blob: fd3b8914388db4fb4e172233408c5c94c0bbfcd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
namespace flutter {
namespace testing {
constexpr LRESULT kWmResultZero = 0;
constexpr LRESULT kWmResultDefault = 0xDEADC0DE;
constexpr LRESULT kWmResultDontCheck = 0xFFFF1234;
// A struc to hold simulated events that will be delivered after the framework
// response is handled.
struct Win32Message {
UINT message;
WPARAM wParam;
LPARAM lParam;
LRESULT expected_result;
HWND hWnd;
typedef enum WmFieldExtended {
kNotExtended = 0,
kExtended = 1,
} WmFieldExtended;
typedef enum WmFieldContext {
kNoContext = 0,
kAltHeld = 1,
} WmFieldContext;
typedef enum WmFieldPrevState {
kWasUp = 0,
kWasDown = 1,
} WmFieldPrevState;
typedef enum WmFieldTransitionState {
kBeingReleased = 0,
kBeingPressed = 1,
} WmFieldTransitionState;
// WM_KEYDOWN messages.
// See
typedef struct WmKeyDownInfo {
uint32_t key;
uint8_t scan_code;
WmFieldExtended extended;
WmFieldPrevState prev_state;
// WmFieldTransitionState transition; // Always 0.
// WmFieldContext context; // Always 0.
uint16_t repeat_count = 1;
Win32Message Build(LRESULT expected_result = kWmResultDontCheck,
HWND hWnd = NULL);
} WmKeyDownInfo;
// Win32Message BuildMessage(WmKeyDownInfo info, LRESULT expected_result =
// kWmResultDontCheck, HWND hWnd = NULL);
// WM_KEYUP messages.
// See
typedef struct WmKeyUpInfo {
uint32_t key;
uint8_t scan_code;
WmFieldExtended extended;
// WmFieldPrevState prev_state; // Always 1.
// WmFieldTransitionState transition; // Always 1.
// WmFieldContext context; // Always 0.
// uint16_t repeat_count; // Always 1.
Win32Message Build(LRESULT expected_result = kWmResultDontCheck,
HWND hWnd = NULL);
} WmKeyUpInfo;
// WM_CHAR messages.
// See
typedef struct WmCharInfo {
uint32_t char_code;
uint8_t scan_code;
WmFieldExtended extended;
WmFieldPrevState prev_state;
WmFieldTransitionState transition;
WmFieldContext context;
uint16_t repeat_count = 1;
// The 25th bit of the LParam.
// Some messages are sent with bit25 set. Its meaning is yet unknown.
bool bit25 = 0;
Win32Message Build(LRESULT expected_result = kWmResultDontCheck,
HWND hWnd = NULL);
} WmCharInfo;
// WM_SYSKEYDOWN messages.
// See
typedef struct WmSysKeyDownInfo {
uint32_t key;
uint8_t scan_code;
WmFieldExtended extended;
WmFieldPrevState prev_state;
// WmFieldTransitionState transition; // Always 0.
WmFieldContext context;
uint16_t repeat_count;
Win32Message Build(LRESULT expected_result = kWmResultDontCheck,
HWND hWnd = NULL);
} WmSysKeyDownInfo;
// WM_SYSKEYUP messages.
// See
typedef struct WmSysKeyUpInfo {
uint32_t key;
uint8_t scan_code;
WmFieldExtended extended;
// WmFieldPrevState prev_state; // Always 1.
// WmFieldTransitionState transition; // Always 1.
WmFieldContext context;
// uint16_t repeat_count; // Always 1.
Win32Message Build(LRESULT expected_result = kWmResultDontCheck,
HWND hWnd = NULL);
} WmSysKeyUpInfo;
// WM_DEADCHAR messages.
// See
typedef struct WmDeadCharInfo {
uint32_t char_code;
uint8_t scan_code;
WmFieldExtended extended;
WmFieldPrevState prev_state;
WmFieldTransitionState transition;
WmFieldContext context;
uint16_t repeat_count = 1;
Win32Message Build(LRESULT expected_result = kWmResultDontCheck,
HWND hWnd = NULL);
} WmDeadCharInfo;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flutter