blob: 4b07bdb711aec29795981badc457d4a519eb2be4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.ui;
/// Signature of callbacks that have no arguments and return no data.
typedef VoidCallback = void Function();
/// Signature for [PlatformDispatcher.onBeginFrame].
typedef FrameCallback = void Function(Duration duration);
/// Signature for [PlatformDispatcher.onReportTimings].
/// {@template dart.ui.TimingsCallback.list}
/// The callback takes a list of [FrameTiming] because it may not be
/// immediately triggered after each frame. Instead, Flutter tries to batch
/// frames together and send all their timings at once to decrease the
/// overhead (as this is available in the release mode). The list is sorted in
/// ascending order of time (earliest frame first). The timing of any frame
/// will be sent within about 1 second (100ms if in the profile/debug mode)
/// even if there are no later frames to batch. The timing of the first frame
/// will be sent immediately without batching.
/// {@endtemplate}
typedef TimingsCallback = void Function(List<FrameTiming> timings);
/// Signature for [PlatformDispatcher.onPointerDataPacket].
typedef PointerDataPacketCallback = void Function(PointerDataPacket packet);
/// Signature for [PlatformDispatcher.onKeyData].
/// The callback should return true if the key event has been handled by the
/// framework and should not be propagated further.
typedef KeyDataCallback = bool Function(KeyData data);
/// Signature for [PlatformDispatcher.onSemanticsActionEvent].
typedef SemanticsActionEventCallback = void Function(SemanticsActionEvent action);
/// Signature for responses to platform messages.
/// Used as a parameter to [PlatformDispatcher.sendPlatformMessage] and
/// [PlatformDispatcher.onPlatformMessage].
typedef PlatformMessageResponseCallback = void Function(ByteData? data);
/// Deprecated. Migrate to [ChannelBuffers.setListener] instead.
/// Signature for [PlatformDispatcher.onPlatformMessage].
'Migrate to ChannelBuffers.setListener instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.11.0-20.0.pre.',
typedef PlatformMessageCallback = void Function(String name, ByteData? data, PlatformMessageResponseCallback? callback);
// Signature for _setNeedsReportTimings.
typedef _SetNeedsReportTimingsFunc = void Function(bool value);
/// Signature for [PlatformDispatcher.onError].
/// If this method returns false, the engine may use some fallback method to
/// provide information about the error.
/// After calling this method, the process or the VM may terminate. Some severe
/// unhandled errors may not be able to call this method either, such as Dart
/// compilation errors or process terminating errors.
typedef ErrorCallback = bool Function(Object exception, StackTrace stackTrace);
// A gesture setting value that indicates it has not been set by the engine.
const double _kUnsetGestureSetting = -1.0;
// A message channel to receive KeyData from the platform.
// See for more information.
const String _kFlutterKeyDataChannel = 'flutter/keydata';
ByteData? _wrapUnmodifiableByteData(ByteData? byteData) =>
/// A token that represents a root isolate.
class RootIsolateToken {
/// An enumeration representing the root isolate (0 if not a root isolate).
final int _token;
/// The token for the root isolate that is executing this Dart code. If this
/// Dart code is not executing on a root isolate [instance] will be null.
static final RootIsolateToken? instance = () {
final int token = __getRootIsolateToken();
return token == 0 ? null : RootIsolateToken._(token);
@Native<Int64 Function()>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::GetRootIsolateToken')
external static int __getRootIsolateToken();
/// Platform event dispatcher singleton.
/// The most basic interface to the host operating system's interface.
/// This is the central entry point for platform messages and configuration
/// events from the platform.
/// It exposes the core scheduler API, the input event callback, the graphics
/// drawing API, and other such core services.
/// It manages the list of the application's [views] as well as the
/// [configuration] of various platform attributes.
/// Consider avoiding static references to this singleton through
/// [PlatformDispatcher.instance] and instead prefer using a binding for
/// dependency resolution such as `WidgetsBinding.instance.platformDispatcher`.
/// See [PlatformDispatcher.instance] for more information about why this is
/// preferred.
class PlatformDispatcher {
/// Private constructor, since only dart:ui is supposed to create one of
/// these. Use [instance] to access the singleton.
PlatformDispatcher._() {
_setNeedsReportTimings = _nativeSetNeedsReportTimings;
/// The [PlatformDispatcher] singleton.
/// Consider avoiding static references to this singleton through
/// [PlatformDispatcher.instance] and instead prefer using a binding for
/// dependency resolution such as `WidgetsBinding.instance.platformDispatcher`.
/// Static access of this object means that Flutter has few, if any options to
/// fake or mock the given object in tests. Even in cases where Dart offers
/// special language constructs to forcefully shadow such properties, those
/// mechanisms would only be reasonable for tests and they would not be
/// reasonable for a future of Flutter where we legitimately want to select an
/// appropriate implementation at runtime.
/// The only place that `WidgetsBinding.instance.platformDispatcher` is
/// inappropriate is if access to these APIs is required before the binding is
/// initialized by invoking `runApp()` or
/// `WidgetsFlutterBinding.instance.ensureInitialized()`. In that case, it is
/// necessary (though unfortunate) to use the [PlatformDispatcher.instance]
/// object statically.
static PlatformDispatcher get instance => _instance;
static final PlatformDispatcher _instance = PlatformDispatcher._();
_PlatformConfiguration _configuration = const _PlatformConfiguration();
/// Called when the platform configuration changes.
/// The engine invokes this callback in the same zone in which the callback
/// was set.
VoidCallback? get onPlatformConfigurationChanged => _onPlatformConfigurationChanged;
VoidCallback? _onPlatformConfigurationChanged;
Zone _onPlatformConfigurationChangedZone = Zone.root;
set onPlatformConfigurationChanged(VoidCallback? callback) {
_onPlatformConfigurationChanged = callback;
_onPlatformConfigurationChangedZone = Zone.current;
/// The current list of displays.
/// If any of their configurations change, [onMetricsChanged] will be called.
/// To get the display for a [FlutterView], use [FlutterView.display].
/// Platforms may limit what information is available to the application with
/// regard to secondary displays and/or displays that do not have an active
/// application window.
/// Presently, on Android and Web this collection will only contain the
/// display that the current window is on. On iOS, it will only contains the
/// main display on the phone or tablet. On Desktop, it will contain only
/// a main display with a valid refresh rate but invalid size and device
/// pixel ratio values.
// TODO(dnfield): Update these docs when
// and are resolved.
Iterable<Display> get displays => _displays.values;
final Map<int, Display> _displays = <int, Display>{};
/// The current list of views, including top level platform windows used by
/// the application.
/// If any of their configurations change, [onMetricsChanged] will be called.
Iterable<FlutterView> get views => _views.values;
final Map<int, FlutterView> _views = <int, FlutterView>{};
/// Returns the [FlutterView] with the provided ID if one exists, or null
/// otherwise.
FlutterView? view({required int id}) => _views[id];
/// The [FlutterView] provided by the engine if the platform is unable to
/// create windows, or, for backwards compatibility.
/// If the platform provides an implicit view, it can be used to bootstrap
/// the framework. This is common for platforms designed for single-view
/// applications like mobile devices with a single display.
/// Applications and libraries must not rely on this property being set
/// as it may be null depending on the engine's configuration. Instead,
/// consider using [View.of] to lookup the [FlutterView] the current
/// [BuildContext] is drawing into.
/// While the properties on the referenced [FlutterView] may change,
/// the reference itself is guaranteed to never change over the lifetime
/// of the application: if this property is null at startup, it will remain
/// so throughout the entire lifetime of the application. If it points to a
/// specific [FlutterView], it will continue to point to the same view until
/// the application is shut down (although the engine may replace or remove
/// the underlying backing surface of the view at its discretion).
/// See also:
/// * [View.of], for accessing the current view.
/// * [PlatformDispatcher.views] for a list of all [FlutterView]s provided
/// by the platform.
FlutterView? get implicitView {
final FlutterView? result = _views[_implicitViewId];
// Make sure [implicitView] agrees with `_implicitViewId`.
assert((result != null) == (_implicitViewId != null),
(_implicitViewId != null) ?
'The implicit view ID is $_implicitViewId, but the implicit view does not exist.' :
'The implicit view ID is null, but the implicit view exists.');
// Make sure [implicitView] never chages.
assert(() {
if (_debugRecordedLastImplicitView) {
assert(identical(_debugLastImplicitView, result),
'The implicitView has changed:\n'
'Last: $_debugLastImplicitView\nCurrent: $result');
} else {
_debugLastImplicitView = result;
_debugRecordedLastImplicitView = true;
return true;
return result;
FlutterView? _debugLastImplicitView;
bool _debugRecordedLastImplicitView = false;
/// A callback that is invoked whenever the [ViewConfiguration] of any of the
/// [views] changes.
/// For example when the device is rotated or when the application is resized
/// (e.g. when showing applications side-by-side on Android),
/// `onMetricsChanged` is called.
/// The engine invokes this callback in the same zone in which the callback
/// was set.
/// The framework registers with this callback and updates the layout
/// appropriately.
/// See also:
/// * [WidgetsBindingObserver], for a mechanism at the widgets layer to
/// register for notifications when this is called.
/// * [MediaQuery.of], a simpler mechanism for the same.
VoidCallback? get onMetricsChanged => _onMetricsChanged;
VoidCallback? _onMetricsChanged;
Zone _onMetricsChangedZone = Zone.root;
set onMetricsChanged(VoidCallback? callback) {
_onMetricsChanged = callback;
_onMetricsChangedZone = Zone.current;
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart
// Adds a new view with the specific view configuration.
// The implicit view must be added before [implicitView] is first called,
// which is typically the main function.
void _addView(int id, _ViewConfiguration viewConfiguration) {
assert(!_views.containsKey(id), 'View ID $id already exists.');
_views[id] = FlutterView._(id, this, viewConfiguration);
_invoke(onMetricsChanged, _onMetricsChangedZone);
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart
// Removes the specific view.
// The target view must must exist. The implicit view must not be removed,
// or an assertion will be triggered.
void _removeView(int id) {
assert(id != _implicitViewId, 'The implicit view #$id can not be removed.');
if (id == _implicitViewId) {
assert(_views.containsKey(id), 'View ID $id does not exist.');
_invoke(onMetricsChanged, _onMetricsChangedZone);
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart.
// Updates the available displays.
void _updateDisplays(List<Display> displays) {
for (final Display display in displays) {
_displays[] = display;
_invoke(onMetricsChanged, _onMetricsChangedZone);
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart
// Updates the metrics of the window with the given id.
void _updateWindowMetrics(int viewId, _ViewConfiguration viewConfiguration) {
assert(_views.containsKey(viewId), 'View $viewId does not exist.');
_views[viewId]!._viewConfiguration = viewConfiguration;
_invoke(onMetricsChanged, _onMetricsChangedZone);
/// A callback invoked immediately after the focus is transitioned across [FlutterView]s.
/// When the platform moves the focus from one [FlutterView] to another, this
/// callback is invoked indicating the new view that has focus and the direction
/// in which focus was received. For example, if focus is moved to the [FlutterView]
/// with ID 2 in the forward direction (could be the result of pressing tab)
/// the callback receives a [ViewFocusEvent] with [ViewFocusState.focused] and
/// [ViewFocusDirection.forward].
/// Typically, receivers of this event respond by moving the focus to the first
/// focusable widget inside the [FlutterView] with ID 2. If a view receives
/// focus in the backward direction (could be the result of pressing shift + tab),
/// typically the last focusable widget inside that view is focused.
/// The platform may remove focus from a [FlutterView]. For example, on the web,
/// the browser can move focus to another element, or to the browser's built-in UI.
/// On desktop, the operating system can switch to another window (e.g. using Alt + Tab on Windows).
/// In scenarios like these, [onViewFocusChange] will be invoked with [ViewFocusState.unfocused] and
/// [ViewFocusDirection.undefined].
/// Receivers typically respond to this event by removing all focus indications
/// from the app.
