blob: f576567b83ce6409b8e3050ce0bc3d17c66e1cac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/display_list/display_list_attributes.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/display_list_color_filter.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/display_list_comparable.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/display_list_tile_mode.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/types.h"
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkImageFilters.h"
namespace flutter {
// The DisplayList ImageFilter class. This class implements all of the
// facilities and adheres to the design goals of the |DlAttribute| base
// class.
// The objects here define operations that can take a location and one or
// more input pixels and produce a color for that output pixel
// An enumerated type for the recognized ImageFilter operations.
// If a custom ImageFilter outside of the recognized types is needed
// then a |kUnknown| type that simply defers to an SkImageFilter is
// provided as a fallback.
enum class DlImageFilterType {
class DlBlurImageFilter;
class DlMatrixImageFilter;
class DlComposeImageFilter;
class DlColorFilterImageFilter;
class DlImageFilter
: public DlAttribute<DlImageFilter, SkImageFilter, DlImageFilterType> {
// Return a shared_ptr holding a DlImageFilter representing the indicated
// Skia SkImageFilter pointer.
// This method can only detect the ColorFilter type of ImageFilter from an
// analogous SkImageFilter as there are no "asA..." methods for the other
// types on SkImageFilter.
static std::shared_ptr<DlImageFilter> From(SkImageFilter* sk_filter);
// Return a shared_ptr holding a DlImageFilter representing the indicated
// Skia SkImageFilter pointer.
// This method can only detect the ColorFilter type of ImageFilter from an
// analogous SkImageFilter as there are no "asA..." methods for the other
// types on SkImageFilter.
static std::shared_ptr<DlImageFilter> From(sk_sp<SkImageFilter> sk_filter) {
return From(sk_filter.get());
// Return a DlBlurImageFilter pointer to this object iff it is a Blur
// type of ImageFilter, otherwise return nullptr.
virtual const DlBlurImageFilter* asBlur() const { return nullptr; }
// Return a DlMatrixImageFilter pointer to this object iff it is a Matrix
// type of ImageFilter, otherwise return nullptr.
virtual const DlMatrixImageFilter* asMatrix() const { return nullptr; }
// Return a DlComposeImageFilter pointer to this object iff it is a Compose
// type of ImageFilter, otherwise return nullptr.
virtual const DlComposeImageFilter* asCompose() const { return nullptr; }
// Return a DlColorFilterImageFilter pointer to this object iff it is a
// ColorFilter type of ImageFilter, otherwise return nullptr.
virtual const DlColorFilterImageFilter* asColorFilter() const {
return nullptr;
// Return a boolean indicating whether the image filtering operation will
// modify transparent black. This is typically used to determine if applying
// the ImageFilter to a temporary saveLayer buffer will turn the surrounding
// pixels non-transparent and therefore expand the bounds.
virtual bool modifies_transparent_black() const = 0;
// Return the bounds of the output for this image filtering operation
// based on the supplied input bounds where both are measured in the local
// (untransformed) coordinate space.
// The output bounds parameter must be supplied and the method will either
// return a pointer to it with the result filled in, or it will return a
// nullptr if it cannot determine the results.
virtual SkRect* map_local_bounds(const SkRect& input_bounds,
SkRect& output_bounds) const = 0;
// Return the device bounds of the output for this image filtering operation
// based on the supplied input device bounds where both are measured in the
// pixel coordinate space and relative to the given rendering ctm. The
// transform matrix is used to adjust the filter parameters for when it
// is used in a rendering operation (for example, the blur radius of a
// Blur filter will expand based on the ctm).
