blob: 0965b43cd67bf9643debb42ecbb77bcbb3c5ca42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of engine;
_GlRenderer? _glRenderer;
class SurfaceVertices implements ui.Vertices {
final ui.VertexMode _mode;
final Float32List _positions;
final Int32List? _colors;
final Uint16List? _indices; // ignore: unused_field
ui.VertexMode mode,
List<ui.Offset> positions, {
List<ui.Color>? colors,
List<int>? indices,
}) : assert(mode != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(positions != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
_mode = mode,
_colors = colors != null ? _int32ListFromColors(colors) : null,
_indices = indices != null ? Uint16List.fromList(indices) : null,
_positions = offsetListToFloat32List(positions) {
ui.VertexMode mode,
Float32List positions, {
Int32List? colors,
Uint16List? indices,
}) : assert(mode != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(positions != null), // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
_mode = mode,
_positions = positions,
_colors = colors,
_indices = indices {
static Int32List _int32ListFromColors(List<ui.Color> colors) {
Int32List list = Int32List(colors.length);
for (int i = 0, len = colors.length; i < len; i++) {
list[i] = colors[i].value;
return list;
/// Lazily initializes web gl.
/// Used to treeshake WebGlRenderer when user doesn't create Vertices object
/// to use the API.
void initWebGl() {
_glRenderer ??= _WebGlRenderer();
void disposeWebGl() {
_glRenderer = null;
abstract class _GlRenderer {
void drawVertices(
html.CanvasRenderingContext2D? context,
int canvasWidthInPixels,
int canvasHeightInPixels,
Matrix4 transform,
SurfaceVertices vertices,
ui.BlendMode blendMode,
SurfacePaintData paint);
Object? drawRect(ui.Rect targetRect, _GlContext gl, _GlProgram glProgram,
NormalizedGradient gradient, int widthInPixels, int heightInPixels);
String drawRectToImageUrl(ui.Rect targetRect, _GlContext gl, _GlProgram glProgram,
NormalizedGradient gradient, int widthInPixels, int heightInPixels);
void drawHairline(html.CanvasRenderingContext2D? _ctx, Float32List positions);
/// Treeshakeable backend for rendering webgl on canvas.
/// This class gets instantiated on demand by Vertices constructor. For apps
/// that don't use Vertices WebGlRenderer will be removed from release binary.
class _WebGlRenderer implements _GlRenderer {
/// Cached vertex shader reused by [drawVertices] and gradients.
static String? _baseVertexShader;
static String? _textureVertexShader;
static void _setupVertexTransforms(_GlContext gl, _GlProgram glProgram,
double offsetX, double offsetY, double widthInPixels,
double heightInPixels, Matrix4 transform) {
Object transformUniform = gl.getUniformLocation(glProgram.program,
Matrix4 transformAtOffset = transform.clone()
..translate(-offsetX, -offsetY);
gl.setUniformMatrix4fv(transformUniform, false,;
// Set uniform to scale 0..width/height pixels coordinates to -1..1
// clipspace range and flip the Y axis.
Object resolution = gl.getUniformLocation(glProgram.program, 'u_scale');
gl.setUniform4f(resolution, 2.0 / widthInPixels.toDouble(),
-2.0 / heightInPixels.toDouble(), 1, 1);
Object shift = gl.getUniformLocation(glProgram.program, 'u_shift');
gl.setUniform4f(shift, -1, 1, 0, 0);
static void _setupTextureScalar(_GlContext gl, _GlProgram glProgram,
double sx, double sy) {
Object scalar = gl.getUniformLocation(glProgram.program, 'u_texscale');
gl.setUniform2f(scalar, sx, sy);
static dynamic _tileModeToGlWrapping(_GlContext gl, ui.TileMode tileMode) {
switch(tileMode) {
case ui.TileMode.clamp:
return gl.kClampToEdge;
case ui.TileMode.decal:
return gl.kClampToEdge;
case ui.TileMode.mirror:
return gl.kMirroredRepeat;
case ui.TileMode.repeated:
return gl.kRepeat;
void drawVertices(
html.CanvasRenderingContext2D? context,
int canvasWidthInPixels,
int canvasHeightInPixels,
Matrix4 transform,
SurfaceVertices vertices,
ui.BlendMode blendMode,
SurfacePaintData paint) {
// Compute bounds of vertices.
final Float32List positions = vertices._positions;
ui.Rect bounds = _computeVerticesBounds(positions, transform);
double minValueX = bounds.left;
double minValueY =;
double maxValueX = bounds.right;
double maxValueY = bounds.bottom;
double offsetX = 0;
double offsetY = 0;
int widthInPixels = canvasWidthInPixels;
int heightInPixels = canvasHeightInPixels;
// If vertices fall outside the bitmap area, cull.
