blob: 43cb43cf4e33b595c239a8640b3a027fe90883df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/flow/embedded_views.h"
#include "flutter/fml/platform/darwin/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "flutter/shell/common/shell.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/common/framework/Headers/FlutterBinaryMessenger.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/common/framework/Headers/FlutterChannels.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Headers/FlutterPlatformViews.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Headers/FlutterPlugin.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/ios_context.h"
@class FlutterTouchInterceptingView;
// A UIView that acts as a clipping mask for the |ChildClippingView|.
// On the [UIView drawRect:] method, this view performs a series of clipping operations and sets the
// alpha channel to the final resulting area to be 1; it also sets the "clipped out" area's alpha
// channel to be 0.
// When a UIView sets a |FlutterClippingMaskView| as its `maskView`, the alpha channel of the UIView
// is replaced with the alpha channel of the |FlutterClippingMaskView|.
@interface FlutterClippingMaskView : UIView
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame screenScale:(CGFloat)screenScale;
- (void)reset;
// Adds a clip rect operation to the queue.
// The `clipSkRect` is transformed with the `matrix` before adding to the queue.
- (void)clipRect:(const SkRect&)clipSkRect matrix:(const SkMatrix&)matrix;
// Adds a clip rrect operation to the queue.
// The `clipSkRRect` is transformed with the `matrix` before adding to the queue.
- (void)clipRRect:(const SkRRect&)clipSkRRect matrix:(const SkMatrix&)matrix;
// Adds a clip path operation to the queue.
// The `path` is transformed with the `matrix` before adding to the queue.
- (void)clipPath:(const SkPath&)path matrix:(const SkMatrix&)matrix;
// A pool that provides |FlutterClippingMaskView|s.
// The pool has a capacity that can be set in the initializer.
// When requesting a FlutterClippingMaskView, the pool will first try to reuse an available maskView
// in the pool. If there are none available, a new FlutterClippingMaskView is constructed. If the
// capacity is reached, the newly constructed FlutterClippingMaskView is not added to the pool.
// Call |insertViewToPoolIfNeeded:| to return a maskView to the pool.
@interface FlutterClippingMaskViewPool : NSObject
// Initialize the pool with `capacity`. When the `capacity` is reached, a FlutterClippingMaskView is
// constructed when requested, and it is not added to the pool.
- (instancetype)initWithCapacity:(NSInteger)capacity;
// Reuse a maskView from the pool, or allocate a new one.
- (FlutterClippingMaskView*)getMaskViewWithFrame:(CGRect)frame;
// Insert the `maskView` into the pool.
- (void)insertViewToPoolIfNeeded:(FlutterClippingMaskView*)maskView;
// An object represents a blur filter.
// This object produces a `backdropFilterView`.
// To blur a View, add `backdropFilterView` as a subView of the View.
@interface PlatformViewFilter : NSObject
// Determines the rect of the blur effect in the coordinate system of `backdropFilterView`'s
// parentView.
@property(assign, nonatomic, readonly) CGRect frame;
// Determines the blur intensity.
// It is set as the value of `inputRadius` of the `gaussianFilter` that is internally used.
@property(assign, nonatomic, readonly) CGFloat blurRadius;
// This is the view to use to blur the PlatformView.
// It is a modified version of UIKit's `UIVisualEffectView`.
// The inputRadius can be customized and it doesn't add any color saturation to the blurred view.
@property(nonatomic, retain, readonly) UIVisualEffectView* backdropFilterView;
// For testing only.
+ (void)resetPreparation;
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
// Initialize the filter object.
// The `frame` determines the rect of the blur effect in the coordinate system of
// `backdropFilterView`'s parentView. The `blurRadius` determines the blur intensity. It is set as
// the value of `inputRadius` of the `gaussianFilter` that is internally used. The
// `UIVisualEffectView` is the view that is used to add the blur effects. It is modified to become
// `backdropFilterView`, which better supports the need of Flutter.
// Note: if the implementation of UIVisualEffectView changes in a way that affects the
// implementation in `PlatformViewFilter`, this method will return nil.