// The output bounds parameter must be supplied and the method will either
// return a pointer to it with the result filled in, or it will return a
// nullptr if it cannot determine the results.
virtual SkIRect* map_device_bounds(const SkIRect& input_bounds,
const SkMatrix& ctm,
SkIRect& output_bounds) const = 0;
class DlBlurImageFilter final : public DlImageFilter {
DlBlurImageFilter(SkScalar sigma_x, SkScalar sigma_y, DlTileMode tile_mode)
: sigma_x_(sigma_x), sigma_y_(sigma_y), tile_mode_(tile_mode) {}
explicit DlBlurImageFilter(const DlBlurImageFilter* filter)
: DlBlurImageFilter(filter->sigma_x_,
filter->tile_mode_) {}
explicit DlBlurImageFilter(const DlBlurImageFilter& filter)
: DlBlurImageFilter(&filter) {}
std::shared_ptr<DlImageFilter> shared() const override {
return std::make_shared<DlBlurImageFilter>(this);
DlImageFilterType type() const override { return DlImageFilterType::kBlur; }
size_t size() const override { return sizeof(*this); }
const DlBlurImageFilter* asBlur() const override { return this; }
bool modifies_transparent_black() const override { return false; }
SkRect* map_local_bounds(const SkRect& input_bounds,
SkRect& output_bounds) const override {
output_bounds = input_bounds.makeOutset(sigma_x_ * 3, sigma_y_ * 3);
return &output_bounds;
SkIRect* map_device_bounds(const SkIRect& input_bounds,
const SkMatrix& ctm,
SkIRect& output_bounds) const override {
SkVector device_sigma = ctm.mapVector(sigma_x_, sigma_y_);
if (!SkScalarIsFinite(device_sigma.fX)) {
device_sigma.fX = 0;
if (!SkScalarIsFinite(device_sigma.fY)) {
device_sigma.fY = 0;
output_bounds = input_bounds.makeOutset(ceil(abs(device_sigma.fX)),
return &output_bounds;
SkScalar sigma_x() const { return sigma_x_; }
SkScalar sigma_y() const { return sigma_y_; }
DlTileMode tile_mode() const { return tile_mode_; }
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> skia_object() const override {
return SkImageFilters::Blur(sigma_x_, sigma_y_, ToSk(tile_mode_), nullptr);
bool equals_(const DlImageFilter& other) const override {
FML_DCHECK(other.type() == DlImageFilterType::kBlur);
auto that = static_cast<const DlBlurImageFilter*>(&other);
return (sigma_x_ == that->sigma_x_ && sigma_y_ == that->sigma_y_ &&
tile_mode_ == that->tile_mode_);
SkScalar sigma_x_;
SkScalar sigma_y_;
DlTileMode tile_mode_;
class DlMatrixImageFilter final : public DlImageFilter {
DlMatrixImageFilter(const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkSamplingOptions& sampling)
: matrix_(matrix), sampling_(sampling) {}
explicit DlMatrixImageFilter(const DlMatrixImageFilter* filter)
: DlMatrixImageFilter(filter->matrix_, filter->sampling_) {}
explicit DlMatrixImageFilter(const DlMatrixImageFilter& filter)
: DlMatrixImageFilter(&filter) {}
std::shared_ptr<DlImageFilter> shared() const override {
return std::make_shared<DlMatrixImageFilter>(this);
DlImageFilterType type() const override { return DlImageFilterType::kMatrix; }
size_t size() const override { return sizeof(*this); }
const SkMatrix& matrix() const { return matrix_; }
const SkSamplingOptions& sampling() const { return sampling_; }
const DlMatrixImageFilter* asMatrix() const override { return this; }
bool modifies_transparent_black() const override { return false; }
SkRect* map_local_bounds(const SkRect& input_bounds,
SkRect& output_bounds) const override {
output_bounds = matrix_.mapRect(input_bounds);
return &output_bounds;
SkIRect* map_device_bounds(const SkIRect& input_bounds,
const SkMatrix& ctm,
SkIRect& output_bounds) const override {
SkMatrix matrix;
if (!ctm.invert(&matrix)) {
output_bounds = input_bounds;
return nullptr;
SkRect device_rect;
matrix.mapRect(&device_rect, SkRect::Make(input_bounds));
output_bounds = device_rect.roundOut();
