blob: 5cfac739a2713e40673a523c3b904ed99869f82c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <windows.h>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
namespace flutter {
// Handles keyboard and text messages on Win32.
// |KeyboardManagerWin32| consumes raw Win32 messages related to key and chars,
// and converts them to |OnKey| or |OnText| calls suitable for
// |KeyboardKeyHandler|.
// |KeyboardManagerWin32| requires a |WindowDelegate| to define how to
// access Win32 system calls (to allow mocking) and where to send the results
// of |OnKey| and |OnText| to.
// Typically, |KeyboardManagerWin32| is owned by a |WindowWin32|, which also
// implements the window delegate. The |OnKey| and |OnText| results are
// passed to those of |WindowWin32|'s, and consequently, those of
// |FlutterWindowsView|'s.
// ## Terminology
// The keyboard system follows the following terminology instead of the
// inconsistent/incomplete one used by Win32:
// * Message: An invocation of |WndProc|, which consists of an
// action, an lparam, and a wparam.
// * Action: The type of a message.
// * Session: One to three messages that should be processed together, such
// as a key down message followed by char messages.
// * Event: A FlutterKeyEvent/ui.KeyData sent to the framework.
class KeyboardManagerWin32 {
// Define how the keyboard manager accesses Win32 system calls (to allow
// mocking) and sends the results of |OnKey| and |OnText|.
// Typically implemented by |WindowWin32|.
class WindowDelegate {
using KeyEventCallback = std::function<void(bool)>;
virtual ~WindowDelegate() = default;
// Called when text input occurs.
virtual void OnText(const std::u16string& text) = 0;
// Called when raw keyboard input occurs.
virtual void OnKey(int key,
int scancode,
int action,
char32_t character,
bool extended,
bool was_down,
KeyEventCallback callback) = 0;
// Win32's PeekMessage.
// Used to process key messages.
virtual BOOL Win32PeekMessage(LPMSG lpMsg,
UINT wMsgFilterMin,
UINT wMsgFilterMax,
UINT wRemoveMsg) = 0;
// Win32's MapVirtualKey(*, MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR).
// Used to process key messages.
virtual uint32_t Win32MapVkToChar(uint32_t virtual_key) = 0;
// Win32's |SendMessage|.
// Used to synthesize key messages.
virtual UINT Win32DispatchMessage(UINT Msg,
WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam) = 0;
using KeyEventCallback = WindowDelegate::KeyEventCallback;
explicit KeyboardManagerWin32(WindowDelegate* delegate);
// Processes Win32 messages related to keyboard and text.
// All messages related to keyboard and text should be sent here without
// pre-processing, including WM_{SYS,}KEY{DOWN,UP} and WM_{SYS,}{DEAD,}CHAR.
// Other message types will trigger assertion error.
// |HandleMessage| returns true if Flutter keyboard system decides to handle
// this message synchronously. It doesn't mean that the Flutter framework
// handles it, which is reported asynchronously later. Not handling this
// message here usually means that this message is a redispatched message,
// but there are other rare cases too. |WindowWin32| should forward unhandled
// messages to |DefWindowProc|.
bool HandleMessage(UINT const message,
WPARAM const wparam,
LPARAM const lparam);
struct Win32Message {
UINT action;
WPARAM wparam;
LPARAM lparam;
bool IsHighSurrogate() const { return IS_HIGH_SURROGATE(wparam); }
bool IsLowSurrogate() const { return IS_LOW_SURROGATE(wparam); }
bool IsGeneralKeyDown() const {
return action == WM_KEYDOWN || action == WM_SYSKEYDOWN;
struct PendingEvent {
uint8_t scancode;
UINT action;
char32_t character;
bool extended;
bool was_down;
std::vector<Win32Message> session;
virtual void RedispatchEvent(std::unique_ptr<PendingEvent> event);
using OnKeyCallback =
std::function<void(std::unique_ptr<PendingEvent>, bool)>;
struct PendingText {
bool ready;
std::u16string content;
// Returns true if it's a new event, or false if it's a redispatched event.
void OnKey(std::unique_ptr<PendingEvent> event, OnKeyCallback callback);
// From `pending_texts_`, pop all front elements that are ready, dispatch
// them to |OnText|, and remove them.
void DispatchReadyTexts();
// Handle the result of |OnKey|, which might dispatch the text result to
// |OnText|.
// The `pending_text` is either a valid iterator of `pending_texts`, or its
// end(). In the latter case, this OnKey message does not contain a text.
void HandleOnKeyResult(std::unique_ptr<PendingEvent> event,
bool handled,
std::list<PendingText>::iterator pending_text);
// Returns the type of the next WM message.
// The parameters limits the range of interested messages. See Win32's
// |PeekMessage| for information.
// If there's no message, returns 0.
UINT PeekNextMessageType(UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax);
// Find an event in the redispatch list that matches the given one.
// If an matching event is found, removes the matching event from the
// redispatch list, and returns true. Otherwise, returns false;
bool RemoveRedispatchedMessage(UINT action, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
WindowDelegate* window_delegate_;
// Keeps track of all messages during the current session.
// At the end of a session, it is moved to the `PendingEvent`, which is
// passed to `OnKey`.
std::vector<Win32Message> current_session_;
// Whether the last event is a CtrlLeft key down.
// This is used to resolve a corner case described in |IsKeyDownAltRight|.
bool last_key_is_ctrl_left_down;
// The scancode of the last met CtrlLeft down.
// This is used to resolve a corner case described in |IsKeyDownAltRight|.
uint8_t ctrl_left_scancode;
// Whether a CtrlLeft up should be synthesized upon the next AltRight up.
// This is used to resolve a corner case described in |IsKeyDownAltRight|.
bool should_synthesize_ctrl_left_up;
// A queue of potential texts derived from char messages.
// The text might or might not be ready when they're added, and they might
// become ready or removed later. `DispatchReadyTexts` is used to dispatch all
// ready texts from the front to `OnText`. This queue is used to ensure
// they're dispatched in their arrival order.
std::list<PendingText> pending_texts_;
// The queue of messages that have been redispatched to the system but have
// not yet been received for a second time.
std::deque<Win32Message> pending_redispatches_;
// Calculate a hash based on event data for fast comparison for a redispatched
// event.
// This uses event data instead of generating a serial number because
// information can't be attached to the redispatched events, so it has to be
// possible to compute an ID from the identifying data in the event when it is
// received again in order to differentiate between events that are new, and
// events that have been redispatched.
// Another alternative would be to compute a checksum from all the data in the
// event (just compute it over the bytes in the struct, probably skipping
// timestamps), but the fields used are enough to differentiate them, and
// since Windows does some processing on the events (coming up with virtual
// key codes, setting timestamps, etc.), it's not clear that the redispatched
// events would have the same checksums.
static uint64_t ComputeEventHash(const PendingEvent& event);
} // namespace flutter