if (maxValueX < 0 || maxValueY < 0) {
if (minValueX > widthInPixels || minValueY > heightInPixels) {
// If Vertices are is smaller than hosting canvas, allocate minimal
// offscreen canvas to reduce readPixels data size.
if ((maxValueX - minValueX) < widthInPixels &&
(maxValueY - minValueY) < heightInPixels) {
widthInPixels = maxValueX.ceil() - minValueX.floor();
heightInPixels = maxValueY.ceil() - minValueY.floor();
offsetX = minValueX.floor().toDouble();
offsetY = minValueY.floor().toDouble();
if (widthInPixels == 0 || heightInPixels == 0) {
final bool isWebGl2 = webGLVersion == WebGLVersion.webgl2;
final ImageShader? imageShader = paint.shader == null ? null
: paint.shader as ImageShader;
final String vertexShader = imageShader == null
? writeBaseVertexShader() : writeTextureVertexShader();
final String fragmentShader = imageShader == null
? _writeVerticesFragmentShader()
: _writeVerticesTextureFragmentShader(isWebGl2,
imageShader.tileModeX, imageShader.tileModeY);
_GlContext gl = _GlContextCache.createGlContext(widthInPixels, heightInPixels)!;
_GlProgram glProgram = gl.cacheProgram(vertexShader, fragmentShader);
Object? positionAttributeLocation =
gl.getAttributeLocation(glProgram.program, 'position');
_setupVertexTransforms(gl, glProgram, offsetX, offsetY,
widthInPixels.toDouble(), heightInPixels.toDouble(),
if (imageShader != null) {
/// To map from vertex position to texture coordinate in 0..1 range,
/// we setup scalar to be used in vertex shader.
_setupTextureScalar(gl, glProgram, 1.0 / imageShader._image.width.toDouble(),
1.0 / imageShader._image.height.toDouble());
// Setup geometry.
// Create buffer for vertex coordinates.
Object positionsBuffer = gl.createBuffer()!;
assert(positionsBuffer != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
Object? vao;
if (imageShader != null) {
if (isWebGl2) {
// Create a vertex array object.
vao = gl.createVertexArray();
// Set vertex array object as active one.
// Turn on position attribute.
// Bind buffer as position buffer and transfer data.
gl.bufferData(positions, gl.kStaticDraw);
// Setup data format for attribute.
gl.glContext, 'vertexAttribPointer', <dynamic>[
positionAttributeLocation, 2, gl.kFloat, false, 0, 0,
final int vertexCount = positions.length ~/ 2;
Object? texture;
if (imageShader == null) {
// Setup color buffer.
Object? colorsBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
// Buffer kBGRA_8888.
if (vertices._colors == null) {
final ui.Color color = paint.color ?? ui.Color(0xFF000000);
Uint32List vertexColors = Uint32List(vertexCount);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
vertexColors[i] = color.value;
gl.bufferData(vertexColors, gl.kStaticDraw);
} else {
gl.bufferData(vertices._colors, gl.kStaticDraw);
Object colorLoc = gl.getAttributeLocation(glProgram.program, 'color');
js_util.callMethod(gl.glContext, 'vertexAttribPointer',
<dynamic>[colorLoc, 4, gl.kUnsignedByte, true, 0, 0]);
} else {
// Copy image it to the texture.
texture = gl.createTexture();
// Texture units are a global array of references to the textures.
// By setting activeTexture, we associate the bound texture to a unit.
// Every time we call a texture function such as texImage2D with a target
// like TEXTURE_2D, it looks up texture by using the currently active
// unit.
// In our case we have a single texture unit 0.
gl.bindTexture(gl.kTexture2D, texture);
if (isWebGl2) {
// Texture REPEAT and MIRROR is only supported in WebGL 2, for
// WebGL 1.0 we let shader compute correct uv coordinates.
gl.texParameteri(gl.kTexture2D, gl.kTextureWrapS,
_tileModeToGlWrapping(gl, imageShader.tileModeX));
gl.texParameteri(gl.kTexture2D, gl.kTextureWrapT,
_tileModeToGlWrapping(gl, imageShader.tileModeY));
// Mipmapping saves your texture in different resolutions
// so the graphics card can choose which resolution is optimal
// without artifacts.
} else {
// For webgl1, if a texture is not mipmap complete, then the return
// value of a texel fetch is (0, 0, 0, 1), so we have to set
// minifying function to filter.
// See
gl.texParameteri(gl.kTexture2D, gl.kTextureWrapS,
gl.texParameteri(gl.kTexture2D, gl.kTextureWrapT,
gl.texParameteri(gl.kTexture2D, gl.kTextureMinFilter, gl.kLinear);
// Finally render triangles.
final Uint16List ?indices = vertices._indices;
if (indices == null) {
gl.drawTriangles(vertexCount, vertices._mode);
} else {
/// If indices are specified to use shared vertices to reduce vertex
/// data transfer, use drawElements to map from vertex indices to
/// triangles.