/// Apps can also programmatically request to move the focus to a desired
/// [FlutterView] by calling [requestViewFocusChange].
/// The callback is invoked in the same zone in which the callback was set.
/// See also:
/// * [requestViewFocusChange] to programmatically instruct the platform to move focus to a different [FlutterView].
/// * [ViewFocusState] for a list of allowed focus transitions.
/// * [ViewFocusDirection] for a list of allowed focus directions.
/// * [ViewFocusEvent], which is the event object provided to the callback.
ViewFocusChangeCallback? get onViewFocusChange => _onViewFocusChange;
ViewFocusChangeCallback? _onViewFocusChange;
// ignore: unused_field, field will be used when platforms other than web use these focus APIs.
Zone _onViewFocusChangeZone = Zone.root;
set onViewFocusChange(ViewFocusChangeCallback? callback) {
_onViewFocusChange = callback;
_onViewFocusChangeZone = Zone.current;
/// Requests a focus change of the [FlutterView] with ID [viewId].
/// If an app would like to request the engine to move focus, in forward direction,
/// to the [FlutterView] with ID 1 it should call this method with [ViewFocusState.focused]
/// and [ViewFocusDirection.forward].
/// There is no need to call this method if the view in question already has
/// focus as it won't have any effect.
/// A call to this method will lead to the engine calling [onViewFocusChange]
/// if the request is successfully fulfilled.
/// See also:
/// * [onViewFocusChange], a callback to subscribe to view focus change events.
void requestViewFocusChange({
required int viewId,
required ViewFocusState state,
required ViewFocusDirection direction,
}) {
// TODO(tugorez): implement this method. At the moment will be a no op call.
/// A callback invoked when any view begins a frame.
/// A callback that is invoked to notify the application that it is an
/// appropriate time to provide a scene using the [SceneBuilder] API and the
/// [FlutterView.render] method.
/// When possible, this is driven by the hardware VSync signal of the attached
/// screen with the highest VSync rate. This is only called if
/// [PlatformDispatcher.scheduleFrame] has been called since the last time
/// this callback was invoked.
FrameCallback? get onBeginFrame => _onBeginFrame;
FrameCallback? _onBeginFrame;
Zone _onBeginFrameZone = Zone.root;
set onBeginFrame(FrameCallback? callback) {
_onBeginFrame = callback;
_onBeginFrameZone = Zone.current;
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart
void _beginFrame(int microseconds) {
Duration(microseconds: microseconds),
/// A callback that is invoked for each frame after [onBeginFrame] has
/// completed and after the microtask queue has been drained.
/// This can be used to implement a second phase of frame rendering that
/// happens after any deferred work queued by the [onBeginFrame] phase.
VoidCallback? get onDrawFrame => _onDrawFrame;
VoidCallback? _onDrawFrame;
Zone _onDrawFrameZone = Zone.root;
set onDrawFrame(VoidCallback? callback) {
_onDrawFrame = callback;
_onDrawFrameZone = Zone.current;
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart
void _drawFrame() {
_invoke(onDrawFrame, _onDrawFrameZone);
/// A callback that is invoked when pointer data is available.
/// The framework invokes this callback in the same zone in which the callback
/// was set.
/// See also:
/// * [GestureBinding], the Flutter framework class which manages pointer
/// events.
PointerDataPacketCallback? get onPointerDataPacket => _onPointerDataPacket;
PointerDataPacketCallback? _onPointerDataPacket;
Zone _onPointerDataPacketZone = Zone.root;
set onPointerDataPacket(PointerDataPacketCallback? callback) {
_onPointerDataPacket = callback;
_onPointerDataPacketZone = Zone.current;
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart
void _dispatchPointerDataPacket(ByteData packet) {
if (onPointerDataPacket != null) {
// This value must match kPointerDataFieldCount in (The
// also lists other locations that must be kept consistent.)
static const int _kPointerDataFieldCount = 36;
static PointerDataPacket _unpackPointerDataPacket(ByteData packet) {
const int kStride = Int64List.bytesPerElement;
const int kBytesPerPointerData = _kPointerDataFieldCount * kStride;
final int length = packet.lengthInBytes ~/ kBytesPerPointerData;
assert(length * kBytesPerPointerData == packet.lengthInBytes);
final List<PointerData> data = <PointerData>[];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
int offset = i * _kPointerDataFieldCount;
// The unpacking code must match the struct in pointer_data.h.
embedderId: packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
timeStamp: Duration(microseconds: packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian)),
change: PointerChange.values[packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian)],
kind: PointerDeviceKind.values[packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian)],
signalKind: PointerSignalKind.values[packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian)],
device: packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
pointerIdentifier: packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
physicalX: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
physicalY: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
physicalDeltaX: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
physicalDeltaY: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
buttons: packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
obscured: packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian) != 0,
synthesized: packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian) != 0,
pressure: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
pressureMin: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
pressureMax: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
distance: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
distanceMax: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
size: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
radiusMajor: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
radiusMinor: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
radiusMin: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
radiusMax: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
orientation: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
tilt: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
platformData: packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
scrollDeltaX: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
scrollDeltaY: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
panX: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
panY: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
panDeltaX: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
panDeltaY: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
scale: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
rotation: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
viewId: packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
assert(offset == (i + 1) * _kPointerDataFieldCount);
return PointerDataPacket(data: data);
static ChannelCallback _keyDataListener(KeyDataCallback onKeyData, Zone zone) =>
(ByteData? packet, PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback) {
(KeyData keyData) {
final bool handled = onKeyData(keyData);
final Uint8List response = Uint8List(1);
response[0] = handled ? 1 : 0;
/// A callback that is invoked when key data is available.
/// The framework invokes this callback in the same zone in which the callback
/// was set.
/// The callback should return true if the key event has been handled by the
/// framework and should not be propagated further.
KeyDataCallback? get onKeyData => _onKeyData;
KeyDataCallback? _onKeyData;
set onKeyData(KeyDataCallback? callback) {
_onKeyData = callback;
if (callback != null) {
channelBuffers.setListener(_kFlutterKeyDataChannel, _keyDataListener(callback, Zone.current));
} else {
// If this value changes, update the encoding code in the following files:
// * key_data.h (kKeyDataFieldCount)
// * (KeyData.FIELD_COUNT)
static const int _kKeyDataFieldCount = 6;
// The packet structure is described in `key_data_packet.h`.
static KeyData _unpackKeyData(ByteData packet) {
const int kStride = Int64List.bytesPerElement;
int offset = 0;
final int charDataSize = packet.getUint64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian);
final String? character = charDataSize == 0 ? null : utf8.decoder.convert(
packet.buffer.asUint8List(kStride * (offset + _kKeyDataFieldCount), charDataSize));
final KeyData keyData = KeyData(
timeStamp: Duration(microseconds: packet.getUint64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian)),
type: KeyEventType.values[packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian)],
physical: packet.getUint64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
logical: packet.getUint64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
character: character,
synthesized: packet.getUint64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian) != 0,
return keyData;
/// A callback that is invoked to report the [FrameTiming] of recently
/// rasterized frames.
/// It's preferred to use [SchedulerBinding.addTimingsCallback] than to use
/// [onReportTimings] directly because [SchedulerBinding.addTimingsCallback]
/// allows multiple callbacks.
/// This can be used to see if the application has missed frames (through
/// [FrameTiming.buildDuration] and [FrameTiming.rasterDuration]), or high
/// latencies (through [FrameTiming.totalSpan]).
/// Unlike [Timeline], the timing information here is available in the release
/// mode (additional to the profile and the debug mode). Hence this can be
/// used to monitor the application's performance in the wild.
/// {@macro dart.ui.TimingsCallback.list}
/// If this is null, no additional work will be done. If this is not null,
/// Flutter spends less than 0.1ms every 1 second to report the timings
/// (measured on iPhone6S). The 0.1ms is about 0.6% of 16ms (frame budget for
/// 60fps), or 0.01% CPU usage per second.
TimingsCallback? get onReportTimings => _onReportTimings;
TimingsCallback? _onReportTimings;
Zone _onReportTimingsZone = Zone.root;
set onReportTimings(TimingsCallback? callback) {
if ((callback == null) != (_onReportTimings == null)) {
_setNeedsReportTimings(callback != null);
_onReportTimings = callback;
_onReportTimingsZone = Zone.current;
late _SetNeedsReportTimingsFunc _setNeedsReportTimings;
void _nativeSetNeedsReportTimings(bool value) => __nativeSetNeedsReportTimings(value);
@Native<Void Function(Bool)>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::SetNeedsReportTimings')
external static void __nativeSetNeedsReportTimings(bool value);
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart
void _reportTimings(List<int> timings) {
assert(timings.length % FrameTiming._dataLength == 0);
final List<FrameTiming> frameTimings = <FrameTiming>[];
for (int i = 0; i < timings.length; i += FrameTiming._dataLength) {
frameTimings.add(FrameTiming._(timings.sublist(i, i + FrameTiming._dataLength)));
_invoke1(onReportTimings, _onReportTimingsZone, frameTimings);
/// Sends a message to a platform-specific plugin.
/// The `name` parameter determines which plugin receives the message. The
/// `data` parameter contains the message payload and is typically UTF-8
/// encoded JSON but can be arbitrary data. If the plugin replies to the
/// message, `callback` will be called with the response.
/// The framework invokes [callback] in the same zone in which this method was
/// called.
void sendPlatformMessage(String name, ByteData? data, PlatformMessageResponseCallback? callback) {
final String? error =
_sendPlatformMessage(name, _zonedPlatformMessageResponseCallback(callback), data);
if (error != null) {
throw Exception(error);
String? _sendPlatformMessage(String name, PlatformMessageResponseCallback? callback, ByteData? data) =>
__sendPlatformMessage(name, callback, data);
@Native<Handle Function(Handle, Handle, Handle)>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::SendPlatformMessage')
external static String? __sendPlatformMessage(String name, PlatformMessageResponseCallback? callback, ByteData? data);
/// Sends a message to a platform-specific plugin via a [SendPort].
/// This operates similarly to [sendPlatformMessage] but is used when sending
/// messages from background isolates. The [port] parameter allows Flutter to
/// know which isolate to send the result to. The [name] parameter is the name
/// of the channel communication will happen on. The [data] parameter is the
/// payload of the message. The [identifier] parameter is a unique integer
/// assigned to the message.
void sendPortPlatformMessage(
String name,
ByteData? data,
int identifier,
SendPort port) {
final String? error =
_sendPortPlatformMessage(name, identifier, port.nativePort, data);
if (error != null) {
throw Exception(error);
String? _sendPortPlatformMessage(String name, int identifier, int port, ByteData? data) =>
__sendPortPlatformMessage(name, identifier, port, data);
@Native<Handle Function(Handle, Handle, Handle, Handle)>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::SendPortPlatformMessage')
external static String? __sendPortPlatformMessage(String name, int identifier, int port, ByteData? data);
/// Registers the current isolate with the isolate identified with by the
/// [token]. This is required if platform channels are to be used on a
/// background isolate.
void registerBackgroundIsolate(RootIsolateToken token) {
@Native<Void Function(Int64)>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::RegisterBackgroundIsolate')
external static void __registerBackgroundIsolate(int rootIsolateId);
/// Deprecated. Migrate to [ChannelBuffers.setListener] instead.
/// Called whenever this platform dispatcher receives a message from a
/// platform-specific plugin.
/// The `name` parameter determines which plugin sent the message. The `data`
/// parameter is the payload and is typically UTF-8 encoded JSON but can be
/// arbitrary data.
/// Message handlers must call the function given in the `callback` parameter.
/// If the handler does not need to respond, the handler should pass null to
/// the callback.
/// The framework invokes this callback in the same zone in which the callback
/// was set.
