blob: 13c24389e8adcd73e29f2ca04f10808a172bd0ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "files/public/c/lib/util.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
namespace mojio {
int ErrorToErrno(mojo::files::Error error) {
switch (error) {
// TODO(vtl): Real errno encodings....
case mojo::files::ERROR_OK:
return 0;
case mojo::files::ERROR_UNKNOWN:
// TODO(vtl): Something better?
return EIO;
case mojo::files::ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT:
return EINVAL;
case mojo::files::ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED:
return EACCES;
case mojo::files::ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE:
// TODO(vtl): But sometimes it might be E2BIG or EDOM or ENAMETOOLONG,
// etc.?
return EINVAL;
case mojo::files::ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED:
// TODO(vtl): Sometimes ENOTSUP?
return ENOSYS;
case mojo::files::ERROR_CLOSED:
return EBADF;
case mojo::files::ERROR_UNAVAILABLE:
// TODO(vtl): May sometimes be EAGAIN?
return EACCES;
case mojo::files::ERROR_INTERNAL:
// TODO(vtl): Something better?
return EIO;
// TODO(vtl): Something better?
return EIO;
} // namespace mojio