blob: 250945a821c4c4fc79f7d34820f0cadd5a63b534 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "mojo/public/c/environment/async_waiter.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/callback.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_ptr.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_ptr_info.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_request.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/filter_chain.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/message_header_validator.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/router.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/environment/logging.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/core.h"
namespace mojo {
// Represents the binding of an interface implementation to a message pipe.
// When the |Binding| object is destroyed, the binding between the message pipe
// and the interface is torn down and the message pipe is closed, leaving the
// interface implementation in an unbound state.
// Example:
// #include "foo.mojom.h"
// class FooImpl : public Foo {
// public:
// explicit FooImpl(InterfaceRequest<Foo> request)
// : binding_(this, request.Pass()) {}
// // Foo implementation here.
// private:
// Binding<Foo> binding_;
// };
// class MyFooFactory : public InterfaceFactory<Foo> {
// public:
// void Create(..., InterfaceRequest<Foo> request) override {
// auto f = new FooImpl(request.Pass());
// // Do something to manage the lifetime of |f|. Use StrongBinding<> to
// // delete FooImpl on connection errors.
// }
// };
// The caller may specify a |MojoAsyncWaiter| to be used by the connection when
// waiting for calls to arrive. Normally it is fine to use the default waiter.
// However, the caller may provide their own implementation if needed. The
// |Binding| will not take ownership of the waiter, and the waiter must outlive
// the |Binding|. The provided waiter must be able to signal the implementation
// which generally means it needs to be able to schedule work on the thread the
// implementation runs on. If writing library code that has to work on different
// types of threads callers may need to provide different waiter
// implementations.
template <typename Interface>
class Binding {
// Constructs an incomplete binding that will use the implementation |impl|.
// The binding may be completed with a subsequent call to the |Bind| method.
// Does not take ownership of |impl|, which must outlive the binding.
explicit Binding(Interface* impl) : impl_(impl) { stub_.set_sink(impl_); }
// Constructs a completed binding of message pipe |handle| to implementation
// |impl|. Does not take ownership of |impl|, which must outlive the binding.
// See class comment for definition of |waiter|.
Binding(Interface* impl,
ScopedMessagePipeHandle handle,
const MojoAsyncWaiter* waiter = Environment::GetDefaultAsyncWaiter())
: Binding(impl) {
Bind(handle.Pass(), waiter);
// Constructs a completed binding of |impl| to a new message pipe, passing the
// client end to |ptr|, which takes ownership of it. The caller is expected to
// pass |ptr| on to the client of the service. Does not take ownership of any
// of the parameters. |impl| must outlive the binding. |ptr| only needs to
// last until the constructor returns. See class comment for definition of
// |waiter|.
Binding(Interface* impl,
InterfacePtr<Interface>* ptr,
const MojoAsyncWaiter* waiter = Environment::GetDefaultAsyncWaiter())
: Binding(impl) {
Bind(ptr, waiter);
// Constructs a completed binding of |impl| to the message pipe endpoint in
// |request|, taking ownership of the endpoint. Does not take ownership of
// |impl|, which must outlive the binding. See class comment for definition of
// |waiter|.
Binding(Interface* impl,
InterfaceRequest<Interface> request,
const MojoAsyncWaiter* waiter = Environment::GetDefaultAsyncWaiter())
: Binding(impl) {
Bind(request.PassMessagePipe(), waiter);
// Tears down the binding, closing the message pipe and leaving the interface
// implementation unbound.
~Binding() {
if (internal_router_)
// Completes a binding that was constructed with only an interface
// implementation. Takes ownership of |handle| and binds it to the previously
// specified implementation. See class comment for definition of |waiter|.
void Bind(
ScopedMessagePipeHandle handle,
const MojoAsyncWaiter* waiter = Environment::GetDefaultAsyncWaiter()) {
internal::FilterChain filters;
filters.Append<typename Interface::RequestValidator_>();
internal_router_ =
new internal::Router(handle.Pass(), filters.Pass(), waiter);
[this]() { connection_error_handler_.Run(); });
// Completes a binding that was constructed with only an interface
// implementation by creating a new message pipe, binding one end of it to the
// previously specified implementation, and passing the other to |ptr|, which
// takes ownership of it. The caller is expected to pass |ptr| on to the
// eventual client of the service. Does not take ownership of |ptr|. See
// class comment for definition of |waiter|.
void Bind(
InterfacePtr<Interface>* ptr,
const MojoAsyncWaiter* waiter = Environment::GetDefaultAsyncWaiter()) {
MessagePipe pipe;
InterfacePtrInfo<Interface>(pipe.handle0.Pass(), Interface::Version_),
Bind(pipe.handle1.Pass(), waiter);
// Completes a binding that was constructed with only an interface
// implementation by removing the message pipe endpoint from |request| and
// binding it to the previously specified implementation. See class comment
// for definition of |waiter|.
void Bind(
InterfaceRequest<Interface> request,
const MojoAsyncWaiter* waiter = Environment::GetDefaultAsyncWaiter()) {
Bind(request.PassMessagePipe(), waiter);
// Blocks the calling thread until either a call arrives on the previously
// bound message pipe, the deadline is exceeded, or an error occurs. Returns
// true if a method was successfully read and dispatched.
bool WaitForIncomingMethodCall(
MojoDeadline deadline = MOJO_DEADLINE_INDEFINITE) {
return internal_router_->WaitForIncomingMessage(deadline);
// Closes the message pipe that was previously bound. Put this object into a
// state where it can be rebound to a new pipe.
void Close() {
// Unbinds the underlying pipe from this binding and returns it so it can be
// used in another context, such as on another thread or with a different
// implementation. Put this object into a state where it can be rebound to a
// new pipe.
InterfaceRequest<Interface> Unbind() {
InterfaceRequest<Interface> request =
// TODO(vtl): The |.Pass()| below is only needed due to an MSVS bug; remove
// it once that's fixed.
return request.Pass();
// Sets an error handler that will be called if a connection error occurs on
// the bound message pipe.
void set_connection_error_handler(const Closure& error_handler) {
connection_error_handler_ = error_handler;
// Returns the interface implementation that was previously specified. Caller
// does not take ownership.
Interface* impl() { return impl_; }
// Indicates whether the binding has been completed (i.e., whether a message
// pipe has been bound to the implementation).
bool is_bound() const { return !!internal_router_; }
// Returns the value of the handle currently bound to this Binding which can
// be used to make explicit Wait/WaitMany calls. Requires that the Binding be
// bound. Ownership of the handle is retained by the Binding, it is not
// transferred to the caller.
MessagePipeHandle handle() const {
return internal_router_->handle();
// Exposed for testing, should not generally be used.
internal::Router* internal_router() { return internal_router_; }
void DestroyRouter() {
delete internal_router_;
internal_router_ = nullptr;
internal::Router* internal_router_ = nullptr;
typename Interface::Stub_ stub_;
Interface* impl_;
Closure connection_error_handler_;
} // namespace mojo