blob: cb301e97d0bfdaaed69367cad9092c9df0ba9cb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/typographer/backends/skia/text_render_context_skia.h"
#include <utility>
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
#include "flutter/fml/trace_event.h"
#include "impeller/base/allocation.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/allocator.h"
#include "impeller/typographer/backends/skia/typeface_skia.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkFont.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkFontMetrics.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRSXform.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSurface.h"
#include "third_party/skia/src/core/SkIPoint16.h" // nogncheck
#include "third_party/skia/src/gpu/GrRectanizer.h" // nogncheck
namespace impeller {
// TODO(bdero): We might be able to remove this per-glyph padding if we fix
// the underlying causes of the overlap.
constexpr auto kPadding = 2;
TextRenderContextSkia::TextRenderContextSkia(std::shared_ptr<Context> context)
: TextRenderContext(std::move(context)) {}
TextRenderContextSkia::~TextRenderContextSkia() = default;
static FontGlyphPair::Set CollectUniqueFontGlyphPairsSet(
GlyphAtlas::Type type,
const TextRenderContext::FrameIterator& frame_iterator) {
FontGlyphPair::Set set;
while (auto frame = frame_iterator()) {
for (const auto& run : frame->GetRuns()) {
auto font = run.GetFont();
// TODO(dnfield): If we're doing SDF here, we should be using a consistent
// point size.
for (const auto& glyph_position : run.GetGlyphPositions()) {
set.insert({font, glyph_position.glyph});
return set;
static FontGlyphPair::Vector CollectUniqueFontGlyphPairs(
GlyphAtlas::Type type,
const TextRenderContext::FrameIterator& frame_iterator) {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
FontGlyphPair::Vector vector;
auto set = CollectUniqueFontGlyphPairsSet(type, frame_iterator);
for (const auto& item : set) {
return vector;
static size_t PairsFitInAtlasOfSize(
const FontGlyphPair::Vector& pairs,
const ISize& atlas_size,
std::vector<Rect>& glyph_positions,
const std::shared_ptr<GrRectanizer>& rect_packer) {
if (atlas_size.IsEmpty()) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++) {
const auto& pair = pairs[i];
const auto glyph_size =
ISize::Ceil((pair.glyph.bounds * pair.font.GetMetrics().scale).size);
SkIPoint16 location_in_atlas;
if (!rect_packer->addRect(glyph_size.width + kPadding, //
glyph_size.height + kPadding, //
&location_in_atlas //
)) {
return pairs.size() - i;
glyph_positions.emplace_back(Rect::MakeXYWH(location_in_atlas.x(), //
location_in_atlas.y(), //
glyph_size.width, //
glyph_size.height //
return 0;
static bool CanAppendToExistingAtlas(
const std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlas>& atlas,
const FontGlyphPair::Vector& extra_pairs,
std::vector<Rect>& glyph_positions,
ISize atlas_size,
const std::shared_ptr<GrRectanizer>& rect_packer) {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
if (!rect_packer || atlas_size.IsEmpty()) {
return false;
// We assume that all existing glyphs will fit. After all, they fit before.
// The glyph_positions only contains the values for the additional glyphs
// from extra_pairs.
