blob: 817326b96c06becb6197e9e60cb1ada48f3b078e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>
#include "fml/logging.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/matrix.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/point.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/scalar.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/size.h"
namespace impeller {
template <class T>
struct TRect {
using Type = T;
constexpr TRect() : origin({0, 0}), size({0, 0}) {}
constexpr static TRect MakeLTRB(Type left,
Type top,
Type right,
Type bottom) {
return TRect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
constexpr static TRect MakeXYWH(Type x, Type y, Type width, Type height) {
return TRect(x, y, width, height);
constexpr static TRect MakeOriginSize(const TPoint<Type>& origin,
const TSize<Type>& size) {
return TRect(origin, size);
template <class U>
constexpr static TRect MakeSize(const TSize<U>& size) {
return TRect(0.0, 0.0, size.width, size.height);
template <typename U>
constexpr static std::optional<TRect> MakePointBounds(const U& value) {
return MakePointBounds(value.begin(), value.end());
template <typename PointIter>
constexpr static std::optional<TRect> MakePointBounds(const PointIter first,
const PointIter last) {
if (first == last) {
return std::nullopt;
auto left = first->x;
auto top = first->y;
auto right = first->x;
auto bottom = first->y;
for (auto it = first + 1; it < last; ++it) {
left = std::min(left, it->x);
top = std::min(top, it->y);
right = std::max(right, it->x);
bottom = std::max(bottom, it->y);
return TRect::MakeLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
constexpr static TRect MakeMaximum() {
return TRect::MakeLTRB(-std::numeric_limits<Type>::infinity(),
template <class U>
constexpr explicit TRect(const TRect<U>& other)
: origin(static_cast<T>(other.GetX()), static_cast<T>(other.GetY())),
static_cast<T>(other.GetHeight())) {}
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect operator+(const TRect& r) const {
return TRect({origin.x + r.origin.x, origin.y + r.origin.y},
{size.width + r.size.width, size.height + r.size.height});
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect operator-(const TRect& r) const {
return TRect({origin.x - r.origin.x, origin.y - r.origin.y},
{size.width - r.size.width, size.height - r.size.height});
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect operator*(Type scale) const {
return Scale(scale);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect operator*(const TRect& r) const {
return TRect({origin.x * r.origin.x, origin.y * r.origin.y},
{size.width * r.size.width, size.height * r.size.height});
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const TRect& r) const {
return origin == r.origin && size == r.size;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect Scale(Type scale) const {
return TRect({origin.x * scale, origin.y * scale},
{size.width * scale, size.height * scale});
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect Scale(Type scale_x, Type scale_y) const {
return TRect({origin.x * scale_x, origin.y * scale_y},
{size.width * scale_x, size.height * scale_y});
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect Scale(TPoint<T> scale) const {
return TRect({origin.x * scale.x, origin.y * scale.y},
{size.width * scale.x, size.height * scale.y});
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect Scale(TSize<T> scale) const {
return Scale(TPoint<T>(scale));
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool Contains(const TPoint<Type>& p) const {
return p.x >= GetLeft() && p.x < GetRight() && p.y >= GetTop() &&
p.y < GetBottom();
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool Contains(const TRect& o) const {
return o.GetLeft() >= GetLeft() && o.GetTop() >= GetTop() &&
o.GetRight() <= GetRight() && o.GetBottom() <= GetBottom();
/// Returns true if either of the width or height are 0, negative, or NaN.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool IsEmpty() const { return size.IsEmpty(); }
/// Returns true if width and height are equal and neither is NaN.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool IsSquare() const { return size.IsSquare(); }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool IsMaximum() const {
return *this == MakeMaximum();
/// @brief Returns the upper left corner of the rectangle as specified
/// when it was constructed.
