blob: 8906f59679e84a458b79eaed3df85eb6303bd4c9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env vpython3
# Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import json
import os
import sys
# This script detects performance impacting changes to shaders.
# When the GN build is configured with the path to the `malioc` tool, the
# results of its analysis will be placed under `out/$CONFIG/gen/malioc` in
# separate .json files. That path should be supplied to this script as the
# `--after` argument. This script compares those results against previous
# results in a golden file checked in to the tree under
# `flutter/impeller/tools/malioc.json`. That file should be passed to this
# script as the `--before` argument. To create or update the golden file,
# passing the `--update` flag will cause the data from the `--after` path to
# overwrite the file at the `--before` path.
# Configure and build:
# $ flutter/tools/gn --malioc-path path/to/malioc
# $ ninja -C out/host_debug
# Analyze
# $ flutter/impeller/tools/ \
# --before flutter/impeller/tools/malioc.json \
# --after out/host_debug/gen/malioc
# If there are differences between before and after, whether positive or
# negative, the exit code for this script will be 1, and 0 otherwise.
'Mali-G78', # Pixel 6 / 2020
'Mali-T880', # 2016
def parse_args(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='A script that compares before/after malioc analysis results',
help='The path to a directory tree containing new malioc results in json files.',
help='The path to a json file containing existing malioc results.',
help='Write results from the --after tree to the --before file.',
help='Emit verbose output.',
return parser.parse_args(argv)
def validate_args(args):
if not args.after or not os.path.isdir(args.after):
print('The --after argument must refer to a directory.')
return False
if not args.before or (not args.update and not os.path.isfile(args.before)):
print('The --before argument must refer to an existing file.')
return False
return True
# Parses the json output from malioc, which follows the schema defined in
# `mali_offline_compiler/samples/json_schemas/performance-schema.json`.
def read_malioc_file(malioc_tree, json_file):
with open(json_file, 'r') as file:
json_obj = json.load(file)
build_gen_dir = os.path.dirname(malioc_tree)
results = []
for shader in json_obj['shaders']:
# Ignore cores not in the allowlist above.
if shader['hardware']['core'] not in CORES:
result = {}
result['filename'] = os.path.relpath(shader['filename'], build_gen_dir)
result['core'] = shader['hardware']['core']
result['type'] = shader['shader']['type']
for prop in shader['properties']:
result[prop['name']] = prop['value']
result['variants'] = {}
for variant in shader['variants']:
variant_result = {}
for prop in variant['properties']:
variant_result[prop['name']] = prop['value']
performance = variant['performance']
variant_result['pipelines'] = performance['pipelines']
variant_result['longest_path_cycles'] = performance['longest_path_cycles'
variant_result['shortest_path_cycles'] = performance[
variant_result['total_cycles'] = performance['total_cycles']['cycle_count'
result['variants'][variant['name']] = variant_result
return results
# Parses a tree of malioc performance json files.
# The parsing results are returned in a map keyed by the shader file name, whose
# values are maps keyed by the core type. The values in these maps are the
# performance properties of the shader on the core reported by malioc. This
# structure allows for a fast lookup and comparison against the golen file.
def read_malioc_tree(malioc_tree):
results = {}
for root, _, files in os.walk(malioc_tree):
for file in files:
if not file.endswith('.json'):
full_path = os.path.join(root, file)
for shader in read_malioc_file(malioc_tree, full_path):
if shader['filename'] not in results:
results[shader['filename']] = {}
results[shader['filename']][shader['core']] = shader
return results
def compare_variants(befores, afters):
differences = []
for variant_name, before_variant in befores.items():
after_variant = afters[variant_name]
for variant_key, before_variant_val in before_variant.items():
after_variant_val = after_variant[variant_key]
if before_variant_val != after_variant_val:
differences += [
'{} in variant {}:\n {} <- before\n {} <- after'.format(
variant_key, variant_name, before_variant_val, after_variant_val
return differences
def compare_shaders(malioc_tree, before_shader, after_shader):
differences = []
for key, before_val in before_shader.items():
after_val = after_shader[key]
if key == 'variants':
differences += compare_variants(before_val, after_val)
elif before_val != after_val:
differences += [
'{}:\n {} <- before\n {} <- after'.format(
key, before_val, after_val
if bool(differences):
build_gen_dir = os.path.dirname(malioc_tree)
filename = before_shader['filename']
core = before_shader['core']
typ = before_shader['type']
print('Changes found in shader {} on core {}:'.format(filename, core))
for diff in differences:
'\nFor a full report, run:\n $ malioc --{} --core {} {}/{}'.format(
typ.lower(), core, build_gen_dir, filename
return bool(differences)
def main(argv):
args = parse_args(argv[1:])
if not validate_args(args):
return 1
after_json = read_malioc_tree(args.after)
if not bool(after_json):
print('Did not find any malioc results under {}.'.format(args.after))
return 1
if args.update:
# Write the new results to the file given by --before, then exit.
with open(args.before, 'w') as file:
json.dump(after_json, file, sort_keys=True)
return 0
with open(args.before, 'r') as file:
before_json = json.load(file)
changed = False
for filename, shaders in before_json.items():
for core, before_shader in shaders.items():
if core not in after_json[filename].keys():
after_shader = after_json[filename][core]
if compare_shaders(args.after, before_shader, after_shader):
changed = True
for filename, shaders in after_json.items():
if filename not in before_json:
'Shader {} is new. Run with --update to update checked-in results'
changed = True
return 1 if changed else 0
if __name__ == '__main__':