'Migrate to ChannelBuffers.setListener instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.11.0-20.0.pre.',
PlatformMessageCallback? get onPlatformMessage => _onPlatformMessage;
PlatformMessageCallback? _onPlatformMessage;
Zone _onPlatformMessageZone = Zone.root;
'Migrate to ChannelBuffers.setListener instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.11.0-20.0.pre.',
set onPlatformMessage(PlatformMessageCallback? callback) {
_onPlatformMessage = callback;
_onPlatformMessageZone = Zone.current;
/// Called by [_dispatchPlatformMessage].
void _respondToPlatformMessage(int responseId, ByteData? data) => __respondToPlatformMessage(responseId, data);
@Native<Void Function(IntPtr, Handle)>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::RespondToPlatformMessage')
external static void __respondToPlatformMessage(int responseId, ByteData? data);
/// Wraps the given [callback] in another callback that ensures that the
/// original callback is called in the zone it was registered in.
static PlatformMessageResponseCallback? _zonedPlatformMessageResponseCallback(
PlatformMessageResponseCallback? callback,
) {
if (callback == null) {
return null;
// Store the zone in which the callback is being registered.
final Zone registrationZone = Zone.current;
return (ByteData? data) {
registrationZone.runUnaryGuarded(callback, data);
/// Send a message to the framework using the [ChannelBuffers].
/// This method constructs the appropriate callback to respond
/// with the given `responseId`. It should only be called for messages
/// from the platform.
void _dispatchPlatformMessage(String name, ByteData? data, int responseId) {
if (name == ChannelBuffers.kControlChannelName) {
try {
} finally {
_respondToPlatformMessage(responseId, null);
} else if (onPlatformMessage != null) {
_invoke3<String, ByteData?, PlatformMessageResponseCallback>(
(ByteData? responseData) {
_respondToPlatformMessage(responseId, responseData);
} else {
channelBuffers.push(name, data, (ByteData? responseData) {
_respondToPlatformMessage(responseId, responseData);
/// Set the debug name associated with this platform dispatcher's root
/// isolate.
/// Normally debug names are automatically generated from the Dart port, entry
/// point, and source file. For example: `main.dart$main-1234`.
/// This can be combined with flutter tools `--isolate-filter` flag to debug
/// specific root isolates. For example: `flutter attach --isolate-filter=[name]`.
/// Note that this does not rename any child isolates of the root.
void setIsolateDebugName(String name) => _setIsolateDebugName(name);
@Native<Void Function(Handle)>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::SetIsolateDebugName')
external static void _setIsolateDebugName(String name);
/// Requests the Dart VM to adjusts the GC heuristics based on the requested `performance_mode`.
/// This operation is a no-op of web. The request to change a performance may be ignored by the
/// engine or not resolve in a predictable way.
/// See [DartPerformanceMode] for more information on individual performance modes.
void requestDartPerformanceMode(DartPerformanceMode mode) {
@Native<Int Function(Int)>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::RequestDartPerformanceMode')
external static int _requestDartPerformanceMode(int mode);
/// The embedder can specify data that the isolate can request synchronously
/// on launch. This accessor fetches that data.
/// This data is persistent for the duration of the Flutter application and is
/// available even after isolate restarts. Because of this lifecycle, the size
/// of this data must be kept to a minimum.
/// For asynchronous communication between the embedder and isolate, a
/// platform channel may be used.
ByteData? getPersistentIsolateData() => _getPersistentIsolateData();
@Native<Handle Function()>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::GetPersistentIsolateData')
external static ByteData? _getPersistentIsolateData();
/// Requests that, at the next appropriate opportunity, the [onBeginFrame] and
/// [onDrawFrame] callbacks be invoked.
/// See also:
/// * [SchedulerBinding], the Flutter framework class which manages the
/// scheduling of frames.
/// * [scheduleWarmUpFrame], which should only be used to schedule warm up
/// frames.
void scheduleFrame() => _scheduleFrame();
@Native<Void Function()>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::ScheduleFrame')
external static void _scheduleFrame();
/// Schedule a frame to run as soon as possible, rather than waiting for the
/// engine to request a frame in response to a system "Vsync" signal.
/// The application can call this method as soon as it starts up so that the
/// first frame (which is likely to be quite expensive) can start a few extra
/// milliseconds earlier. Using it in other situations might lead to
/// unintended results, such as screen tearing. Depending on platforms and
/// situations, the warm up frame might or might not be actually rendered onto
/// the screen.
/// For more introduction to the warm up frame, see
/// [SchedulerBinding.scheduleWarmUpFrame].
/// This method uses the provided callbacks as the begin frame callback and
/// the draw frame callback instead of [onBeginFrame] and [onDrawFrame].
/// See also:
/// * [SchedulerBinding.scheduleWarmUpFrame], which uses this method, and
/// introduces the warm up frame in more details.
/// * [scheduleFrame], which schedules the frame at the next appropriate
/// opportunity and should be used to render regular frames.
void scheduleWarmUpFrame({required VoidCallback beginFrame, required VoidCallback drawFrame}) {
// We use timers here to ensure that microtasks flush in between.; {
@Native<Void Function()>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::EndWarmUpFrame')
external static void _endWarmUpFrame();
/// Additional accessibility features that may be enabled by the platform.
AccessibilityFeatures get accessibilityFeatures => _configuration.accessibilityFeatures;
/// A callback that is invoked when the value of [accessibilityFeatures]
/// changes.
/// The framework invokes this callback in the same zone in which the callback
/// was set.
VoidCallback? get onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged => _onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged;
VoidCallback? _onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged;
Zone _onAccessibilityFeaturesChangedZone = Zone.root;
set onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged(VoidCallback? callback) {
_onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged = callback;
_onAccessibilityFeaturesChangedZone = Zone.current;
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart
void _updateAccessibilityFeatures(int values) {
final AccessibilityFeatures newFeatures = AccessibilityFeatures._(values);
final _PlatformConfiguration previousConfiguration = _configuration;
if (newFeatures == previousConfiguration.accessibilityFeatures) {
_configuration = previousConfiguration.copyWith(
accessibilityFeatures: newFeatures,
_invoke(onPlatformConfigurationChanged, _onPlatformConfigurationChangedZone,);
_invoke(onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged, _onAccessibilityFeaturesChangedZone,);
/// Change the retained semantics data about this platform dispatcher.
/// If [semanticsEnabled] is true, the user has requested that this function
/// be called whenever the semantic content of this platform dispatcher
/// changes.
/// In either case, this function disposes the given update, which means the
/// semantics update cannot be used further.
In a multi-view world, the platform dispatcher can no longer provide apis
to update semantics since each view will host its own semantics tree.
Semantics updates must be passed to an individual [FlutterView]. To update
semantics, use PlatformDispatcher.instance.views to get a [FlutterView] and
call `updateSemantics`.
void updateSemantics(SemanticsUpdate update) => _updateSemantics(update as _NativeSemanticsUpdate);
@Native<Void Function(Pointer<Void>)>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::UpdateSemantics')
external static void _updateSemantics(_NativeSemanticsUpdate update);
/// The system-reported default locale of the device.
/// This establishes the language and formatting conventions that application
/// should, if possible, use to render their user interface.
/// This is the first locale selected by the user and is the user's primary
/// locale (the locale the device UI is displayed in)
/// This is equivalent to `locales.first`, except that it will provide an
/// undefined (using the language tag "und") non-null locale if the [locales]
/// list has not been set or is empty.
Locale get locale => locales.isEmpty ? const Locale.fromSubtags() : locales.first;
/// The full system-reported supported locales of the device.
/// This establishes the language and formatting conventions that application
/// should, if possible, use to render their user interface.
/// The list is ordered in order of priority, with lower-indexed locales being
/// preferred over higher-indexed ones. The first element is the primary
/// [locale].
/// The [onLocaleChanged] callback is called whenever this value changes.
/// See also:
/// * [WidgetsBindingObserver], for a mechanism at the widgets layer to
/// observe when this value changes.
List<Locale> get locales => _configuration.locales;
/// Performs the platform-native locale resolution.
/// Each platform may return different results.
/// If the platform fails to resolve a locale, then this will return null.
/// This method returns synchronously and is a direct call to
/// platform specific APIs without invoking method channels.
Locale? computePlatformResolvedLocale(List<Locale> supportedLocales) {
final List<String?> supportedLocalesData = <String?>[];
for (final Locale locale in supportedLocales) {
final List<String> result = _computePlatformResolvedLocale(supportedLocalesData);
if (result.isNotEmpty) {
return Locale.fromSubtags(
languageCode: result[0],
countryCode: result[1] == '' ? null : result[1],
scriptCode: result[2] == '' ? null : result[2]);
return null;
List<String> _computePlatformResolvedLocale(List<String?> supportedLocalesData) => __computePlatformResolvedLocale(supportedLocalesData);
@Native<Handle Function(Handle)>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::ComputePlatformResolvedLocale')
external static List<String> __computePlatformResolvedLocale(List<String?> supportedLocalesData);
/// A callback that is invoked whenever [locale] changes value.
/// The framework invokes this callback in the same zone in which the callback
/// was set.
/// See also:
/// * [WidgetsBindingObserver], for a mechanism at the widgets layer to
/// observe when this callback is invoked.
VoidCallback? get onLocaleChanged => _onLocaleChanged;
VoidCallback? _onLocaleChanged;
Zone _onLocaleChangedZone = Zone.root;
set onLocaleChanged(VoidCallback? callback) {
_onLocaleChanged = callback;
_onLocaleChangedZone = Zone.current;
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart
void _updateLocales(List<String> locales) {
const int stringsPerLocale = 4;
final int numLocales = locales.length ~/ stringsPerLocale;
final _PlatformConfiguration previousConfiguration = _configuration;
final List<Locale> newLocales = <Locale>[];
bool localesDiffer = numLocales != previousConfiguration.locales.length;
for (int localeIndex = 0; localeIndex < numLocales; localeIndex++) {
final String countryCode = locales[localeIndex * stringsPerLocale + 1];
final String scriptCode = locales[localeIndex * stringsPerLocale + 2];
languageCode: locales[localeIndex * stringsPerLocale],
countryCode: countryCode.isEmpty ? null : countryCode,
scriptCode: scriptCode.isEmpty ? null : scriptCode,
if (!localesDiffer && newLocales[localeIndex] != previousConfiguration.locales[localeIndex]) {
localesDiffer = true;
if (!localesDiffer) {
_configuration = previousConfiguration.copyWith(locales: newLocales);
_invoke(onPlatformConfigurationChanged, _onPlatformConfigurationChangedZone);
_invoke(onLocaleChanged, _onLocaleChangedZone);
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart
String _localeClosure() => locale.toString();
/// The lifecycle state immediately after dart isolate initialization.
/// This property will not be updated as the lifecycle changes.
/// It is used to initialize [SchedulerBinding.lifecycleState] at startup with
/// any buffered lifecycle state events.
String get initialLifecycleState {
_initialLifecycleStateAccessed = true;
return _initialLifecycleState;
late String _initialLifecycleState;
/// Tracks if the initial state has been accessed. Once accessed, we will stop
/// updating the [initialLifecycleState], as it is not the preferred way to
/// access the state.
bool _initialLifecycleStateAccessed = false;
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart
void _updateInitialLifecycleState(String state) {
// We do not update the state if the state has already been used to initialize
// the lifecycleState.
if (!_initialLifecycleStateAccessed) {
_initialLifecycleState = state;
/// The setting indicating whether time should always be shown in the 24-hour
/// format.
/// This option is used by [showTimePicker].
bool get alwaysUse24HourFormat => _configuration.alwaysUse24HourFormat;
/// The system-reported text scale.
/// This establishes the text scaling factor to use when rendering text,
/// according to the user's platform preferences.
/// The [onTextScaleFactorChanged] callback is called whenever this value
/// changes.
/// See also:
/// * [WidgetsBindingObserver], for a mechanism at the widgets layer to
/// observe when this value changes.
double get textScaleFactor => _configuration.textScaleFactor;
/// A callback that is invoked whenever [textScaleFactor] changes value.
/// The framework invokes this callback in the same zone in which the callback
/// was set.
