blob: b8a6c3ccbba8c61f4bb57a0559218da5e9d8c4ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../html/paragraph/helper.dart';
const ui.Color white = ui.Color(0xFFFFFFFF);
const ui.Color black = ui.Color(0xFF000000);
const ui.Color red = ui.Color(0xFFFF0000);
const ui.Color green = ui.Color(0xFF00FF00);
const ui.Color blue = ui.Color(0xFF0000FF);
final EngineParagraphStyle ahemStyle = EngineParagraphStyle(
fontFamily: 'ahem',
fontSize: 10,
ui.ParagraphConstraints constrain(double width) {
return ui.ParagraphConstraints(width: width);
void main() {
internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain);
Future<void> testMain() async {
await initializeTestFlutterViewEmbedder();
group('$CanvasParagraph.getBoxesForRange', () {
test('return empty list for invalid ranges', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.addText('Lorem ipsum');
expect(paragraph.getBoxesForRange(-1, 0), <ui.TextBox>[]);
expect(paragraph.getBoxesForRange(0, 0), <ui.TextBox>[]);
expect(paragraph.getBoxesForRange(11, 11), <ui.TextBox>[]);
expect(paragraph.getBoxesForRange(11, 12), <ui.TextBox>[]);
expect(paragraph.getBoxesForRange(4, 3), <ui.TextBox>[]);
test('handles single-line multi-span paragraphs', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: blue));
builder.addText('Lorem ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: green));
builder.addText('ipsum ');
// Within the first span "Lorem ".
// "or"
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(1, 3),
box(10, 0, 30, 10),
// "Lorem"
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(0, 5),
box(0, 0, 50, 10),
// Make sure the trailing space is also included in the box.
// "Lorem "
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(0, 6),
// "Lorem"
box(0, 0, 50, 10),
// " "
box(50, 0, 60, 10),
// Within the second span "ipsum ".
// "psum"
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(7, 11),
box(70, 0, 110, 10),
// "um "
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(9, 12),
// "um"
box(90, 0, 110, 10),
// " "
box(110, 0, 120, 10),
// Across the two spans "Lorem " and "ipsum ".
// "rem ipsum"
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(2, 11),
// "rem"
box(20, 0, 50, 10),
// " "
box(50, 0, 60, 10),
// "ipsum"
box(60, 0, 110, 10),
// Across all spans "Lorem ", "ipsum ", ".".
// "Lorem ipsum ."
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(0, 13),
// "Lorem"
box(0, 0, 50, 10),
// " "
box(50, 0, 60, 10),
// "ipsum"
box(60, 0, 110, 10),
// " "
box(110, 0, 120, 10),
// "."
box(120, 0, 130, 10),
test('handles multi-line single-span paragraphs', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.addText('Lorem ipsum dolor sit');
// Lines:
// "Lorem "
// "ipsum "
// "dolor sit"
// Within the first line "Lorem ".
// "or"
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(1, 3),
box(10, 0, 30, 10),
// Make sure the trailing space at the end of line is also included in the
// box.
// "Lorem "
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(0, 6),
// "Lorem"
box(0, 0, 50, 10),
// " "
box(50, 0, 60, 10),
// Within the second line "ipsum ".
// "psum "
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(7, 12),
// "psum"
box(10, 10, 50, 20),
// " "
box(50, 10, 60, 20),
// Across all lines.
// "em "
// "ipsum "
// "dolor s"
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(3, 19),
// "em"
box(30, 0, 50, 10),
// " "
box(50, 0, 60, 10),
// "ipsum"
box(0, 10, 50, 20),
// " "
box(50, 10, 60, 20),
// "dolor"
box(0, 20, 50, 30),
// " "
box(50, 20, 60, 30),
// "s"
box(60, 20, 70, 30),
test('handles multi-line multi-span paragraphs', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: blue));
builder.addText('Lorem ipsum ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: green));
builder.addText('dolor ');
// Lines:
// "Lorem "
// "ipsum "
// "dolor sit"
// Within the first line "Lorem ".