FML_DCHECK(glyph_positions.size() == 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < extra_pairs.size(); i++) {
const auto& pair = extra_pairs[i];
const auto glyph_size =
ISize::Ceil((pair.glyph.bounds * pair.font.GetMetrics().scale).size);
SkIPoint16 location_in_atlas;
if (!rect_packer->addRect(glyph_size.width + kPadding, //
glyph_size.height + kPadding, //
&location_in_atlas //
)) {
return false;
glyph_positions.emplace_back(Rect::MakeXYWH(location_in_atlas.x(), //
location_in_atlas.y(), //
glyph_size.width, //
glyph_size.height //
return true;
static ISize OptimumAtlasSizeForFontGlyphPairs(
const FontGlyphPair::Vector& pairs,
std::vector<Rect>& glyph_positions,
const std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlasContext>& atlas_context) {
static constexpr auto kMinAtlasSize = 8u;
static constexpr auto kMaxAtlasSize = 4096u;
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
ISize current_size(kMinAtlasSize, kMinAtlasSize);
size_t total_pairs = pairs.size() + 1;
do {
auto rect_packer = std::shared_ptr<GrRectanizer>(
GrRectanizer::Factory(current_size.width, current_size.height));
auto remaining_pairs = PairsFitInAtlasOfSize(pairs, current_size,
glyph_positions, rect_packer);
if (remaining_pairs == 0) {
return current_size;
} else if (remaining_pairs < std::ceil(total_pairs / 2)) {
current_size = ISize::MakeWH(
std::max(current_size.width, current_size.height),
std::min(current_size.width, current_size.height) + 1));
} else {
current_size = ISize::MakeWH(
Allocation::NextPowerOfTwoSize(current_size.width + 1),
Allocation::NextPowerOfTwoSize(current_size.height + 1));
} while (current_size.width <= kMaxAtlasSize &&
current_size.height <= kMaxAtlasSize);
return ISize{0, 0};
/// Compute signed-distance field for an 8-bpp grayscale image (values greater
/// than 127 are considered "on") For details of this algorithm, see "The 'dead
/// reckoning' signed distance transform" [Grevera 2004]
static void ConvertBitmapToSignedDistanceField(uint8_t* pixels,
uint16_t width,
uint16_t height) {
if (!pixels || width == 0 || height == 0) {
using ShortPoint = TPoint<uint16_t>;
// distance to nearest boundary point map
std::vector<Scalar> distance_map(width * height);
// nearest boundary point map
std::vector<ShortPoint> boundary_point_map(width * height);
// Some helpers for manipulating the above arrays
#define image(_x, _y) (pixels[(_y)*width + (_x)] > 0x7f)
#define distance(_x, _y) distance_map[(_y)*width + (_x)]
#define nearestpt(_x, _y) boundary_point_map[(_y)*width + (_x)]
const Scalar maxDist = hypot(width, height);
const Scalar distUnit = 1;
const Scalar distDiag = sqrt(2);
// Initialization phase: set all distances to "infinity"; zero out nearest
// boundary point map
for (uint16_t y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (uint16_t x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
distance(x, y) = maxDist;
nearestpt(x, y) = ShortPoint{0, 0};
// Immediate interior/exterior phase: mark all points along the boundary as
// such
for (uint16_t y = 1; y < height - 1; ++y) {
for (uint16_t x = 1; x < width - 1; ++x) {
bool inside = image(x, y);
if (image(x - 1, y) != inside || image(x + 1, y) != inside ||
image(x, y - 1) != inside || image(x, y + 1) != inside) {
distance(x, y) = 0;
nearestpt(x, y) = ShortPoint{x, y};
// Forward dead-reckoning pass
for (uint16_t y = 1; y < height - 2; ++y) {
for (uint16_t x = 1; x < width - 2; ++x) {
if (distance_map[(y - 1) * width + (x - 1)] + distDiag < distance(x, y)) {
nearestpt(x, y) = nearestpt(x - 1, y - 1);
distance(x, y) = hypot(x - nearestpt(x, y).x, y - nearestpt(x, y).y);
if (distance(x, y - 1) + distUnit < distance(x, y)) {
nearestpt(x, y) = nearestpt(x, y - 1);
distance(x, y) = hypot(x - nearestpt(x, y).x, y - nearestpt(x, y).y);
if (distance(x + 1, y - 1) + distDiag < distance(x, y)) {
nearestpt(x, y) = nearestpt(x + 1, y - 1);
distance(x, y) = hypot(x - nearestpt(x, y).x, y - nearestpt(x, y).y);
if (distance(x - 1, y) + distUnit < distance(x, y)) {
nearestpt(x, y) = nearestpt(x - 1, y);
distance(x, y) = hypot(x - nearestpt(x, y).x, y - nearestpt(x, y).y);
// Backward dead-reckoning pass
for (uint16_t y = height - 2; y >= 1; --y) {
for (uint16_t x = width - 2; x >= 1; --x) {
if (distance(x + 1, y) + distUnit < distance(x, y)) {
nearestpt(x, y) = nearestpt(x + 1, y);
distance(x, y) = hypot(x - nearestpt(x, y).x, y - nearestpt(x, y).y);
if (distance(x - 1, y + 1) + distDiag < distance(x, y)) {
nearestpt(x, y) = nearestpt(x - 1, y + 1);
distance(x, y) = hypot(x - nearestpt(x, y).x, y - nearestpt(x, y).y);
if (distance(x, y + 1) + distUnit < distance(x, y)) {
nearestpt(x, y) = nearestpt(x, y + 1);
distance(x, y) = hypot(x - nearestpt(x, y).x, y - nearestpt(x, y).y);
if (distance(x + 1, y + 1) + distDiag < distance(x, y)) {
nearestpt(x, y) = nearestpt(x + 1, y + 1);
distance(x, y) = hypot(x - nearestpt(x, y).x, y - nearestpt(x, y).y);
// Interior distance negation pass; distances outside the figure are
// considered negative
// Also does final quantization.
