blob: 2a9b617a383d8ab0287ada2648c6db62577488be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
// |MojoLogLevel|: Used to specify the type of log message. Values are ordered
// by severity (i.e., higher numerical values are more severe).
typedef int32_t MojoLogLevel;
#ifdef __cplusplus
const MojoLogLevel MOJO_LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE = -1;
const MojoLogLevel MOJO_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 0;
const MojoLogLevel MOJO_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING = 1;
const MojoLogLevel MOJO_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 2;
const MojoLogLevel MOJO_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL = 3;
#define MOJO_LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE ((MojoLogLevel) - 1)
#define MOJO_LOG_LEVEL_INFO ((MojoLogLevel)0)
#define MOJO_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING ((MojoLogLevel)1)
#define MOJO_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR ((MojoLogLevel)2)
#define MOJO_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL ((MojoLogLevel)3)
// Structure with basic logging functions (on top of which more friendly logging
// macros may be built). The functions are thread-safe, except for
// |SetMinimumLogLevel()| (see below).
struct MojoLogger {
// Logs |message| (which must not be null) at level |log_level| if |log_level|
// is at least the current minimum log level. If |log_level| is
// |MOJO_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL| (or greater), aborts the application/process.
// |source_file| and |source_line| indicate the source file and (1-based) line
// number, respectively; they are optional: |source_file| may be null and
// |source_line| may be zero (if |source_file| is null, then |source_line| may
// be ignored).
void (*LogMessage)(MojoLogLevel log_level,
const char* source_file,
uint32_t source_line,
const char* message);
// Gets the minimum log level (see above), which will always be at most
// |MOJO_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL|. (Though |LogMessage()| will automatically avoid
// logging messages below the minimum log level, this may be used to avoid
// extra work.)
MojoLogLevel (*GetMinimumLogLevel)(void);
// Sets the minimum log level (see above) to the lesser of |minimum_log_level|
// Warning: This function may not be thread-safe, and should not be called
// concurrently with other |MojoLogger| functions. (In some environments --
// such as Chromium -- that share a logger across applications, this may mean
// that it is almost never safe to call this.)
void (*SetMinimumLogLevel)(MojoLogLevel minimum_log_level);