blob: 54f6900a0f9a2fb8d984fb76dfaf215176a5651c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "flutter/testing/testing.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/geometry_asserts.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/path.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/path_builder.h"
namespace impeller {
namespace testing {
TEST(PathTest, CubicPathComponentPolylineDoesNotIncludePointOne) {
CubicPathComponent component({10, 10}, {20, 35}, {35, 20}, {40, 40});
std::vector<Point> polyline;
component.AppendPolylinePoints(1.0f, polyline);
ASSERT_NE(polyline.front().x, 10);
ASSERT_NE(polyline.front().y, 10);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.back().x, 40);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.back().y, 40);
TEST(PathTest, PathCreatePolyLineDoesNotDuplicatePoints) {
PathBuilder builder;
builder.MoveTo({10, 10});
builder.LineTo({20, 20});
builder.LineTo({30, 30});
builder.MoveTo({40, 40});
builder.LineTo({50, 50});
auto polyline = builder.TakePath().CreatePolyline(1.0f);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.contours.size(), 2u);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.points->size(), 5u);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(0).x, 10);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(1).x, 20);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(2).x, 30);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(3).x, 40);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(4).x, 50);
TEST(PathTest, PathBuilderSetsCorrectContourPropertiesForAddCommands) {
// Closed shapes.
Path path = PathBuilder{}.AddCircle({100, 100}, 50).TakePath();
ContourComponent contour;
path.GetContourComponentAtIndex(0, contour);
EXPECT_POINT_NEAR(contour.destination, Point(100, 50));
Path path =
PathBuilder{}.AddOval(Rect::MakeXYWH(100, 100, 100, 100)).TakePath();
ContourComponent contour;
path.GetContourComponentAtIndex(0, contour);
EXPECT_POINT_NEAR(contour.destination, Point(150, 100));
Path path =
PathBuilder{}.AddRect(Rect::MakeXYWH(100, 100, 100, 100)).TakePath();
ContourComponent contour;
path.GetContourComponentAtIndex(0, contour);
EXPECT_POINT_NEAR(contour.destination, Point(100, 100));
Path path = PathBuilder{}
.AddRoundedRect(Rect::MakeXYWH(100, 100, 100, 100), 10)
ContourComponent contour;
path.GetContourComponentAtIndex(0, contour);
EXPECT_POINT_NEAR(contour.destination, Point(110, 100));
Path path =
.AddRoundedRect(Rect::MakeXYWH(100, 100, 100, 100), Size(10, 20))
ContourComponent contour;
path.GetContourComponentAtIndex(0, contour);
EXPECT_POINT_NEAR(contour.destination, Point(110, 100));
// Open shapes.
Point p(100, 100);
Path path = PathBuilder{}.AddLine(p, {200, 100}).TakePath();
ContourComponent contour;
path.GetContourComponentAtIndex(0, contour);
ASSERT_POINT_NEAR(contour.destination, p);
Path path =
.AddCubicCurve({100, 100}, {100, 50}, {100, 150}, {200, 100})
ContourComponent contour;
path.GetContourComponentAtIndex(0, contour);
ASSERT_POINT_NEAR(contour.destination, Point(100, 100));
Path path = PathBuilder{}
.AddQuadraticCurve({100, 100}, {100, 50}, {200, 100})
ContourComponent contour;
path.GetContourComponentAtIndex(0, contour);
ASSERT_POINT_NEAR(contour.destination, Point(100, 100));
TEST(PathTest, PathCreatePolylineGeneratesCorrectContourData) {
Path::Polyline polyline = PathBuilder{}
.AddLine({100, 100}, {200, 100})
.MoveTo({100, 200})
.LineTo({150, 250})
.LineTo({200, 200})
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.points->size(), 6u);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.contours.size(), 2u);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.contours[0].is_closed, false);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.contours[0].start_index, 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.contours[1].is_closed, true);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.contours[1].start_index, 2u);
TEST(PathTest, PolylineGetContourPointBoundsReturnsCorrectRanges) {
Path::Polyline polyline = PathBuilder{}
.AddLine({100, 100}, {200, 100})
.MoveTo({100, 200})
.LineTo({150, 250})
.LineTo({200, 200})
size_t a1, a2, b1, b2;
std::tie(a1, a2) = polyline.GetContourPointBounds(0);
std::tie(b1, b2) = polyline.GetContourPointBounds(1);
ASSERT_EQ(a1, 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(a2, 2u);
ASSERT_EQ(b1, 2u);
ASSERT_EQ(b2, 6u);
TEST(PathTest, PathAddRectPolylineHasCorrectContourData) {
Path::Polyline polyline = PathBuilder{}
.AddRect(Rect::MakeLTRB(50, 60, 70, 80))
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.contours.size(), 1u);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.contours[0].start_index, 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.points->size(), 5u);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(0), Point(50, 60));
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(1), Point(70, 60));
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(2), Point(70, 80));
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(3), Point(50, 80));
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(4), Point(50, 60));
TEST(PathTest, PathPolylineDuplicatesAreRemovedForSameContour) {
Path::Polyline polyline =
.MoveTo({50, 50})
.LineTo({50, 50}) // Insert duplicate at beginning of contour.