for (uint16_t y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (uint16_t x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
if (!image(x, y)) {
distance(x, y) = -distance(x, y);
float norm_factor = 13.5;
float dist = distance(x, y);
float clamped_dist = fmax(-norm_factor, fmin(dist, norm_factor));
float scaled_dist = clamped_dist / norm_factor;
uint8_t quantized_value = ((scaled_dist + 1) / 2) * UINT8_MAX;
pixels[y * width + x] = quantized_value;
#undef image
#undef distance
#undef nearestpt
static void DrawGlyph(SkCanvas* canvas,
const FontGlyphPair& font_glyph,
const Rect& location,
bool has_color) {
const auto& metrics = font_glyph.font.GetMetrics();
const auto position = SkPoint::Make(location.origin.x / metrics.scale,
location.origin.y / metrics.scale);
SkGlyphID glyph_id = font_glyph.glyph.index;
SkFont sk_font(
metrics.point_size, metrics.scaleX, metrics.skewX);
auto glyph_color = has_color ? SK_ColorWHITE : SK_ColorBLACK;
SkPaint glyph_paint;
canvas->scale(metrics.scale, metrics.scale);
1u, // count
&glyph_id, // glyphs
&position, // positions
-font_glyph.glyph.bounds.GetTop()), // origin
sk_font, // font
glyph_paint // paint
static bool UpdateAtlasBitmap(const GlyphAtlas& atlas,
const std::shared_ptr<SkBitmap>& bitmap,
const FontGlyphPair::Vector& new_pairs) {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
FML_DCHECK(bitmap != nullptr);
auto surface = SkSurface::MakeRasterDirect(bitmap->pixmap());
if (!surface) {
return false;
auto canvas = surface->getCanvas();
if (!canvas) {
return false;
bool has_color = atlas.GetType() == GlyphAtlas::Type::kColorBitmap;
for (const auto& pair : new_pairs) {
auto pos = atlas.FindFontGlyphPosition(pair);
if (!pos.has_value()) {
DrawGlyph(canvas, pair, pos.value(), has_color);
return true;
static std::shared_ptr<SkBitmap> CreateAtlasBitmap(const GlyphAtlas& atlas,
const ISize& atlas_size) {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
auto bitmap = std::make_shared<SkBitmap>();
SkImageInfo image_info;
switch (atlas.GetType()) {
case GlyphAtlas::Type::kSignedDistanceField:
case GlyphAtlas::Type::kAlphaBitmap:
image_info = SkImageInfo::MakeA8(atlas_size.width, atlas_size.height);
case GlyphAtlas::Type::kColorBitmap:
image_info =
SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(atlas_size.width, atlas_size.height);
if (!bitmap->tryAllocPixels(image_info)) {
return nullptr;
auto surface = SkSurface::MakeRasterDirect(bitmap->pixmap());
if (!surface) {
return nullptr;
auto canvas = surface->getCanvas();
if (!canvas) {
return nullptr;
bool has_color = atlas.GetType() == GlyphAtlas::Type::kColorBitmap;
atlas.IterateGlyphs([canvas, has_color](const FontGlyphPair& font_glyph,
const Rect& location) -> bool {
DrawGlyph(canvas, font_glyph, location, has_color);
return true;
return bitmap;
static bool UpdateGlyphTextureAtlas(std::shared_ptr<SkBitmap> bitmap,
const std::shared_ptr<Texture>& texture) {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
FML_DCHECK(bitmap != nullptr);
auto texture_descriptor = texture->GetTextureDescriptor();
auto mapping = std::make_shared<fml::NonOwnedMapping>(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(bitmap->getAddr(0, 0)), // data
texture_descriptor.GetByteSizeOfBaseMipLevel(), // size
[bitmap](auto, auto) mutable { bitmap.reset(); } // proc
return texture->SetContents(mapping);
static std::shared_ptr<Texture> UploadGlyphTextureAtlas(
const std::shared_ptr<Allocator>& allocator,
std::shared_ptr<SkBitmap> bitmap,
const ISize& atlas_size,
PixelFormat format) {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
if (!allocator) {
return nullptr;
FML_DCHECK(bitmap != nullptr);
const auto& pixmap = bitmap->pixmap();
TextureDescriptor texture_descriptor;
texture_descriptor.storage_mode = StorageMode::kHostVisible;
texture_descriptor.format = format;
texture_descriptor.size = atlas_size;
if (pixmap.rowBytes() * pixmap.height() !=
texture_descriptor.GetByteSizeOfBaseMipLevel()) {
return nullptr;
auto texture = allocator->CreateTexture(texture_descriptor);
if (!texture || !texture->IsValid()) {
return nullptr;
auto mapping = std::make_shared<fml::NonOwnedMapping>(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(bitmap->getAddr(0, 0)), // data
texture_descriptor.GetByteSizeOfBaseMipLevel(), // size
[bitmap](auto, auto) mutable { bitmap.reset(); } // proc
if (!texture->SetContents(mapping)) {
return nullptr;
return texture;
