blob: 8105f04b2e5ce741f4454d6c2c22a629eb24ecb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import '../../lib/gpu/lib/gpu.dart' as gpu;
void main() {}
void sayHi() {
void instantiateDefaultContext() {
// ignore: unused_local_variable
final gpu.GpuContext context = gpu.gpuContext;
void canEmplaceHostBuffer() {
final gpu.HostBuffer hostBuffer = gpu.HostBuffer(gpu.gpuContext);
final gpu.BufferView view0 = hostBuffer
.emplace(Int8List.fromList(<int>[0, 1, 2, 3]).buffer.asByteData());
assert(view0.offsetInBytes == 0);
assert(view0.lengthInBytes == 4);
final gpu.BufferView view1 = hostBuffer
.emplace(Int8List.fromList(<int>[0, 1, 2, 3]).buffer.asByteData());
assert(view1.offsetInBytes >= 4);
assert(view1.lengthInBytes == 4);
void canCreateDeviceBuffer() {
final gpu.DeviceBuffer? deviceBuffer =
gpu.gpuContext.createDeviceBuffer(gpu.StorageMode.hostVisible, 4);
assert(deviceBuffer != null);
assert(deviceBuffer!.sizeInBytes == 4);
void canOverwriteDeviceBuffer() {
final gpu.DeviceBuffer? deviceBuffer =
gpu.gpuContext.createDeviceBuffer(gpu.StorageMode.hostVisible, 4);
assert(deviceBuffer != null);
final bool success = deviceBuffer!
.overwrite(Int8List.fromList(<int>[0, 1, 2, 3]).buffer.asByteData());
void deviceBufferOverwriteFailsWhenOutOfBounds() {
final gpu.DeviceBuffer? deviceBuffer =
gpu.gpuContext.createDeviceBuffer(gpu.StorageMode.hostVisible, 4);
assert(deviceBuffer != null);
final bool success = deviceBuffer!.overwrite(
Int8List.fromList(<int>[0, 1, 2, 3]).buffer.asByteData(),
destinationOffsetInBytes: 1);
void deviceBufferOverwriteThrowsForNegativeDestinationOffset() {
final gpu.DeviceBuffer? deviceBuffer =
gpu.gpuContext.createDeviceBuffer(gpu.StorageMode.hostVisible, 4);
assert(deviceBuffer != null);
String? exception;
try {
Int8List.fromList(<int>[0, 1, 2, 3]).buffer.asByteData(),
destinationOffsetInBytes: -1);
} catch (e) {
exception = e.toString();
assert(exception!.contains('destinationOffsetInBytes must be positive'));
void canCreateTexture() {
final gpu.Texture? texture =
gpu.gpuContext.createTexture(gpu.StorageMode.hostVisible, 100, 100);
assert(texture != null);
// Check the defaults.
texture!.coordinateSystem == gpu.TextureCoordinateSystem.renderToTexture);
assert(texture!.width == 100);
assert(texture!.height == 100);
assert(texture!.storageMode == gpu.StorageMode.hostVisible);
assert(texture!.sampleCount == 1);
assert(texture!.format == gpu.PixelFormat.r8g8b8a8UNormInt);
assert(texture!.bytesPerTexel == 4);
assert(texture!.GetBaseMipLevelSizeInBytes() == 40000);
void canOverwriteTexture() {
final gpu.Texture? texture =
gpu.gpuContext.createTexture(gpu.StorageMode.hostVisible, 2, 2);
assert(texture != null);
final ui.Color red = ui.Color.fromARGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0, 0);
final ui.Color green = ui.Color.fromARGB(0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0);
final bool success = texture!.overwrite(
Int32List.fromList(<int>[red.value, green.value, green.value, red.value])
void textureOverwriteThrowsForWrongBufferSize() {
final gpu.Texture? texture =
gpu.gpuContext.createTexture(gpu.StorageMode.hostVisible, 100, 100);
assert(texture != null);
final ui.Color red = ui.Color.fromARGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0, 0);
String? exception;
try {
Int32List.fromList(<int>[red.value, red.value, red.value, red.value])
} catch (e) {
exception = e.toString();
'The length of sourceBytes (bytes: 16) must exactly match the size of the base mip level (bytes: 40000)'));
void textureAsImageReturnsAValidUIImageHandle() {
final gpu.Texture? texture =
gpu.gpuContext.createTexture(gpu.StorageMode.hostVisible, 100, 100);
assert(texture != null);
final ui.Image image = texture!.asImage();
assert(image.width == 100);
