.
/// If the text is centered, the centering axis will be at the position
/// described by adding half of the [ParagraphConstraints.width] given to
/// [Paragraph.layout], to the `offset` argument's [Offset.dx] coordinate.
void drawParagraph(Paragraph paragraph, Offset offset);
/// Draws a sequence of points according to the given [PointMode].
/// The `points` argument is interpreted as offsets from the origin.
/// See also:
/// * [drawRawPoints], which takes `points` as a [Float32List] rather than a
/// [List<Offset>].
void drawPoints(PointMode pointMode, List<Offset> points, Paint paint);
/// Draws a sequence of points according to the given [PointMode].
/// The `points` argument is interpreted as a list of pairs of floating point
/// numbers, where each pair represents an x and y offset from the origin.
/// See also:
/// * [drawPoints], which takes `points` as a [List<Offset>] rather than a
/// [List<Float32List>].
void drawRawPoints(PointMode pointMode, Float32List points, Paint paint);
void drawVertices(Vertices vertices, BlendMode blendMode, Paint paint);
/// Draws part of an image - the [atlas] - onto the canvas.
/// This method allows for optimization when you only want to draw part of an
/// image on the canvas, such as when using sprites or zooming. It is more
/// efficient than using clips or masks directly.
/// All parameters must not be null.
/// See also:
/// * [drawRawAtlas], which takes its arguments as typed data lists rather
/// than objects.
void drawAtlas(
Image atlas,
List<RSTransform> transforms,
List<Rect> rects,
List<Color> colors,
BlendMode blendMode,
Rect? cullRect,
Paint paint,
/// Draws part of an image - the [atlas] - onto the canvas.
/// This method allows for optimization when you only want to draw part of an
/// image on the canvas, such as when using sprites or zooming. It is more
/// efficient than using clips or masks directly.
/// The [rstTransforms] argument is interpreted as a list of four-tuples, with
/// each tuple being ([RSTransform.scos], [RSTransform.ssin],
/// [RSTransform.tx], [RSTransform.ty]).
/// The [rects] argument is interpreted as a list of four-tuples, with each
/// tuple being ([Rect.left], [], [Rect.right], [Rect.bottom]).
/// The [colors] argument, which can be null, is interpreted as a list of
/// 32-bit colors, with the same packing as [Color.value].
/// See also:
/// * [drawAtlas], which takes its arguments as objects rather than typed
/// data lists.
void drawRawAtlas(
Image atlas,
Float32List rstTransforms,
Float32List rects,
Int32List colors,
BlendMode blendMode,
Rect? cullRect,
Paint paint,
/// Draws a shadow for a [Path] representing the given material elevation.
/// The `transparentOccluder` argument should be true if the occluding object
/// is not opaque.
/// The arguments must not be null.
void drawShadow(
Path path,
Color color,
double elevation,
bool transparentOccluder,
/// An object representing a sequence of recorded graphical operations.
/// To create a [Picture], use a [PictureRecorder].
/// A [Picture] can be placed in a [Scene] using a [SceneBuilder], via
/// the [SceneBuilder.addPicture] method. A [Picture] can also be
/// drawn into a [Canvas], using the [Canvas.drawPicture] method.
abstract class Picture {
/// Creates an image from this picture.
/// The returned image will be `width` pixels wide and `height` pixels high.
/// The picture is rasterized within the 0 (left), 0 (top), `width` (right),
/// `height` (bottom) bounds. Content outside these bounds is clipped.
/// Although the image is returned synchronously, the picture is actually
/// rasterized the first time the image is drawn and then cached.
Future<Image> toImage(int width, int height);
/// Release the resources used by this object. The object is no longer usable
/// after this method is called.
void dispose();
/// Returns the approximate number of bytes allocated for this object.
/// The actual size of this picture may be larger, particularly if it contains
/// references to image or other large objects.
int get approximateBytesUsed;
/// Determines the winding rule that decides how the interior of a [Path] is
/// calculated.
/// This enum is used by the [Path.fillType] property.
enum PathFillType {
/// The interior is defined by a non-zero sum of signed edge crossings.
/// For a given point, the point is considered to be on the inside of the path
/// if a line drawn from the point to infinity crosses lines going clockwise
/// around the point a different number of times than it crosses lines going
/// counter-clockwise around that point.
/// See: <>
/// The interior is defined by an odd number of edge crossings.
/// For a given point, the point is considered to be on the inside of the path
/// if a line drawn from the point to infinity crosses an odd number of lines.
/// See: <>
/// Strategies for combining paths.
/// See also:
/// * [Path.combine], which uses this enum to decide how to combine two paths.
// Must be kept in sync with SkPathOp
enum PathOperation {
/// Subtract the second path from the first path.
/// For example, if the two paths are overlapping circles of equal diameter
/// but differing centers, the result would be a crescent portion of the
/// first circle that was not overlapped by the second circle.
/// See also:
/// * [reverseDifference], which is the same but subtracting the first path
/// from the second.
/// Create a new path that is the intersection of the two paths, leaving the
/// overlapping pieces of the path.
/// For example, if the two paths are overlapping circles of equal diameter
/// but differing centers, the result would be only the overlapping portion
/// of the two circles.
/// See also:
/// * [xor], which is the inverse of this operation
/// Create a new path that is the union (inclusive-or) of the two paths.
/// For example, if the two paths are overlapping circles of equal diameter
/// but differing centers, the result would be a figure-eight like shape
/// matching the outer boundaries of both circles.
/// Create a new path that is the exclusive-or of the two paths, leaving
/// everything but the overlapping pieces of the path.
/// For example, if the two paths are overlapping circles of equal diameter
/// but differing centers, the figure-eight like shape less the overlapping
/// parts
/// See also:
/// * [intersect], which is the inverse of this operation
/// Subtract the first path from the second path.
/// For example, if the two paths are overlapping circles of equal diameter
/// but differing centers, the result would be a crescent portion of the
/// second circle that was not overlapped by the first circle.
/// See also:
/// * [difference], which is the same but subtracting the second path
/// from the first.