blob: 30af07d96e42d7fa4b0e2b4b9b080349eb44fa35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/text_input_plugin.h"
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <memory>
#include "flutter/shell/platform/common/json_message_codec.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/common/json_method_codec.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/testing/test_binary_messenger.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace flutter {
namespace testing {
namespace {
static constexpr char kScanCodeKey[] = "scanCode";
static constexpr int kHandledScanCode = 20;
static constexpr int kUnhandledScanCode = 21;
static std::unique_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>> CreateResponse(bool handled) {
auto response_doc =
auto& allocator = response_doc->GetAllocator();
response_doc->AddMember("handled", handled, allocator);
return JsonMessageCodec::GetInstance().EncodeMessage(*response_doc);
class EmptyTextInputPluginDelegate : public TextInputPluginDelegate {
void OnCursorRectUpdated(const Rect& rect) override {}
void OnResetImeComposing() override { ime_was_reset_ = true; }
bool ime_was_reset() const { return ime_was_reset_; }
bool ime_was_reset_ = false;
} // namespace
TEST(TextInputPluginTest, TextMethodsWorksWithEmptyModel) {
auto handled_message = CreateResponse(true);
auto unhandled_message = CreateResponse(false);
int received_scancode = 0;
TestBinaryMessenger messenger(
[&received_scancode, &handled_message, &unhandled_message](
const std::string& channel, const uint8_t* message,
size_t message_size, BinaryReply reply) {});
EmptyTextInputPluginDelegate delegate;
int redispatch_scancode = 0;
TextInputPlugin handler(&messenger, &delegate);
handler.KeyboardHook(VK_RETURN, 100, WM_KEYDOWN, '\n', false, false);
std::u16string text;
handler.ComposeChangeHook(text, 1);
// Passes if it did not crash
TEST(TextInputPluginTest, ClearClientResetsComposing) {
TestBinaryMessenger messenger([](const std::string& channel,
const uint8_t* message, size_t message_size,
BinaryReply reply) {});
BinaryReply reply_handler = [](const uint8_t* reply, size_t reply_size) {};
EmptyTextInputPluginDelegate delegate;
TextInputPlugin handler(&messenger, &delegate);
auto& codec = JsonMethodCodec::GetInstance();
auto message = codec.EncodeMethodCall({"TextInput.clearClient", nullptr});
messenger.SimulateEngineMessage("flutter/textinput", message->data(),
message->size(), reply_handler);
// Verify that the embedder sends state update messages to the framework during
// IME composing.
TEST(TextInputPluginTest, VerifyComposingSendStateUpdate) {
bool sent_message = false;
TestBinaryMessenger messenger(
[&sent_message](const std::string& channel, const uint8_t* message,
size_t message_size,
BinaryReply reply) { sent_message = true; });
BinaryReply reply_handler = [](const uint8_t* reply, size_t reply_size) {};
EmptyTextInputPluginDelegate delegate;
TextInputPlugin handler(&messenger, &delegate);
auto& codec = JsonMethodCodec::GetInstance();
// Call TextInput.setClient to initialize the TextInputModel.
auto arguments = std::make_unique<rapidjson::Document>(rapidjson::kArrayType);
auto& allocator = arguments->GetAllocator();
arguments->PushBack(42, allocator);
rapidjson::Value config(rapidjson::kObjectType);
config.AddMember("inputAction", "done", allocator);
config.AddMember("inputType", "text", allocator);
arguments->PushBack(config, allocator);
auto message =
codec.EncodeMethodCall({"TextInput.setClient", std::move(arguments)});
messenger.SimulateEngineMessage("flutter/textinput", message->data(),
message->size(), reply_handler);
// ComposeBeginHook should send state update.
sent_message = false;
// ComposeChangeHook should send state update.
sent_message = false;
handler.ComposeChangeHook(u"4", 1);
// ComposeCommitHook should NOT send state update.
// Commit messages are always immediately followed by a change message or an
// end message, both of which will send an update. Sending intermediate state
// with a collapsed composing region will trigger the framework to assume
// composing has ended, which is not the case until a WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSING
// event is received in the main event loop, which will trigger a call to
// ComposeEndHook.
sent_message = false;
// ComposeEndHook should send state update.
sent_message = false;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flutter