return &output_bounds;
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> skia_object() const override {
return SkImageFilters::MatrixTransform(matrix_, sampling_, nullptr);
bool equals_(const DlImageFilter& other) const override {
FML_DCHECK(other.type() == DlImageFilterType::kMatrix);
auto that = static_cast<const DlMatrixImageFilter*>(&other);
return (matrix_ == that->matrix_ && sampling_ == that->sampling_);
SkMatrix matrix_;
SkSamplingOptions sampling_;
class DlComposeImageFilter final : public DlImageFilter {
DlComposeImageFilter(std::shared_ptr<DlImageFilter> outer,
std::shared_ptr<DlImageFilter> inner)
: outer_(std::move(outer)), inner_(std::move(inner)) {}
DlComposeImageFilter(const DlImageFilter* outer, const DlImageFilter* inner)
: outer_(outer->shared()), inner_(inner->shared()) {}
DlComposeImageFilter(const DlImageFilter& outer, const DlImageFilter& inner)
: DlComposeImageFilter(&outer, &inner) {}
explicit DlComposeImageFilter(const DlComposeImageFilter* filter)
: DlComposeImageFilter(filter->outer_, filter->inner_) {}
explicit DlComposeImageFilter(const DlComposeImageFilter& filter)
: DlComposeImageFilter(&filter) {}
std::shared_ptr<DlImageFilter> shared() const override {
return std::make_shared<DlComposeImageFilter>(this);
DlImageFilterType type() const override {
return DlImageFilterType::kComposeFilter;
size_t size() const override { return sizeof(*this); }
std::shared_ptr<DlImageFilter> outer() const { return outer_; }
std::shared_ptr<DlImageFilter> inner() const { return inner_; }
const DlComposeImageFilter* asCompose() const override { return this; }
bool modifies_transparent_black() const override {
if (inner_ && inner_->modifies_transparent_black()) {
return true;
if (outer_ && outer_->modifies_transparent_black()) {
return true;
return false;
SkRect* map_local_bounds(const SkRect& input_bounds,
SkRect& output_bounds) const override {
SkRect* ret = &output_bounds;
if (inner_) {
if (!inner_->map_local_bounds(input_bounds, output_bounds)) {
ret = nullptr;
if (ret && outer_) {
if (!outer_->map_local_bounds(input_bounds, output_bounds)) {
ret = nullptr;
if (!ret) {
output_bounds = input_bounds;
return ret;
SkIRect* map_device_bounds(const SkIRect& input_bounds,
const SkMatrix& ctm,
SkIRect& output_bounds) const override {
SkIRect* ret = &output_bounds;
if (inner_) {
if (!inner_->map_device_bounds(input_bounds, ctm, output_bounds)) {
ret = nullptr;
if (ret && outer_) {
if (!outer_->map_device_bounds(input_bounds, ctm, output_bounds)) {
ret = nullptr;
if (!ret) {
output_bounds = input_bounds;
return ret;
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> skia_object() const override {
return SkImageFilters::Compose(outer_->skia_object(),
bool equals_(const DlImageFilter& other) const override {
FML_DCHECK(other.type() == DlImageFilterType::kComposeFilter);
auto that = static_cast<const DlComposeImageFilter*>(&other);
return (Equals(outer_, that->outer_) && Equals(inner_, that->inner_));
std::shared_ptr<DlImageFilter> outer_;
std::shared_ptr<DlImageFilter> inner_;
class DlColorFilterImageFilter final : public DlImageFilter {
explicit DlColorFilterImageFilter(std::shared_ptr<DlColorFilter> filter)
: color_filter_(std::move(filter)) {}
explicit DlColorFilterImageFilter(const DlColorFilter* filter)
: color_filter_(filter->shared()) {}
explicit DlColorFilterImageFilter(const DlColorFilter& filter)
: color_filter_(filter.shared()) {}
explicit DlColorFilterImageFilter(const DlColorFilterImageFilter* filter)
: DlColorFilterImageFilter(filter->color_filter_) {}
explicit DlColorFilterImageFilter(const DlColorFilterImageFilter& filter)
: DlColorFilterImageFilter(&filter) {}
std::shared_ptr<DlImageFilter> shared() const override {