Object? indexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bufferElementData(indices, gl.kStaticDraw);
gl.drawElements(gl.kTriangles, indices.length, gl.kUnsignedShort);
if (vao != null) {
gl.drawImage(context, offsetX, offsetY);
static final Uint16List _vertexIndicesForRect = Uint16List.fromList(
0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0
/// Renders a rectangle using given program into an image resource.
/// Browsers that support OffscreenCanvas and the transferToImageBitmap api
/// will return ImageBitmap, otherwise will return CanvasElement.
Object? drawRect(ui.Rect targetRect, _GlContext gl, _GlProgram glProgram,
NormalizedGradient gradient, int widthInPixels, int heightInPixels) {
drawRectToGl(targetRect, gl, glProgram, gradient, widthInPixels, heightInPixels);
Object? image = gl.readPatternData();
return image;
/// Renders a rectangle using given program into an image resource and returns
/// url.
String drawRectToImageUrl(ui.Rect targetRect, _GlContext gl, _GlProgram glProgram,
NormalizedGradient gradient, int widthInPixels, int heightInPixels) {
drawRectToGl(targetRect, gl, glProgram, gradient, widthInPixels, heightInPixels);
final String imageUrl = gl.toImageUrl();
// Cleanup buffers.
return imageUrl;
/// Renders a rectangle using given program into [_GlContext].
/// Caller has to cleanup gl array and element array buffers.
void drawRectToGl(ui.Rect targetRect, _GlContext gl, _GlProgram glProgram,
NormalizedGradient gradient, int widthInPixels, int heightInPixels) {
// Setup rectangle coordinates.
final double left = targetRect.left;
final double top =;
final double right = targetRect.right;
final double bottom = targetRect.bottom;
// Form 2 triangles for rectangle.
final Float32List vertices = Float32List(8);
vertices[0] = left;
vertices[1] = top;
vertices[2] = right;
vertices[3] = top;
vertices[4] = right;
vertices[5] = bottom;
vertices[6] = left;
vertices[7] = bottom;
Object transformUniform = gl.getUniformLocation(
glProgram.program, 'u_ctransform');
gl.setUniformMatrix4fv(transformUniform, false, Matrix4.identity().storage);
// Set uniform to scale 0..width/height pixels coordinates to -1..1
// clipspace range and flip the Y axis.
Object resolution = gl.getUniformLocation(glProgram.program, 'u_scale');
gl.setUniform4f(resolution, 2.0 / widthInPixels.toDouble(),
-2.0 / heightInPixels.toDouble(), 1, 1);
Object shift = gl.getUniformLocation(glProgram.program, 'u_shift');
gl.setUniform4f(shift, -1, 1, 0, 0);
// Setup geometry.
Object positionsBuffer = gl.createBuffer()!;
assert(positionsBuffer != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
gl.bufferData(vertices, gl.kStaticDraw);
// Point an attribute to the currently bound vertex buffer object.
gl.glContext, 'vertexAttribPointer',
<dynamic>[0, 2, gl.kFloat, false, 0, 0]);
// Setup color buffer.
Object? colorsBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
// Buffer kBGRA_8888.
final Int32List colors = Int32List.fromList(<int>[
0xFF00FF00, 0xFF0000FF, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xFF00FFFF,
gl.bufferData(colors, gl.kStaticDraw);
js_util.callMethod(gl.glContext, 'vertexAttribPointer',
<dynamic>[1, 4, gl.kUnsignedByte, true, 0, 0]);
Object? indexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bufferElementData(_vertexIndicesForRect, gl.kStaticDraw);
if (gl.containsUniform(glProgram.program, 'u_resolution')) {
Object uRes = gl.getUniformLocation(glProgram.program, 'u_resolution');
uRes, widthInPixels.toDouble(), heightInPixels.toDouble());
gl.viewport(0, 0, widthInPixels.toDouble(), heightInPixels.toDouble());
gl.drawElements(gl.kTriangles, _vertexIndicesForRect.length, gl.kUnsignedShort);
/// Creates a vertex shader transforms pixel space [Vertices.positions] to
/// final clipSpace -1..1 coordinates with inverted Y Axis.