assert(image.height == 100);
void textureAsImageThrowsWhenNotShaderReadable() {
final gpu.Texture? texture = gpu.gpuContext.createTexture(
gpu.StorageMode.hostVisible, 100, 100,
enableShaderReadUsage: false);
assert(texture != null);
String? exception;
try {
} catch (e) {
exception = e.toString();
'Only shader readable Flutter GPU textures can be used as UI Images'));
void canCreateShaderLibrary() {
final gpu.ShaderLibrary? library = gpu.ShaderLibrary.fromAsset('playground');
assert(library != null);
final gpu.Shader? shader = library!['UnlitVertex'];
assert(shader != null);
void canReflectUniformStructs() {
final gpu.RenderPipeline pipeline = createUnlitRenderPipeline();
final gpu.UniformSlot vertInfo =
assert(vertInfo.uniformName == 'VertInfo');
final int? totalSize = vertInfo.sizeInBytes;
assert(totalSize != null);
assert(totalSize! == 128);
final int? mvpOffset = vertInfo.getMemberOffsetInBytes('mvp');
assert(mvpOffset != null);
assert(mvpOffset! == 0);
final int? colorOffset = vertInfo.getMemberOffsetInBytes('color');
assert(colorOffset != null);
assert(colorOffset! == 64);
gpu.RenderPipeline createUnlitRenderPipeline() {
final gpu.ShaderLibrary? library = gpu.ShaderLibrary.fromAsset('playground');
assert(library != null);
final gpu.Shader? vertex = library!['UnlitVertex'];
assert(vertex != null);
final gpu.Shader? fragment = library['UnlitFragment'];
assert(fragment != null);
return gpu.gpuContext.createRenderPipeline(vertex!, fragment!);
gpu.RenderPass createRenderPass() {
final gpu.Texture? renderTexture =
gpu.gpuContext.createTexture(gpu.StorageMode.devicePrivate, 100, 100);
assert(renderTexture != null);
final gpu.CommandBuffer commandBuffer = gpu.gpuContext.createCommandBuffer();
final gpu.RenderTarget renderTarget = gpu.RenderTarget.singleColor(
gpu.ColorAttachment(texture: renderTexture!),
return commandBuffer.createRenderPass(renderTarget);
void uniformBindFailsForInvalidHostBufferOffset() {
final gpu.RenderPass encoder = createRenderPass();
final gpu.RenderPipeline pipeline = createUnlitRenderPipeline();
final gpu.HostBuffer transients = gpu.HostBuffer(gpu.gpuContext);
final gpu.BufferView vertInfoData = transients.emplace(float32(<double>[
1, 0, 0, 0, // mvp
0, 1, 0, 0, // mvp
0, 0, 1, 0, // mvp
0, 0, 0, 1, // mvp
0, 1, 0, 1, // color
final gpu.BufferView viewWithBadOffset = gpu.BufferView(vertInfoData.buffer,
offsetInBytes: 1, lengthInBytes: vertInfoData.lengthInBytes);
final gpu.UniformSlot vertInfo =
String? exception;
try {
encoder.bindUniform(vertInfo, viewWithBadOffset);
} catch (e) {
exception = e.toString();
assert(exception!.contains('Failed to bind uniform'));
ByteData float32(List<double> values) {
return Float32List.fromList(values).buffer.asByteData();
void canCreateRenderPassAndSubmit() {
final gpu.Texture? renderTexture =
gpu.gpuContext.createTexture(gpu.StorageMode.devicePrivate, 100, 100);
assert(renderTexture != null);
final gpu.CommandBuffer commandBuffer = gpu.gpuContext.createCommandBuffer();
final gpu.RenderTarget renderTarget = gpu.RenderTarget.singleColor(
gpu.ColorAttachment(texture: renderTexture!),
final gpu.RenderPass encoder = commandBuffer.createRenderPass(renderTarget);
final gpu.RenderPipeline pipeline = createUnlitRenderPipeline();
// Configure blending with defaults (just to test the bindings).
final gpu.HostBuffer transients = gpu.HostBuffer(gpu.gpuContext);
final gpu.BufferView vertices = transients.emplace(float32(<double>[
-0.5, -0.5, //
0.5, 0.5, //
0.5, -0.5, //
final gpu.BufferView vertInfoData = transients.emplace(float32(<double>[
1, 0, 0, 0, // mvp
0, 1, 0, 0, // mvp
0, 0, 1, 0, // mvp
0, 0, 0, 1, // mvp
0, 1, 0, 1, // color
encoder.bindVertexBuffer(vertices, 3);
final gpu.UniformSlot vertInfo =
encoder.bindUniform(vertInfo, vertInfoData);