/// See also:
/// * [WidgetsBindingObserver], for a mechanism at the widgets layer to
/// observe when this callback is invoked.
VoidCallback? get onTextScaleFactorChanged => _onTextScaleFactorChanged;
VoidCallback? _onTextScaleFactorChanged;
Zone _onTextScaleFactorChangedZone = Zone.root;
set onTextScaleFactorChanged(VoidCallback? callback) {
_onTextScaleFactorChanged = callback;
_onTextScaleFactorChangedZone = Zone.current;
/// Whether the spell check service is supported on the current platform.
/// This option is used by [EditableTextState] to define its
/// [SpellCheckConfiguration] when a default spell check service
/// is requested.
bool get nativeSpellCheckServiceDefined => _nativeSpellCheckServiceDefined;
bool _nativeSpellCheckServiceDefined = false;
/// Whether showing system context menu is supported on the current platform.
/// This option is used by [AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar] to decide whether
/// to show system context menu, or to fallback to the default Flutter context
/// menu.
bool get supportsShowingSystemContextMenu => _supportsShowingSystemContextMenu;
bool _supportsShowingSystemContextMenu = false;
/// Whether briefly displaying the characters as you type in obscured text
/// fields is enabled in system settings.
/// See also:
/// * [EditableText.obscureText], which when set to true hides the text in
/// the text field.
bool get brieflyShowPassword => _brieflyShowPassword;
bool _brieflyShowPassword = true;
/// The setting indicating the current brightness mode of the host platform.
/// If the platform has no preference, [platformBrightness] defaults to
/// [Brightness.light].
Brightness get platformBrightness => _configuration.platformBrightness;
/// A callback that is invoked whenever [platformBrightness] changes value.
/// The framework invokes this callback in the same zone in which the callback
/// was set.
/// See also:
/// * [WidgetsBindingObserver], for a mechanism at the widgets layer to
/// observe when this callback is invoked.
VoidCallback? get onPlatformBrightnessChanged => _onPlatformBrightnessChanged;
VoidCallback? _onPlatformBrightnessChanged;
Zone _onPlatformBrightnessChangedZone = Zone.root;
set onPlatformBrightnessChanged(VoidCallback? callback) {
_onPlatformBrightnessChanged = callback;
_onPlatformBrightnessChangedZone = Zone.current;
/// The setting indicating the current system font of the host platform.
String? get systemFontFamily => _configuration.systemFontFamily;
/// A callback that is invoked whenever [systemFontFamily] changes value.
/// The framework invokes this callback in the same zone in which the callback
/// was set.
/// See also:
/// * [WidgetsBindingObserver], for a mechanism at the widgets layer to
/// observe when this callback is invoked.
VoidCallback? get onSystemFontFamilyChanged => _onSystemFontFamilyChanged;
VoidCallback? _onSystemFontFamilyChanged;
Zone _onSystemFontFamilyChangedZone = Zone.root;
set onSystemFontFamilyChanged(VoidCallback? callback) {
_onSystemFontFamilyChanged = callback;
_onSystemFontFamilyChangedZone = Zone.current;
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart
void _updateUserSettingsData(String jsonData) {
final Map<String, Object?> data = json.decode(jsonData) as Map<String, Object?>;
if (data.isEmpty) {
final double textScaleFactor = (data['textScaleFactor']! as num).toDouble();
final bool alwaysUse24HourFormat = data['alwaysUse24HourFormat']! as bool;
final bool? nativeSpellCheckServiceDefined = data['nativeSpellCheckServiceDefined'] as bool?;
if (nativeSpellCheckServiceDefined != null) {
_nativeSpellCheckServiceDefined = nativeSpellCheckServiceDefined;
} else {
_nativeSpellCheckServiceDefined = false;
final bool? supportsShowingSystemContextMenu = data['supportsShowingSystemContextMenu'] as bool?;
if (supportsShowingSystemContextMenu != null) {
_supportsShowingSystemContextMenu = supportsShowingSystemContextMenu;
} else {
_supportsShowingSystemContextMenu = false;
// This field is optional.
final bool? brieflyShowPassword = data['brieflyShowPassword'] as bool?;
if (brieflyShowPassword != null) {
_brieflyShowPassword = brieflyShowPassword;
final Brightness platformBrightness = switch (data['platformBrightness']) {
'dark' => Brightness.dark,
'light' => Brightness.light,
final Object? value => throw StateError('$value is not a valid platformBrightness.'),
final String? systemFontFamily = data['systemFontFamily'] as String?;
final int? configurationId = data['configurationId'] as int?;
final _PlatformConfiguration previousConfiguration = _configuration;
final bool platformBrightnessChanged = previousConfiguration.platformBrightness != platformBrightness;
final bool textScaleFactorChanged = previousConfiguration.textScaleFactor != textScaleFactor;
final bool alwaysUse24HourFormatChanged = previousConfiguration.alwaysUse24HourFormat != alwaysUse24HourFormat;
final bool systemFontFamilyChanged = previousConfiguration.systemFontFamily != systemFontFamily;
if (!platformBrightnessChanged && !textScaleFactorChanged && !alwaysUse24HourFormatChanged && !systemFontFamilyChanged && configurationId == null) {
_configuration = previousConfiguration.copyWith(
textScaleFactor: textScaleFactor,
alwaysUse24HourFormat: alwaysUse24HourFormat,
platformBrightness: platformBrightness,
systemFontFamily: systemFontFamily,
configurationId: configurationId,
_invoke(onPlatformConfigurationChanged, _onPlatformConfigurationChangedZone);
if (textScaleFactorChanged) {
_cachedFontSizes = null;
_invoke(onTextScaleFactorChanged, _onTextScaleFactorChangedZone);
if (platformBrightnessChanged) {
_invoke(onPlatformBrightnessChanged, _onPlatformBrightnessChangedZone);
if (systemFontFamilyChanged) {
_invoke(onSystemFontFamilyChanged, _onSystemFontFamilyChangedZone);
/// Whether the user has requested that updateSemantics be called when the
/// semantic contents of a view changes.
/// The [onSemanticsEnabledChanged] callback is called whenever this value
/// changes.
bool get semanticsEnabled => _configuration.semanticsEnabled;
/// A callback that is invoked when the value of [semanticsEnabled] changes.
/// The framework invokes this callback in the same zone in which the
/// callback was set.
VoidCallback? get onSemanticsEnabledChanged => _onSemanticsEnabledChanged;
VoidCallback? _onSemanticsEnabledChanged;
Zone _onSemanticsEnabledChangedZone = Zone.root;
set onSemanticsEnabledChanged(VoidCallback? callback) {
_onSemanticsEnabledChanged = callback;
_onSemanticsEnabledChangedZone = Zone.current;
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart
void _updateSemanticsEnabled(bool enabled) {
final _PlatformConfiguration previousConfiguration = _configuration;
if (previousConfiguration.semanticsEnabled == enabled) {
_configuration = previousConfiguration.copyWith(
semanticsEnabled: enabled,
_invoke(onPlatformConfigurationChanged, _onPlatformConfigurationChangedZone);
_invoke(onSemanticsEnabledChanged, _onSemanticsEnabledChangedZone);
/// A callback that is invoked whenever the user requests an action to be
/// performed on a semantics node.
/// This callback is used when the user expresses the action they wish to
/// perform based on the semantics node supplied by updateSemantics.
/// The framework invokes this callback in the same zone in which the
/// callback was set.
SemanticsActionEventCallback? get onSemanticsActionEvent => _onSemanticsActionEvent;
SemanticsActionEventCallback? _onSemanticsActionEvent;
Zone _onSemanticsActionEventZone = Zone.root;
set onSemanticsActionEvent(SemanticsActionEventCallback? callback) {
_onSemanticsActionEvent = callback;
_onSemanticsActionEventZone = Zone.current;
// Called from the engine via hooks.dart.
void _updateFrameData(int frameNumber) {
final FrameData previous = _frameData;
if (previous.frameNumber == frameNumber) {
_frameData = FrameData._(frameNumber: frameNumber);
_invoke(onFrameDataChanged, _onFrameDataChangedZone);
/// The [FrameData] object for the current frame.
FrameData get frameData => _frameData;
FrameData _frameData = const FrameData._();
/// A callback that is invoked when the window updates the [FrameData].
VoidCallback? get onFrameDataChanged => _onFrameDataChanged;
VoidCallback? _onFrameDataChanged;
Zone _onFrameDataChangedZone = Zone.root;
set onFrameDataChanged(VoidCallback? callback) {
_onFrameDataChanged = callback;
_onFrameDataChangedZone = Zone.current;
// Called from the engine, via hooks.dart
void _dispatchSemanticsAction(int nodeId, int action, ByteData? args) {
type: SemanticsAction.fromIndex(action)!,
nodeId: nodeId,
viewId: 0, // TODO(goderbauer): Wire up the real view ID.
arguments: args,
ErrorCallback? _onError;
Zone? _onErrorZone;
/// A callback that is invoked when an unhandled error occurs in the root
/// isolate.
/// This callback must return `true` if it has handled the error. Otherwise,
/// it must return `false` and a fallback mechanism such as printing to stderr
/// will be used, as configured by the specific platform embedding via
/// `Settings::unhandled_exception_callback`.
/// The VM or the process may exit or become unresponsive after calling this
/// callback. The callback will not be called for exceptions that cause the VM
/// or process to terminate or become unresponsive before the callback can be
/// invoked.
/// This callback is not directly invoked by errors in child isolates of the
/// root isolate. Programs that create new isolates must listen for errors on
/// those isolates and forward the errors to the root isolate.
ErrorCallback? get onError => _onError;
set onError(ErrorCallback? callback) {
_onError = callback;
_onErrorZone = Zone.current;
bool _dispatchError(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
if (_onError == null) {
return false;
assert(_onErrorZone != null);
if (identical(_onErrorZone, Zone.current)) {
return _onError!(error, stackTrace);
} else {
try {
return _onErrorZone!.runBinary<bool, Object, StackTrace>(_onError!, error, stackTrace);
} catch (e, s) {
_onErrorZone!.handleUncaughtError(e, s);
return false;
/// The route or path that the embedder requested when the application was
/// launched.
/// This will be the string "`/`" if no particular route was requested.
/// ## Android
/// On Android, calling
/// [`FlutterView.setInitialRoute`](/javadoc/io/flutter/view/FlutterView.html#setInitialRoute-java.lang.String-)
/// will set this value. The value must be set sufficiently early, i.e. before
/// the [runApp] call is executed in Dart, for this to have any effect on the
/// framework. The `createFlutterView` method in your `FlutterActivity`
/// subclass is a suitable time to set the value. The application's
/// `AndroidManifest.xml` file must also be updated to have a suitable
/// [`<intent-filter>`](
/// ## iOS
/// On iOS, calling
/// [`FlutterViewController.setInitialRoute`](/ios-embedder/interface_flutter_view_controller.html#a7f269c2da73312f856d42611cc12a33f)
/// will set this value. The value must be set sufficiently early, i.e. before
/// the [runApp] call is executed in Dart, for this to have any effect on the
/// framework. The `application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:` method is a
/// suitable time to set this value.
/// See also:
/// * [Navigator], a widget that handles routing.
/// * [SystemChannels.navigation], which handles subsequent navigation
/// requests from the embedder.
String get defaultRouteName => _defaultRouteName();
@Native<Handle Function()>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::DefaultRouteName')
external static String _defaultRouteName();
/// Computes the scaled font size from the given `unscaledFontSize`, according
/// to the user's platform preferences.
/// Many platforms allow users to scale text globally for better readability.
/// Given the font size the app developer specified in logical pixels, this
/// method converts it to the preferred font size (also in logical pixels) that
/// accounts for platform-wide text scaling. The return value is always
/// non-negative.
/// The scaled value of the same font size input may change if the user changes
/// the text scaling preference (in system settings for example). The
/// [onTextScaleFactorChanged] callback can be used to monitor such changes.