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
visualEffectView:(UIVisualEffectView*)visualEffectView NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
// The parent view handles clipping to its subViews.
@interface ChildClippingView : UIView
// Applies blur backdrop filters to the ChildClippingView with blur values from
// filters.
- (void)applyBlurBackdropFilters:(NSArray<PlatformViewFilter*>*)filters;
namespace flutter {
// Converts a SkMatrix to CATransform3D.
// Certain fields are ignored in CATransform3D since SkMatrix is 3x3 and CATransform3D is 4x4.
CATransform3D GetCATransform3DFromSkMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix);
// Reset the anchor of `layer` to match the transform operation from flow.
// The position of the `layer` should be unchanged after resetting the anchor.
void ResetAnchor(CALayer* layer);
CGRect GetCGRectFromSkRect(const SkRect& clipSkRect);
BOOL BlurRadiusEqualToBlurRadius(CGFloat radius1, CGFloat radius2);
class IOSContextGL;
class IOSSurface;
struct FlutterPlatformViewLayer {
FlutterPlatformViewLayer(const fml::scoped_nsobject<UIView>& overlay_view,
const fml::scoped_nsobject<UIView>& overlay_view_wrapper,
std::unique_ptr<IOSSurface> ios_surface,
std::unique_ptr<Surface> surface);
fml::scoped_nsobject<UIView> overlay_view;
fml::scoped_nsobject<UIView> overlay_view_wrapper;
std::unique_ptr<IOSSurface> ios_surface;
std::unique_ptr<Surface> surface;
// Whether a frame for this layer was submitted.
bool did_submit_last_frame;
// The GrContext that is currently used by the overlay surfaces.
// We track this to know when the GrContext for the Flutter app has changed
// so we can update the overlay with the new context.
GrDirectContext* gr_context;
// This class isn't thread safe.
class FlutterPlatformViewLayerPool {
FlutterPlatformViewLayerPool() = default;
~FlutterPlatformViewLayerPool() = default;
// Gets a layer from the pool if available, or allocates a new one.
// Finally, it marks the layer as used. That is, it increments `available_layer_index_`.
std::shared_ptr<FlutterPlatformViewLayer> GetLayer(
GrDirectContext* gr_context,
const std::shared_ptr<IOSContext>& ios_context);
// Gets the layers in the pool that aren't currently used.
// This method doesn't mark the layers as unused.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlutterPlatformViewLayer>> GetUnusedLayers();
// Marks the layers in the pool as available for reuse.
void RecycleLayers();
// The index of the entry in the layers_ vector that determines the beginning of the unused
// layers. For example, consider the following vector:
// _____
// | 0 |
/// |---|
/// | 1 | <-- available_layer_index_
/// |---|
/// | 2 |
/// |---|
/// This indicates that entries starting from 1 can be reused meanwhile the entry at position 0
/// cannot be reused.
size_t available_layer_index_ = 0;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlutterPlatformViewLayer>> layers_;
class FlutterPlatformViewsController {
fml::WeakPtr<flutter::FlutterPlatformViewsController> GetWeakPtr();
void SetFlutterView(UIView* flutter_view);
void SetFlutterViewController(UIViewController* flutter_view_controller);
UIViewController* getFlutterViewController();
void RegisterViewFactory(
NSObject<FlutterPlatformViewFactory>* factory,
NSString* factoryId,
FlutterPlatformViewGestureRecognizersBlockingPolicy gestureRecognizerBlockingPolicy);
// Called at the beginning of each frame.
void BeginFrame(SkISize frame_size);
// Indicates that we don't compisite any platform views or overlays during this frame.
// Also reverts the composition_order_ to its original state at the beginning of the frame.
void CancelFrame();
void PrerollCompositeEmbeddedView(int64_t view_id,
std::unique_ptr<flutter::EmbeddedViewParams> params);
size_t EmbeddedViewCount();
// Returns the `FlutterPlatformView`'s `view` object associated with the view_id.
// If the `FlutterPlatformViewsController` does not contain any `FlutterPlatformView` object or
// a `FlutterPlatformView` object asscociated with the view_id cannot be found, the method
// returns nil.
