blob: 50b499f11bc9ae448718367189420c6db68163f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:litetest/litetest.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart';
typedef CanvasCallback = void Function(Canvas canvas);
Future<Image> createImage(int width, int height) {
final Completer<Image> completer = Completer<Image>();
width * height * 4,
(int pixel) => pixel % 255,
(Image image) {
return completer.future;
void testCanvas(CanvasCallback callback) {
try {
callback(Canvas(PictureRecorder(), const Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)));
} catch (error) { } // ignore: empty_catches
Future<Image> toImage(CanvasCallback callback, int width, int height) {
final PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
final Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder, Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, width.toDouble(), height.toDouble()));
final Picture picture = recorder.endRecording();
return picture.toImage(width, height);
void testNoCrashes() {
test('canvas APIs should not crash', () async {
final Paint paint = Paint();
const Rect rect = Rect.fromLTRB(double.nan, double.nan, double.nan, double.nan);
final RRect rrect = RRect.fromRectAndCorners(rect);
const Offset offset = Offset(double.nan, double.nan);
final Path path = Path();
const Color color = Color(0x00000000);
final Paragraph paragraph = ParagraphBuilder(ParagraphStyle()).build();
final PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
final Canvas recorderCanvas = Canvas(recorder);
recorderCanvas.scale(1.0, 1.0);
final Picture picture = recorder.endRecording();
final Image image = await picture.toImage(1, 1);
try { Canvas(PictureRecorder(), null); } catch (error) { } // ignore: empty_catches
try { Canvas(PictureRecorder(), rect); } catch (error) { } // ignore: empty_catches
try {
} catch (error) { } // ignore: empty_catches
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.clipPath(path));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.clipRect(rect));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.clipRRect(rrect));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawArc(rect, 0.0, 0.0, false, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[], <Rect>[], <Color>[], BlendMode.src, rect, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawCircle(offset, double.nan, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawColor(color, BlendMode.src));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawDRRect(rrect, rrect, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawImage(image, offset, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawImageNine(image, rect, rect, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawImageRect(image, rect, rect, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawLine(offset, offset, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawOval(rect, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawPaint(paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawParagraph(paragraph, offset));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawPath(path, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawPicture(picture));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawPoints(PointMode.points, <Offset>[], paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawRawAtlas(image, Float32List(0), Float32List(0), Int32List(0), BlendMode.src, rect, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawRawPoints(PointMode.points, Float32List(0), paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawRect(rect, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawRRect(rrect, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawShadow(path, color, double.nan, false));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawShadow(path, color, double.nan, true));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawVertices(Vertices(VertexMode.triangles, <Offset>[]), BlendMode.screen, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.getSaveCount());
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.restore());
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.rotate(double.nan));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) =>;
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.saveLayer(rect, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.saveLayer(null, paint));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.scale(double.nan, double.nan));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.skew(double.nan, double.nan));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.transform(Float64List(16)));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.translate(double.nan, double.nan));
testCanvas((Canvas canvas) => canvas.drawVertices(Vertices(VertexMode.triangles, <Offset>[],
textureCoordinates: null,
colors: null,
indices: <int>[]), BlendMode.screen, paint));
/// @returns true When the images are reasonably similar.
/// @todo Make the search actually fuzzy to a certain degree.
Future<bool> fuzzyCompareImages(Image golden, Image img) async {
if (golden.width != img.width || golden.height != img.height) {
return false;
int getPixel(ByteData data, int x, int y) => data.getUint32((x + y * golden.width) * 4);
final ByteData goldenData = (await golden.toByteData())!;
final ByteData imgData = (await img.toByteData())!;
for (int y = 0; y < golden.height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < golden.width; x++) {
if (getPixel(goldenData, x, y) != getPixel(imgData, x, y)) {
return false;
return true;
Future<void> saveTestImage(Image image, String filename) async {
final String imagesPath = path.join('flutter', 'testing', 'resources');
final ByteData pngData = (await image.toByteData(format: ImageByteFormat.png))!;
final String outPath = path.join(imagesPath, filename);
print('wrote: ' + outPath);
/// @returns true When the images are reasonably similar.