.LineTo({100, 50})
.LineTo({100, 50}) // Insert duplicate at contour join.
.LineTo({100, 100})
.Close() // Implicitly insert duplicate {50, 50} across contours.
.LineTo({0, 50})
.LineTo({0, 100})
.LineTo({0, 100}) // Insert duplicate at end of contour.
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.contours.size(), 2u);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.contours[0].start_index, 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.contours[1].start_index, 4u);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.points->size(), 7u);
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(0), Point(50, 50));
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(1), Point(100, 50));
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(2), Point(100, 100));
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(3), Point(50, 50));
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(4), Point(50, 50));
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(5), Point(0, 50));
ASSERT_EQ(polyline.GetPoint(6), Point(0, 100));
TEST(PathTest, PolylineBufferReuse) {
auto point_buffer = std::make_unique<std::vector<Point>>();
auto point_buffer_address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(point_buffer.get());
Path::Polyline polyline =
.MoveTo({50, 50})
.LineTo({100, 100})
1.0f, std::move(point_buffer),
Path::Polyline::PointBufferPtr point_buffer) {
ASSERT_EQ(point_buffer->size(), 0u);
TEST(PathTest, PolylineFailsWithNullptrBuffer) {
.MoveTo({50, 50})
.LineTo({100, 100})
.CreatePolyline(1.0f, nullptr),
TEST(PathTest, PathShifting) {
PathBuilder builder{};
auto path =
builder.AddLine(Point(0, 0), Point(10, 10))
.AddQuadraticCurve(Point(10, 10), Point(15, 15), Point(20, 20))
.AddCubicCurve(Point(20, 20), Point(25, 25), Point(-5, -5),
Point(30, 30))
.Shift(Point(1, 1))
ContourComponent contour;
LinearPathComponent linear;
QuadraticPathComponent quad;
CubicPathComponent cubic;
ASSERT_TRUE(path.GetContourComponentAtIndex(0, contour));
ASSERT_TRUE(path.GetLinearComponentAtIndex(1, linear));
ASSERT_TRUE(path.GetQuadraticComponentAtIndex(3, quad));
ASSERT_TRUE(path.GetCubicComponentAtIndex(5, cubic));
EXPECT_EQ(contour.destination, Point(1, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(linear.p1, Point(1, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(linear.p2, Point(11, 11));
EXPECT_EQ(quad.cp, Point(16, 16));
EXPECT_EQ(quad.p1, Point(11, 11));
EXPECT_EQ(quad.p2, Point(21, 21));
EXPECT_EQ(cubic.cp1, Point(26, 26));
EXPECT_EQ(cubic.cp2, Point(-4, -4));
EXPECT_EQ(cubic.p1, Point(21, 21));
EXPECT_EQ(cubic.p2, Point(31, 31));
TEST(PathTest, PathBuilderWillComputeBounds) {
PathBuilder builder;
auto path_1 = builder.AddLine({0, 0}, {1, 1}).TakePath();
Rect::MakeLTRB(0, 0, 1, 1));
auto path_2 = builder.AddLine({-1, -1}, {1, 1}).TakePath();
// Verify that PathBuilder recomputes the bounds.