/// #version 300 es
/// layout (location=0) in vec4 position;
/// layout (location=1) in vec4 color;
/// uniform mat4 u_ctransform;
/// uniform vec4 u_scale;
/// uniform vec4 u_shift;
/// out vec4 vColor;
/// void main() {
/// gl_Position = ((u_ctransform * position) * u_scale) + u_shift;
/// v_color = color.zyxw;
/// }
static String writeBaseVertexShader() {
if (_baseVertexShader == null) {
ShaderBuilder builder = ShaderBuilder(webGLVersion);
builder.addIn(ShaderType.kVec4, name: 'position');
builder.addIn(ShaderType.kVec4, name: 'color');
builder.addUniform(ShaderType.kMat4, name: 'u_ctransform');
builder.addUniform(ShaderType.kVec4, name: 'u_scale');
builder.addUniform(ShaderType.kVec4, name: 'u_shift');
builder.addOut(ShaderType.kVec4, name: 'v_color');
ShaderMethod method = builder.addMethod('main');
'gl_Position = ((u_ctransform * position) * u_scale) + u_shift;');
method.addStatement('v_color = color.zyxw;');
_baseVertexShader =;
return _baseVertexShader!;
static String writeTextureVertexShader() {
if (_textureVertexShader == null) {
ShaderBuilder builder = ShaderBuilder(webGLVersion);
builder.addIn(ShaderType.kVec4, name: 'position');
builder.addUniform(ShaderType.kMat4, name: 'u_ctransform');
builder.addUniform(ShaderType.kVec4, name: 'u_scale');
builder.addUniform(ShaderType.kVec2, name: 'u_texscale');
builder.addUniform(ShaderType.kVec4, name: 'u_shift');
builder.addOut(ShaderType.kVec2, name: 'v_texcoord');
ShaderMethod method = builder.addMethod('main');
'gl_Position = ((u_ctransform * position) * u_scale) + u_shift;');
'v_texcoord = vec2(position.x * u_texscale.x, '
'(position.y * u_texscale.y));');
_textureVertexShader =;
return _textureVertexShader!;
/// This fragment shader enables Int32List of colors to be passed directly
/// to gl context buffer for rendering by decoding RGBA8888.
/// #version 300 es
/// precision mediump float;
/// in vec4 vColor;
/// out vec4 fragColor;
/// void main() {
/// fragColor = vColor;
/// }
String _writeVerticesFragmentShader() {
ShaderBuilder builder = ShaderBuilder.fragment(webGLVersion);
builder.floatPrecision = ShaderPrecision.kMedium;
builder.addIn(ShaderType.kVec4, name:'v_color');
ShaderMethod method = builder.addMethod('main');
method.addStatement('${} = v_color;');
String _writeVerticesTextureFragmentShader(bool isWebGl2,
ui.TileMode? tileModeX, ui.TileMode? tileModeY) {
ShaderBuilder builder = ShaderBuilder.fragment(webGLVersion);
builder.floatPrecision = ShaderPrecision.kMedium;
builder.addIn(ShaderType.kVec2, name:'v_texcoord');
builder.addUniform(ShaderType.kSampler2D, name: 'u_texture');
ShaderMethod method = builder.addMethod('main');
if (isWebGl2
|| tileModeX == null || tileModeY == null
|| (tileModeX == ui.TileMode.clamp && tileModeY == ui.TileMode.clamp)) {
method.addStatement('${} = '
'${builder.texture2DFunction}(u_texture, v_texcoord);');
} else {
// Repeat and mirror are not supported for webgl1. Write code to
// adjust texture coordinate.
// This will write u and v floats, clamp/repeat and mirror the value and
// pass it to sampler.
method.addTileStatements('v_texcoord.x', 'u', tileModeX);
method.addTileStatements('v_texcoord.y', 'v', tileModeY);
method.addStatement('vec2 uv = vec2(u, v);');
method.addStatement('${} = '
'${builder.texture2DFunction}(u_texture, uv);');
void drawHairline(html.CanvasRenderingContext2D? _ctx, Float32List positions) {
assert(positions != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
final int pointCount = positions.length ~/ 2;
_ctx!.lineWidth = 1.0;
for (int i = 0, len = pointCount * 2; i < len;) {
for (int triangleVertexIndex = 0;
triangleVertexIndex < 3;
triangleVertexIndex++, i += 2) {
final double dx = positions[i];
final double dy = positions[i + 1];
switch (triangleVertexIndex) {
case 0:
_ctx.moveTo(dx, dy);
case 1:
_ctx.lineTo(dx, dy);
case 2:
_ctx.lineTo(dx, dy);
ui.Rect _computeVerticesBounds(Float32List positions, Matrix4 transform) {
double minValueX, maxValueX, minValueY, maxValueY;
minValueX = maxValueX = positions[0];
minValueY = maxValueY = positions[1];
for (int i = 2, len = positions.length; i < len; i += 2) {
final double x = positions[i];
final double y = positions[i + 1];
if (x.isNaN || y.isNaN) {
// Follows skia implementation that sets bounds to empty
// and aborts.
