blob: aac50a4298e8e9929241c15ac285ecdaf3c63594 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <QuartzCore/CAMetalLayer.h>
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterBackingStore.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterIOSurfaceHolder.h"
* Manages the render surfaces and their corresponding backing stores.
@protocol FlutterSurfaceManager
* Updates the backing store size of the managed IOSurfaces to `size`. If the surfaces are already
* of the same size, this is a no-op.
- (void)ensureSurfaceSize:(CGSize)size;
* Swaps the front and the back buffer.
- (void)swapBuffers;
* Returns the backing store for the back buffer.
- (nonnull FlutterRenderBackingStore*)renderBuffer;
* Methods for managing the IOSurfaces held by FlutterIOSurfaceManager.
@protocol FlutterIOSurfaceManagerDelegate
* Tells the delegate that the front and back IOSurfaces are swapped.
- (void)onSwapBuffers;
* Tells the delegate that the IOSurfaces have been resized. `bufferIndex` is to indicate the front
* vs back buffer. `size` is the new size of the IOSurface.
- (void)onUpdateSurface:(nonnull FlutterIOSurfaceHolder*)surface
* Manages IOSurfaces for the FlutterEngine to render to.
* The backing store when rendering with OpenGL is a frame buffer backed by a texture, on Metal its
* a Metal texture. There are two IOSurfaces created during initialization, FlutterSurfaceManager
* manages the lifecycle of these.
@interface FlutterIOSurfaceManager : NSObject <FlutterSurfaceManager>
* The object that acts as the delegate for the FlutterIOSurfaceManager. See:
* FlutterIOSurfaceManagerDelegate.
@property(nullable, nonatomic, weak) id<FlutterIOSurfaceManagerDelegate> delegate;
* Initializes and returns an IOSurface manager that renders to a child layer (referred to as the
* content layer) of the containing layer and applies the transform to the contents of the content
* layer.
- (nullable instancetype)initWithLayer:(nonnull CALayer*)containingLayer
* FlutterSurfaceManager implementation where the IOSurfaces managed are backed by a frame buffers
* which are bound to offscreen textures.
@interface FlutterGLSurfaceManager : FlutterIOSurfaceManager <FlutterIOSurfaceManagerDelegate>
* Creates two IOSurfaces backed by frame buffers and their backing textures.
- (nullable instancetype)initWithLayer:(nonnull CALayer*)containingLayer
openGLContext:(nonnull NSOpenGLContext*)openGLContext;
* FlutterSurfaceManager implementation where the IOSurfaces managed are backed by a Metal textures.
@interface FlutterMetalSurfaceManager : FlutterIOSurfaceManager <FlutterIOSurfaceManagerDelegate>
* Creates two IOSurfaces backed by Metal textures.
- (nullable instancetype)initWithDevice:(nonnull id<MTLDevice>)device
commandQueue:(nonnull id<MTLCommandQueue>)commandQueue
layer:(nonnull CALayer*)containingLayer;