UIView* GetPlatformViewByID(int64_t view_id);
PostPrerollResult PostPrerollAction(
const fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger>& raster_thread_merger);
void EndFrame(bool should_resubmit_frame,
const fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger>& raster_thread_merger);
DlCanvas* CompositeEmbeddedView(int64_t view_id);
// The rect of the platform view at index view_id. This rect has been translated into the
// host view coordinate system. Units are device screen pixels.
SkRect GetPlatformViewRect(int64_t view_id);
// Discards all platform views instances and auxiliary resources.
void Reset();
bool SubmitFrame(GrDirectContext* gr_context,
const std::shared_ptr<IOSContext>& ios_context,
std::unique_ptr<SurfaceFrame> frame);
void OnMethodCall(FlutterMethodCall* call, FlutterResult& result);
// Returns the platform view id if the platform view (or any of its descendant view) is the first
// responder. Returns -1 if no such platform view is found.
long FindFirstResponderPlatformViewId();
// Pushes backdrop filter mutation to the mutator stack of each visited platform view.
void PushFilterToVisitedPlatformViews(const std::shared_ptr<const DlImageFilter>& filter,
const SkRect& filter_rect);
// Pushes the view id of a visted platform view to the list of visied platform views.
void PushVisitedPlatformView(int64_t view_id) { visited_platform_views_.push_back(view_id); }
static const size_t kMaxLayerAllocations = 2;
using LayersMap = std::map<int64_t, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlutterPlatformViewLayer>>>;
void OnCreate(FlutterMethodCall* call, FlutterResult& result);
void OnDispose(FlutterMethodCall* call, FlutterResult& result);
void OnAcceptGesture(FlutterMethodCall* call, FlutterResult& result);
void OnRejectGesture(FlutterMethodCall* call, FlutterResult& result);
// Dispose the views in `views_to_dispose_`.
void DisposeViews();
// Returns true if there are embedded views in the scene at current frame
// Or there will be embedded views in the next frame.
// TODO(cyanglaz):
// Make this method check if there are pending view operations instead.
// Also rename it to `HasPendingViewOperations`.
bool HasPlatformViewThisOrNextFrame();
// Traverse the `mutators_stack` and return the number of clip operations.
int CountClips(const MutatorsStack& mutators_stack);
void ClipViewSetMaskView(UIView* clipView);
// Applies the mutators in the mutators_stack to the UIView chain that was constructed by
// `ReconstructClipViewsChain`
// Clips are applied to the `embedded_view`'s super view(|ChildClippingView|) using a
// |FlutterClippingMaskView|. Transforms are applied to `embedded_view`
// The `bounding_rect` is the final bounding rect of the PlatformView
// (EmbeddedViewParams::finalBoundingRect). If a clip mutator's rect contains the final bounding
// rect of the PlatformView, the clip mutator is not applied for performance optimization.
void ApplyMutators(const MutatorsStack& mutators_stack,
UIView* embedded_view,
const SkRect& bounding_rect);
void CompositeWithParams(int64_t view_id, const EmbeddedViewParams& params);
// Allocates a new FlutterPlatformViewLayer if needed, draws the pixels within the rect from
// the picture on the layer's canvas.
std::shared_ptr<FlutterPlatformViewLayer> GetLayer(GrDirectContext* gr_context,
const std::shared_ptr<IOSContext>& ios_context,
EmbedderViewSlice* slice,
SkRect rect,
int64_t view_id,
int64_t overlay_id);
// Removes overlay views and platform views that aren't needed in the current frame.
// Must run on the platform thread.
void RemoveUnusedLayers();
// Appends the overlay views and platform view and sets their z index based on the composition
// order.
void BringLayersIntoView(LayersMap layer_map);
// Begin a CATransaction.