std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlas> TextRenderContextSkia::CreateGlyphAtlas(
GlyphAtlas::Type type,
std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlasContext> atlas_context,
FrameIterator frame_iterator) const {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", __FUNCTION__);
if (!IsValid()) {
return nullptr;
auto last_atlas = atlas_context->GetGlyphAtlas();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 1: Collect unique font-glyph pairs in the frame.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
auto font_glyph_pairs = CollectUniqueFontGlyphPairs(type, frame_iterator);
if (font_glyph_pairs.empty()) {
return last_atlas;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 2: Determine if the atlas type and font glyph pairs are compatible
// with the current atlas and reuse if possible.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
auto new_glyphs = last_atlas->HasSamePairs(font_glyph_pairs);
if (last_atlas->GetType() == type && new_glyphs.size() == 0) {
return last_atlas;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 3: Determine if the additional missing glyphs can be appended to the
// existing bitmap without recreating the atlas.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::vector<Rect> glyph_positions;
if (CanAppendToExistingAtlas(last_atlas, new_glyphs, glyph_positions,
atlas_context->GetRectPacker())) {
// The old bitmap will be reused and only the additional glyphs will be
// added.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 4: Record the positions in the glyph atlas of the newly added
// glyphs.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
for (size_t i = 0, count = glyph_positions.size(); i < count; i++) {
last_atlas->AddTypefaceGlyphPosition(new_glyphs[i], glyph_positions[i]);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 5: Draw new font-glyph pairs into the existing bitmap.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
auto bitmap = atlas_context->GetBitmap();
if (!UpdateAtlasBitmap(*last_atlas, bitmap, new_glyphs)) {
return nullptr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 6: Update the existing texture with the updated bitmap.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!UpdateGlyphTextureAtlas(bitmap, last_atlas->GetTexture())) {
return nullptr;
return last_atlas;
// A new glyph atlas must be created.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 4: Get the optimum size of the texture atlas.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
auto glyph_atlas = std::make_shared<GlyphAtlas>(type);
auto atlas_size = OptimumAtlasSizeForFontGlyphPairs(
font_glyph_pairs, glyph_positions, atlas_context);
atlas_context->UpdateGlyphAtlas(glyph_atlas, atlas_size);
if (atlas_size.IsEmpty()) {
return nullptr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 5: Find location of font-glyph pairs in the atlas. We have this from
// the last step. So no need to do create another rect packer. But just do a
// sanity check of counts. This could also be just an assertion as only a
// construction issue would cause such a failure.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (glyph_positions.size() != font_glyph_pairs.size()) {
return nullptr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 6: Record the positions in the glyph atlas.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
for (size_t i = 0, count = glyph_positions.size(); i < count; i++) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 7: Draw font-glyph pairs in the correct spot in the atlas.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
auto bitmap = CreateAtlasBitmap(*glyph_atlas, atlas_size);
if (!bitmap) {
return nullptr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 8: Upload the atlas as a texture.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PixelFormat format;
switch (type) {
case GlyphAtlas::Type::kSignedDistanceField:
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(bitmap->getPixels()), atlas_size.width,
case GlyphAtlas::Type::kAlphaBitmap:
format = PixelFormat::kA8UNormInt;
case GlyphAtlas::Type::kColorBitmap:
format = PixelFormat::kR8G8B8A8UNormInt;
auto texture = UploadGlyphTextureAtlas(GetContext()->GetResourceAllocator(),
bitmap, atlas_size, format);
if (!texture) {
return nullptr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 9: Record the texture in the glyph atlas.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
return glyph_atlas;
} // namespace impeller