blob: 5c9980352c24e39d268e1eda10ca6af9fbb9b290 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "files/public/interfaces/directory.mojom.h"
namespace mojio {
class DirectoryWrapper;
class ErrnoImpl;
class FDTable;
namespace singletons {
// Gets the singleton |ErrnoImpl| (creating it if necessary), which gets/sets
// the "real" errno.
ErrnoImpl* GetErrnoImpl();
// Resets (destroys) the singleton |ErrnoImpl|. Warning: Do not call this unless
// things relying on the singleton |ErrnoImpl| have been reset first.
void ResetErrnoImpl();
// Gets the singleton |FDTable| (creating it if necessary, using
// MOJIO_CONFIG_MAX_NUM_FDS and the singleton |ErrnoImpl|).
FDTable* GetFDTable();
// Resets (destroys) the singleton |FDTable|.
void ResetFDTable();
// Explicitly set the singleton current working directory to |directory| (which
// should be valid). (The singleton |DirectoryWrapper| will be reset if
// necessary.) This uses the singleton |ErrnoImpl|.
void SetCurrentWorkingDirectory(mojo::files::DirectoryPtr directory);
// Gets the current working directory (i.e., the singleton |DirectoryWrapper|).
// WARNING!!! This returns null if it was not previously set (see above) or has
// been reset, in which case it will also use the singleton |ErrnoImpl| (to set
// errno).
DirectoryWrapper* GetCurrentWorkingDirectory();
// Resets (destroys) the singleton |DirectoryWrapper|.
void ResetCurrentWorkingDirectory();
} // namespace singletons
} // namespace mojio