blob: 0f2c9734fc3b6fe91458aec5bf4a10390894b0c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tessellator.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "third_party/libtess2/Include/tesselator.h"
namespace impeller {
void DestroyTessellator(TESStesselator* tessellator) {
if (tessellator != nullptr) {
using CTessellator =
std::unique_ptr<TESStesselator, decltype(&DestroyTessellator)>;
static int ToTessWindingRule(FillType fill_type) {
switch (fill_type) {
case FillType::kOdd:
case FillType::kNonZero:
static void* HeapAlloc(void* userData, unsigned int size) {
return malloc(size);
static void* HeapRealloc(void* userData, void* ptr, unsigned int size) {
return realloc(ptr, size);
static void HeapFree(void* userData, void* ptr) {
// Note: these units are "number of entities" for bucket size and not in KB.
static const TESSalloc kAlloc = {
HeapAlloc, HeapRealloc, HeapFree, 0, /* =userData */
16, /* =meshEdgeBucketSize */
16, /* =meshVertexBucketSize */
16, /* =meshFaceBucketSize */
16, /* =dictNodeBucketSize */
16, /* =regionBucketSize */
0 /* =extraVertices */
class LibtessTessellator {
LibtessTessellator() : c_tessellator_(nullptr, &DestroyTessellator) {
TESSalloc alloc = kAlloc;
// libTess2 copies the TESSalloc despite the non-const argument.
CTessellator tessellator(::tessNewTess(&alloc), &DestroyTessellator);
c_tessellator_ = std::move(tessellator);
~LibtessTessellator() {}
enum class Result {
/// @brief A callback that returns the results of the tessellation.
/// The index buffer may not be populated, in which case [indices] will
/// be nullptr and indices_count will be 0.
using BuilderCallback = std::function<bool(const float* vertices,
size_t vertices_count,
const uint16_t* indices,
size_t indices_count)>;
/// @brief Generates filled triangles from the path. A callback is
/// invoked once for the entire tessellation.
/// @param[in] path The path to tessellate.
/// @param[in] tolerance The tolerance value for conversion of the path to
/// a polyline. This value is often derived from the
/// Matrix::GetMaxBasisLength of the CTM applied to the
/// path for rendering.
/// @param[in] callback The callback, return false to indicate failure.
/// @return The result status of the tessellation.
Result Tessellate(const Path& path,
Scalar tolerance,
const BuilderCallback& callback) {
if (!callback) {
return Result::kInputError;
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<Point>> buffer =
auto polyline = path.CreatePolyline(tolerance, std::move(buffer));
auto fill_type = path.GetFillType();
if (polyline.points->empty()) {
return Result::kInputError;
auto tessellator = c_tessellator_.get();
if (!tessellator) {
return Result::kTessellationError;
constexpr int kVertexSize = 2;
constexpr int kPolygonSize = 3;
/// Feed contour information to the tessellator.
static_assert(sizeof(Point) == 2 * sizeof(float));
for (size_t contour_i = 0; contour_i < polyline.contours.size();
contour_i++) {
size_t start_point_index, end_point_index;
std::tie(start_point_index, end_point_index) =
::tessAddContour(tessellator, // the C tessellator
kVertexSize, //
polyline.points->data() + start_point_index, //
sizeof(Point), //
end_point_index - start_point_index //
/// Let's tessellate.
auto result = ::tessTesselate(tessellator, // tessellator
ToTessWindingRule(fill_type), // winding
TESS_POLYGONS, // element type
kPolygonSize, // polygon size
kVertexSize, // vertex size
nullptr // normal (null is automatic)
if (result != 1) {
return Result::kTessellationError;
int element_item_count = tessGetElementCount(tessellator) * kPolygonSize;
// We default to using a 16bit index buffer, but in cases where we generate
// more tessellated data than this can contain we need to fall back to
// dropping the index buffer entirely. Instead code could instead switch to
// a uint32 index buffer, but this is done for simplicity with the other
// fast path above.
if (element_item_count < USHRT_MAX) {
int vertex_item_count = tessGetVertexCount(tessellator);
auto vertices = tessGetVertices(tessellator);
auto elements = tessGetElements(tessellator);
// libtess uses an int index internally due to usage of -1 as a sentinel
// value.
std::vector<uint16_t> indices(element_item_count);
for (int i = 0; i < element_item_count; i++) {
indices[i] = static_cast<uint16_t>(elements[i]);
if (!callback(vertices, vertex_item_count,,
element_item_count)) {
return Result::kInputError;
} else {
std::vector<Point> points;
std::vector<float> data;
int vertex_item_count = tessGetVertexCount(tessellator) * kVertexSize;
auto vertices = tessGetVertices(tessellator);
for (int i = 0; i < vertex_item_count; i += 2) {
points.emplace_back(vertices[i], vertices[i + 1]);
int element_item_count = tessGetElementCount(tessellator) * kPolygonSize;
auto elements = tessGetElements(tessellator);
for (int i = 0; i < element_item_count; i++) {
if (!callback(, element_item_count, nullptr, 0u)) {
return Result::kInputError;
return Result::kSuccess;
CTessellator c_tessellator_;
PathBuilder* CreatePathBuilder() {
return new PathBuilder();
void DestroyPathBuilder(PathBuilder* builder) {
delete builder;
void MoveTo(PathBuilder* builder, Scalar x, Scalar y) {
builder->MoveTo(Point(x, y));
void LineTo(PathBuilder* builder, Scalar x, Scalar y) {
builder->LineTo(Point(x, y));
void CubicTo(PathBuilder* builder,
Scalar x1,
Scalar y1,
Scalar x2,
Scalar y2,
Scalar x3,
Scalar y3) {
builder->CubicCurveTo(Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2), Point(x3, y3));
void Close(PathBuilder* builder) {
struct Vertices* Tessellate(PathBuilder* builder,
int fill_type,
Scalar tolerance) {
auto path = builder->CopyPath(static_cast<FillType>(fill_type));
std::vector<float> points;
if (LibtessTessellator{}.Tessellate(
path, tolerance,
[&points](const float* vertices, size_t vertices_count,
const uint16_t* indices, size_t indices_count) {
// Results are expected to be re-duplicated.
std::vector<Point> raw_points;
for (auto i = 0u; i < vertices_count * 2; i += 2) {
raw_points.emplace_back(Point{vertices[i], vertices[i + 1]});
for (auto i = 0u; i < indices_count; i++) {
auto point = raw_points[indices[i]];
return true;
}) != LibtessTessellator::Result::kSuccess) {
return nullptr;
Vertices* vertices = new Vertices();
vertices->points = new float[points.size()];
if (!vertices->points) {
return nullptr;
vertices->length = points.size();
std::copy(points.begin(), points.end(), vertices->points);
return vertices;
void DestroyVertices(Vertices* vertices) {
delete vertices->points;
delete vertices;
} // namespace impeller