blob: 9f58a022fd5809ed002cb7ef4e9f25dbfa384c18 [file] [log] [blame]
part of sprites;
/// A widget that uses a [SpriteBox] to render a sprite node tree to the screen.
class SpriteWidget extends OneChildRenderObjectWrapper {
/// The rootNode of the sprite node tree.
/// var node = mySpriteWidget.rootNode;
final NodeWithSize rootNode;
/// The transform mode used to fit the sprite node tree to the size of the widget.
final SpriteBoxTransformMode transformMode;
/// Creates a new sprite widget with [rootNode] as its content.
/// The widget will setup the coordinate space for the sprite node tree using the size of the [rootNode] in
/// combination with the supplied [transformMode]. By default the letterbox transform mode is used. See
/// [SpriteBoxTransformMode] for more details on the different modes.
/// The most common way to setup the sprite node graph is to subclass [NodeWithSize] and pass it to the sprite widget.
/// In the custom subclass it's possible to build the node graph, do animations and handle user events.
/// var mySpriteTree = new MyCustomNodeWithSize();
/// var mySpriteWidget = new SpriteWidget(mySpriteTree, SpriteBoxTransformMode.fixedHeight);
SpriteWidget(this.rootNode, [this.transformMode = SpriteBoxTransformMode.letterbox]);
SpriteBox get root => super.root;
SpriteBox createNode() => new SpriteBox(rootNode, transformMode);
void syncRenderObject(SpriteWidget old) {
root.rootNode = rootNode;
root.transformMode = transformMode;