minValueX = math.min(minValueX, x);
maxValueX = math.max(maxValueX, x);
minValueY = math.min(minValueY, y);
maxValueY = math.max(maxValueY, y);
return _transformBounds(
transform, minValueX, minValueY, maxValueX, maxValueY);
ui.Rect _transformBounds(
Matrix4 transform, double left, double top, double right, double bottom) {
final Float32List storage =;
final double m0 = storage[0];
final double m1 = storage[1];
final double m4 = storage[4];
final double m5 = storage[5];
final double m12 = storage[12];
final double m13 = storage[13];
final double x0 = (m0 * left) + (m4 * top) + m12;
final double y0 = (m1 * left) + (m5 * top) + m13;
final double x1 = (m0 * right) + (m4 * top) + m12;
final double y1 = (m1 * right) + (m5 * top) + m13;
final double x2 = (m0 * right) + (m4 * bottom) + m12;
final double y2 = (m1 * right) + (m5 * bottom) + m13;
final double x3 = (m0 * left) + (m4 * bottom) + m12;
final double y3 = (m1 * left) + (m5 * bottom) + m13;
return ui.Rect.fromLTRB(
math.min(x0, math.min(x1, math.min(x2, x3))),
math.min(y0, math.min(y1, math.min(y2, y3))),
math.max(x0, math.max(x1, math.max(x2, x3))),
math.max(y0, math.max(y1, math.max(y2, y3))));
// Converts from [VertexMode] triangleFan and triangleStrip to triangles.
Float32List _convertVertexPositions(ui.VertexMode mode, Float32List positions) {
assert(mode != ui.VertexMode.triangles);
if (mode == ui.VertexMode.triangleFan) {
final int coordinateCount = positions.length ~/ 2;
final int triangleCount = coordinateCount - 2;
final Float32List triangleList = Float32List(triangleCount * 3 * 2);
double centerX = positions[0];
double centerY = positions[1];
int destIndex = 0;
int positionIndex = 2;
for (int triangleIndex = 0;
triangleIndex < triangleCount;
triangleIndex++, positionIndex += 2) {
triangleList[destIndex++] = centerX;
triangleList[destIndex++] = centerY;
triangleList[destIndex++] = positions[positionIndex];
triangleList[destIndex++] = positions[positionIndex + 1];
triangleList[destIndex++] = positions[positionIndex + 2];
triangleList[destIndex++] = positions[positionIndex + 3];
return triangleList;
} else {
assert(mode == ui.VertexMode.triangleStrip);
// Set of connected triangles. Each triangle shares 2 last vertices.
final int vertexCount = positions.length ~/ 2;
int triangleCount = vertexCount - 2;
double x0 = positions[0];
double y0 = positions[1];
double x1 = positions[2];
double y1 = positions[3];
final Float32List triangleList = Float32List(triangleCount * 3 * 2);
int destIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0, positionIndex = 4; i < triangleCount; i++) {
final double x2 = positions[positionIndex++];
final double y2 = positions[positionIndex++];
triangleList[destIndex++] = x0;
triangleList[destIndex++] = y0;
triangleList[destIndex++] = x1;
triangleList[destIndex++] = y1;
triangleList[destIndex++] = x2;
triangleList[destIndex++] = y2;
x0 = x1;
y0 = y1;
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
return triangleList;
/// Compiled and cached gl program.
class _GlProgram {
final Object program;
/// JS Interop helper for webgl apis.
class _GlContext {
final Object glContext;
final bool isOffscreen;
dynamic _kCompileStatus;
dynamic _kArrayBuffer;
dynamic _kElementArrayBuffer;
dynamic _kStaticDraw;
dynamic _kFloat;
dynamic _kColorBufferBit;
dynamic _kTexture2D;
dynamic _kTextureWrapS;
dynamic _kTextureWrapT;
dynamic _kRepeat;
dynamic _kClampToEdge;
dynamic _kMirroredRepeat;
dynamic _kTriangles;
dynamic _kLinkStatus;
dynamic _kUnsignedByte;
dynamic _kUnsignedShort;
dynamic _kRGBA;
dynamic _kLinear;
dynamic _kTextureMinFilter;
int? _kTexture0;
Object? _canvas;
int? _widthInPixels;
int? _heightInPixels;
static late Map<String, _GlProgram?> _programCache;
_GlContext.fromOffscreenCanvas(html.OffscreenCanvas canvas)
: glContext = canvas.getContext('webgl2', <String, dynamic>{'premultipliedAlpha': false})!,
isOffscreen = true {
_programCache = <String, _GlProgram?>{};
_canvas = canvas;
_GlContext.fromCanvas(html.CanvasElement canvas, bool useWebGl1)
: glContext = canvas.getContext(useWebGl1 ? 'webgl' : 'webgl2',
<String, dynamic>{'premultipliedAlpha': false})!,
isOffscreen = false {
_programCache = <String, _GlProgram?>{};
_canvas = canvas;
void setViewportSize(int width, int height) {
_widthInPixels = width;
_heightInPixels = height;
/// Draws Gl context contents to canvas context.