/// Note that unlike the |GetLeft|, |GetTop|, and |GetLeftTop|
/// methods which will return values as if the rectangle had been
/// "unswapped" by calling |GetPositive| on it, this method
/// returns the raw origin values.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TPoint<Type> GetOrigin() const { return origin; }
/// @brief Returns the size of the rectangle as specified when it was
/// constructed and which may be negative in either width or
/// height.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TSize<Type> GetSize() const { return size; }
/// @brief Returns the X coordinate of the upper left corner, equivalent
/// to |GetOrigin().x|
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Type GetX() const { return origin.x; }
/// @brief Returns the Y coordinate of the upper left corner, equivalent
/// to |GetOrigin().y|
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Type GetY() const { return origin.y; }
/// @brief Returns the width of the rectangle, equivalent to
/// |GetSize().width|
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Type GetWidth() const { return size.width; }
/// @brief Returns the height of the rectangle, equivalent to
/// |GetSize().height|
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Type GetHeight() const { return size.height; }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto GetLeft() const {
if (IsMaximum()) {
return -std::numeric_limits<Type>::infinity();
return std::min(origin.x, origin.x + size.width);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto GetTop() const {
if (IsMaximum()) {
return -std::numeric_limits<Type>::infinity();
return std::min(origin.y, origin.y + size.height);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto GetRight() const {
if (IsMaximum()) {
return std::numeric_limits<Type>::infinity();
return std::max(origin.x, origin.x + size.width);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto GetBottom() const {
if (IsMaximum()) {
return std::numeric_limits<Type>::infinity();
return std::max(origin.y, origin.y + size.height);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TPoint<T> GetLeftTop() const {
return {GetLeft(), GetTop()};
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TPoint<T> GetRightTop() const {
return {GetRight(), GetTop()};
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TPoint<T> GetLeftBottom() const {
return {GetLeft(), GetBottom()};
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TPoint<T> GetRightBottom() const {
return {GetRight(), GetBottom()};
/// @brief Get the area of the rectangle, equivalent to |GetSize().Area()|
[[nodiscard]] constexpr T Area() const { return size.Area(); }
/// @brief Get the center point as a |Point|.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Point GetCenter() const {
return Point(origin.x + size.width * 0.5f, origin.y + size.height * 0.5f);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::array<T, 4> GetLTRB() const {
return {GetLeft(), GetTop(), GetRight(), GetBottom()};
/// @brief Get the x, y coordinates of the origin and the width and
/// height of the rectangle in an array.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::array<T, 4> GetXYWH() const {
return {origin.x, origin.y, size.width, size.height};
/// @brief Get a version of this rectangle that has a non-negative size.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect GetPositive() const {
auto ltrb = GetLTRB();
return MakeLTRB(ltrb[0], ltrb[1], ltrb[2], ltrb[3]);
/// @brief Get the points that represent the 4 corners of this rectangle.
/// The order is: Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::array<TPoint<T>, 4> GetPoints() const {
auto [left, top, right, bottom] = GetLTRB();
return {TPoint(left, top), TPoint(right, top), TPoint(left, bottom),
TPoint(right, bottom)};
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::array<TPoint<T>, 4> GetTransformedPoints(
const Matrix& transform) const {
auto points = GetPoints();
for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
points[i] = transform * points[i];
return points;
/// @brief Creates a new bounding box that contains this transformed
/// rectangle.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect TransformBounds(const Matrix& transform) const {
auto points = GetTransformedPoints(transform);
auto bounds = TRect::MakePointBounds(points.begin(), points.end());
if (bounds.has_value()) {
return bounds.value();
/// @brief Constructs a Matrix that will map all points in the coordinate
/// space of the rectangle into a new normalized coordinate space
/// where the upper left corner of the rectangle maps to (0, 0)
/// and the lower right corner of the rectangle maps to (1, 1).
/// Empty and non-finite rectangles will return a zero-scaling
/// transform that maps all points to (0, 0).
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Matrix GetNormalizingTransform() const {
if (!IsEmpty()) {
Scalar sx = 1.0 / size.width;
Scalar sy = 1.0 / size.height;
Scalar tx = origin.x * -sx;
Scalar ty = origin.y * -sy;
// Exclude NaN and infinities and either scale underflowing to zero
if (sx != 0.0 && sy != 0.0 && 0.0 * sx * sy * tx * ty == 0.0) {
// clang-format off
return Matrix( sx, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, sy, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
tx, ty, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// clang-format on
// Map all coordinates to the origin.
return Matrix::MakeScale({0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f});
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect Union(const TRect& o) const {
auto this_ltrb = GetLTRB();
auto other_ltrb = o.GetLTRB();
return TRect::MakeLTRB(std::min(this_ltrb[0], other_ltrb[0]), //
std::min(this_ltrb[1], other_ltrb[1]), //
std::max(this_ltrb[2], other_ltrb[2]), //
std::max(this_ltrb[3], other_ltrb[3]) //
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::optional<TRect<T>> Intersection(
const TRect& o) const {
auto this_ltrb = GetLTRB();
auto other_ltrb = o.GetLTRB();
auto intersection =
TRect::MakeLTRB(std::max(this_ltrb[0], other_ltrb[0]), //
std::max(this_ltrb[1], other_ltrb[1]), //
std::min(this_ltrb[2], other_ltrb[2]), //
std::min(this_ltrb[3], other_ltrb[3]) //
if (intersection.size.IsEmpty()) {
return std::nullopt;
return intersection;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool IntersectsWithRect(const TRect& o) const {
return Intersection(o).has_value();
/// @brief Returns the new boundary rectangle that would result from the
/// rectangle being cutout by a second rectangle.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::optional<TRect<T>> Cutout(const TRect& o) const {
const auto& [a_left, a_top, a_right, a_bottom] = GetLTRB(); // Source rect.