// "ore"
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(1, 4),
box(10, 0, 40, 10),
// "Lorem "
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(0, 6),
// "Lorem"
box(0, 0, 50, 10),
// " "
box(50, 0, 60, 10),
// Within the second line "ipsum ".
// "psum "
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(7, 12),
// "psum"
box(10, 10, 50, 20),
// " "
box(50, 10, 60, 20),
// Within the third line "dolor sit" which is made of 2 spans.
// "lor sit"
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(14, 21),
// "lor"
box(20, 20, 50, 30),
// " "
box(50, 20, 60, 30),
// "sit"
box(60, 20, 90, 30),
// Across all lines.
// "em "
// "ipsum "
// "dolor s"
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(3, 19),
// "em"
box(30, 0, 50, 10),
// " "
box(50, 0, 60, 10),
// "ipsum"
box(0, 10, 50, 20),
// " "
box(50, 10, 60, 20),
// "dolor"
box(0, 20, 50, 30),
// " "
box(50, 20, 60, 30),
// "s"
box(60, 20, 70, 30),
test('handles spans with varying heights/baselines', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(fontSize: 20.0));
// width = 20.0 * 6 = 120.0
// baseline = 20.0 * 80% = 16.0
builder.addText('Lorem ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(fontSize: 40.0));
// width = 40.0 * 6 = 240.0
// baseline = 40.0 * 80% = 32.0
builder.addText('ipsum ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(fontSize: 10.0));
// width = 10.0 * 6 = 60.0
// baseline = 10.0 * 80% = 8.0
builder.addText('dolor ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(fontSize: 30.0));
// width = 30.0 * 4 = 120.0
// baseline = 30.0 * 80% = 24.0
builder.addText('sit ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(fontSize: 20.0));
// width = 20.0 * 4 = 80.0
// baseline = 20.0 * 80% = 16.0
// Lines:
// "Lorem ipsum dolor " (width: 420, height: 40, baseline: 32)
// "sit amet" (width: 200, height: 30, baseline: 24)
// "em ipsum dol"
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(3, 15),
// "em"
box(60, 16, 100, 36),
// " "
box(100, 16, 120, 36),
// "ipsum"
box(120, 0, 320, 40),
// " "
box(320, 0, 360, 40),
// "dol"
box(360, 24, 390, 34),
// "sum dolor "
// "sit amet"
paragraph.getBoxesForRange(8, 26),
// "sum"
box(200, 0, 320, 40),
// " "
box(320, 0, 360, 40),
// "dolor"
box(360, 24, 410, 34),
// " "
box(410, 24, 420, 34),
// "sit"
box(0, 40, 90, 70),
// " "
box(90, 40, 120, 70),
// "amet"
box(120, 48, 200, 68),
test('pops boxes when segments are popped', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (ui.ParagraphBuilder builder) {
// Lines:
// "AAA "
// "B_C DD"
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: blue));
builder.addText('AAA B');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: green));
builder.addText('_C ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: green));
// The layout algorithm will keep appending segments to the line builder
// until it reaches: "AAA B_". At that point, it'll try to add the "C" but
// realizes there isn't enough width in the line. Since the line already
// had a line break opportunity, the algorithm tries to revert the line to
// that opportunity (i.e. "AAA ") and pops the segments "_" and "B".
// Because the segments "B" and "_" have different directionality
// preferences (LTR and no-preferenece, respectively), the algorithm
// should've already created a box for "B". When the "B" segment is popped
// we want to make sure that the "B" box is also popped.
final ParagraphLine firstLine = paragraph.lines[0];
final ParagraphLine secondLine = paragraph.lines[1];
// There should be no "B" in the first line's boxes.
expect(firstLine.boxes, hasLength(2));
expect((firstLine.boxes[0] as SpanBox).toText(), 'AAA');
expect((firstLine.boxes[0] as SpanBox).left, 0.0);
expect((firstLine.boxes[1] as SpanBox).toText(), ' ');
expect((firstLine.boxes[1] as SpanBox).left, 30.0);
// Make sure the second line isn't missing any boxes.