return std::make_shared<DlColorFilterImageFilter>(color_filter_);
DlImageFilterType type() const override {
return DlImageFilterType::kColorFilter;
size_t size() const override { return sizeof(*this); }
const std::shared_ptr<DlColorFilter> color_filter() const {
return color_filter_;
const DlColorFilterImageFilter* asColorFilter() const override {
return this;
bool modifies_transparent_black() const override {
if (color_filter_) {
return color_filter_->modifies_transparent_black();
return false;
SkRect* map_local_bounds(const SkRect& input_bounds,
SkRect& output_bounds) const override {
output_bounds = input_bounds;
return modifies_transparent_black() ? nullptr : &output_bounds;
SkIRect* map_device_bounds(const SkIRect& input_bounds,
const SkMatrix& ctm,
SkIRect& output_bounds) const override {
output_bounds = input_bounds;
return modifies_transparent_black() ? nullptr : &output_bounds;
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> skia_object() const override {
return SkImageFilters::ColorFilter(color_filter_->skia_object(), nullptr);
bool equals_(const DlImageFilter& other) const override {
FML_DCHECK(other.type() == DlImageFilterType::kColorFilter);
auto that = static_cast<const DlColorFilterImageFilter*>(&other);
return Equals(color_filter_, that->color_filter_);
std::shared_ptr<DlColorFilter> color_filter_;
// A wrapper class for a Skia ImageFilter of unknown type. The above 4 types
// are the only types that can be constructed by Flutter using the
// ui.ImageFilter class so this class should be rarely used. The main use
// would come from the |DisplayListCanvasRecorder| recording Skia rendering
// calls that originated outside of the Flutter dart code. This would
// primarily happen in the Paragraph code that renders the text using the
// SkCanvas interface which we capture into DisplayList data structures.
class DlUnknownImageFilter final : public DlImageFilter {
explicit DlUnknownImageFilter(sk_sp<SkImageFilter> sk_filter)
: sk_filter_(std::move(sk_filter)) {}
explicit DlUnknownImageFilter(const SkImageFilter* sk_filter)
: sk_filter_(sk_ref_sp(sk_filter)) {}
explicit DlUnknownImageFilter(const DlUnknownImageFilter* filter)
: DlUnknownImageFilter(filter->sk_filter_) {}
explicit DlUnknownImageFilter(const DlUnknownImageFilter& filter)
: DlUnknownImageFilter(&filter) {}
DlImageFilterType type() const override {
return DlImageFilterType::kUnknown;
size_t size() const override { return sizeof(*this); }
std::shared_ptr<DlImageFilter> shared() const override {
return std::make_shared<DlUnknownImageFilter>(this);
bool modifies_transparent_black() const override {
if (!sk_filter_) {
return false;
return !sk_filter_->canComputeFastBounds();
SkRect* map_local_bounds(const SkRect& input_bounds,
SkRect& output_bounds) const override {
output_bounds = input_bounds;
if (modifies_transparent_black()) {
return nullptr;
output_bounds = sk_filter_->computeFastBounds(input_bounds);
return &output_bounds;
SkIRect* map_device_bounds(const SkIRect& input_bounds,
const SkMatrix& ctm,
SkIRect& output_bounds) const override {
output_bounds = input_bounds;
if (modifies_transparent_black()) {
return nullptr;
output_bounds = sk_filter_->filterBounds(
input_bounds, ctm, SkImageFilter::kForward_MapDirection);
return &output_bounds;
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> skia_object() const override { return sk_filter_; }
virtual ~DlUnknownImageFilter() = default;
bool equals_(const DlImageFilter& other) const override {
FML_DCHECK(other.type() == DlImageFilterType::kUnknown);
auto that = static_cast<DlUnknownImageFilter const*>(&other);
return sk_filter_ == that->sk_filter_;
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> sk_filter_;
} // namespace flutter