blob: e30dbc7d9ae3ffc106bf6d21e04cc552caa945b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Headers/FlutterViewController.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterViewController_Internal.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/common/framework/Headers/FlutterChannels.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/common/framework/Headers/FlutterCodecs.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Headers/FlutterEngine.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterEngine_Internal.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterMouseCursorPlugin.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterTextInputPlugin.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterView.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder.h"
namespace {
/// Clipboard plain text format.
constexpr char kTextPlainFormat[] = "text/plain";
* State tracking for mouse events, to adapt between the events coming from the system and the
* events that the embedding API expects.
struct MouseState {
* Whether or not a kAdd event has been sent (or sent again since the last kRemove if tracking is
* enabled). Used to determine whether to send a kAdd event before sending an incoming mouse
* event, since Flutter expects pointers to be added before events are sent for them.
bool flutter_state_is_added = false;
* Whether or not a kDown has been sent since the last kAdd/kUp.
bool flutter_state_is_down = false;
* Whether or not mouseExited: was received while a button was down. Cocoa's behavior when
* dragging out of a tracked area is to send an exit, then keep sending drag events until the last
* button is released. If it was released inside the view, mouseEntered: is sent the next time the
* mouse moves. Flutter doesn't expect to receive events after a kRemove, so the kRemove for the
* exit needs to be delayed until after the last mouse button is released.
bool has_pending_exit = false;
* The currently pressed buttons, as represented in FlutterPointerEvent.
int64_t buttons = 0;
* Resets all state to default values.
void Reset() {
flutter_state_is_added = false;
flutter_state_is_down = false;
has_pending_exit = false;
buttons = 0;
* State tracking for keyboard events, to adapt between the events coming from the system and the
* events that the embedding API expects.
struct KeyboardState {
* The last known pressed modifier flag keys.
uint64_t previously_pressed_flags = 0;
} // namespace
#pragma mark - Private interface declaration.
* Private interface declaration for FlutterViewController.
@interface FlutterViewController () <FlutterViewReshapeListener>
* A list of additional responders to keyboard events. Keybord events are forwarded to all of them.
@property(nonatomic) NSMutableOrderedSet<NSResponder*>* additionalKeyResponders;
* The tracking area used to generate hover events, if enabled.
@property(nonatomic) NSTrackingArea* trackingArea;
* The current state of the mouse and the sent mouse events.
@property(nonatomic) MouseState mouseState;
* The current state of the keyboard and pressed keys.
@property(nonatomic) KeyboardState keyboardState;
* Event monitor for keyUp events.
@property(nonatomic) id keyUpMonitor;
* Starts running |engine|, including any initial setup.
- (BOOL)launchEngine;
* Updates |trackingArea| for the current tracking settings, creating it with
* the correct mode if tracking is enabled, or removing it if not.
- (void)configureTrackingArea;
* Creates and registers plugins used by this view controller.
- (void)addInternalPlugins;
* Calls dispatchMouseEvent:phase: with a phase determined by self.mouseState.
* mouseState.buttons should be updated before calling this method.
- (void)dispatchMouseEvent:(nonnull NSEvent*)event;
* Converts |event| to a FlutterPointerEvent with the given phase, and sends it to the engine.
- (void)dispatchMouseEvent:(nonnull NSEvent*)event phase:(FlutterPointerPhase)phase;
* Converts |event| to a key event channel message, and sends it to the engine.
- (void)dispatchKeyEvent:(NSEvent*)event ofType:(NSString*)type;
* Initializes the KVO for user settings and passes the initial user settings to the engine.
- (void)sendInitialSettings;
* Responds to updates in the user settings and passes this data to the engine.
- (void)onSettingsChanged:(NSNotification*)notification;
* Handles messages received from the Flutter engine on the _*Channel channels.
- (void)handleMethodCall:(FlutterMethodCall*)call result:(FlutterResult)result;
* Plays a system sound. |soundType| specifies which system sound to play. Valid
* values can be found in the SystemSoundType enum in the services SDK package.
- (void)playSystemSound:(NSString*)soundType;
* Reads the data from the clipboard. |format| specifies the media type of the
* data to obtain.
- (NSDictionary*)getClipboardData:(NSString*)format;
* Clears contents and writes new data into clipboard. |data| is a dictionary where
* the keys are the type of data, and tervalue the data to be stored.
- (void)setClipboardData:(NSDictionary*)data;
* Returns true iff the clipboard contains nonempty string data.
- (BOOL)clipboardHasStrings;
#pragma mark - FlutterViewController implementation.
@implementation FlutterViewController {
// The project to run in this controller's engine.
FlutterDartProject* _project;
// The plugin used to handle text input. This is not an FlutterPlugin, so must be owned
// separately.