Rect::MakeLTRB(-1, -1, 1, 1));
// PathBuilder can set the bounds to whatever it wants
auto path_3 = builder.AddLine({0, 0}, {1, 1})
.SetBounds(Rect::MakeLTRB(0, 0, 100, 100))
Rect::MakeLTRB(0, 0, 100, 100));
TEST(PathTest, PathHorizontalLine) {
PathBuilder builder;
auto path = builder.HorizontalLineTo(10).TakePath();
LinearPathComponent linear;
path.GetLinearComponentAtIndex(1, linear);
EXPECT_EQ(linear.p1, Point(0, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(linear.p2, Point(10, 0));
TEST(PathTest, PathVerticalLine) {
PathBuilder builder;
auto path = builder.VerticalLineTo(10).TakePath();
LinearPathComponent linear;
path.GetLinearComponentAtIndex(1, linear);
EXPECT_EQ(linear.p1, Point(0, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(linear.p2, Point(0, 10));
TEST(PathTest, QuadradicPath) {
PathBuilder builder;
auto path = builder.QuadraticCurveTo(Point(10, 10), Point(20, 20)).TakePath();
QuadraticPathComponent quad;
path.GetQuadraticComponentAtIndex(1, quad);
EXPECT_EQ(quad.p1, Point(0, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(quad.cp, Point(10, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(quad.p2, Point(20, 20));
TEST(PathTest, CubicPath) {
PathBuilder builder;
auto path =
builder.CubicCurveTo(Point(10, 10), Point(-10, -10), Point(20, 20))
CubicPathComponent cubic;
path.GetCubicComponentAtIndex(1, cubic);
EXPECT_EQ(cubic.p1, Point(0, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(cubic.cp1, Point(10, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(cubic.cp2, Point(-10, -10));
EXPECT_EQ(cubic.p2, Point(20, 20));
TEST(PathTest, BoundingBoxCubic) {
PathBuilder builder;
auto path =
builder.AddCubicCurve({120, 160}, {25, 200}, {220, 260}, {220, 40})
auto box = path.GetBoundingBox();
Rect expected = Rect::MakeXYWH(93.9101, 40, 126.09, 158.862);
ASSERT_RECT_NEAR(box.value_or(Rect::MakeMaximum()), expected);
TEST(PathTest, BoundingBoxOfCompositePathIsCorrect) {
PathBuilder builder;
builder.AddRoundedRect(Rect::MakeXYWH(10, 10, 300, 300), {50, 50, 50, 50});
auto path = builder.TakePath();
auto actual = path.GetBoundingBox();
Rect expected = Rect::MakeXYWH(10, 10, 300, 300);
ASSERT_RECT_NEAR(actual.value_or(Rect::MakeMaximum()), expected);
TEST(PathTest, ExtremaOfCubicPathComponentIsCorrect) {
CubicPathComponent cubic{{11.769268, 252.883148},
{-6.2857933, 204.356461},
{-4.53997231, 156.552902},
{17.0067291, 109.472488}};
auto points = cubic.Extrema();
ASSERT_EQ(points.size(), static_cast<size_t>(3));
ASSERT_POINT_NEAR(points[2], cubic.Solve(0.455916));
TEST(PathTest, PathGetBoundingBoxForCubicWithNoDerivativeRootsIsCorrect) {
PathBuilder builder;
// Straight diagonal line.
builder.AddCubicCurve({0, 1}, {2, 3}, {4, 5}, {6, 7});
auto path = builder.TakePath();
auto actual = path.GetBoundingBox();
auto expected = Rect::MakeLTRB(0, 1, 6, 7);
ASSERT_RECT_NEAR(actual.value_or(Rect::MakeMaximum()), expected);
TEST(PathTest, EmptyPath) {
auto path = PathBuilder{}.TakePath();
ASSERT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(), 1u);
ContourComponent c;
path.GetContourComponentAtIndex(0, c);
ASSERT_POINT_NEAR(c.destination, Point());
Path::Polyline polyline = path.CreatePolyline(1.0f);
TEST(PathTest, SimplePath) {
PathBuilder builder;
auto path = builder.AddLine({0, 0}, {100, 100})
.AddQuadraticCurve({100, 100}, {200, 200}, {300, 300})
.AddCubicCurve({300, 300}, {400, 400}, {500, 500}, {600, 600})
ASSERT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(), 6u);
ASSERT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(Path::ComponentType::kLinear), 1u);
ASSERT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(Path::ComponentType::kQuadratic), 1u);
ASSERT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(Path::ComponentType::kCubic), 1u);
ASSERT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(Path::ComponentType::kContour), 3u);
[](size_t index, const LinearPathComponent& linear) {
Point p1(0, 0);
Point p2(100, 100);
ASSERT_EQ(index, 1u);
ASSERT_EQ(linear.p1, p1);
ASSERT_EQ(linear.p2, p2);
[](size_t index, const QuadraticPathComponent& quad) {
Point p1(100, 100);
Point cp(200, 200);
Point p2(300, 300);
ASSERT_EQ(index, 3u);
ASSERT_EQ(quad.p1, p1);
ASSERT_EQ(quad.cp, cp);
ASSERT_EQ(quad.p2, p2);
[](size_t index, const CubicPathComponent& cubic) {
Point p1(300, 300);
Point cp1(400, 400);
Point cp2(500, 500);
Point p2(600, 600);
ASSERT_EQ(index, 5u);
ASSERT_EQ(cubic.p1, p1);
ASSERT_EQ(cubic.cp1, cp1);
ASSERT_EQ(cubic.cp2, cp2);
ASSERT_EQ(cubic.p2, p2);
[](size_t index, const ContourComponent& contour) {
// There is an initial countour added for each curve.
