blob: 1bd71b325a049d72310e41a646e3482972f2d770 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Winreg.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace flutter {
// A Windows Registry key.
// The Windows registry is structured as a hierarchy of named keys, each of
// which may contain a set of named values of various datatypes. RegistryKey
// objects own the underlying HKEY handle and ensure cleanup at or prior to
// destruction.
class RegistryKey {
// Opens the specified key.
RegistryKey(HKEY key, REGSAM access);
// Opens a key relative to the specified parent key.
RegistryKey(HKEY parent_key, const std::wstring_view subkey, REGSAM access);
// Opens a key relative to the specified parent key.
RegistryKey(const RegistryKey& parent_key,
const std::wstring_view subkey,
REGSAM access);
// Prevent copying.
RegistryKey(const RegistryKey& other) = delete;
RegistryKey& operator=(const RegistryKey& other) = delete;
// Closes the registry key and releases resources.
void Close();
// Returns true if the key is valid.
bool IsValid() const { return key_ != nullptr; }
// Returns a list of all direct subkey names for this key.
std::vector<std::wstring> GetSubKeyNames() const;
// Reads a string value from the key.
// Returns ERROR_SUCCESS on success.
LONG ReadValue(const std::wstring_view name, std::wstring* out_value) const;
HKEY key_ = nullptr;
} // namespace flutter