blob: f93c67a23fb097e1bc54a71bdf9b29274c89e3f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
// Ignore members defined on Object.
const Set<String> _kObjectMembers = <String>{
CompilationUnit _parseAndCheckDart(String path) {
final FeatureSet analyzerFeatures = FeatureSet.latestLanguageVersion();
if (!analyzerFeatures.isEnabled(Feature.non_nullable)) {
throw Exception('non-nullable feature is disabled.');
final ParseStringResult result = parseFile(path: path, featureSet: analyzerFeatures, throwIfDiagnostics: false);
if (result.errors.isNotEmpty) {
return result.unit;
void main() {
final String flutterDir = Platform.environment['FLUTTER_DIR']!;
// These files just contain imports to the part files;
final CompilationUnit uiUnit = _parseAndCheckDart('$flutterDir/lib/ui/ui.dart');
final CompilationUnit webUnit = _parseAndCheckDart('$flutterDir/lib/web_ui/lib/ui.dart');
final Map<String, ClassDeclaration> uiClasses = <String, ClassDeclaration>{};
final Map<String, ClassDeclaration> webClasses = <String, ClassDeclaration>{};
final Map<String, GenericTypeAlias> uiTypeDefs = <String, GenericTypeAlias>{};
final Map<String, GenericTypeAlias> webTypeDefs = <String, GenericTypeAlias>{};
// Gather all public classes from each library. For now we are skipping
// other top level members.
_collectPublicClasses(uiUnit, uiClasses, '$flutterDir/lib/ui/');
_collectPublicClasses(webUnit, webClasses, '$flutterDir/lib/web_ui/lib/');
_collectPublicTypeDefs(uiUnit, uiTypeDefs, '$flutterDir/lib/ui/');
_collectPublicTypeDefs(webUnit, webTypeDefs, '$flutterDir/lib/web_ui/lib/');
if (uiClasses.isEmpty || webClasses.isEmpty) {
print('Warning: did not resolve any classes.');
if (uiTypeDefs.isEmpty || webTypeDefs.isEmpty) {
print('Warning: did not resolve any typedefs.');
bool failed = false;
print('Checking ${uiClasses.length} public classes.');
for (final String className in uiClasses.keys) {
final ClassDeclaration uiClass = uiClasses[className]!;
final ClassDeclaration? webClass = webClasses[className];
// If the web class is missing there isn't much left to do here. Print a
// warning and move along.
if (webClass == null) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart contained public class $className, but '
'this was missing from lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
// Next will check that the public methods exposed in each library are
// identical.
final Map<String, MethodDeclaration> uiMethods =
<String, MethodDeclaration>{};
final Map<String, MethodDeclaration> webMethods =
<String, MethodDeclaration>{};
final Map<String, ConstructorDeclaration> uiConstructors =
<String, ConstructorDeclaration>{};
final Map<String, ConstructorDeclaration> webConstructors =
<String, ConstructorDeclaration>{};
_collectPublicMethods(uiClass, uiMethods);
_collectPublicMethods(webClass, webMethods);
_collectPublicConstructors(uiClass, uiConstructors);
_collectPublicConstructors(webClass, webConstructors);
for (final String name in uiConstructors.keys) {
final ConstructorDeclaration uiConstructor = uiConstructors[name]!;
final ConstructorDeclaration? webConstructor = webConstructors[name];
if (webConstructor == null) {
failed = true;
'Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $className.$name is missing from lib/web_ui/ui.dart.',
if (uiConstructor.parameters.parameters.length !=
webConstructor.parameters.parameters.length) {
failed = true;
'Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $className.$name has a different parameter '
'length than in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
for (int i = 0;
i < uiConstructor.parameters.parameters.length &&
i < uiConstructor.parameters.parameters.length;
i++) {
// Technically you could re-order named parameters and still be valid,
// but we enforce that they are identical.
