blob: e192732c50807bbee2bbdccd3be8b3081a7c0c45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include "flutter/shell/platform/common/accessibility_bridge.h"
@class FlutterEngine;
namespace flutter {
/// The macOS implementation of AccessibilityBridge::AccessibilityBridgeDelegate.
/// This delegate is used to create AccessibilityBridge in the macOS embedding.
class AccessibilityBridgeMacDelegate : public AccessibilityBridge::AccessibilityBridgeDelegate {
/// @brief Creates an AccessibilityBridgeMacDelegate.
/// @param[in] flutterEngine The weak reference to the FlutterEngine.
explicit AccessibilityBridgeMacDelegate(__weak FlutterEngine* flutter_engine);
virtual ~AccessibilityBridgeMacDelegate() = default;
// |AccessibilityBridge::AccessibilityBridgeDelegate|
void OnAccessibilityEvent(ui::AXEventGenerator::TargetedEvent targeted_event) override;
// |AccessibilityBridge::AccessibilityBridgeDelegate|
void DispatchAccessibilityAction(AccessibilityNodeId target,
FlutterSemanticsAction action,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& data) override;
// |AccessibilityBridge::AccessibilityBridgeDelegate|
std::unique_ptr<FlutterPlatformNodeDelegate> CreateFlutterPlatformNodeDelegate() override;
/// A wrapper structure to wraps macOS native accessibility events.
struct NSAccessibilityEvent {
NSAccessibilityNotificationName name;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible target;
NSDictionary* user_info;
/// @brief Posts the given event against the given node to the macOS
/// accessibility notification system.
/// @param[in] native_node The event target, must not be nil.
/// @param[in] mac_notification The event name, must not be nil.
virtual void DispatchMacOSNotification(gfx::NativeViewAccessible native_node,
NSAccessibilityNotificationName mac_notification);
/// @brief Posts the given event against the given node with the
/// additional attributes to the macOS accessibility notification
/// system.
/// @param[in] native_node The event target, must not be nil.
/// @param[in] mac_notification The event name, must not be nil.
/// @param[in] user_info The additional attributes, must not be nil.
void DispatchMacOSNotificationWithUserInfo(gfx::NativeViewAccessible native_node,
NSAccessibilityNotificationName mac_notification,
NSDictionary* user_info);
/// @brief Whether the given event is in current pending events.
/// @param[in] event_type The event you would like to look up.
bool HasPendingEvent(ui::AXEventGenerator::Event event) const;
/// @brief Converts the give ui::AXEventGenerator::Event into
/// macOS native accessibility event[s]
/// @param[in] event_type The original event type.
/// @param[in] ax_node The original event target.
std::vector<NSAccessibilityEvent> MacOSEventsFromAXEvent(ui::AXEventGenerator::Event event_type,
const ui::AXNode& ax_node) const;
__weak FlutterEngine* flutter_engine_;
} // namespace flutter