FlutterTextInputPlugin* _textInputPlugin;
// A message channel for passing key events to the Flutter engine. This should be replaced with
// an embedding API; see Issue #47.
FlutterBasicMessageChannel* _keyEventChannel;
// A message channel for sending user settings to the flutter engine.
FlutterBasicMessageChannel* _settingsChannel;
// A method channel for miscellaneous platform functionality.
FlutterMethodChannel* _platformChannel;
@dynamic view;
* Performs initialization that's common between the different init paths.
static void CommonInit(FlutterViewController* controller) {
controller->_engine = [[FlutterEngine alloc] initWithName:@"io.flutter"
controller->_additionalKeyResponders = [[NSMutableOrderedSet alloc] init];
controller->_mouseTrackingMode = FlutterMouseTrackingModeInKeyWindow;
- (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)coder {
self = [super initWithCoder:coder];
NSAssert(self, @"Super init cannot be nil");
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithNibName:(NSString*)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle*)nibBundleOrNil {
self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
NSAssert(self, @"Super init cannot be nil");
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithProject:(nullable FlutterDartProject*)project {
self = [super initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
NSAssert(self, @"Super init cannot be nil");
_project = project;
return self;
- (void)loadView {
NSOpenGLContext* resourceContext = _engine.resourceContext;
if (!resourceContext) {
NSLog(@"Unable to create FlutterView; no resource context available.");
FlutterView* flutterView = [[FlutterView alloc] initWithShareContext:resourceContext
self.view = flutterView;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[self configureTrackingArea];
- (void)viewWillAppear {
[super viewWillAppear];
if (!_engine.running) {
[self launchEngine];
[self listenForMetaModifiedKeyUpEvents];
- (void)viewWillDisappear {
// Per Apple's documentation, it is discouraged to call removeMonitor: in dealloc, and it's
// recommended to be called earlier in the lifecycle.
[NSEvent removeMonitor:_keyUpMonitor];
_keyUpMonitor = nil;
- (void)dealloc {
_engine.viewController = nil;
#pragma mark - Public methods
- (void)setMouseTrackingMode:(FlutterMouseTrackingMode)mode {
if (_mouseTrackingMode == mode) {
_mouseTrackingMode = mode;
[self configureTrackingArea];
#pragma mark - Framework-internal methods
- (FlutterView*)flutterView {
return static_cast<FlutterView*>(self.view);
- (void)addKeyResponder:(NSResponder*)responder {
[self.additionalKeyResponders addObject:responder];
- (void)removeKeyResponder:(NSResponder*)responder {
#pragma mark - Private methods
- (BOOL)launchEngine {
// Register internal plugins before starting the engine.
[self addInternalPlugins];
_engine.viewController = self;
if (![_engine runWithEntrypoint:nil]) {
return NO;
// Send the initial user settings such as brightness and text scale factor
// to the engine.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Move this logic to FlutterEngine.
[self sendInitialSettings];
return YES;
// macOS does not call keyUp: on a key while the command key is pressed. This results in a loss
// of a key event once the modified key is released. This method registers the
// ViewController as a listener for a keyUp event before it's handled by NSApplication, and should
// NOT modify the event to avoid any unexpected behavior.
- (void)listenForMetaModifiedKeyUpEvents {
NSAssert(_keyUpMonitor == nil, @"_keyUpMonitor was already created");
FlutterViewController* __weak weakSelf = self;
_keyUpMonitor = [NSEvent
handler:^NSEvent*(NSEvent* event) {
// Intercept keyUp only for events triggered on the current
// view.