for (int i = 0;
i < uiConstructor.parameters.parameters.length &&
i < webConstructor.parameters.parameters.length;
i++) {
final FormalParameter uiParam =
final FormalParameter webParam =
if (!.lexeme !=!.lexeme) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $className.$name parameter $i'
' ${!.lexeme} has a different name in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
if (uiParam.isPositional != webParam.isPositional) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $className.$name parameter $i'
'${!.lexeme} is positional, but not in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
if (uiParam.isNamed != webParam.isNamed) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $className.$name parameter $i'
'${!.lexeme} is named, but not in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
for (final String methodName in uiMethods.keys) {
if (_kObjectMembers.contains(methodName)) {
final MethodDeclaration uiMethod = uiMethods[methodName]!;
final MethodDeclaration? webMethod = webMethods[methodName];
if (webMethod == null) {
failed = true;
'Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $className.$methodName is missing from lib/web_ui/ui.dart.',
if (uiMethod.parameters == null || webMethod.parameters == null) {
if (uiMethod.parameters!.parameters.length !=
webMethod.parameters!.parameters.length) {
failed = true;
'Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $className.$methodName has a different parameter '
'length than in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
// Technically you could re-order named parameters and still be valid,
// but we enforce that they are identical.
for (int i = 0;
i < uiMethod.parameters!.parameters.length &&
i < webMethod.parameters!.parameters.length;
i++) {
final FormalParameter uiParam = uiMethod.parameters!.parameters[i];
final FormalParameter webParam = webMethod.parameters!.parameters[i];
if (!.lexeme !=!.lexeme) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $className.$methodName parameter $i'
' ${!.lexeme} has a different name in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
if (uiParam.isPositional != webParam.isPositional) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $className.$methodName parameter $i'
'${!.lexeme} is positional, but not in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
if (uiParam.isNamed != webParam.isNamed) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $className.$methodName parameter $i'
'${!.lexeme} is named, but not in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
// check nullability
if (uiParam is SimpleFormalParameter &&
webParam is SimpleFormalParameter) {
final bool isUiNullable = uiParam.type?.question != null;
final bool isWebNullable = webParam.type?.question != null;
if (isUiNullable != isWebNullable) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $className.$methodName parameter $i '
'${} has a different nullability than in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
// check return type.
if (uiMethod.returnType?.toString() != webMethod.returnType?.toString()) {
// allow dynamic in web implementation.
if (webMethod.returnType?.toString() != 'dynamic') {
failed = true;
'Warning: $className.$methodName return type mismatch:\n'
' lib/ui/ui.dart : ${uiMethod.returnType?.toSource()}\n'
' lib/web_ui/ui.dart : ${webMethod.returnType?.toSource()}');
print('Checking ${uiTypeDefs.length} typedefs.');
for (final String typeDefName in uiTypeDefs.keys) {
final GenericTypeAlias uiTypeDef = uiTypeDefs[typeDefName]!;
final GenericTypeAlias? webTypeDef = webTypeDefs[typeDefName];
// If the web typedef is missing there isn't much left to do here. Print a
// warning and move along.
if (webTypeDef == null) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart contained typedef $typeDefName, but '
'this was missing from lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
// uiTypeDef.functionType.parameters
if (uiTypeDef.functionType?.parameters.parameters == null ||
webTypeDef.functionType?.parameters.parameters == null) {
if (uiTypeDef.functionType?.parameters.parameters.length !=
webTypeDef.functionType?.parameters.parameters.length) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $typeDefName has a different parameter '
'length than in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
// Technically you could re-order named parameters and still be valid,
// but we enforce that they are identical.
