blob: 6f5f332b3aa6f57029985fc51862eac8aff9141e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "impeller/core/device_buffer.h"
#include "impeller/core/texture.h"
namespace impeller {
class HostBuffer;
class Allocator;
/// @brief Blit passes encode blit into the underlying command buffer.
/// Blit passes can be obtained from the command buffer in which
/// the pass is meant to encode commands into.
/// @see `CommandBuffer`
class BlitPass {
virtual ~BlitPass();
virtual bool IsValid() const = 0;
void SetLabel(std::string label);
/// @brief If the texture is not already in a shader read internal
/// state, then convert it to that state.
/// This API is only used by Vulkan.
virtual bool ConvertTextureToShaderRead(
const std::shared_ptr<Texture>& texture);
/// @brief Record a command to copy the contents of one texture to
/// another texture. The blit area is limited by the intersection
/// of the texture coverage with respect the source region and
/// destination origin.
/// @param[in] source The texture to read for copying.
/// @param[in] destination The texture to overwrite using the source
/// contents.
/// @param[in] source_region The optional region of the source texture
/// to use for copying. If not specified, the
/// full size of the source texture is used.
/// @param[in] destination_origin The origin to start writing to in the
/// destination texture.
/// @param[in] label The optional debug label to give the
/// command.
/// @return If the command was valid for subsequent commitment.
bool AddCopy(std::shared_ptr<Texture> source,
std::shared_ptr<Texture> destination,
std::optional<IRect> source_region = std::nullopt,
IPoint destination_origin = {},
std::string label = "");
/// @brief Record a command to copy the contents of the buffer to
/// the texture.
/// @param[in] source The texture to read for copying.
/// @param[in] destination The buffer to overwrite using the source
/// contents.
/// @param[in] source_region The optional region of the source texture
/// to use for copying. If not specified, the
/// full size of the source texture is used.
/// @param[in] destination_origin The origin to start writing to in the
/// destination texture.
/// @param[in] label The optional debug label to give the
/// command.
/// @return If the command was valid for subsequent commitment.
bool AddCopy(std::shared_ptr<Texture> source,
std::shared_ptr<DeviceBuffer> destination,
std::optional<IRect> source_region = std::nullopt,
size_t destination_offset = 0,
std::string label = "");
/// @brief Record a command to copy the contents of the buffer to
/// the texture.
/// @param[in] source The buffer view to read for copying.
/// @param[in] destination The texture to overwrite using the source
/// contents.
/// @param[in] destination_region The offset to start writing to in the
/// destination texture. If not provided, this
/// defaults to the entire texture.
/// @param[in] label The optional debug label to give the
/// command.
/// @param[in] slice For cubemap textures, the slice to write
/// data to.
/// @param[in] convert_to_read Whether to convert the texture to a shader
/// read state. Defaults to true.
/// @return If the command was valid for subsequent commitment.
/// If a region smaller than the texture size is provided, the
/// contents are treated as containing tightly packed pixel data of
/// that region. Only the portion of the texture in this region is
/// replaced and existing data is preserved.
/// For example, to replace the top left 10 x 10 region of a larger
/// 100 x 100 texture, the region is {0, 0, 10, 10} and the expected
/// buffer size in bytes is 100 x bpp.
bool AddCopy(BufferView source,
std::shared_ptr<Texture> destination,
std::optional<IRect> destination_region = std::nullopt,
std::string label = "",
uint32_t slice = 0,
bool convert_to_read = true);
/// @brief Record a command to generate all mip levels for a texture.
/// @param[in] texture The texture to generate mipmaps for.
/// @param[in] label The optional debug label to give the command.
/// @return If the command was valid for subsequent commitment.
bool GenerateMipmap(std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture, std::string label = "");
/// @brief Encode the recorded commands to the underlying command buffer.
/// @param transients_allocator The transients allocator.
/// @return If the commands were encoded to the underlying command
/// buffer.
virtual bool EncodeCommands(
const std::shared_ptr<Allocator>& transients_allocator) const = 0;
explicit BlitPass();
virtual void OnSetLabel(std::string label) = 0;
virtual bool OnCopyTextureToTextureCommand(
std::shared_ptr<Texture> source,
std::shared_ptr<Texture> destination,
IRect source_region,
IPoint destination_origin,
std::string label) = 0;
virtual bool OnCopyTextureToBufferCommand(
std::shared_ptr<Texture> source,
std::shared_ptr<DeviceBuffer> destination,
IRect source_region,
size_t destination_offset,
std::string label) = 0;
virtual bool OnCopyBufferToTextureCommand(
BufferView source,
std::shared_ptr<Texture> destination,
IRect destination_region,
std::string label,
uint32_t slice,
bool convert_to_read) = 0;
virtual bool OnGenerateMipmapCommand(std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture,
std::string label) = 0;
BlitPass(const BlitPass&) = delete;
BlitPass& operator=(const BlitPass&) = delete;
} // namespace impeller