if (weakSelf.view &&
([[event window] firstResponder] == weakSelf.view) &&
([event modifierFlags] & NSEventModifierFlagCommand) &&
([event type] == NSEventTypeKeyUp))
[weakSelf keyUp:event];
return event;
- (void)configureTrackingArea {
if (_mouseTrackingMode != FlutterMouseTrackingModeNone && self.view) {
NSTrackingAreaOptions options =
NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited | NSTrackingMouseMoved | NSTrackingInVisibleRect;
switch (_mouseTrackingMode) {
case FlutterMouseTrackingModeInKeyWindow:
options |= NSTrackingActiveInKeyWindow;
case FlutterMouseTrackingModeInActiveApp:
options |= NSTrackingActiveInActiveApp;
case FlutterMouseTrackingModeAlways:
options |= NSTrackingActiveAlways;
NSLog(@"Error: Unrecognized mouse tracking mode: %ld", _mouseTrackingMode);
_trackingArea = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:NSZeroRect
[self.view addTrackingArea:_trackingArea];
} else if (_trackingArea) {
[self.view removeTrackingArea:_trackingArea];
_trackingArea = nil;
- (void)addInternalPlugins {
[FlutterMouseCursorPlugin registerWithRegistrar:[self registrarForPlugin:@"mousecursor"]];
_textInputPlugin = [[FlutterTextInputPlugin alloc] initWithViewController:self];
_keyEventChannel =
[FlutterBasicMessageChannel messageChannelWithName:@"flutter/keyevent"
codec:[FlutterJSONMessageCodec sharedInstance]];
_settingsChannel =
[FlutterBasicMessageChannel messageChannelWithName:@"flutter/settings"
codec:[FlutterJSONMessageCodec sharedInstance]];
_platformChannel =
[FlutterMethodChannel methodChannelWithName:@"flutter/platform"
codec:[FlutterJSONMethodCodec sharedInstance]];
__weak FlutterViewController* weakSelf = self;
[_platformChannel setMethodCallHandler:^(FlutterMethodCall* call, FlutterResult result) {
[weakSelf handleMethodCall:call result:result];
- (void)dispatchMouseEvent:(nonnull NSEvent*)event {
FlutterPointerPhase phase = _mouseState.buttons == 0
? (_mouseState.flutter_state_is_down ? kUp : kHover)
: (_mouseState.flutter_state_is_down ? kMove : kDown);
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event phase:phase];
- (void)dispatchMouseEvent:(NSEvent*)event phase:(FlutterPointerPhase)phase {
// There are edge cases where the system will deliver enter out of order relative to other
// events (e.g., drag out and back in, release, then click; mouseDown: will be called before
// mouseEntered:). Discard those events, since the add will already have been synthesized.
if (_mouseState.flutter_state_is_added && phase == kAdd) {
// If a pointer added event hasn't been sent, synthesize one using this event for the basic
// information.
if (!_mouseState.flutter_state_is_added && phase != kAdd) {
// Only the values extracted for use in flutterEvent below matter, the rest are dummy values.
NSEvent* addEvent = [NSEvent enterExitEventWithType:NSEventTypeMouseEntered
[self dispatchMouseEvent:addEvent phase:kAdd];
NSPoint locationInView = [self.view convertPoint:event.locationInWindow fromView:nil];
NSPoint locationInBackingCoordinates = [self.view convertPointToBacking:locationInView];
FlutterPointerEvent flutterEvent = {
.struct_size = sizeof(flutterEvent),
.phase = phase,
.timestamp = static_cast<size_t>(event.timestamp * USEC_PER_SEC),
.x = locationInBackingCoordinates.x,
.y = -locationInBackingCoordinates.y, // convertPointToBacking makes this negative.
.device_kind = kFlutterPointerDeviceKindMouse,
// If a click triggered a synthesized kAdd, don't pass the buttons in that event.
.buttons = phase == kAdd ? 0 : _mouseState.buttons,
if (event.type == NSEventTypeScrollWheel) {
flutterEvent.signal_kind = kFlutterPointerSignalKindScroll;
double pixelsPerLine = 1.0;
if (!event.hasPreciseScrollingDeltas) {
CGEventSourceRef source = CGEventCreateSourceFromEvent(event.CGEvent);
pixelsPerLine = CGEventSourceGetPixelsPerLine(source);
if (source) {
double scaleFactor = self.view.layer.contentsScale;
flutterEvent.scroll_delta_x = -event.scrollingDeltaX * pixelsPerLine * scaleFactor;
flutterEvent.scroll_delta_y = -event.scrollingDeltaY * pixelsPerLine * scaleFactor;
[_engine sendPointerEvent:flutterEvent];
// Update tracking of state as reported to Flutter.
if (phase == kDown) {
_mouseState.flutter_state_is_down = true;
} else if (phase == kUp) {
_mouseState.flutter_state_is_down = false;
if (_mouseState.has_pending_exit) {
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event phase:kRemove];
_mouseState.has_pending_exit = false;
} else if (phase == kAdd) {
_mouseState.flutter_state_is_added = true;
} else if (phase == kRemove) {
- (void)dispatchKeyEvent:(NSEvent*)event ofType:(NSString*)type {
NSMutableDictionary* keyMessage = [@{
@"keymap" : @"macos",
@"type" : type,
@"keyCode" : @(event.keyCode),
@"modifiers" : @(event.modifierFlags),
} mutableCopy];
// Calling these methods on any other type of event will raise an exception.