if (index == 0u) {
Point p1(0, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(contour.destination, p1);
} else if (index == 2u) {
Point p1(100, 100);
ASSERT_EQ(contour.destination, p1);
} else if (index == 4u) {
Point p1(300, 300);
ASSERT_EQ(contour.destination, p1);
} else {
TEST(PathTest, RepeatCloseDoesNotAddNewLines) {
PathBuilder builder;
auto path = builder.LineTo({0, 10})
.LineTo({10, 10})
.Close() // Returns to (0, 0)
.Close() // No Op
.Close() // Still No op
EXPECT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(), 5u);
EXPECT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(Path::ComponentType::kLinear), 3u);
EXPECT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(Path::ComponentType::kContour), 2u);
TEST(PathTest, CloseAfterMoveDoesNotAddNewLines) {
PathBuilder builder;
auto path = builder.LineTo({0, 10})
.LineTo({10, 10})
.MoveTo({30, 30}) // Moves to (30, 30)
.Close() // No Op
.Close() // Still No op
EXPECT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(), 4u);
EXPECT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(Path::ComponentType::kLinear), 2u);
EXPECT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(Path::ComponentType::kContour), 2u);
TEST(PathTest, CloseAtOriginDoesNotAddNewLineSegment) {
PathBuilder builder;
// Create a path that has a current position at the origin when close is
// called. This should not insert a new line segment
auto path = builder.LineTo({10, 0})
.LineTo({10, 10})
.LineTo({0, 10})
.LineTo({0, 0})
EXPECT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(), 6u);
EXPECT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(Path::ComponentType::kLinear), 4u);
EXPECT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(Path::ComponentType::kContour), 2u);
TEST(PathTest, CanBeCloned) {
PathBuilder builder;
builder.MoveTo({10, 10});
builder.LineTo({20, 20});
builder.SetBounds(Rect::MakeLTRB(0, 0, 100, 100));
auto path_a = builder.TakePath(FillType::kOdd);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization)
auto path_b = path_a;
EXPECT_EQ(path_a.GetBoundingBox(), path_b.GetBoundingBox());
EXPECT_EQ(path_a.GetFillType(), path_b.GetFillType());
EXPECT_EQ(path_a.IsConvex(), path_b.IsConvex());
auto poly_a = path_a.CreatePolyline(1.0);
auto poly_b = path_b.CreatePolyline(1.0);
ASSERT_EQ(poly_a.points->size(), poly_b.points->size());
ASSERT_EQ(poly_a.contours.size(), poly_b.contours.size());
for (auto i = 0u; i < poly_a.points->size(); i++) {
EXPECT_EQ((*poly_a.points)[i], (*poly_b.points)[i]);
for (auto i = 0u; i < poly_a.contours.size(); i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(poly_a.contours[i].start_index, poly_b.contours[i].start_index);
TEST(PathTest, PathBuilderDoesNotMutateCopiedPaths) {
auto test_isolation =
[](const std::function<void(PathBuilder & builder)>& mutator,
bool will_close, Point mutation_offset, const std::string& label) {
PathBuilder builder;
builder.MoveTo({10, 10});
builder.LineTo({20, 20});
builder.LineTo({20, 10});
auto verify_path = [](const Path& path, bool is_mutated, bool is_closed,
Point offset, const std::string& label) {
if (is_mutated) {
// We can only test the initial state before the mutator did
// its work. We have >= 3 components and the first 3 components
// will match what we saw before the mutation.