for (int i = 0;
i < uiTypeDef.functionType!.parameters.parameters.length &&
i < webTypeDef.functionType!.parameters.parameters.length;
i++) {
final FormalParameter uiFormalParam =
(uiTypeDef.type as GenericFunctionType).parameters.parameters[i];
final FormalParameter webFormalParam =
(webTypeDef.type as GenericFunctionType).parameters.parameters[i];
if (uiFormalParam.runtimeType != webFormalParam.runtimeType) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $typeDefName parameter $i '
'${!.lexeme}} is of type ${uiFormalParam.runtimeType}, but of ${webFormalParam.runtimeType} in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
// This is not entirely true and can break, but this way we can support both positional and named params
// (The assumption that the parameter of a DefaultFormalParameter is a SimpleFormalParameter is a stretch)
final SimpleFormalParameter uiParam = ((uiFormalParam is DefaultFormalParameter) ? uiFormalParam.parameter : uiFormalParam) as SimpleFormalParameter;
final SimpleFormalParameter webParam = ((webFormalParam is DefaultFormalParameter) ? webFormalParam.parameter : uiFormalParam) as SimpleFormalParameter;
if ( == null) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/web_ui/ui.dart $typeDefName parameter $i should have name.');
if ( == null) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $typeDefName parameter $i should have name.');
if ( != {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $typeDefName parameter $i '
'${!.lexeme} has a different name in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
if (uiParam.isPositional != webParam.isPositional) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $typeDefName parameter $i '
'${!.lexeme} is positional, but not in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
if (uiParam.isNamed != webParam.isNamed) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $typeDefName parameter $i '
'${!.lexeme}} is named, but not in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
final bool isUiNullable = uiParam.type?.question != null;
final bool isWebNullable = webParam.type?.question != null;
if (isUiNullable != isWebNullable) {
failed = true;
print('Warning: lib/ui/ui.dart $typeDefName parameter $i '
'${} has a different nullability than in lib/web_ui/ui.dart.');
// check return type.
if (uiTypeDef.functionType?.returnType?.toString() !=
webTypeDef.functionType?.returnType?.toString()) {
// allow dynamic in web implementation.
if (webTypeDef.functionType?.returnType?.toString() != 'dynamic') {
failed = true;
print('Warning: $typeDefName return type mismatch:\n'
' lib/ui/ui.dart : ${uiTypeDef.functionType?.returnType?.toSource()}\n'
' lib/web_ui/ui.dart : ${webTypeDef.functionType?.returnType?.toSource()}');
if (failed) {
// Collects all public classes defined by the part files of [unit].
void _collectPublicClasses(CompilationUnit unit,
Map<String, ClassDeclaration> destination, String root) {
for (final Directive directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is! PartDirective) {
final PartDirective partDirective = directive;
final String literalUri = partDirective.uri.toString();
final CompilationUnit subUnit = _parseAndCheckDart('$root${literalUri.substring(1, literalUri.length - 1)}');
for (final CompilationUnitMember member in subUnit.declarations) {
if (member is! ClassDeclaration) {
final ClassDeclaration classDeclaration = member;
if ('_')) {
destination[] = classDeclaration;
void _collectPublicConstructors(ClassDeclaration classDeclaration,
Map<String, ConstructorDeclaration> destination) {
for (final ClassMember member in classDeclaration.members) {
if (member is! ConstructorDeclaration) {
final String? methodName =;
if (methodName == null) {
destination['Unnamed Constructor'] = member;
if (methodName.startsWith('_')) {
destination[methodName] = member;
void _collectPublicMethods(ClassDeclaration classDeclaration,
Map<String, MethodDeclaration> destination) {
for (final ClassMember member in classDeclaration.members) {
if (member is! MethodDeclaration) {
if ('_')) {
destination[] = member;
void _collectPublicTypeDefs(CompilationUnit unit,
Map<String, GenericTypeAlias> destination, String root) {
for (final Directive directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is! PartDirective) {
final PartDirective partDirective = directive;
final String literalUri = partDirective.uri.toString();
final CompilationUnit subUnit = _parseAndCheckDart(
'$root${literalUri.substring(1, literalUri.length - 1)}');
for (final CompilationUnitMember member in subUnit.declarations) {
if (member is! GenericTypeAlias) {
final GenericTypeAlias typeDeclaration = member;
if ('_')) {
destination[] = typeDeclaration;