if (event.type == NSEventTypeKeyDown || event.type == NSEventTypeKeyUp) {
keyMessage[@"characters"] = event.characters;
keyMessage[@"charactersIgnoringModifiers"] = event.charactersIgnoringModifiers;
[_keyEventChannel sendMessage:keyMessage];
- (void)onSettingsChanged:(NSNotification*)notification {
// TODO(jonahwilliams):
NSString* brightness =
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AppleInterfaceStyle"];
[_settingsChannel sendMessage:@{
@"platformBrightness" : [brightness isEqualToString:@"Dark"] ? @"dark" : @"light",
// TODO(jonahwilliams):
@"textScaleFactor" : @1.0,
@"alwaysUse24HourFormat" : @false
- (void)sendInitialSettings {
// TODO(jonahwilliams):
[[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
[self onSettingsChanged:nil];
- (void)handleMethodCall:(FlutterMethodCall*)call result:(FlutterResult)result {
if ([call.method isEqualToString:@"SystemNavigator.pop"]) {
[NSApp terminate:self];
} else if ([call.method isEqualToString:@""]) {
[self playSystemSound:call.arguments];
} else if ([call.method isEqualToString:@"Clipboard.getData"]) {
result([self getClipboardData:call.arguments]);
} else if ([call.method isEqualToString:@"Clipboard.setData"]) {
[self setClipboardData:call.arguments];
} else if ([call.method isEqualToString:@"Clipboard.hasStrings"]) {
result(@{@"value" : @([self clipboardHasStrings])});
} else {
- (void)playSystemSound:(NSString*)soundType {
if ([soundType isEqualToString:@"SystemSoundType.alert"]) {
- (NSDictionary*)getClipboardData:(NSString*)format {
NSPasteboard* pasteboard = self.pasteboard;
if ([format isEqualToString:@(kTextPlainFormat)]) {
NSString* stringInPasteboard = [pasteboard stringForType:NSPasteboardTypeString];
return stringInPasteboard == nil ? nil : @{@"text" : stringInPasteboard};
return nil;
- (void)setClipboardData:(NSDictionary*)data {
NSPasteboard* pasteboard = self.pasteboard;
NSString* text = data[@"text"];
[pasteboard clearContents];
if (text && ![text isEqual:[NSNull null]]) {
[pasteboard setString:text forType:NSPasteboardTypeString];
- (BOOL)clipboardHasStrings {
return [self.pasteboard stringForType:NSPasteboardTypeString].length > 0;
- (NSPasteboard*)pasteboard {
return [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];
#pragma mark - FlutterViewReshapeListener
* Responds to view reshape by notifying the engine of the change in dimensions.
- (void)viewDidReshape:(NSView*)view {
[_engine updateWindowMetrics];
#pragma mark - FlutterPluginRegistry
- (id<FlutterPluginRegistrar>)registrarForPlugin:(NSString*)pluginName {
return [_engine registrarForPlugin:pluginName];
#pragma mark - NSResponder
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder {
return YES;
- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent*)event {
[self dispatchKeyEvent:event ofType:@"keydown"];
for (NSResponder* responder in self.additionalKeyResponders) {
if ([responder respondsToSelector:@selector(keyDown:)]) {
[responder keyDown:event];
- (void)keyUp:(NSEvent*)event {
[self dispatchKeyEvent:event ofType:@"keyup"];
for (NSResponder* responder in self.additionalKeyResponders) {
if ([responder respondsToSelector:@selector(keyUp:)]) {
[responder keyUp:event];
- (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent*)event {
if (event.modifierFlags < _keyboardState.previously_pressed_flags) {
[self keyUp:event];
} else {
[self keyDown:event];
_keyboardState.previously_pressed_flags = event.modifierFlags;
- (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent*)event {
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event phase:kAdd];
- (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent*)event {
if (_mouseState.buttons != 0) {
_mouseState.has_pending_exit = true;
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event phase:kRemove];
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent*)event {
_mouseState.buttons |= kFlutterPointerButtonMousePrimary;
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event];
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent*)event {
_mouseState.buttons &= ~static_cast<uint64_t>(kFlutterPointerButtonMousePrimary);
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event];
- (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent*)event {
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event];
- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent*)event {
_mouseState.buttons |= kFlutterPointerButtonMouseSecondary;
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event];
- (void)rightMouseUp:(NSEvent*)event {
_mouseState.buttons &= ~static_cast<uint64_t>(kFlutterPointerButtonMouseSecondary);
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event];
- (void)rightMouseDragged:(NSEvent*)event {
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event];
- (void)otherMouseDown:(NSEvent*)event {
_mouseState.buttons |= (1 << event.buttonNumber);
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event];
- (void)otherMouseUp:(NSEvent*)event {
_mouseState.buttons &= ~static_cast<uint64_t>(1 << event.buttonNumber);
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event];
- (void)otherMouseDragged:(NSEvent*)event {
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event];
- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent*)event {
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event];
- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent*)event {
// TODO: Add gesture-based (trackpad) scroll support once it's supported by the engine rather
// than always using kHover.
[self dispatchMouseEvent:event phase:kHover];