blob: 58d23c1313dce1e5f52240a7c1d1fff12cfca2c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "files/public/c/lib/singletons.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include "files/public/c/lib/directory_wrapper.h"
#include "files/public/c/lib/fd_table.h"
#include "files/public/c/lib/real_errno_impl.h"
#include "files/public/c/mojio_config.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/environment/logging.h"
namespace mojio {
namespace singletons {
namespace {
RealErrnoImpl* g_errno_impl = nullptr;
FDTable* g_fd_table = nullptr;
DirectoryWrapper* g_current_working_directory = nullptr;
} // namespace
ErrnoImpl* GetErrnoImpl() {
if (!g_errno_impl)
g_errno_impl = new RealErrnoImpl(); // Does NOT modify errno.
return g_errno_impl;
void ResetErrnoImpl() {
delete g_errno_impl; // Does NOT modify errno.
g_errno_impl = nullptr;
FDTable* GetFDTable() {
ErrnoImpl::Setter errno_setter(GetErrnoImpl()); // Protect errno.
if (!g_fd_table)
g_fd_table = new FDTable(GetErrnoImpl(), MOJIO_CONFIG_MAX_NUM_FDS);
return g_fd_table;
void ResetFDTable() {
ErrnoImpl::Setter errno_setter(GetErrnoImpl()); // Protect errno.
delete g_fd_table;
g_fd_table = nullptr;
void SetCurrentWorkingDirectory(mojo::files::DirectoryPtr directory) {
delete g_current_working_directory;
g_current_working_directory =
new DirectoryWrapper(GetErrnoImpl(), directory.Pass());
DirectoryWrapper* GetCurrentWorkingDirectory() {
ErrnoImpl::Setter errno_setter(GetErrnoImpl());
if (!g_current_working_directory) {
// TODO(vtl): Ponder this error code. (This is, e.g., what openat() would
// return if its dirfd were not valid.)
MOJO_LOG(ERROR) << "No current working directory";
return nullptr;
return g_current_working_directory;
void ResetCurrentWorkingDirectory() {
ErrnoImpl::Setter errno_setter(GetErrnoImpl()); // Protect errno.
delete g_current_working_directory;
g_current_working_directory = nullptr;
} // namespace singletons
} // namespace mojio