expect(secondLine.boxes, hasLength(4));
expect((secondLine.boxes[0] as SpanBox).toText(), 'B');
expect((secondLine.boxes[0] as SpanBox).left, 0.0);
expect((secondLine.boxes[1] as SpanBox).toText(), '_C');
expect((secondLine.boxes[1] as SpanBox).left, 10.0);
expect((secondLine.boxes[2] as SpanBox).toText(), ' ');
expect((secondLine.boxes[2] as SpanBox).left, 30.0);
expect((secondLine.boxes[3] as SpanBox).toText(), 'DD');
expect((secondLine.boxes[3] as SpanBox).left, 40.0);
group('$CanvasParagraph.getPositionForOffset', () {
test('handles single-line multi-span paragraphs', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: blue));
builder.addText('Lorem ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: green));
builder.addText('ipsum ');
// Above the line, at the beginning.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(0, -5)),
pos(0, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// At the top left corner of the line.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(0, 0)),
pos(0, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// At the beginning of the line.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(0, 5)),
pos(0, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// Below the line, at the end.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(130, 12)),
pos(13, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// At the end of the line.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(130, 5)),
pos(13, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// On the left half of "p" in "ipsum".
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(74, 5)),
pos(7, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// On the left half of "p" in "ipsum" (above the line).
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(74, -5)),
pos(7, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// On the left half of "p" in "ipsum" (below the line).
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(74, 15)),
pos(7, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// On the right half of "p" in "ipsum".
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(76, 5)),
pos(8, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// At the top of the line, on the left half of "p" in "ipsum".
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(74, 0)),
pos(7, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// At the top of the line, on the right half of "p" in "ipsum".
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(76, 0)),
pos(8, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
test('handles multi-line single-span paragraphs', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.addText('Lorem ipsum dolor sit');
// Lines:
// "Lorem "
// "ipsum "
// "dolor sit"
// Above the first line, at the beginning.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(0, -5)),
pos(0, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// At the top left corner of the line.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(0, 0)),
pos(0, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// At the beginning of the first line.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(0, 5)),
pos(0, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// At the end of the first line.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(60, 5)),
pos(6, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// At the end of the first line (above the line).
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(60, -5)),
pos(6, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// After the end of the first line to the right.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(70, 5)),
pos(6, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// On the left half of " " in "Lorem ".
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(54, 5)),
pos(5, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// On the right half of " " in "Lorem ".
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(56, 5)),
pos(6, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// At the beginning of the second line "ipsum ".
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(0, 15)),
pos(6, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// At the end of the second line.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(60, 15)),
pos(12, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// After the end of the second line to the right.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(70, 15)),
pos(12, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// Below the third line "dolor sit", at the end.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(90, 40)),
pos(21, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// At the end of the third line.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(90, 25)),
pos(21, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// After the end of the third line to the right.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(100, 25)),
pos(21, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// On the left half of " " in "dolor sit".
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(54, 25)),
pos(17, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// On the right half of " " in "dolor sit".
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(56, 25)),
pos(18, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
test('handles multi-line multi-span paragraphs', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: blue));
builder.addText('Lorem ipsum ');
builder.pushStyle(EngineTextStyle.only(color: green));
builder.addText('dolor ');
// Lines:
// "Lorem "
// "ipsum "
// "dolor sit"
// Above the first line, at the beginning.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(0, -5)),
pos(0, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// At the beginning of the first line.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(0, 5)),
pos(0, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// At the end of the first line.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(60, 5)),
pos(6, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// After the end of the first line to the right.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(70, 5)),
pos(6, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// On the left half of " " in "Lorem ".
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(54, 5)),
pos(5, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// On the right half of " " in "Lorem ".
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(56, 5)),
pos(6, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// At the beginning of the second line "ipsum ".
