blob: f5f8b191d596eb786d8000f4db7712a1ec41d39f [file] [log] [blame]
"builds": [
"drone_dimensions": [
"gclient_variables": {
"use_rbe": true
"gn": [
"name": "ci/host_debug_unopt",
"description": "Builds a debug mode unopt Linux engine. Builds and runs many tests and lints.",
"ninja": {
"config": "ci/host_debug_unopt",
"targets": [
"tests": [
"name": "test: Check formatting",
"script": "flutter/bin/et",
"parameters": [
"name": "ban",
"script": "flutter/ci/"
"name": "ban_test",
"script": "flutter/ci/test/"
"language": "python3",
"name": "test: Host_Tests_for_host_debug_unopt",
"script": "flutter/testing/",
"parameters": [
"name": "analyze_dart_ui",
"script": "flutter/ci/"
"name": "pylint",
"script": "flutter/ci/"
"language": "dart",
"name": "test: observatory and service protocol",
"script": "flutter/shell/testing/observatory/test.dart",
"parameters": [
"language": "dart",
"name": "test: Lint android host",
"script": "flutter/tools/android_lint/bin/main.dart"
"name": "Check build configs",
"script": "flutter/ci/"
"name": "Tests of tools/gn",
"language": "python3",
"script": "flutter/tools/"
"archives": [],
"drone_dimensions": [
"gclient_variables": {
"download_android_deps": false,
"use_rbe": true
"gn": [
"name": "ci/host_debug_unopt_impeller_tests",
"description": "Builds a debug mode unopt Linux engine with swiftshader. Runs Impeller unit tests.",
"ninja": {
"config": "ci/host_debug_unopt_impeller_tests",
"targets": [
"tests": [
"language": "python3",
"name": "Host Tests for host_debug_unopt_impeller_tests",
"script": "flutter/testing/",
"parameters": [
"cas_archive": false,
"drone_dimensions": [
"dependencies": [],
"gclient_variables": {
"use_rbe": true
"gn": [
"name": "ci/android_embedder_debug_unopt",
"description": "Builds embedder artifacts targeting 32-bit arm Android.",
"ninja": {
"config": "ci/android_embedder_debug_unopt",
"targets": [
"cas_archive": false,
"drone_dimensions": [
"gclient_variables": {
"use_rbe": true
"gn": [
"name": "ci/android_debug_arm64_validation_layers",
"description": "Builds a debug mode engine targeting 64-bit arm Android with Vulkan validation layers.",
"ninja": {
"config": "ci/android_debug_arm64_validation_layers",
"targets": [
"drone_dimensions": [
"dependencies": [
"dependency": "arm_tools",
"version": "last_updated:2023-02-03T15:32:01-0800"
"gclient_variables": {
"use_rbe": true
"gn": [
"name": "ci/android_debug_unopt",
"description": "Builds a debug mode unopt engine targeting 32-bit arm Android. Runs host-side Java unit tests and malioc.",
"ninja": {
"config": "ci/android_debug_unopt",
"targets": [
"tests": [
"language": "python3",
"name": "test: Host Tests for android_debug_unopt",
"script": "flutter/testing/",
"parameters": [
"language": "python3",
"name": "malioc diff",
"script": "flutter/impeller/tools/",
"parameters": [