// This transaction needs to be balanced with |CommitCATransactionIfNeeded|.
void BeginCATransaction();
// Commit a CATransaction if |BeginCATransaction| has been called during the frame.
void CommitCATransactionIfNeeded();
// Resets the state of the frame.
void ResetFrameState();
// The pool of reusable view layers. The pool allows to recycle layer in each frame.
std::unique_ptr<FlutterPlatformViewLayerPool> layer_pool_;
// The platform view's |EmbedderViewSlice| keyed off the view id, which contains any subsequent
// operation until the next platform view or the end of the last leaf node in the layer tree.
// The Slices are deleted by the FlutterPlatformViewsController.reset().
std::map<int64_t, std::unique_ptr<EmbedderViewSlice>> slices_;
fml::scoped_nsobject<FlutterMethodChannel> channel_;
fml::scoped_nsobject<UIView> flutter_view_;
fml::scoped_nsobject<UIViewController> flutter_view_controller_;
fml::scoped_nsobject<FlutterClippingMaskViewPool> mask_view_pool_;
std::map<std::string, fml::scoped_nsobject<NSObject<FlutterPlatformViewFactory>>> factories_;
std::map<int64_t, fml::scoped_nsobject<NSObject<FlutterPlatformView>>> views_;
std::map<int64_t, fml::scoped_nsobject<FlutterTouchInterceptingView>> touch_interceptors_;
// Mapping a platform view ID to the top most parent view (root_view) of a platform view. In
// |SubmitFrame|, root_views_ are added to flutter_view_ as child views.
// The platform view with the view ID is a child of the root view; If the platform view is not
// clipped, and no clipping view is added, the root view will be the intercepting view.
std::map<int64_t, fml::scoped_nsobject<UIView>> root_views_;
// Mapping a platform view ID to its latest composition params.
std::map<int64_t, EmbeddedViewParams> current_composition_params_;
// Mapping a platform view ID to the count of the clipping operations that were applied to the
// platform view last time it was composited.
std::map<int64_t, int64_t> clip_count_;
SkISize frame_size_;
// The number of frames the rasterizer task runner will continue
// to run on the platform thread after no platform view is rendered.
// Note: this is an arbitrary number that attempts to account for cases
// where the platform view might be momentarily off the screen.
static const int kDefaultMergedLeaseDuration = 10;
// Method channel `OnDispose` calls adds the views to be disposed to this set to be disposed on
// the next frame.
std::unordered_set<int64_t> views_to_dispose_;
// A vector of embedded view IDs according to their composition order.
// The last ID in this vector belond to the that is composited on top of all others.
std::vector<int64_t> composition_order_;
// A vector of visited platform view IDs.
std::vector<int64_t> visited_platform_views_;
// The latest composition order that was presented in Present().
std::vector<int64_t> active_composition_order_;
// Only compoiste platform views in this set.
std::unordered_set<int64_t> views_to_recomposite_;
// The FlutterPlatformViewGestureRecognizersBlockingPolicy for each type of platform view.
std::map<std::string, FlutterPlatformViewGestureRecognizersBlockingPolicy>
bool catransaction_added_ = false;
// WeakPtrFactory must be the last member.
std::unique_ptr<fml::WeakPtrFactory<FlutterPlatformViewsController>> weak_factory_;
// A set to keep track of embedded views that does not have (0, 0) origin.
// An insertion triggers a warning message about non-zero origin logged on the debug console.
// See for details.
std::unordered_set<int64_t> non_zero_origin_views_;
} // namespace flutter
// A UIView that is used as the parent for embedded UIViews.
// This view has 2 roles:
// 1. Delay or prevent touch events from arriving the embedded view.
// 2. Dispatching all events that are hittested to the embedded view to the FlutterView.
@interface FlutterTouchInterceptingView : UIView
- (instancetype)initWithEmbeddedView:(UIView*)embeddedView
// Stop delaying any active touch sequence (and let it arrive the embedded view).
- (void)releaseGesture;
// Prevent the touch sequence from ever arriving to the embedded view.
- (void)blockGesture;
// Get embedded view
- (UIView*)embeddedView;
@interface UIView (FirstResponder)
// Returns YES if a view or any of its descendant view is the first responder. Returns NO otherwise.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL flt_hasFirstResponderInViewHierarchySubtree;