blob: 97b8aab0b3e68fbacc14e0f68192b15f19d71664 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/entity/contents/text_contents.h"
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
#include "impeller/entity/contents/content_context.h"
#include "impeller/entity/entity.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/path_builder.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/formats.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/render_pass.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/sampler_descriptor.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/sampler_library.h"
#include "impeller/tessellator/tessellator.h"
#include "impeller/typographer/glyph_atlas.h"
#include "impeller/typographer/lazy_glyph_atlas.h"
namespace impeller {
TextContents::TextContents() = default;
TextContents::~TextContents() = default;
void TextContents::SetTextFrame(TextFrame frame) {
frame_ = std::move(frame);
void TextContents::SetGlyphAtlas(std::shared_ptr<LazyGlyphAtlas> atlas) {
lazy_atlas_ = std::move(atlas);
std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlas> TextContents::ResolveAtlas(
GlyphAtlas::Type type,
std::shared_ptr<Context> context) const {
if (lazy_atlas_) {
return lazy_atlas_->CreateOrGetGlyphAtlas(type, context);
return nullptr;
void TextContents::SetColor(Color color) {
color_ = color;
std::optional<Rect> TextContents::GetCoverage(const Entity& entity) const {
auto bounds = frame_.GetBounds();
if (!bounds.has_value()) {
return std::nullopt;
return bounds->TransformBounds(entity.GetTransformation());
template <class TPipeline>
static bool CommonRender(const ContentContext& renderer,
const Entity& entity,
RenderPass& pass,
const Color& color,
const TextFrame& frame,
std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlas> atlas,
Command& cmd) {
using VS = typename TPipeline::VertexShader;
using FS = typename TPipeline::FragmentShader;
// Common vertex uniforms for all glyphs.
typename VS::FrameInfo frame_info;
frame_info.mvp = Matrix::MakeOrthographic(pass.GetRenderTargetSize()) *
VS::BindFrameInfo(cmd, pass.GetTransientsBuffer().EmplaceUniform(frame_info));
SamplerDescriptor sampler_desc;
sampler_desc.min_filter = MinMagFilter::kLinear;
sampler_desc.mag_filter = MinMagFilter::kLinear;
typename FS::FragInfo frag_info;
frag_info.text_color = ToVector(color.Premultiply());
frag_info.atlas_size =
FS::BindFragInfo(cmd, pass.GetTransientsBuffer().EmplaceUniform(frag_info));
// Common fragment uniforms for all glyphs.
cmd, // command
atlas->GetTexture(), // texture
sampler_desc) // sampler
// Common vertex information for all glyphs.
// All glyphs are given the same vertex information in the form of a
// unit-sized quad. The size of the glyph is specified in per instance data
// and the vertex shader uses this to size the glyph correctly. The
// interpolated vertex information is also used in the fragment shader to
// sample from the glyph atlas.
const std::vector<Point> unit_vertex_points = {
{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}};
const std::vector<uint32_t> indices = {0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3};
VertexBufferBuilder<typename VS::PerVertexData> vertex_builder;
size_t count = 0;
for (const auto& run : frame.GetRuns()) {
count += run.GetGlyphPositions().size();
vertex_builder.Reserve(count * 4);
vertex_builder.ReserveIndices(count * 6);
uint32_t offset = 0u;
for (auto i = 0u; i < count; i++) {
for (const auto& index : indices) {
vertex_builder.AppendIndex(index + offset);
offset += 4;
for (const auto& run : frame.GetRuns()) {
auto font = run.GetFont();
auto glyph_size_ = ISize::Ceil(font.GetMetrics().GetBoundingBox().size);
auto glyph_size = Point{static_cast<Scalar>(glyph_size_.width),
auto metrics_offset =
Point{font.GetMetrics().min_extent.x, font.GetMetrics().ascent};
for (const auto& glyph_position : run.GetGlyphPositions()) {
FontGlyphPair font_glyph_pair{font, glyph_position.glyph};
auto atlas_glyph_pos = atlas->FindFontGlyphPosition(font_glyph_pair);
if (!atlas_glyph_pos.has_value()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not find glyph position in the atlas.";
return false;
auto atlas_position =
atlas_glyph_pos->origin + Point{1 / atlas_glyph_pos->size.width,
1 / atlas_glyph_pos->size.height};
auto atlas_glyph_size =
Point{atlas_glyph_pos->size.width, atlas_glyph_pos->size.height};
auto offset_glyph_position = glyph_position.position + metrics_offset;
for (const auto& point : unit_vertex_points) {
typename VS::PerVertexData vtx;
vtx.unit_vertex = point;
vtx.glyph_position = offset_glyph_position;
vtx.glyph_size = glyph_size;
vtx.atlas_position = atlas_position;
vtx.atlas_glyph_size = atlas_glyph_size;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<TPipeline, GlyphAtlasPipeline>) {
vtx.color_glyph =
glyph_position.glyph.type == Glyph::Type::kBitmap ? 1.0 : 0.0;
auto vertex_buffer =
if (!pass.AddCommand(cmd)) {
return false;
return true;
bool TextContents::RenderSdf(const ContentContext& renderer,
const Entity& entity,
RenderPass& pass) const {
auto atlas = ResolveAtlas(GlyphAtlas::Type::kSignedDistanceField,
if (!atlas || !atlas->IsValid()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Cannot render glyphs without prepared atlas.";
return false;
// Information shared by all glyph draw calls.
Command cmd;
cmd.label = "TextFrameSDF";
cmd.primitive_type = PrimitiveType::kTriangle;
cmd.pipeline =
renderer.GetGlyphAtlasSdfPipeline(OptionsFromPassAndEntity(pass, entity));
cmd.stencil_reference = entity.GetStencilDepth();
return CommonRender<GlyphAtlasSdfPipeline>(renderer, entity, pass, color_,
frame_, atlas, cmd);
bool TextContents::Render(const ContentContext& renderer,
const Entity& entity,
RenderPass& pass) const {
if (color_.IsTransparent()) {
return true;
// This TextContents may be for a frame that doesn't have color, but the
// lazy atlas for this scene already does have color.
// Benchmarks currently show that creating two atlases per pass regresses
// render time. This should get re-evaluated if we start caching atlases
// between frames or get significantly faster at creating atlases, because
// we're potentially trading memory for time here.
auto atlas =
ResolveAtlas(lazy_atlas_->HasColor() ? GlyphAtlas::Type::kColorBitmap
: GlyphAtlas::Type::kAlphaBitmap,
if (!atlas || !atlas->IsValid()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Cannot render glyphs without prepared atlas.";
return false;
// Information shared by all glyph draw calls.
Command cmd;
cmd.label = "TextFrame";
cmd.primitive_type = PrimitiveType::kTriangle;
cmd.pipeline =
renderer.GetGlyphAtlasPipeline(OptionsFromPassAndEntity(pass, entity));
cmd.stencil_reference = entity.GetStencilDepth();
return CommonRender<GlyphAtlasPipeline>(renderer, entity, pass, color_,
frame_, atlas, cmd);
} // namespace impeller