/// Instead of directly calling this method, applications should typically use
/// [MediaQuery.textScalerOf] to retrive the scaled font size in a widget tree,
/// so text in the app resizes properly when the text scaling preference
/// changes.
double scaleFontSize(double unscaledFontSize) {
assert(unscaledFontSize >= 0);
if (textScaleFactor == 1.0) {
return unscaledFontSize;
final int unscaledFloor = unscaledFontSize.floor();
final int unscaledCeil = unscaledFontSize.ceil();
if (unscaledFloor == unscaledCeil) {
// No need to interpolate if the input value is an integer.
return _scaleAndMemoize(unscaledFloor) ?? unscaledFontSize * textScaleFactor;
assert(unscaledCeil - unscaledFloor == 1, 'Unexpected interpolation range: $unscaledFloor - $unscaledCeil.');
return switch ((_scaleAndMemoize(unscaledFloor), _scaleAndMemoize(unscaledCeil))) {
(null, _) || (_, null) => unscaledFontSize * textScaleFactor,
(final double lower, final double upper) => lower + (upper - lower) * (unscaledFontSize - unscaledFloor),
// The cache is cleared when the text scale factor changes.
Map<int, double>? _cachedFontSizes;
// This method returns null if an error is encountered.
double? _scaleAndMemoize(int unscaledFontSize) {
final int? configurationId = _configuration.configurationId;
if (configurationId == null) {
// The platform uses linear scaling, or the platform hasn't sent us a
// configuration yet.
return null;
final double? cachedValue = _cachedFontSizes?[unscaledFontSize];
if (cachedValue != null) {
assert(cachedValue >= 0);
return cachedValue;
final double unscaledFontSizeDouble = unscaledFontSize.toDouble();
final double fontSize = PlatformDispatcher._getScaledFontSize(unscaledFontSizeDouble, configurationId);
if (fontSize >= 0) {
return (_cachedFontSizes ??= <int, double>{})[unscaledFontSize] = fontSize;
switch (fontSize) {
case -1:
// Invalid configuration id. This error can be unrecoverable as the
// _getScaledFontSize function can be destructive.
assert(false, 'Flutter Error: incorrect configuration id: $configurationId.');
case final double errorCode:
assert(false, 'Unknown error: GetScaledFontSize failed with $errorCode.');
return null;
// Calls the platform's text scaling implementation to scale the given
// `unscaledFontSize`.
// The `configurationId` parameter tells the embedder which platform
// configuration to use for computing the scaled font size. When the user
// changes the platform configuration, the configuration data will first be
// made available on the platform thread before being dispatched asynchronously
// to the Flutter UI thread. Since this call is synchronous, without this
// identifier, it could call into the embber who's using a newer configuration
// that Flutter has not received yet. The `configurationId` parameter must be
// the lastest configuration id received from the platform
// (`_configuration.configurationId`). Using an incorrect id could result in
// an unrecoverable error.
// Currently this is only implemented on newer versions of Android (SDK level
// 34, using the `TypedValue#applyDimension` API). Platforms that do not have
// the capability will never send a `configurationId` to [PlatformDispatcher],
// and should not call this method. This method returns -1 when the specified
// configurationId does not match any configuration.
@Native<Double Function(Double, Int)>(symbol: 'PlatformConfigurationNativeApi::GetScaledFontSize')
external static double _getScaledFontSize(double unscaledFontSize, int configurationId);
/// Configuration of the platform.
/// Immutable class (but can't use @immutable in dart:ui)
class _PlatformConfiguration {
const _PlatformConfiguration({
this.accessibilityFeatures = const AccessibilityFeatures._(0),
this.alwaysUse24HourFormat = false,
this.semanticsEnabled = false,
this.platformBrightness = Brightness.light,
this.textScaleFactor = 1.0,
this.locales = const <Locale>[],
_PlatformConfiguration copyWith({
AccessibilityFeatures? accessibilityFeatures,
bool? alwaysUse24HourFormat,
bool? semanticsEnabled,
Brightness? platformBrightness,
double? textScaleFactor,
List<Locale>? locales,
String? defaultRouteName,
String? systemFontFamily,
int? configurationId,
}) {
return _PlatformConfiguration(
accessibilityFeatures: accessibilityFeatures ?? this.accessibilityFeatures,
alwaysUse24HourFormat: alwaysUse24HourFormat ?? this.alwaysUse24HourFormat,
semanticsEnabled: semanticsEnabled ?? this.semanticsEnabled,
platformBrightness: platformBrightness ?? this.platformBrightness,
textScaleFactor: textScaleFactor ?? this.textScaleFactor,
locales: locales ?? this.locales,
defaultRouteName: defaultRouteName ?? this.defaultRouteName,
systemFontFamily: systemFontFamily ?? this.systemFontFamily,
configurationId: configurationId ?? this.configurationId,
/// Additional accessibility features that may be enabled by the platform.
final AccessibilityFeatures accessibilityFeatures;
/// The setting indicating whether time should always be shown in the 24-hour
/// format.
final bool alwaysUse24HourFormat;
/// Whether the user has requested that updateSemantics be called when the
/// semantic contents of a view changes.
final bool semanticsEnabled;
/// The setting indicating the current brightness mode of the host platform.
/// If the platform has no preference, [platformBrightness] defaults to
/// [Brightness.light].
final Brightness platformBrightness;
/// The system-reported text scale.
final double textScaleFactor;
/// The full system-reported supported locales of the device.
final List<Locale> locales;
/// The route or path that the embedder requested when the application was
/// launched.
final String? defaultRouteName;
/// The system-reported default font family.
final String? systemFontFamily;
/// A unique identifier for this [_PlatformConfiguration].
/// This unique identifier is optionally assigned by the platform embedder.
/// Dart code that runs on the Flutter UI thread and synchronously invokes
/// platform APIs can use this identifier to tell the embedder to use the
/// configuration that matches the current [_PlatformConfiguration] in
/// dart:ui. See the [_getScaledFontSize] function for an example.
/// This field's nullability also indicates whether the platform supports
/// nonlinear text scaling (as it's the only feature that requires synchronous
/// invocation of platform APIs). This field is always null if the platform
/// does not use nonlinear text scaling, or when dart:ui has not received any
/// configuration updates from the embedder yet. The _getScaledFontSize
/// function should not be called in either case.
final int? configurationId;
/// An immutable view configuration.
class _ViewConfiguration {
const _ViewConfiguration({
this.devicePixelRatio = 1.0,
this.size =,
this.viewInsets =,
this.viewPadding =,
this.systemGestureInsets =,
this.padding =,
this.gestureSettings = const GestureSettings(),
this.displayFeatures = const <DisplayFeature>[],
this.displayId = 0,
/// The identifier for a display for this view, in
/// [PlatformDispatcher._displays].
final int displayId;
/// The pixel density of the output surface.
final double devicePixelRatio;
/// The size requested for the view in physical pixels.
final Size size;
/// The number of physical pixels on each side of the display rectangle into
/// which the view can render, but over which the operating system will likely
/// place system UI, such as the keyboard, that fully obscures any content.
/// The relationship between this [viewInsets], [viewPadding], and [padding]
/// are described in more detail in the documentation for [FlutterView].
final ViewPadding viewInsets;
/// The number of physical pixels on each side of the display rectangle into
/// which the view can render, but which may be partially obscured by system
/// UI (such as the system notification area), or physical intrusions in
/// the display (e.g. overscan regions on television screens or phone sensor
/// housings).
/// Unlike [padding], this value does not change relative to [viewInsets].
/// For example, on an iPhone X, it will not change in response to the soft
/// keyboard being visible or hidden, whereas [padding] will.
/// The relationship between this [viewInsets], [viewPadding], and [padding]
/// are described in more detail in the documentation for [FlutterView].
final ViewPadding viewPadding;
/// The number of physical pixels on each side of the display rectangle into
/// which the view can render, but where the operating system will consume
/// input gestures for the sake of system navigation.
/// For example, an operating system might use the vertical edges of the
/// screen, where swiping inwards from the edges takes users backward
/// through the history of screens they previously visited.
final ViewPadding systemGestureInsets;
/// The number of physical pixels on each side of the display rectangle into
/// which the view can render, but which may be partially obscured by system
/// UI (such as the system notification area), or physical intrusions in
/// the display (e.g. overscan regions on television screens or phone sensor
/// housings).
/// The relationship between this [viewInsets], [viewPadding], and [padding]
/// are described in more detail in the documentation for [FlutterView].
final ViewPadding padding;
/// Additional configuration for touch gestures performed on this view.
/// For example, the touch slop defined in physical pixels may be provided
/// by the gesture settings and should be preferred over the framework
/// touch slop constant.
final GestureSettings gestureSettings;
/// Areas of the display that are obstructed by hardware features.
/// This list is populated only on Android. If the device has no display
/// features, this list is empty.
/// The coordinate space in which the [DisplayFeature.bounds] are defined spans
/// across the screens currently in use. This means that the space between the screens
/// is virtually part of the Flutter view space, with the [DisplayFeature.bounds]
/// of the display feature as an obstructed area. The [DisplayFeature.type] can
/// be used to determine if this display feature obstructs the screen or not.
/// For example, [DisplayFeatureType.hinge] and [DisplayFeatureType.cutout] both
/// obstruct the display, while [DisplayFeatureType.fold] is a crease in the display.
/// Folding [DisplayFeature]s like the [DisplayFeatureType.hinge] and
/// [DisplayFeatureType.fold] also have a [DisplayFeature.state] which can be
/// used to determine the posture the device is in.
final List<DisplayFeature> displayFeatures;
String toString() {
return '$runtimeType[size: $size]';
/// Various important time points in the lifetime of a frame.
/// [FrameTiming] records a timestamp of each phase for performance analysis.
enum FramePhase {
/// The timestamp of the vsync signal given by the operating system.
/// See also [FrameTiming.vsyncOverhead].
/// When the UI thread starts building a frame.
/// See also [FrameTiming.buildDuration].
/// When the UI thread finishes building a frame.
/// See also [FrameTiming.buildDuration].
/// When the raster thread starts rasterizing a frame.
/// See also [FrameTiming.rasterDuration].
/// When the raster thread finishes rasterizing a frame.
/// See also [FrameTiming.rasterDuration].
/// When the raster thread finished rasterizing a frame in wall-time.
/// This is useful for correlating time raster finish time with the system
/// clock to integrate with other profiling tools.
enum _FrameTimingInfo {
/// The number of engine layers cached in the raster cache during the frame.
/// The number of bytes used to cache engine layers during the frame.
/// The number of picture layers cached in the raster cache during the frame.
/// The number of bytes used to cache pictures during the frame.
/// The frame number of the frame.
/// Time-related performance metrics of a frame.
/// If you're using the whole Flutter framework, please use
/// [SchedulerBinding.addTimingsCallback] to get this. It's preferred over using
/// [PlatformDispatcher.onReportTimings] directly because
/// [SchedulerBinding.addTimingsCallback] allows multiple callbacks. If
/// [SchedulerBinding] is unavailable, then see [PlatformDispatcher.onReportTimings]
/// for how to get this.
/// The metrics in debug mode (`flutter run` without any flags) may be very
/// different from those in profile and release modes due to the debug overhead.
/// Therefore it's recommended to only monitor and analyze performance metrics
/// in profile and release modes.
class FrameTiming {
/// Construct [FrameTiming] with raw timestamps in microseconds.
/// This constructor is used for unit test only. Real [FrameTiming]s should
/// be retrieved from [PlatformDispatcher.onReportTimings].
/// If the [frameNumber] is not provided, it defaults to `-1`.
factory FrameTiming({
required int vsyncStart,
required int buildStart,
required int buildFinish,
required int rasterStart,
required int rasterFinish,
required int rasterFinishWallTime,
int layerCacheCount = 0,
int layerCacheBytes = 0,
int pictureCacheCount = 0,
int pictureCacheBytes = 0,
int frameNumber = -1,
}) {
return FrameTiming._(<int>[
/// Construct [FrameTiming] with raw timestamps in microseconds.
