blob: cb336892d3a61b655b1fd23a9dddcd6f446fd40d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/entity/entity.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include "impeller/base/validation.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/content_context.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/filters/filter_contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/texture_contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/entity_pass.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/color.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/vector.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/render_pass.h"
namespace impeller {
Entity Entity::FromSnapshot(const Snapshot& snapshot, BlendMode blend_mode) {
auto texture_rect = Rect::MakeSize(snapshot.texture->GetSize());
auto contents = TextureContents::MakeRect(texture_rect);
Entity entity;
return entity;
Entity::Entity() = default;
Entity::~Entity() = default;
Entity::Entity(Entity&&) = default;
Entity::Entity(const Entity&) = default;
const Matrix& Entity::GetTransform() const {
return transform_;
Matrix Entity::GetShaderTransform(const RenderPass& pass) const {
return Entity::GetShaderTransform(GetShaderClipDepth(), pass, transform_);
Matrix Entity::GetShaderTransform(Scalar shader_clip_depth,
const RenderPass& pass,
const Matrix& transform) {
return Matrix::MakeTranslation({0, 0, shader_clip_depth}) *
Matrix::MakeScale({1, 1, Entity::kDepthEpsilon}) *
pass.GetOrthographicTransform() * transform;
void Entity::SetTransform(const Matrix& transform) {
transform_ = transform;
std::optional<Rect> Entity::GetCoverage() const {
if (!contents_) {
return std::nullopt;
return contents_->GetCoverage(*this);
Contents::ClipCoverage Entity::GetClipCoverage(
const std::optional<Rect>& current_clip_coverage) const {
if (!contents_) {
return {};
return contents_->GetClipCoverage(*this, current_clip_coverage);
bool Entity::ShouldRender(const std::optional<Rect>& clip_coverage) const {
return contents_->ShouldRender(*this, clip_coverage);
return true;
void Entity::SetContents(std::shared_ptr<Contents> contents) {
contents_ = std::move(contents);
const std::shared_ptr<Contents>& Entity::GetContents() const {
return contents_;
void Entity::SetClipDepth(uint32_t clip_depth) {
clip_depth_ = clip_depth;
uint32_t Entity::GetClipDepth() const {
return clip_depth_;
Scalar Entity::GetShaderClipDepth() const {
return Entity::GetShaderClipDepth(clip_depth_);
Scalar Entity::GetShaderClipDepth(uint32_t clip_depth) {
Scalar result = std::clamp(clip_depth * kDepthEpsilon, 0.0f, 1.0f);
return std::min(result, 1.0f - kDepthEpsilon);
void Entity::SetBlendMode(BlendMode blend_mode) {
blend_mode_ = blend_mode;
BlendMode Entity::GetBlendMode() const {
return blend_mode_;
bool Entity::CanInheritOpacity() const {
if (!contents_) {
return false;
if (!((blend_mode_ == BlendMode::kSource && contents_->IsOpaque()) ||
blend_mode_ == BlendMode::kSourceOver)) {
return false;
return contents_->CanInheritOpacity(*this);
bool Entity::SetInheritedOpacity(Scalar alpha) {
if (!CanInheritOpacity()) {
return false;
if (blend_mode_ == BlendMode::kSource && contents_->IsOpaque()) {
blend_mode_ = BlendMode::kSourceOver;
return true;
std::optional<Color> Entity::AsBackgroundColor(ISize target_size) const {
return contents_->AsBackgroundColor(*this, target_size);
/// @brief Returns true if the blend mode is "destructive", meaning that even
/// fully transparent source colors would result in the destination
/// getting changed.
/// This is useful for determining if EntityPass textures can be
/// shrinkwrapped to their Entities' coverage; they can be shrinkwrapped
/// if all of the contained Entities have non-destructive blends.
bool Entity::IsBlendModeDestructive(BlendMode blend_mode) {
switch (blend_mode) {
case BlendMode::kClear:
case BlendMode::kSource:
case BlendMode::kSourceIn:
case BlendMode::kDestinationIn:
case BlendMode::kSourceOut:
case BlendMode::kDestinationOut:
case BlendMode::kDestinationATop:
case BlendMode::kXor:
case BlendMode::kModulate:
return true;
return false;
bool Entity::Render(const ContentContext& renderer,
RenderPass& parent_pass) const {
if (!contents_) {
return true;
if (!contents_->GetCoverageHint().has_value()) {
return contents_->Render(renderer, *this, parent_pass);
Scalar Entity::DeriveTextScale() const {
return GetTransform().GetMaxBasisLengthXY();
Entity Entity::Clone() const {
return Entity(*this);
} // namespace impeller