const auto& [b_left, b_top, b_right, b_bottom] = o.GetLTRB(); // Cutout.
if (b_left <= a_left && b_right >= a_right) {
if (b_top <= a_top && b_bottom >= a_bottom) {
// Full cutout.
return std::nullopt;
if (b_top <= a_top && b_bottom > a_top) {
// Cuts off the top.
return TRect::MakeLTRB(a_left, b_bottom, a_right, a_bottom);
if (b_bottom >= a_bottom && b_top < a_bottom) {
// Cuts out the bottom.
return TRect::MakeLTRB(a_left, a_top, a_right, b_top);
if (b_top <= a_top && b_bottom >= a_bottom) {
if (b_left <= a_left && b_right > a_left) {
// Cuts out the left.
return TRect::MakeLTRB(b_right, a_top, a_right, a_bottom);
if (b_right >= a_right && b_left < a_right) {
// Cuts out the right.
return TRect::MakeLTRB(a_left, a_top, b_left, a_bottom);
return *this;
/// @brief Returns a new rectangle translated by the given offset.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Shift(TPoint<T> offset) const {
return TRect(origin.x + offset.x, origin.y + offset.y, size.width,
/// @brief Returns a rectangle with expanded edges. Negative expansion
/// results in shrinking.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Expand(T left,
T top,
T right,
T bottom) const {
return TRect(origin.x - left, //
origin.y - top, //
size.width + left + right, //
size.height + top + bottom);
/// @brief Returns a rectangle with expanded edges in all directions.
/// Negative expansion results in shrinking.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Expand(T amount) const {
return TRect(origin.x - amount, //
origin.y - amount, //
size.width + amount * 2, //
size.height + amount * 2);
/// @brief Returns a rectangle with expanded edges in all directions.
/// Negative expansion results in shrinking.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Expand(T horizontal_amount,
T vertical_amount) const {
return TRect(origin.x - horizontal_amount, //
origin.y - vertical_amount, //
size.width + horizontal_amount * 2, //
size.height + vertical_amount * 2);
/// @brief Returns a rectangle with expanded edges in all directions.
/// Negative expansion results in shrinking.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Expand(TPoint<T> amount) const {
return TRect(origin.x - amount.x, //
origin.y - amount.y, //
size.width + amount.x * 2, //
size.height + amount.y * 2);
/// @brief Returns a rectangle with expanded edges in all directions.
/// Negative expansion results in shrinking.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Expand(TSize<T> amount) const {
return TRect(origin.x - amount.width, //
origin.y - amount.height, //
size.width + amount.width * 2, //
size.height + amount.height * 2);
/// @brief Returns a new rectangle that represents the projection of the
/// source rectangle onto this rectangle. In other words, the source
/// rectangle is redefined in terms of the corrdinate space of this
/// rectangle.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr TRect<T> Project(TRect<T> source) const {
return source.Shift(-origin).Scale(
TSize<T>(1.0 / static_cast<Scalar>(size.width),
1.0 / static_cast<Scalar>(size.height)));
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static TRect RoundOut(const TRect& r) {
return TRect::MakeLTRB(floor(r.GetLeft()), floor(r.GetTop()),
ceil(r.GetRight()), ceil(r.GetBottom()));
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static std::optional<TRect> Union(
const TRect& a,
const std::optional<TRect> b) {
return b.has_value() ? a.Union(b.value()) : a;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static std::optional<TRect> Union(
const std::optional<TRect> a,
const TRect& b) {
return Union(b, a);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static std::optional<TRect> Union(
const std::optional<TRect> a,
const std::optional<TRect> b) {
return a.has_value() ? Union(a.value(), b) : b;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static std::optional<TRect> Intersection(
const TRect& a,
const std::optional<TRect> b) {
return b.has_value() ? a.Intersection(b.value()) : a;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static std::optional<TRect> Intersection(
const std::optional<TRect> a,
const TRect& b) {
return Intersection(b, a);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr static std::optional<TRect> Intersection(
const std::optional<TRect> a,
const std::optional<TRect> b) {
return a.has_value() ? Intersection(a.value(), b) : b;
constexpr TRect(Type x, Type y, Type width, Type height)
: origin(x, y), size(width, height) {}
constexpr TRect(TPoint<Type> origin, TSize<Type> size)
: origin(origin), size(size) {}
// These fields should be named origin_ and size_, but will be renamed to
// left_/top_/right_/bottom_ during the next phase of the reworking of the
// TRect class and we will deal with the renaming of all the usages here
// and in at that time
TPoint<Type> origin;
TSize<Type> size;
using Rect = TRect<Scalar>;
using IRect = TRect<int64_t>;
} // namespace impeller
namespace std {
template <class T>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const impeller::TRect<T>& r) {
out << "(" << r.GetOrigin() << ", " << r.GetSize() << ")";
return out;
} // namespace std