/// List [timestamps] must have the same number of elements as
/// [FramePhase.values].
/// This constructor is usually only called by the Flutter engine, or a test.
/// To get the [FrameTiming] of your app, see [PlatformDispatcher.onReportTimings].
FrameTiming._(this._data) : assert(_data.length == _dataLength);
static final int _dataLength = FramePhase.values.length + _FrameTimingInfo.values.length;
/// This is a raw timestamp in microseconds from some epoch. The epoch in all
/// [FrameTiming] is the same, but it may not match [DateTime]'s epoch.
int timestampInMicroseconds(FramePhase phase) => _data[phase.index];
Duration _rawDuration(FramePhase phase) => Duration(microseconds: _data[phase.index]);
int _rawInfo(_FrameTimingInfo info) => _data[FramePhase.values.length + info.index];
/// The duration to build the frame on the UI thread.
/// The build starts approximately when [PlatformDispatcher.onBeginFrame] is
/// called. The [Duration] in the [PlatformDispatcher.onBeginFrame] callback
/// is exactly the `Duration(microseconds:
/// timestampInMicroseconds(FramePhase.buildStart))`.
/// The build finishes when [FlutterView.render] is called.
/// {@template dart.ui.FrameTiming.fps_smoothness_milliseconds}
/// To ensure smooth animations of X fps, this should not exceed 1000/X
/// milliseconds.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// {@template dart.ui.FrameTiming.fps_milliseconds}
/// That's about 16ms for 60fps, and 8ms for 120fps.
/// {@endtemplate}
Duration get buildDuration => _rawDuration(FramePhase.buildFinish) - _rawDuration(FramePhase.buildStart);
/// The duration to rasterize the frame on the raster thread.
/// {@macro dart.ui.FrameTiming.fps_smoothness_milliseconds}
/// {@macro dart.ui.FrameTiming.fps_milliseconds}
Duration get rasterDuration => _rawDuration(FramePhase.rasterFinish) - _rawDuration(FramePhase.rasterStart);
/// The duration between receiving the vsync signal and starting building the
/// frame.
Duration get vsyncOverhead => _rawDuration(FramePhase.buildStart) - _rawDuration(FramePhase.vsyncStart);
/// The timespan between vsync start and raster finish.
/// To achieve the lowest latency on an X fps display, this should not exceed
/// 1000/X milliseconds.
/// {@macro dart.ui.FrameTiming.fps_milliseconds}
/// See also [vsyncOverhead], [buildDuration] and [rasterDuration].
Duration get totalSpan => _rawDuration(FramePhase.rasterFinish) - _rawDuration(FramePhase.vsyncStart);
/// The number of layers stored in the raster cache during the frame.
/// See also [layerCacheBytes], [pictureCacheCount] and [pictureCacheBytes].
int get layerCacheCount => _rawInfo(_FrameTimingInfo.layerCacheCount);
/// The number of bytes of image data used to cache layers during the frame.
/// See also [layerCacheCount], [layerCacheMegabytes], [pictureCacheCount] and [pictureCacheBytes].
int get layerCacheBytes => _rawInfo(_FrameTimingInfo.layerCacheBytes);
/// The number of megabytes of image data used to cache layers during the frame.
/// See also [layerCacheCount], [layerCacheBytes], [pictureCacheCount] and [pictureCacheBytes].
double get layerCacheMegabytes => layerCacheBytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0;
/// The number of pictures stored in the raster cache during the frame.
/// See also [layerCacheCount], [layerCacheBytes] and [pictureCacheBytes].
int get pictureCacheCount => _rawInfo(_FrameTimingInfo.pictureCacheCount);
/// The number of bytes of image data used to cache pictures during the frame.
/// See also [layerCacheCount], [layerCacheBytes], [pictureCacheCount] and [pictureCacheMegabytes].
int get pictureCacheBytes => _rawInfo(_FrameTimingInfo.pictureCacheBytes);
/// The number of megabytes of image data used to cache pictures during the frame.
/// See also [layerCacheCount], [layerCacheBytes], [pictureCacheCount] and [pictureCacheBytes].
double get pictureCacheMegabytes => pictureCacheBytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0;
/// The frame key associated with this frame measurement.
int get frameNumber => _data.last;
final List<int> _data; // some elements in microseconds, some in bytes, some are counts
String _formatMS(Duration duration) => '${duration.inMicroseconds * 0.001}ms';
String toString() {
return '$runtimeType(buildDuration: ${_formatMS(buildDuration)}, '
'rasterDuration: ${_formatMS(rasterDuration)}, '
'vsyncOverhead: ${_formatMS(vsyncOverhead)}, '
'totalSpan: ${_formatMS(totalSpan)}, '
'layerCacheCount: $layerCacheCount, '
'layerCacheBytes: $layerCacheBytes, '
'pictureCacheCount: $pictureCacheCount, '
'pictureCacheBytes: $pictureCacheBytes, '
'frameNumber: ${_data.last})';
/// States that an application can be in once it is running.
/// States not supported on a platform will be synthesized by the framework when
/// transitioning between states which are supported, so that all
/// implementations share the same state machine.
/// The initial value for the state is the [detached] state, updated to the
/// current state (usually [resumed]) as soon as the first lifecycle update is
/// received from the platform.
/// For historical and name collision reasons, Flutter's application state names
/// do not correspond one to one with the state names on all platforms. On
/// Android, for instance, when the OS calls
/// [`Activity.onPause`](,
/// Flutter will enter the [inactive] state, but when Android calls
/// [`Activity.onStop`](,
/// Flutter enters the [paused] state. See the individual state's documentation
/// for descriptions of what they mean on each platform.
/// The current application state can be obtained from
/// [SchedulerBinding.instance.lifecycleState], and changes to the state can be
/// observed by creating an [AppLifecycleListener], or by using a
/// [WidgetsBindingObserver] by overriding the
/// [WidgetsBindingObserver.didChangeAppLifecycleState] method.
/// Applications should not rely on always receiving all possible notifications.
/// For example, if the application is killed with a task manager, a kill
/// signal, the user pulls the power from the device, or there is a rapid
/// unscheduled disassembly of the device, no notification will be sent before
/// the application is suddenly terminated, and some states may be skipped.
/// See also:
/// * [AppLifecycleListener], an object used observe the lifecycle state that
/// provides state transition callbacks.
/// * [WidgetsBindingObserver], for a mechanism to observe the lifecycle state
/// from the widgets layer.
/// * iOS's [IOKit activity
/// lifecycle](
/// documentation.
/// * Android's [activity
/// lifecycle](
/// documentation.
/// * macOS's [AppKit activity
/// lifecycle](
/// documentation.
enum AppLifecycleState {
/// The application is still hosted by a Flutter engine but is detached from
/// any host views.
/// The application defaults to this state before it initializes, and can be
/// in this state (applicable on Android, iOS, and web) after all views have been
/// detached.
/// When the application is in this state, the engine is running without a
/// view.
/// This state is only entered on iOS, Android, and web, although on all platforms
/// it is the default state before the application begins running.
/// On all platforms, this state indicates that the application is in the
/// default running mode for a running application that has input focus and is
/// visible.
/// On Android, this state corresponds to the Flutter host view having focus
/// ([`Activity.onWindowFocusChanged`](
/// was called with true) while in Android's "resumed" state. It is possible
/// for the Flutter app to be in the [inactive] state while still being in
/// Android's
/// ["onResume"](
/// state if the app has lost focus
/// ([`Activity.onWindowFocusChanged`](
/// was called with false), but hasn't had
/// [`Activity.onPause`](
/// called on it.
/// On iOS and macOS, this corresponds to the app running in the foreground
/// active state.
/// At least one view of the application is visible, but none have input
/// focus. The application is otherwise running normally.
/// On non-web desktop platforms, this corresponds to an application that is
/// not in the foreground, but still has visible windows.
/// On the web, this corresponds to an application that is running in a
/// window or tab that does not have input focus.
/// On iOS and macOS, this state corresponds to the Flutter host view running in the
/// foreground inactive state. Apps transition to this state when in a phone
/// call, when responding to a TouchID request, when entering the app switcher
/// or the control center, or when the UIViewController hosting the Flutter
/// app is transitioning.
/// On Android, this corresponds to the Flutter host view running in Android's
/// paused state (i.e.
/// [`Activity.onPause`](
/// has been called), or in Android's "resumed" state (i.e.
/// [`Activity.onResume`](
/// has been called) but does not have window focus. Examples of when apps
/// transition to this state include when the app is partially obscured or
/// another activity is focused, a app running in a split screen that isn't
/// the current app, an app interrupted by a phone call, a picture-in-picture
/// app, a system dialog, another view. It will also be inactive when the
/// notification window shade is down, or the application switcher is visible.
/// On Android and iOS, apps in this state should assume that they may be
/// [hidden] and [paused] at any time.
/// All views of an application are hidden, either because the application is
/// about to be paused (on iOS and Android), or because it has been minimized
/// or placed on a desktop that is no longer visible (on non-web desktop), or
/// is running in a window or tab that is no longer visible (on the web).
/// On iOS and Android, in order to keep the state machine the same on all
/// platforms, a transition to this state is synthesized before the [paused]
/// state is entered when coming from [inactive], and before the [inactive]
/// state is entered when coming from [paused]. This allows cross-platform
/// implementations that want to know when an app is conceptually "hidden" to
/// only write one handler.
/// The application is not currently visible to the user, and not responding
/// to user input.
/// When the application is in this state, the engine will not call the
/// [PlatformDispatcher.onBeginFrame] and [PlatformDispatcher.onDrawFrame]
/// callbacks.
/// This state is only entered on iOS and Android.
/// The possible responses to a request to exit the application.
/// The request is typically responded to by creating an [AppLifecycleListener]
/// and supplying an [AppLifecycleListener.onExitRequested] callback, or by
/// overriding [WidgetsBindingObserver.didRequestAppExit].
enum AppExitResponse {
/// Exiting the application can proceed.
/// Cancel the exit: do not exit the application.
/// The type of application exit to perform when calling
/// [ServicesBinding.exitApplication].
enum AppExitType {
/// Requests that the application start an orderly exit, sending a request
/// back to the framework through the [WidgetsBinding]. If that responds
/// with [AppExitResponse.exit], then proceed with the same steps as a
/// [required] exit. If that responds with [AppExitResponse.cancel], then the
/// exit request is canceled and the application continues executing normally.
/// A non-cancelable orderly exit request. The engine will shut down the
/// engine and call the native UI toolkit's exit API.
/// If you need an even faster and more dangerous exit, then call `dart:io`'s
/// `exit()` directly, and even the native toolkit's exit API won't be called.
/// This is quite dangerous, though, since it's possible that the engine will
/// crash because it hasn't been properly shut down, causing the app to crash
/// on exit.
/// A representation of distances for each of the four edges of a rectangle,
/// used to encode the view insets and padding that applications should place
/// around their user interface, as exposed by [FlutterView.viewInsets] and
/// [FlutterView.padding]. View insets and padding are preferably read via
/// [MediaQuery.of].
/// For a generic class that represents distances around a rectangle, see the
/// [EdgeInsets] class.
/// See also:
/// * [WidgetsBindingObserver], for a widgets layer mechanism to receive
/// notifications when the padding changes.
/// * [MediaQuery.of], for the preferred mechanism for accessing these values.
/// * [Scaffold], which automatically applies the padding in material design
/// applications.
class ViewPadding {
const ViewPadding._({ required this.left, required, required this.right, required this.bottom });
/// The distance from the left edge to the first unpadded pixel, in physical pixels.
final double left;
/// The distance from the top edge to the first unpadded pixel, in physical pixels.
final double top;
/// The distance from the right edge to the first unpadded pixel, in physical pixels.
final double right;
/// The distance from the bottom edge to the first unpadded pixel, in physical pixels.
final double bottom;
/// A view padding that has zeros for each edge.
static const ViewPadding zero = ViewPadding._(left: 0.0, top: 0.0, right: 0.0, bottom: 0.0);
String toString() {
return 'ViewPadding(left: $left, top: $top, right: $right, bottom: $bottom)';
/// Deprecated. Will be removed in a future version of Flutter.
