| // Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include <string_view> |
| |
| #include "flutter/common/settings.h" |
| #include "flutter/fml/command_line.h" |
| |
| |
| namespace flutter { |
| |
| // clang-format off |
| #define DEF_SWITCHES_START enum class Switch { |
| #endif |
| #ifndef DEF_SWITCH |
| #define DEF_SWITCH(swtch, flag, help) swtch, |
| #endif |
| #ifndef DEF_SWITCHES_END |
| #define DEF_SWITCHES_END Sentinel, } ; |
| #endif |
| // clang-format on |
| |
| DEF_SWITCH(AotSharedLibraryName, |
| "aot-shared-library-name", |
| "Name of the *.so containing AOT compiled Dart assets.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(AotVMServiceSharedLibraryName, |
| "aot-vmservice-shared-library-name", |
| "Name of the *.so containing AOT compiled Dart assets for " |
| "launching the service isolate.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(SnapshotAssetPath, |
| "snapshot-asset-path", |
| "Path to the directory containing the four files specified by " |
| "VmSnapshotData, VmSnapshotInstructions, " |
| "VmSnapshotInstructions and IsolateSnapshotInstructions.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(VmSnapshotData, |
| "vm-snapshot-data", |
| "The VM snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read-only. " |
| "SnapshotAssetPath must be present.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(VmSnapshotInstructions, |
| "vm-snapshot-instr", |
| "The VM instructions snapshot that will be memory mapped as read " |
| "and executable. SnapshotAssetPath must be present.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(IsolateSnapshotData, |
| "isolate-snapshot-data", |
| "The isolate snapshot data that will be memory mapped as read-only. " |
| "SnapshotAssetPath must be present.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(IsolateSnapshotInstructions, |
| "isolate-snapshot-instr", |
| "The isolate instructions snapshot that will be memory mapped as " |
| "read and executable. SnapshotAssetPath must be present.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(CacheDirPath, |
| "cache-dir-path", |
| "Path to the cache directory. " |
| "This is different from the persistent_cache_path in embedder.h, " |
| "which is used for Skia shader cache.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(ICUDataFilePath, "icu-data-file-path", "Path to the ICU data file.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(ICUSymbolPrefix, |
| "icu-symbol-prefix", |
| "Prefix for the symbols representing ICU data linked into the " |
| "Flutter library.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(ICUNativeLibPath, |
| "icu-native-lib-path", |
| "Path to the library file that exports the ICU data.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(DartFlags, |
| "dart-flags", |
| "Flags passed directly to the Dart VM without being interpreted " |
| "by the Flutter shell.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(DeviceVMServiceHost, |
| "vm-service-host", |
| "The hostname/IP address on which the Dart VM Service should " |
| "be served. If not set, defaults to or ::1 depending on " |
| "whether --ipv6 is specified.") |
| // TODO(bkonyi): remove once flutter_tools no longer uses this option. |
| // See https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/50233 |
| DeviceObservatoryHost, |
| "observatory-host", |
| "(deprecated) The hostname/IP address on which the Dart VM Service should " |
| "be served. If not set, defaults to or ::1 depending on " |
| "whether --ipv6 is specified.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(DeviceVMServicePort, |
| "vm-service-port", |
| "A custom Dart VM Service port. The default is to pick a randomly " |
| "available open port.") |
| // TODO(bkonyi): remove once flutter_tools no longer uses this option. |
| // See https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/50233 |
| DEF_SWITCH(DeviceObservatoryPort, |
| "observatory-port", |
| "(deprecated) A custom Dart VM Service port. The default is to pick " |
| "a randomly " |
| "available open port.") |
| DisableVMService, |
| "disable-vm-service", |
| "Disable the Dart VM Service. The Dart VM Service is never available " |
| "in release mode.") |
| // TODO(bkonyi): remove once flutter_tools no longer uses this option. |
| // See https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/50233 |
| DEF_SWITCH(DisableObservatory, |
| "disable-observatory", |
| "(deprecated) Disable the Dart VM Service. The Dart VM Service is " |
| "never available " |
| "in release mode.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(DisableVMServicePublication, |
| "disable-vm-service-publication", |
| "Disable mDNS Dart VM Service publication.") |
| // TODO(bkonyi): remove once flutter_tools no longer uses this option. |
| // See https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/50233 |
| DEF_SWITCH(DisableObservatoryPublication, |
| "disable-observatory-publication", |