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(0, 15)),
pos(6, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// At the end of the second line.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(60, 15)),
pos(12, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// After the end of the second line to the right.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(70, 15)),
pos(12, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// Below the third line "dolor sit", at the end.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(90, 40)),
pos(21, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// At the end of the third line.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(90, 25)),
pos(21, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// After the end of the third line to the right.
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(100, 25)),
pos(21, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
// On the left half of " " in "dolor sit".
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(54, 25)),
pos(17, ui.TextAffinity.downstream),
// On the right half of " " in "dolor sit".
paragraph.getPositionForOffset(const ui.Offset(56, 25)),
pos(18, ui.TextAffinity.upstream),
group('$CanvasParagraph.getLineBoundary', () {
test('single-line', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.addText('One single line');
// "One single line".length == 15
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
paragraph.getLineBoundary(ui.TextPosition(offset: i)),
const ui.TextRange(start: 0, end: 15),
reason: 'failed at offset $i',
test('multi-line', () {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(ahemStyle, (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.addText('First line\n');
builder.addText('Second line\n');
builder.addText('Third line');
// "First line\n".length == 11
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
paragraph.getLineBoundary(ui.TextPosition(offset: i)),
const ui.TextRange(start: 0, end: 11),
reason: 'failed at offset $i',
// "Second line\n".length == 12
for (int i = 11; i < 23; i++) {
paragraph.getLineBoundary(ui.TextPosition(offset: i)),
const ui.TextRange(start: 11, end: 23),
reason: 'failed at offset $i',
// "Third line".length == 10
for (int i = 23; i < 33; i++) {
paragraph.getLineBoundary(ui.TextPosition(offset: i)),
const ui.TextRange(start: 23, end: 33),
reason: 'failed at offset $i',
test('$CanvasParagraph.getWordBoundary', () {
final ui.Paragraph paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'Lorem ipsum dolor');
const ui.TextRange loremRange = ui.TextRange(start: 0, end: 5);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 0)), loremRange);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 1)), loremRange);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 2)), loremRange);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 3)), loremRange);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 4)), loremRange);
const ui.TextRange firstSpace = ui.TextRange(start: 5, end: 6);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 5)), firstSpace);
const ui.TextRange ipsumRange = ui.TextRange(start: 6, end: 11);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 6)), ipsumRange);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 7)), ipsumRange);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 8)), ipsumRange);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 9)), ipsumRange);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 10)), ipsumRange);
const ui.TextRange secondSpace = ui.TextRange(start: 11, end: 12);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 11)), secondSpace);
const ui.TextRange dolorRange = ui.TextRange(start: 12, end: 17);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 12)), dolorRange);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 13)), dolorRange);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 14)), dolorRange);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 15)), dolorRange);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 16)), dolorRange);
const ui.TextRange endRange = ui.TextRange(start: 17, end: 17);
expect(paragraph.getWordBoundary(const ui.TextPosition(offset: 17)), endRange);
test('$CanvasParagraph.longestLine', () {
final ui.Paragraph paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'abcd\nabcde abc');
paragraph.layout(const ui.ParagraphConstraints(width: 80.0));
expect(paragraph.longestLine, 50.0);
test('$CanvasParagraph.width should be a whole integer', () {
final ui.Paragraph paragraph = plain(ahemStyle, 'abc');
paragraph.layout(const ui.ParagraphConstraints(width: 30.8));
expect(paragraph.width, 30);
expect(paragraph.height, 10);
/// Shortcut to create a [ui.TextBox] with an optional [ui.TextDirection].
ui.TextBox box(
double left,
double top,
double right,
double bottom, [
ui.TextDirection direction = ui.TextDirection.ltr,
]) {
return ui.TextBox.fromLTRBD(left, top, right, bottom, direction);
/// Shortcut to create a [ui.TextPosition].
ui.TextPosition pos(int offset, ui.TextAffinity affinity) {
return ui.TextPosition(offset: offset, affinity: affinity);