void drawImage(html.CanvasRenderingContext2D context,
double left, double top) {
// Actual size of canvas may be larger than viewport size. Use
// source/destination to draw part of the image data.
js_util.callMethod(context, 'drawImage',
<dynamic>[_canvas, 0, 0, _widthInPixels, _heightInPixels,
left, top, _widthInPixels, _heightInPixels]);
_GlProgram cacheProgram(
String vertexShaderSource, String fragmentShaderSource) {
String cacheKey = '$vertexShaderSource||$fragmentShaderSource';
_GlProgram? cachedProgram = _programCache[cacheKey];
if (cachedProgram == null) {
// Create and compile shaders.
Object vertexShader = compileShader('VERTEX_SHADER', vertexShaderSource);
Object fragmentShader =
compileShader('FRAGMENT_SHADER', fragmentShaderSource);
// Create a gl program and link shaders.
Object program = createProgram();
attachShader(program, vertexShader);
attachShader(program, fragmentShader);
cachedProgram = _GlProgram(program);
_programCache[cacheKey] = cachedProgram;
return cachedProgram;
Object compileShader(String shaderType, String source) {
Object? shader = _createShader(shaderType);
if (shader == null) {
throw Exception(error);
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'shaderSource', <dynamic>[shader, source]);
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'compileShader', <dynamic>[shader]);
bool shaderStatus = js_util
.callMethod(glContext, 'getShaderParameter', <dynamic>[shader, compileStatus]);
if (!shaderStatus) {
throw Exception('Shader compilation failed: ${getShaderInfoLog(shader)}');
return shader;
Object createProgram() =>
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'createProgram', const <dynamic>[])!;
void attachShader(Object? program, Object shader) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'attachShader', <dynamic>[program, shader]);
void linkProgram(Object program) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'linkProgram', <dynamic>[program]);
if (!js_util
.callMethod(glContext, 'getProgramParameter', <dynamic>[program, kLinkStatus])) {
throw Exception(getProgramInfoLog(program));
void useProgram(_GlProgram program) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'useProgram', <dynamic>[program.program]);
Object? createBuffer() =>
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'createBuffer', const <dynamic>[]);
void bindArrayBuffer(Object? buffer) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'bindBuffer', <dynamic>[kArrayBuffer, buffer]);
Object? createVertexArray() =>
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'createVertexArray', const <dynamic>[]);
void bindVertexArray(Object vertexObjectArray) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'bindVertexArray',
void unbindVertexArray() {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'bindVertexArray',
void bindElementArrayBuffer(Object? buffer) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'bindBuffer', <dynamic>[kElementArrayBuffer, buffer]);
Object? createTexture() =>
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'createTexture', const <dynamic>[]);
void generateMipmap(dynamic target) =>
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'generateMipmap', <dynamic>[target]);
void bindTexture(dynamic target, Object? buffer) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'bindTexture', <dynamic>[target, buffer]);
void activeTexture(int textureUnit) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'activeTexture', <dynamic>[textureUnit]);
void texImage2D(dynamic target, int level, dynamic internalFormat,
dynamic format, dynamic dataType,
dynamic pixels, {int? width, int? height, int border = 0}) {
if (width == null) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'texImage2D', <dynamic>[
target, level, internalFormat, format, dataType, pixels]);
} else {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'texImage2D', <dynamic>[
target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, dataType,
void texParameteri(dynamic target, dynamic parameterName, dynamic value) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'texParameteri', <dynamic>[
target, parameterName, value]);
void deleteBuffer(Object buffer) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'deleteBuffer', <dynamic>[buffer]);
void bufferData(TypedData? data, dynamic type) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'bufferData', <dynamic>[kArrayBuffer, data, type]);
void bufferElementData(TypedData? data, dynamic type) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'bufferData', <dynamic>[kElementArrayBuffer, data, type]);
void enableVertexAttribArray(dynamic index) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'enableVertexAttribArray', <dynamic>[index]);
/// Clear background.
void clear() {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'clear', <dynamic>[kColorBufferBit]);
/// Destroys gl context.