/// Use [ViewPadding] instead.
'Use ViewPadding instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.8.0-14.0.pre.',
typedef WindowPadding = ViewPadding;
/// Immutable layout constraints for [FlutterView]s.
/// Similar to [BoxConstraints], a [Size] respects a [ViewConstraints] if, and
/// only if, all of the following relations hold:
/// * [minWidth] <= [Size.width] <= [maxWidth]
/// * [minHeight] <= [Size.height] <= [maxHeight]
/// The constraints themselves must satisfy these relations:
/// * 0.0 <= [minWidth] <= [maxWidth] <= [double.infinity]
/// * 0.0 <= [minHeight] <= [maxHeight] <= [double.infinity]
/// For each constraint, [double.infinity] is a legal value.
/// For a generic class that represents these kind of constraints, see the
/// [BoxConstraints] class.
class ViewConstraints {
/// Creates view constraints with the given constraints.
const ViewConstraints({
this.minWidth = 0.0,
this.maxWidth = double.infinity,
this.minHeight = 0.0,
this.maxHeight = double.infinity,
/// Creates view constraints that is respected only by the given size.
ViewConstraints.tight(Size size)
: minWidth = size.width,
maxWidth = size.width,
minHeight = size.height,
maxHeight = size.height;
/// The minimum width that satisfies the constraints.
final double minWidth;
/// The maximum width that satisfies the constraints.
/// Might be [double.infinity].
final double maxWidth;
/// The minimum height that satisfies the constraints.
final double minHeight;
/// The maximum height that satisfies the constraints.
/// Might be [double.infinity].
final double maxHeight;
/// Whether the given size satisfies the constraints.
bool isSatisfiedBy(Size size) {
return (minWidth <= size.width) && (size.width <= maxWidth) &&
(minHeight <= size.height) && (size.height <= maxHeight);
/// Whether there is exactly one size that satisfies the constraints.
bool get isTight => minWidth >= maxWidth && minHeight >= maxHeight;
/// Scales each constraint parameter by the inverse of the given factor.
ViewConstraints operator/(double factor) {
return ViewConstraints(
minWidth: minWidth / factor,
maxWidth: maxWidth / factor,
minHeight: minHeight / factor,
maxHeight: maxHeight / factor,
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is ViewConstraints
&& other.minWidth == minWidth
&& other.maxWidth == maxWidth
&& other.minHeight == minHeight
&& other.maxHeight == maxHeight;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight);
String toString() {
if (minWidth == double.infinity && minHeight == double.infinity) {
return 'ViewConstraints(biggest)';
if (minWidth == 0 && maxWidth == double.infinity &&
minHeight == 0 && maxHeight == double.infinity) {
return 'ViewConstraints(unconstrained)';
String describe(double min, double max, String dim) {
if (min == max) {
return '$dim=${min.toStringAsFixed(1)}';
return '${min.toStringAsFixed(1)}<=$dim<=${max.toStringAsFixed(1)}';
final String width = describe(minWidth, maxWidth, 'w');
final String height = describe(minHeight, maxHeight, 'h');
return 'ViewConstraints($width, $height)';
/// Area of the display that may be obstructed by a hardware feature.
/// This is populated only on Android.
/// The [bounds] are measured in logical pixels. On devices with two screens the
/// coordinate system starts with (0,0) in the top-left corner of the left or top screen
/// and expands to include both screens and the visual space between them.
/// The [type] describes the behaviour and if [DisplayFeature] obstructs the display.
/// For example, [DisplayFeatureType.hinge] and [DisplayFeatureType.cutout] both obstruct the display,
/// while [DisplayFeatureType.fold] does not.
/// ![Device with a hinge display feature](
/// ![Device with a fold display feature](
/// ![Device with a cutout display feature](
/// The [state] contains information about the posture for foldable features
/// ([DisplayFeatureType.hinge] and [DisplayFeatureType.fold]). The posture is
/// the shape of the display, for example [DisplayFeatureState.postureFlat] or
/// [DisplayFeatureState.postureHalfOpened]. For [DisplayFeatureType.cutout],
/// the state is not used and has the [DisplayFeatureState.unknown] value.
class DisplayFeature {
const DisplayFeature({
required this.bounds,
required this.type,
required this.state,
}) : assert(!identical(type, DisplayFeatureType.cutout) || identical(state, DisplayFeatureState.unknown));
/// The area of the flutter view occupied by this display feature, measured in logical pixels.
/// On devices with two screens, the Flutter view spans from the top-left corner
/// of the left or top screen to the bottom-right corner of the right or bottom screen,
/// including the visual area occupied by any display feature. Bounds of display
/// features are reported in this coordinate system.
/// For example, on a dual screen device in portrait mode:
/// * [Rect.left] gives you the size of left screen, in logical pixels.
/// * [Rect.right] gives you the size of the left screen + the hinge width.
final Rect bounds;
/// Type of display feature, e.g. hinge, fold, cutout.
final DisplayFeatureType type;
/// Posture of display feature, which is populated only for folds and hinges.
/// For cutouts, this is [DisplayFeatureState.unknown]
final DisplayFeatureState state;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is DisplayFeature
&& bounds == other.bounds
&& type == other.type
&& state == other.state;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(bounds, type, state);
String toString() {
return 'DisplayFeature(rect: $bounds, type: $type, state: $state)';
/// Type of [DisplayFeature], describing the [DisplayFeature] behaviour and if
/// it obstructs the display.
/// Some types of [DisplayFeature], like [DisplayFeatureType.fold], can be
/// reported without actually impeding drawing on the screen. They are useful
/// for knowing where the display is bent or has a crease. The
/// [DisplayFeature.bounds] can be 0-width in such cases.
/// The shape formed by the screens for types [DisplayFeatureType.fold] and
/// [DisplayFeatureType.hinge] is called the posture and is exposed in
/// [DisplayFeature.state]. For example, the [DisplayFeatureState.postureFlat] posture
/// means the screens form a flat surface.
/// ![Device with a hinge display feature](
/// ![Device with a fold display feature](
/// ![Device with a cutout display feature](
enum DisplayFeatureType {
/// [DisplayFeature] type is new and not yet known to Flutter.
/// A fold in the flexible screen without a physical gap.
/// The bounds for this display feature type indicate where the display makes a crease.
/// A physical separation with a hinge that allows two display panels to fold.
/// A non-displaying area of the screen, usually housing cameras or sensors.
/// State of the display feature, which contains information about the posture
/// for foldable features.
/// The posture is the shape made by the parts of the flexible screen or
/// physical screen panels. They are inspired by and similar to
/// [Android Postures](
/// * For [DisplayFeatureType.fold]s & [DisplayFeatureType.hinge]s, the state is
/// the posture.
/// * For [DisplayFeatureType.cutout]s, the state is not used and has the
/// [DisplayFeatureState.unknown] value.
enum DisplayFeatureState {
/// The display feature is a [DisplayFeatureType.cutout] or this state is new
/// and not yet known to Flutter.
/// The foldable device is completely open.
/// The screen space that is presented to the user is flat.
/// Fold angle is in an intermediate position between opened and closed state.
/// There is a non-flat angle between parts of the flexible screen or between
/// physical screen panels such that the screens start to face each other.
/// An identifier used to select a user's language and formatting preferences.
/// This represents a [Unicode Language
/// Identifier](
/// (i.e. without Locale extensions), except variants are not supported.
/// Locales are canonicalized according to the "preferred value" entries in the
/// [IANA Language Subtag
/// Registry](
/// For example, `const Locale('he')` and `const Locale('iw')` are equal and
/// both have the [languageCode] `he`, because `iw` is a deprecated language
/// subtag that was replaced by the subtag `he`.
/// See also:
/// * [PlatformDispatcher.locale], which specifies the system's currently selected
/// [Locale].
class Locale {
/// Creates a new Locale object. The first argument is the
/// primary language subtag, the second is the region (also
/// referred to as 'country') subtag.
/// For example:
/// ```dart
/// const Locale swissFrench = Locale('fr', 'CH');
/// const Locale canadianFrench = Locale('fr', 'CA');
/// ```
/// The primary language subtag must not be null. The region subtag is
/// optional. When there is no region/country subtag, the parameter should
/// be omitted or passed `null` instead of an empty-string.
/// The subtag values are _case sensitive_ and must be one of the valid
/// subtags according to CLDR supplemental data:
/// [language](,
/// [region]( The
/// primary language subtag must be at least two and at most eight lowercase
/// letters, but not four letters. The region subtag must be two
/// uppercase letters or three digits. See the [Unicode Language
/// Identifier](
/// specification.
/// Validity is not checked by default, but some methods may throw away
/// invalid data.
/// See also:
/// * [Locale.fromSubtags], which also allows a [scriptCode] to be
/// specified.
const Locale(
this._languageCode, [
]) : assert(_languageCode != ''),
scriptCode = null;
/// Creates a new Locale object.
/// The keyword arguments specify the subtags of the Locale.
/// The subtag values are _case sensitive_ and must be valid subtags according
/// to CLDR supplemental data:
/// [language](,
/// [script]( and
/// [region]( for
/// each of languageCode, scriptCode and countryCode respectively.
/// The [languageCode] subtag is optional. When there is no language subtag,
/// the parameter should be omitted or set to "und". When not supplied, the
/// [languageCode] defaults to "und", an undefined language code.
/// The [countryCode] subtag is optional. When there is no country subtag,
/// the parameter should be omitted or passed `null` instead of an empty-string.
/// Validity is not checked by default, but some methods may throw away
/// invalid data.
const Locale.fromSubtags({
String languageCode = 'und',
String? countryCode,
}) : assert(languageCode != ''),
_languageCode = languageCode,
assert(scriptCode != ''),
assert(countryCode != ''),
_countryCode = countryCode;
/// The primary language subtag for the locale.
/// This must not be null. It may be 'und', representing 'undefined'.
/// This is expected to be string registered in the [IANA Language Subtag
/// Registry](
/// with the type "language". The string specified must match the case of the
/// string in the registry.
/// Language subtags that are deprecated in the registry and have a preferred
/// code are changed to their preferred code. For example, `const
/// Locale('he')` and `const Locale('iw')` are equal, and both have the
/// [languageCode] `he`, because `iw` is a deprecated language subtag that was
/// replaced by the subtag `he`.
/// This must be a valid Unicode Language subtag as listed in [Unicode CLDR
/// supplemental
/// data](
/// See also:
/// * [Locale.fromSubtags], which describes the conventions for creating
/// [Locale] objects.
