blob: d5fcb2bfb15d05197ea8e537887292d66c580516 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace mojio {
// TODO(vtl): Stuff copied from mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/template_util.h.
template <class T, T v>
struct IntegralConstant {
static const T value = v;
template <class T, T v>
const T IntegralConstant<T, v>::value;
typedef IntegralConstant<bool, true> TrueType;
typedef IntegralConstant<bool, false> FalseType;
template <class T>
struct IsConst : FalseType {};
template <class T>
struct IsConst<const T> : TrueType {};
template <bool B, typename T = void>
struct EnableIf {};
template <typename T>
struct EnableIf<true, T> {
typedef T type;
typedef char YesType;
struct NoType {
YesType dummy[2];
template <typename T>
struct IsMoveOnlyType {
template <typename U>
static YesType Test(const typename U::MoveOnlyTypeForCPP03*);
template <typename U>
static NoType Test(...);
static const bool value =
sizeof(Test<T>(0)) == sizeof(YesType) && !IsConst<T>::value;
template <typename T>
typename EnableIf<!IsMoveOnlyType<T>::value, T>::type& Forward(T& t) {
return t;
template <typename T>
typename EnableIf<IsMoveOnlyType<T>::value, T>::type Forward(T& t) {
return t.Pass();
// TODO(vtl): (End of stuff copied from template_util.h.)
template <typename T1>
mojo::Callback<void(T1)> Capture(T1* t1) {
return [t1](T1 got_t1) { *t1 = Forward(got_t1); };
template <typename T1, typename T2>
mojo::Callback<void(T1, T2)> Capture(T1* t1, T2* t2) {
return [t1, t2](T1 got_t1, T2 got_t2) {
*t1 = Forward(got_t1);
*t2 = Forward(got_t2);
} // namespace mojio