EXPECT_GE(path.GetComponentCount(), 3u) << label;
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(path.GetComponentCount(), 3u) << label;
ContourComponent contour;
EXPECT_TRUE(path.GetContourComponentAtIndex(0, contour)) << label;
EXPECT_EQ(contour.destination, offset + Point(10, 10)) << label;
EXPECT_EQ(contour.is_closed, is_closed) << label;
LinearPathComponent line;
EXPECT_TRUE(path.GetLinearComponentAtIndex(1, line)) << label;
EXPECT_EQ(line.p1, offset + Point(10, 10)) << label;
EXPECT_EQ(line.p2, offset + Point(20, 20)) << label;
LinearPathComponent line;
EXPECT_TRUE(path.GetLinearComponentAtIndex(2, line)) << label;
EXPECT_EQ(line.p1, offset + Point(20, 20)) << label;
EXPECT_EQ(line.p2, offset + Point(20, 10)) << label;
auto path1 = builder.CopyPath();
verify_path(path1, false, false, {},
"Initial Path1 state before " + label);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
auto path = builder.CopyPath();
path, false, false, {},
"Extra CopyPath #" + std::to_string(i + 1) + " for " + label);
verify_path(path1, false, false, {},
"Path1 state after subsequent " + label);
auto path2 = builder.CopyPath();
verify_path(path1, false, false, {},
"Path1 state after subsequent " + label + " and CopyPath");
verify_path(path2, true, will_close, mutation_offset,
"Initial Path2 state with subsequent " + label);
[](PathBuilder& builder) { //
false, {}, "SetConvex");
[](PathBuilder& builder) { //
false, {}, "SetUnknownConvex");
[](PathBuilder& builder) { //
true, {}, "Close");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.MoveTo({20, 30}, false);
false, {}, "Absolute MoveTo");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.MoveTo({20, 30}, true);
false, {}, "Relative MoveTo");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.LineTo({20, 30}, false);
false, {}, "Absolute LineTo");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.LineTo({20, 30}, true);
false, {}, "Relative LineTo");
[](PathBuilder& builder) { //
builder.HorizontalLineTo(100, false);
false, {}, "Absolute HorizontalLineTo");
[](PathBuilder& builder) { //
builder.HorizontalLineTo(100, true);
false, {}, "Relative HorizontalLineTo");
[](PathBuilder& builder) { //
builder.VerticalLineTo(100, false);
false, {}, "Absolute VerticalLineTo");
[](PathBuilder& builder) { //
builder.VerticalLineTo(100, true);
false, {}, "Relative VerticalLineTo");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.QuadraticCurveTo({20, 30}, {30, 20}, false);
false, {}, "Absolute QuadraticCurveTo");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.QuadraticCurveTo({20, 30}, {30, 20}, true);
false, {}, "Relative QuadraticCurveTo");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.CubicCurveTo({20, 30}, {30, 20}, {30, 30}, false);
false, {}, "Absolute CubicCurveTo");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.CubicCurveTo({20, 30}, {30, 20}, {30, 30}, true);
false, {}, "Relative CubicCurveTo");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.AddLine({100, 100}, {150, 100});
false, {}, "AddLine");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.AddRect(Rect::MakeLTRB(100, 100, 120, 120));
false, {}, "AddRect");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.AddOval(Rect::MakeLTRB(100, 100, 120, 120));
false, {}, "AddOval");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.AddCircle({100, 100}, 20);
false, {}, "AddCircle");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.AddArc(Rect::MakeLTRB(100, 100, 120, 120), Degrees(10),
false, {}, "AddArc");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.AddQuadraticCurve({100, 100}, {150, 100}, {150, 150});
false, {}, "AddQuadraticCurve");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.AddCubicCurve({100, 100}, {150, 100}, {100, 150}, {150, 150});
false, {}, "AddCubicCurve");
[](PathBuilder& builder) {
builder.Shift({23, 42});
false, {23, 42}, "Shift");
} // namespace testing
} // namespace impeller