blob: 012ad6830686410bbea17a6fc146721b01c5ad73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/runtime/dart_vm_data.h"
#include <utility>
namespace flutter {
std::shared_ptr<const DartVMData> DartVMData::Create(
const Settings& settings,
fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> vm_snapshot,
fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> isolate_snapshot) {
if (!vm_snapshot || !vm_snapshot->IsValid()) {
// Caller did not provide a valid VM snapshot. Attempt to infer one
// from the settings.
vm_snapshot = DartSnapshot::VMSnapshotFromSettings(settings);
if (!vm_snapshot) {
<< "VM snapshot invalid and could not be inferred from settings.";
return {};
if (!isolate_snapshot || !isolate_snapshot->IsValid()) {
// Caller did not provide a valid isolate snapshot. Attempt to infer one
// from the settings.
isolate_snapshot = DartSnapshot::IsolateSnapshotFromSettings(settings);
if (!isolate_snapshot) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Isolate snapshot invalid and could not be inferred "
"from settings.";
return {};
fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> service_isolate_snapshot =
return std::shared_ptr<const DartVMData>(new DartVMData(
settings, //
std::move(vm_snapshot), //
std::move(isolate_snapshot), //
std::move(service_isolate_snapshot) //
DartVMData::DartVMData(const Settings& settings,
fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> vm_snapshot,
fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> isolate_snapshot,
fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> service_isolate_snapshot)
: settings_(settings),
service_isolate_snapshot_(std::move(service_isolate_snapshot)) {}
DartVMData::~DartVMData() = default;
const Settings& DartVMData::GetSettings() const {
return settings_;
const DartSnapshot& DartVMData::GetVMSnapshot() const {
return *vm_snapshot_;
fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> DartVMData::GetIsolateSnapshot() const {
return isolate_snapshot_;
fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> DartVMData::GetServiceIsolateSnapshot() const {
// Use the specialized snapshot for the service isolate if the embedder
// provides one. Otherwise, use the application snapshot.
return service_isolate_snapshot_ ? service_isolate_snapshot_
: isolate_snapshot_;
bool DartVMData::GetServiceIsolateSnapshotNullSafety() const {
if (service_isolate_snapshot_) {
// The specialized snapshot for the service isolate is always built
// using null safety. However, calling Dart_DetectNullSafety on
// the service isolate snapshot will not work as expected - it will
// instead return a cached value representing the app snapshot.
return true;
} else {
return isolate_snapshot_->IsNullSafetyEnabled(nullptr);
} // namespace flutter