String get languageCode => _deprecatedLanguageSubtagMap[_languageCode] ?? _languageCode;
final String _languageCode;
// This map is generated by //flutter/tools/gen_locale.dart
// Mappings generated for language subtag registry as of 2019-02-27.
static const Map<String, String> _deprecatedLanguageSubtagMap = <String, String>{
'in': 'id', // Indonesian; deprecated 1989-01-01
'iw': 'he', // Hebrew; deprecated 1989-01-01
'ji': 'yi', // Yiddish; deprecated 1989-01-01
'jw': 'jv', // Javanese; deprecated 2001-08-13
'mo': 'ro', // Moldavian, Moldovan; deprecated 2008-11-22
'aam': 'aas', // Aramanik; deprecated 2015-02-12
'adp': 'dz', // Adap; deprecated 2015-02-12
'aue': 'ktz', // ǂKxʼauǁʼein; deprecated 2015-02-12
'ayx': 'nun', // Ayi (China); deprecated 2011-08-16
'bgm': 'bcg', // Baga Mboteni; deprecated 2016-05-30
'bjd': 'drl', // Bandjigali; deprecated 2012-08-12
'ccq': 'rki', // Chaungtha; deprecated 2012-08-12
'cjr': 'mom', // Chorotega; deprecated 2010-03-11
'cka': 'cmr', // Khumi Awa Chin; deprecated 2012-08-12
'cmk': 'xch', // Chimakum; deprecated 2010-03-11
'coy': 'pij', // Coyaima; deprecated 2016-05-30
'cqu': 'quh', // Chilean Quechua; deprecated 2016-05-30
'drh': 'khk', // Darkhat; deprecated 2010-03-11
'drw': 'prs', // Darwazi; deprecated 2010-03-11
'gav': 'dev', // Gabutamon; deprecated 2010-03-11
'gfx': 'vaj', // Mangetti Dune ǃXung; deprecated 2015-02-12
'ggn': 'gvr', // Eastern Gurung; deprecated 2016-05-30
'gti': 'nyc', // Gbati-ri; deprecated 2015-02-12
'guv': 'duz', // Gey; deprecated 2016-05-30
'hrr': 'jal', // Horuru; deprecated 2012-08-12
'ibi': 'opa', // Ibilo; deprecated 2012-08-12
'ilw': 'gal', // Talur; deprecated 2013-09-10
'jeg': 'oyb', // Jeng; deprecated 2017-02-23
'kgc': 'tdf', // Kasseng; deprecated 2016-05-30
'kgh': 'kml', // Upper Tanudan Kalinga; deprecated 2012-08-12
'koj': 'kwv', // Sara Dunjo; deprecated 2015-02-12
'krm': 'bmf', // Krim; deprecated 2017-02-23
'ktr': 'dtp', // Kota Marudu Tinagas; deprecated 2016-05-30
'kvs': 'gdj', // Kunggara; deprecated 2016-05-30
'kwq': 'yam', // Kwak; deprecated 2015-02-12
'kxe': 'tvd', // Kakihum; deprecated 2015-02-12
'kzj': 'dtp', // Coastal Kadazan; deprecated 2016-05-30
'kzt': 'dtp', // Tambunan Dusun; deprecated 2016-05-30
'lii': 'raq', // Lingkhim; deprecated 2015-02-12
'lmm': 'rmx', // Lamam; deprecated 2014-02-28
'meg': 'cir', // Mea; deprecated 2013-09-10
'mst': 'mry', // Cataelano Mandaya; deprecated 2010-03-11
'mwj': 'vaj', // Maligo; deprecated 2015-02-12
'myt': 'mry', // Sangab Mandaya; deprecated 2010-03-11
'nad': 'xny', // Nijadali; deprecated 2016-05-30
'ncp': 'kdz', // Ndaktup; deprecated 2018-03-08
'nnx': 'ngv', // Ngong; deprecated 2015-02-12
'nts': 'pij', // Natagaimas; deprecated 2016-05-30
'oun': 'vaj', // ǃOǃung; deprecated 2015-02-12
'pcr': 'adx', // Panang; deprecated 2013-09-10
'pmc': 'huw', // Palumata; deprecated 2016-05-30
'pmu': 'phr', // Mirpur Panjabi; deprecated 2015-02-12
'ppa': 'bfy', // Pao; deprecated 2016-05-30
'ppr': 'lcq', // Piru; deprecated 2013-09-10
'pry': 'prt', // Pray 3; deprecated 2016-05-30
'puz': 'pub', // Purum Naga; deprecated 2014-02-28
'sca': 'hle', // Sansu; deprecated 2012-08-12
'skk': 'oyb', // Sok; deprecated 2017-02-23
'tdu': 'dtp', // Tempasuk Dusun; deprecated 2016-05-30
'thc': 'tpo', // Tai Hang Tong; deprecated 2016-05-30
'thx': 'oyb', // The; deprecated 2015-02-12
'tie': 'ras', // Tingal; deprecated 2011-08-16
'tkk': 'twm', // Takpa; deprecated 2011-08-16
'tlw': 'weo', // South Wemale; deprecated 2012-08-12
'tmp': 'tyj', // Tai Mène; deprecated 2016-05-30
'tne': 'kak', // Tinoc Kallahan; deprecated 2016-05-30
'tnf': 'prs', // Tangshewi; deprecated 2010-03-11
'tsf': 'taj', // Southwestern Tamang; deprecated 2015-02-12
'uok': 'ema', // Uokha; deprecated 2015-02-12
'xba': 'cax', // Kamba (Brazil); deprecated 2016-05-30
'xia': 'acn', // Xiandao; deprecated 2013-09-10
'xkh': 'waw', // Karahawyana; deprecated 2016-05-30
'xsj': 'suj', // Subi; deprecated 2015-02-12
'ybd': 'rki', // Yangbye; deprecated 2012-08-12
'yma': 'lrr', // Yamphe; deprecated 2012-08-12
'ymt': 'mtm', // Mator-Taygi-Karagas; deprecated 2015-02-12
'yos': 'zom', // Yos; deprecated 2013-09-10
'yuu': 'yug', // Yugh; deprecated 2014-02-28
/// The script subtag for the locale.
/// This may be null, indicating that there is no specified script subtag.
/// This must be a valid Unicode Language Identifier script subtag as listed
/// in [Unicode CLDR supplemental
/// data](
/// See also:
/// * [Locale.fromSubtags], which describes the conventions for creating
/// [Locale] objects.
final String? scriptCode;
/// The region subtag for the locale.
/// This may be null, indicating that there is no specified region subtag.
/// This is expected to be string registered in the [IANA Language Subtag
/// Registry](
/// with the type "region". The string specified must match the case of the
/// string in the registry.
/// Region subtags that are deprecated in the registry and have a preferred
/// code are changed to their preferred code. For example, `const Locale('de',
/// 'DE')` and `const Locale('de', 'DD')` are equal, and both have the
/// [countryCode] `DE`, because `DD` is a deprecated language subtag that was
/// replaced by the subtag `DE`.
/// See also:
/// * [Locale.fromSubtags], which describes the conventions for creating
/// [Locale] objects.
String? get countryCode => _deprecatedRegionSubtagMap[_countryCode] ?? _countryCode;
final String? _countryCode;
// This map is generated by //flutter/tools/gen_locale.dart
// Mappings generated for language subtag registry as of 2019-02-27.
static const Map<String, String> _deprecatedRegionSubtagMap = <String, String>{
'BU': 'MM', // Burma; deprecated 1989-12-05
'DD': 'DE', // German Democratic Republic; deprecated 1990-10-30
'FX': 'FR', // Metropolitan France; deprecated 1997-07-14
'TP': 'TL', // East Timor; deprecated 2002-05-20
'YD': 'YE', // Democratic Yemen; deprecated 1990-08-14
'ZR': 'CD', // Zaire; deprecated 1997-07-14
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other is! Locale) {
return false;
final String? thisCountryCode = countryCode;
final String? otherCountryCode = other.countryCode;
return other.languageCode == languageCode
&& other.scriptCode == scriptCode // scriptCode cannot be ''
&& (other.countryCode == thisCountryCode // Treat '' as equal to null.
|| otherCountryCode != null && otherCountryCode.isEmpty && thisCountryCode == null
|| thisCountryCode != null && thisCountryCode.isEmpty && other.countryCode == null);
int get hashCode => Object.hash(languageCode, scriptCode, countryCode == '' ? null : countryCode);
static Locale? _cachedLocale;
static String? _cachedLocaleString;
/// Returns a string representing the locale.
/// This identifier happens to be a valid Unicode Locale Identifier using
/// underscores as separator, however it is intended to be used for debugging
/// purposes only. For parsable results, use [toLanguageTag] instead.
String toString() {
if (!identical(_cachedLocale, this)) {
_cachedLocale = this;
_cachedLocaleString = _rawToString('_');
return _cachedLocaleString!;
/// Returns a syntactically valid Unicode BCP47 Locale Identifier.
/// Some examples of such identifiers: "en", "es-419", "hi-Deva-IN" and
/// "zh-Hans-CN". See for technical
/// details.
String toLanguageTag() => _rawToString('-');
String _rawToString(String separator) {
final StringBuffer out = StringBuffer(languageCode);
if (scriptCode != null && scriptCode!.isNotEmpty) {
final String? countryCode = _countryCode;
if (countryCode != null && countryCode.isNotEmpty) {
return out.toString();
/// Various performance modes for tuning the Dart VM's GC performance.
/// For the editor of this enum, please keep the order in sync with `Dart_PerformanceMode`
/// in [dart_api.h](
enum DartPerformanceMode {
/// This is the default mode that the Dart VM is in.
/// Optimize for low latency, at the expense of throughput and memory overhead
/// by performing work in smaller batches (requiring more overhead) or by
/// delaying work (requiring more memory). An embedder should not remain in
/// this mode indefinitely.
/// Optimize for high throughput, at the expense of latency and memory overhead
/// by performing work in larger batches with more intervening growth.
/// Optimize for low memory, at the expensive of throughput and latency by more
/// frequently performing work.
/// An event to request a [SemanticsAction] of [type] to be performed on the
/// [SemanticsNode] identified by [nodeId] owned by the [FlutterView] identified
/// by [viewId].
/// Used by [SemanticsBinding.performSemanticsAction].
class SemanticsActionEvent {
/// Creates a [SemanticsActionEvent].
const SemanticsActionEvent({
required this.type,
required this.viewId,
required this.nodeId,
/// The type of action to be performed.
final SemanticsAction type;
/// The id of the [FlutterView] the [SemanticsNode] identified by [nodeId] is
/// associated with.
final int viewId;
/// The id of the [SemanticsNode] on which the action is to be performed.
final int nodeId;
/// Optional arguments for the action.
final Object? arguments;
static const Object _noArgumentPlaceholder = Object();
/// Create a clone of the [SemanticsActionEvent] but with provided parameters
/// replaced.
SemanticsActionEvent copyWith({
SemanticsAction? type,
int? viewId,
int? nodeId,
Object? arguments = _noArgumentPlaceholder,
}) {
return SemanticsActionEvent(
type: type ?? this.type,
viewId: viewId ?? this.viewId,
nodeId: nodeId ?? this.nodeId,
arguments: arguments == _noArgumentPlaceholder ? this.arguments : arguments,
/// Signature for [PlatformDispatcher.onViewFocusChange].
typedef ViewFocusChangeCallback = void Function(ViewFocusEvent viewFocusEvent);
/// An event for the engine to communicate view focus changes to the app.
/// This value will be typically passed to the [PlatformDispatcher.onViewFocusChange]
/// callback.
final class ViewFocusEvent {
/// Creates a [ViewFocusChange].
const ViewFocusEvent({
required this.viewId,
required this.state,
required this.direction,
/// The ID of the [FlutterView] that experienced a focus change.
final int viewId;
/// The state focus changed to.
final ViewFocusState state;
/// The direction focus changed to.
final ViewFocusDirection direction;
String toString() {
return 'ViewFocusEvent(viewId: $viewId, state: $state, direction: $direction)';
/// Represents the focus state of a given [FlutterView].
/// When focus is lost, the view's focus state changes to [ViewFocusState.unfocused].
/// When focus is gained, the view's focus state changes to [ViewFocusState.focused].
/// Valid transitions within a view are:
/// - [ViewFocusState.focused] to [ViewFocusState.unfocused].
/// - [ViewFocusState.unfocused] to [ViewFocusState.focused].
/// See also:
/// * [ViewFocusDirection], that specifies the focus direction.
/// * [ViewFocusEvent], that conveys information about a [FlutterView] focus change.
enum ViewFocusState {
/// Specifies that a view does not have platform focus.
/// Specifies that a view has platform focus.
/// Represents the direction in which the focus transitioned across [FlutterView]s.
/// See also:
/// * [ViewFocusState], that specifies the current focus state of a [FlutterView].
/// * [ViewFocusEvent], that conveys information about a [FlutterView] focus change.
enum ViewFocusDirection {
/// Indicates the focus transition did not have a direction.
/// This is typically associated with focus being programmatically requested or
/// when focus is lost.
/// Indicates the focus transition was performed in a forward direction.
/// This is typically result of the user pressing tab.
/// Indicates the focus transition was performed in a backward direction.
/// This is typically result of the user pressing shift + tab.