| "(deprecated) Disable mDNS Dart VM Service publication.") |
| "ipv6", |
| "Bind to the IPv6 localhost address for the Dart VM Service. " |
| "Ignored if --vm-service-host is set.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(EnableDartProfiling, |
| "enable-dart-profiling", |
| "Enable Dart profiling. Profiling information can be viewed from " |
| "Dart / Flutter DevTools.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(EndlessTraceBuffer, |
| "endless-trace-buffer", |
| "Enable an endless trace buffer. The default is a ring buffer. " |
| "This is useful when very old events need to viewed. For example, " |
| "during application launch. Memory usage will continue to grow " |
| "indefinitely however.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(EnableSoftwareRendering, |
| "enable-software-rendering", |
| "Enable rendering using the Skia software backend. This is useful " |
| "when testing Flutter on emulators. By default, Flutter will " |
| "attempt to either use OpenGL, Metal, or Vulkan.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(Route, |
| "route", |
| "Start app with an specific route defined on the framework") |
| DEF_SWITCH(SkiaDeterministicRendering, |
| "skia-deterministic-rendering", |
| "Skips the call to SkGraphics::Init(), thus avoiding swapping out " |
| "some Skia function pointers based on available CPU features. This " |
| "is used to obtain 100% deterministic behavior in Skia rendering.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(FlutterAssetsDir, |
| "flutter-assets-dir", |
| "Path to the Flutter assets directory.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(Help, "help", "Display this help text.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(LogTag, "log-tag", "Tag associated with log messages.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(DisableServiceAuthCodes, |
| "disable-service-auth-codes", |
| "Disable the requirement for authentication codes for communicating" |
| " with the VM service.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(EnableServicePortFallback, |
| "enable-service-port-fallback", |
| "Allow the VM service to fallback to automatic port selection if" |
| " binding to a specified port fails.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(StartPaused, |
| "start-paused", |
| "Start the application paused in the Dart debugger.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(EnableCheckedMode, "enable-checked-mode", "Enable checked mode.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(TraceStartup, |
| "trace-startup", |
| "Trace early application lifecycle. Automatically switches to an " |
| "endless trace buffer.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(TraceSkia, |
| "trace-skia", |
| "Trace Skia calls. This is useful when debugging the GPU threed." |
| "By default, Skia tracing is not enabled to reduce the number of " |
| "traced events") |
| DEF_SWITCH(TraceSkiaAllowlist, |
| "trace-skia-allowlist", |
| "Filters out all Skia trace event categories except those that are " |
| "specified in this comma separated list.") |
| TraceAllowlist, |
| "trace-allowlist", |
| "Filters out all trace events except those that are specified in this " |
| "comma separated list of allowed prefixes.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(DumpSkpOnShaderCompilation, |
| "dump-skp-on-shader-compilation", |
| "Automatically dump the skp that triggers new shader compilations. " |
| "This is useful for writing custom ShaderWarmUp to reduce jank. " |
| "By default, this is not enabled to reduce the overhead. ") |
| "cache-sksl", |
| "Only cache the shader in SkSL instead of binary or GLSL. This " |
| "should only be used during development phases. The generated SkSLs " |
| "can later be used in the release build for shader precompilation " |
| "at launch in order to eliminate the shader-compile jank.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(PurgePersistentCache, |
| "purge-persistent-cache", |
| "Remove all existing persistent cache. This is mainly for debugging " |
| "purposes such as reproducing the shader compilation jank.") |
| TraceSystrace, |
| "trace-systrace", |
| "Trace to the system tracer (instead of the timeline) on platforms where " |
| "such a tracer is available. Currently only supported on Android and " |
| "Fuchsia.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(TraceToFile, |
| "trace-to-file", |
| "Write the timeline trace to a file at the specified path. The file " |
| "will be in Perfetto's proto format; it will be possible to load " |
| "the file into Perfetto's trace viewer.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(UseTestFonts, |
| "use-test-fonts", |
| "Running tests that layout and measure text will not yield " |
| "consistent results across various platforms. Enabling this option " |
| "will make font resolution default to the Ahem test font on all " |
| "platforms (See https://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/Fonts/Ahem/). " |