void dispose() {
js_util.callMethod(_getExtension('WEBGL_lose_context'), 'loseContext', const <dynamic>[]);
void deleteProgram(Object program) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'deleteProgram', <dynamic>[program]);
void deleteShader(Object shader) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'deleteShader', <dynamic>[shader]);
dynamic _getExtension(String extensionName) =>
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'getExtension', <dynamic>[extensionName]);
void drawTriangles(int triangleCount, ui.VertexMode vertexMode) {
dynamic mode = _triangleTypeFromMode(vertexMode);
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'drawArrays', <dynamic>[mode, 0, triangleCount]);
void drawElements(dynamic type, int indexCount, dynamic indexType) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'drawElements', <dynamic>[type, indexCount, indexType, 0]);
/// Sets affine transformation from normalized device coordinates
/// to window coordinates
void viewport(double x, double y, double width, double height) {
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'viewport', <dynamic>[x, y, width, height]);
dynamic _triangleTypeFromMode(ui.VertexMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case ui.VertexMode.triangles:
return kTriangles;
case ui.VertexMode.triangleFan:
return kTriangleFan;
case ui.VertexMode.triangleStrip:
return kTriangleStrip;
Object? _createShader(String shaderType) => js_util.callMethod(
glContext, 'createShader', <dynamic>[js_util.getProperty(glContext, shaderType)]);
/// Error state of gl context.
dynamic get error => js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'getError', const <dynamic>[]);
/// Shader compiler error, if this returns [kFalse], to get details use
/// [getShaderInfoLog].
dynamic get compileStatus =>
_kCompileStatus ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'COMPILE_STATUS');
dynamic get kArrayBuffer =>
_kArrayBuffer ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'ARRAY_BUFFER');
dynamic get kElementArrayBuffer =>
_kElementArrayBuffer ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext,
dynamic get kLinkStatus =>
_kLinkStatus ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'LINK_STATUS');
dynamic get kFloat => _kFloat ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'FLOAT');
dynamic get kRGBA => _kRGBA ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'RGBA');
dynamic get kUnsignedByte =>
_kUnsignedByte ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'UNSIGNED_BYTE');
dynamic get kUnsignedShort =>
_kUnsignedShort ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'UNSIGNED_SHORT');
dynamic get kStaticDraw =>
_kStaticDraw ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'STATIC_DRAW');
dynamic get kTriangles =>
_kTriangles ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'TRIANGLES');
dynamic get kTriangleFan =>
_kTriangles ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'TRIANGLE_FAN');
dynamic get kTriangleStrip =>
_kTriangles ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'TRIANGLE_STRIP');
dynamic get kColorBufferBit =>
_kColorBufferBit ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'COLOR_BUFFER_BIT');
dynamic get kTexture2D =>
_kTexture2D ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'TEXTURE_2D');
int get kTexture0 =>
_kTexture0 ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'TEXTURE0') as int;
dynamic get kTextureWrapS =>
_kTextureWrapS ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'TEXTURE_WRAP_S');
dynamic get kTextureWrapT =>
_kTextureWrapT ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'TEXTURE_WRAP_T');
dynamic get kRepeat =>
_kRepeat ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'REPEAT');
dynamic get kClampToEdge =>
_kClampToEdge ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'CLAMP_TO_EDGE');
dynamic get kMirroredRepeat =>
_kMirroredRepeat ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'MIRRORED_REPEAT');
dynamic get kLinear =>
_kLinear ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'LINEAR');
dynamic get kTextureMinFilter =>
_kTextureMinFilter ??= js_util.getProperty(glContext,
/// Returns reference to uniform in program.
Object getUniformLocation(Object program, String uniformName) {
Object? res = js_util
.callMethod(glContext, 'getUniformLocation', <dynamic>[program, uniformName]);
if (res == null) {
throw Exception('$uniformName not found');
} else {
return res;
/// Returns true if uniform exists.
bool containsUniform(Object program, String uniformName) {
Object? res = js_util
.callMethod(glContext, 'getUniformLocation', <dynamic>[program, uniformName]);
return res != null;
/// Returns reference to uniform in program.
Object getAttributeLocation(Object program, String attribName) {
Object? res = js_util
.callMethod(glContext, 'getAttribLocation', <dynamic>[program, attribName]);
if (res == null) {
throw Exception('$attribName not found');
} else {
return res;
/// Sets float uniform value.
void setUniform1f(Object uniform, double value) {
return js_util
.callMethod(glContext, 'uniform1f', <dynamic>[uniform, value]);
/// Sets vec2 uniform values.
void setUniform2f(Object uniform, double value1, double value2) {
return js_util
.callMethod(glContext, 'uniform2f', <dynamic>[uniform, value1, value2]);
/// Sets vec4 uniform values.
void setUniform4f(Object uniform, double value1, double value2, double value3,
double value4) {
return js_util.callMethod(
glContext, 'uniform4f', <dynamic>[uniform, value1, value2, value3, value4]);
/// Sets mat4 uniform values.
void setUniformMatrix4fv(Object uniform, bool transpose, Float32List value) {
return js_util.callMethod(
glContext, 'uniformMatrix4fv', <dynamic>[uniform, transpose, value]);
/// Shader compile error log.
dynamic getShaderInfoLog(Object glShader) {
return js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'getShaderInfoLog', <dynamic>[glShader]);
/// Errors that occurred during failed linking or validation of program
/// objects. Typically called after [linkProgram].
String? getProgramInfoLog(Object glProgram) {
return js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'getProgramInfoLog', <dynamic>[glProgram]);
int? get drawingBufferWidth =>
js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'drawingBufferWidth');
int? get drawingBufferHeight =>
js_util.getProperty(glContext, 'drawingBufferWidth');
/// Reads gl contents as image data.
/// Warning: data is read bottom up (flipped).
html.ImageData readImageData() {
const int kBytesPerPixel = 4;
final int bufferWidth = _widthInPixels!;
final int bufferHeight = _heightInPixels!;
if (browserEngine == BrowserEngine.webkit ||
browserEngine == BrowserEngine.firefox) {
final Uint8List pixels =
Uint8List(bufferWidth * bufferHeight * kBytesPerPixel);
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'readPixels',
<dynamic>[0, 0, bufferWidth, bufferHeight, kRGBA, kUnsignedByte, pixels]);
return html.ImageData(
Uint8ClampedList.fromList(pixels), bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
} else {
final Uint8ClampedList pixels =
Uint8ClampedList(bufferWidth * bufferHeight * kBytesPerPixel);
js_util.callMethod(glContext, 'readPixels',
<dynamic>[0, 0, bufferWidth, bufferHeight, kRGBA, kUnsignedByte, pixels]);
return html.ImageData(pixels, bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
/// Returns image data in a form that can be used to create Canvas
/// context patterns.
Object? readPatternData() {
// When using OffscreenCanvas and transferToImageBitmap is supported by
// browser create ImageBitmap otherwise use more expensive canvas
// allocation.
if (_canvas != null &&
js_util.hasProperty(_canvas!, 'transferToImageBitmap')) {
js_util.callMethod(_canvas!, 'getContext', <dynamic>['webgl2']);
Object?imageBitmap = js_util.callMethod(_canvas!, 'transferToImageBitmap',
return imageBitmap;
} else {
html.CanvasElement canvas = html.CanvasElement(width: _widthInPixels, height: _heightInPixels);
final html.CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx = canvas.context2D;
drawImage(ctx, 0, 0);
return canvas;
/// Returns image data in data url format.
String toImageUrl() {
html.CanvasElement canvas = html.CanvasElement(width: _widthInPixels, height: _heightInPixels);
final html.CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx = canvas.context2D;
drawImage(ctx, 0, 0);
final String dataUrl = canvas.toDataUrl();
canvas.width = 0;
canvas.height = 0;
return dataUrl;
/// Polyfill for html.OffscreenCanvas that is not supported on some browsers.
class _OffScreenCanvas {
html.OffscreenCanvas? _canvas;
html.CanvasElement? _glCanvas;
int width;
int height;
_OffScreenCanvas(this.width, this.height) {
if (_OffScreenCanvas.supported) {
_canvas = html.OffscreenCanvas(width, height);
} else {
_glCanvas = html.CanvasElement(
width: width,
height: height,
_glCanvas!.className = 'gl-canvas';
final double cssWidth = width / EnginePlatformDispatcher.browserDevicePixelRatio;
final double cssHeight = height / EnginePlatformDispatcher.browserDevicePixelRatio;
..position = 'absolute'
..width = '${cssWidth}px'
..height = '${cssHeight}px';
void dispose() {
_canvas = null;
_glCanvas = null;
/// Feature detects OffscreenCanvas.
static bool get supported =>
js_util.hasProperty(html.window, 'OffscreenCanvas');
/// Creates gl context from cached OffscreenCanvas for webgl rendering to image.
class _GlContextCache {
static int _maxPixelWidth = 0;
static int _maxPixelHeight = 0;
static _GlContext? _cachedContext;
static _OffScreenCanvas? _offScreenCanvas;
static void dispose() {
_maxPixelWidth = 0;
_maxPixelHeight = 0;
_cachedContext = null;
static _GlContext? createGlContext(int widthInPixels, int heightInPixels) {
if (widthInPixels > _maxPixelWidth || heightInPixels > _maxPixelHeight) {
_cachedContext = null;
_offScreenCanvas = null;
_maxPixelWidth = math.max(_maxPixelWidth, widthInPixels);
_maxPixelHeight = math.max(_maxPixelHeight, widthInPixels);
_offScreenCanvas ??= _OffScreenCanvas(widthInPixels, heightInPixels);
if (_OffScreenCanvas.supported) {
_cachedContext ??=
} else {
_cachedContext ??= _GlContext.fromCanvas(_offScreenCanvas!._glCanvas!,
webGLVersion == WebGLVersion.webgl1);
_cachedContext!.setViewportSize(widthInPixels, heightInPixels);
return _cachedContext;