| "This option is only available on the desktop test shells.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(DisableAssetFonts, |
| "disable-asset-fonts", |
| "Prevents usage of any non-test fonts unless they were explicitly " |
| "Loaded via dart:ui font APIs. This option is only available on the " |
| "desktop test shells.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(PrefetchedDefaultFontManager, |
| "prefetched-default-font-manager", |
| "Indicates whether the embedding started a prefetch of the " |
| "default font manager before creating the engine.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(VerboseLogging, |
| "verbose-logging", |
| "By default, only errors are logged. This flag enabled logging at " |
| "all severity levels. This is NOT a per shell flag and affect log " |
| "levels for all shells in the process.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(RunForever, |
| "run-forever", |
| "In non-interactive mode, keep the shell running after the Dart " |
| "script has completed.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(DisableDartAsserts, |
| "disable-dart-asserts", |
| "Dart code runs with assertions enabled when the runtime mode is " |
| "debug. In profile and release product modes, assertions are " |
| "disabled. This flag may be specified if the user wishes to run " |
| "with assertions disabled in the debug product mode (i.e. with JIT " |
| "or DBC).") |
| DEF_SWITCH(EnableSerialGC, |
| "enable-serial-gc", |
| "On low power devices with low core counts, running concurrent " |
| "GC tasks on threads can cause them to contend with the UI thread " |
| "which could potentially lead to jank. This option turns off all " |
| "concurrent GC activities") |
| DEF_SWITCH(DisallowInsecureConnections, |
| "disallow-insecure-connections", |
| "By default, dart:io allows all socket connections. If this switch " |
| "is set, all insecure connections are rejected.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(DomainNetworkPolicy, |
| "domain-network-policy", |
| "JSON encoded network policy per domain. This overrides the " |
| "DisallowInsecureConnections switch. Embedder can specify whether " |
| "to allow or disallow insecure connections at a domain level.") |
| ForceMultithreading, |
| "force-multithreading", |
| "Uses separate threads for the platform, UI, GPU and IO task runners. " |
| "By default, a single thread is used for all task runners. Only available " |
| "in the flutter_tester.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(OldGenHeapSize, |
| "old-gen-heap-size", |
| "The size limit in megabytes for the Dart VM old gen heap space.") |
| |
| DEF_SWITCH(ResourceCacheMaxBytesThreshold, |
| "resource-cache-max-bytes-threshold", |
| "The max bytes threshold of resource cache, or 0 for unlimited.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(EnableImpeller, |
| "enable-impeller", |
| "Enable the Impeller renderer on supported platforms. Ignored if " |
| "Impeller is not supported on the platform.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(ImpellerBackend, |
| "impeller-backend", |
| "Requests a particular Impeller backend on platforms that support " |
| "multiple backends. (ex `opengles` or `vulkan`)") |
| DEF_SWITCH(EnableVulkanValidation, |
| "enable-vulkan-validation", |
| "Enable loading Vulkan validation layers. The layers must be " |
| "available to the application and loadable. On non-Vulkan backends, " |
| "this flag does nothing.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(EnableOpenGLGPUTracing, |
| "enable-opengl-gpu-tracing", |
| "Enable tracing of GPU execution time when using the Impeller " |
| "OpenGLES backend.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(EnableVulkanGPUTracing, |
| "enable-vulkan-gpu-tracing", |
| "Enable tracing of GPU execution time when using the Impeller " |
| "Vulkan backend.") |
| "leak-vm", |
| "When the last shell shuts down, the shared VM is leaked by default " |
| "(the leak_vm in VM settings is true). To clean up the leak VM, set " |
| "this value to false.") |
| MsaaSamples, |
| "msaa-samples", |
| "The minimum number of samples to require for multisampled anti-aliasing. " |
| "Setting this value to 0 or 1 disables MSAA. If it is not 0 or 1, it must " |
| "be one of 2, 4, 8, or 16. However, if the GPU does not support the " |
| "requested sampling value, MSAA will be disabled.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(EnableEmbedderAPI, |
| "enable-embedder-api", |
| "Enable the embedder api. Defaults to false. iOS only.") |
| DEF_SWITCH(EnablePlatformIsolates, |
| "enable-platform-isolates", |
| "Enable support for isolates that run on the platform thread.") |
| |
| void PrintUsage(const std::string& executable_name); |
| |
| const std::string_view FlagForSwitch(Switch swtch); |
| |
| Settings SettingsFromCommandLine(const fml::CommandLine& command_line); |
| |
| } // namespace flutter |
| |