Future<bool> fuzzyGoldenImageCompare(
Image image, String goldenImageName) async {
final String imagesPath = path.join('flutter', 'testing', 'resources');
final File file = File(path.join(imagesPath, goldenImageName));
bool areEqual = false;
if (file.existsSync()) {
final Uint8List goldenData = await file.readAsBytes();
final Codec codec = await instantiateImageCodec(goldenData);
final FrameInfo frame = await codec.getNextFrame();
expect(frame.image.height, equals(image.height));
expect(frame.image.width, equals(image.width));
areEqual = await fuzzyCompareImages(frame.image, image);
if (!areEqual) {
saveTestImage(image, 'found_' + goldenImageName);
return areEqual;
void main() {
test('Simple .toImage', () async {
final Image image = await toImage((Canvas canvas) {
final Path circlePath = Path()
Rect.fromCircle(center: const Offset(40.0, 40.0), radius: 20.0));
final Paint paint = Paint()
..isAntiAlias = false = PaintingStyle.fill;
canvas.drawPath(circlePath, paint);
}, 100, 100);
expect(image.width, equals(100));
expect(image.height, equals(100));
final bool areEqual =
await fuzzyGoldenImageCompare(image, 'canvas_test_toImage.png');
expect(areEqual, true);
Gradient makeGradient() {
return Gradient.linear(,
const Offset(100, 100),
const <Color>[Color(0xFF4C4D52), Color(0xFF202124)],
test('Simple gradient', () async {
Paint.enableDithering = false;
final Image image = await toImage((Canvas canvas) {
final Paint paint = Paint()..shader = makeGradient();
}, 100, 100);
expect(image.width, equals(100));
expect(image.height, equals(100));
final bool areEqual =
await fuzzyGoldenImageCompare(image, 'canvas_test_gradient.png');
expect(areEqual, true);
}, skip: !Platform.isLinux); //
test('Simple dithered gradient', () async {
Paint.enableDithering = true;
final Image image = await toImage((Canvas canvas) {
final Paint paint = Paint()..shader = makeGradient();
}, 100, 100);
expect(image.width, equals(100));
expect(image.height, equals(100));
final bool areEqual =
await fuzzyGoldenImageCompare(image, 'canvas_test_dithered_gradient.png');
expect(areEqual, true);
}, skip: !Platform.isLinux); //
test('Null values allowed for drawAtlas methods', () async {
final Image image = await createImage(100, 100);
final PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
final Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);
const Rect rect = Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 100, 100);
final RSTransform transform = RSTransform(1, 0, 0, 0);
const Color color = Color(0x00000000);
final Paint paint = Paint();
canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[transform], <Rect>[rect], <Color>[color], BlendMode.src, rect, paint);
canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[transform], <Rect>[rect], <Color>[color], BlendMode.src, null, paint);
canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[transform], <Rect>[rect], <Color>[], null, rect, paint);
canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[transform], <Rect>[rect], null, null, rect, paint);
canvas.drawRawAtlas(image, Float32List(0), Float32List(0), Int32List(0), BlendMode.src, rect, paint);
canvas.drawRawAtlas(image, Float32List(0), Float32List(0), Int32List(0), BlendMode.src, null, paint);
canvas.drawRawAtlas(image, Float32List(0), Float32List(0), null, null, rect, paint);
expectAssertion(() => canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[transform], <Rect>[rect], <Color>[color], null, rect, paint));
test('Data lengths must match for drawAtlas methods', () async {
final Image image = await createImage(100, 100);
final PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
final Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);
const Rect rect = Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 100, 100);
final RSTransform transform = RSTransform(1, 0, 0, 0);
const Color color = Color(0x00000000);
final Paint paint = Paint();
canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[transform], <Rect>[rect], <Color>[color], BlendMode.src, rect, paint);
canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[transform, transform], <Rect>[rect, rect], <Color>[color, color], BlendMode.src, rect, paint);
canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[transform], <Rect>[rect], <Color>[], null, rect, paint);
canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[transform], <Rect>[rect], null, null, rect, paint);
canvas.drawRawAtlas(image, Float32List(0), Float32List(0), Int32List(0), BlendMode.src, rect, paint);
canvas.drawRawAtlas(image, Float32List(4), Float32List(4), Int32List(1), BlendMode.src, rect, paint);
canvas.drawRawAtlas(image, Float32List(4), Float32List(4), null, null, rect, paint);
expectArgumentError(() => canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[transform], <Rect>[], <Color>[color], BlendMode.src, rect, paint));
expectArgumentError(() => canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[], <Rect>[rect], <Color>[color], BlendMode.src, rect, paint));
expectArgumentError(() => canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[transform], <Rect>[rect], <Color>[color, color], BlendMode.src, rect, paint));
expectArgumentError(() => canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[transform], <Rect>[rect, rect], <Color>[color], BlendMode.src, rect, paint));
expectArgumentError(() => canvas.drawAtlas(image, <RSTransform>[transform, transform], <Rect>[rect], <Color>[color], BlendMode.src, rect, paint));
expectArgumentError(() => canvas.drawRawAtlas(image, Float32List(3), Float32List(3), null, null, rect, paint));
expectArgumentError(() => canvas.drawRawAtlas(image, Float32List(4), Float32List(0), null, null, rect, paint));
expectArgumentError(() => canvas.drawRawAtlas(image, Float32List(0), Float32List(4), null, null, rect, paint));
expectArgumentError(() => canvas.drawRawAtlas(image, Float32List(4), Float32List(4), Int32List(2), BlendMode.src, rect, paint));
test('Canvas preserves perspective data in Matrix4', () async {
const double rotateAroundX = pi / 6; // 30 degrees
const double rotateAroundY = pi / 9; // 20 degrees
const int width = 150;
const int height = 150;
const Color black = Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 0, 0);
const Color green = Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0);
void paint(Canvas canvas, CanvasCallback rotate) {
canvas.translate(width * 0.5, height * 0.5);
const double width3 = width / 3.0;
const double width5 = width / 5.0;
const double width10 = width / 10.0;
canvas.drawRect(const Rect.fromLTRB(-width3, -width3, width3, width3), Paint()..color = green);
canvas.drawRect(const Rect.fromLTRB(-width5, -width5, -width10, width5), Paint()..color = black);
canvas.drawRect(const Rect.fromLTRB(-width5, -width5, width5, -width10), Paint()..color = black);
final Image incrementalMatrixImage = await toImage((Canvas canvas) {
paint(canvas, (Canvas canvas) {
final Matrix4 matrix = Matrix4.identity();
matrix.setEntry(3, 2, 0.001);
}, width, height);
final Image combinedMatrixImage = await toImage((Canvas canvas) {
paint(canvas, (Canvas canvas) {
final Matrix4 matrix = Matrix4.identity();
matrix.setEntry(3, 2, 0.001);
}, width, height);
final bool areEqual = await fuzzyCompareImages(incrementalMatrixImage, combinedMatrixImage);
if (!areEqual) {
saveTestImage(incrementalMatrixImage, 'incremental_3D_transform_test_image.png');
saveTestImage(combinedMatrixImage, 'combined_3D_transform_test_image.png');
expect(areEqual, true);
test('Path effects from Paragraphs do not affect further rendering', () async {
void drawText(Canvas canvas, String content, Offset offset,
{TextDecorationStyle style = TextDecorationStyle.solid}) {
final ParagraphBuilder builder = ParagraphBuilder(ParagraphStyle());
decoration: TextDecoration.underline,
decorationColor: const Color(0xFF0000FF),
fontSize: 10,
color: const Color(0xFF000000),
decorationStyle: style,
final Paragraph paragraph =;
paragraph.layout(const ParagraphConstraints(width: 100));
canvas.drawParagraph(paragraph, offset);
final Image image = await toImage((Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawColor(const Color(0xFFFFFFFF), BlendMode.srcOver);
final Paint paint = Paint() = PaintingStyle.stroke
..strokeWidth = 5;
drawText(canvas, 'Hello World', const Offset(20, 10));
canvas.drawCircle(const Offset(150, 25), 15, paint..color = const Color(0xFF00FF00));
drawText(canvas, 'Regular text', const Offset(20, 60));
canvas.drawCircle(const Offset(150, 75), 15, paint..color = const Color(0xFFFFFF00));
drawText(canvas, 'Dotted text', const Offset(20, 110), style: TextDecorationStyle.dotted);
canvas.drawCircle(const Offset(150, 125), 15, paint..color = const Color(0xFFFF0000));
drawText(canvas, 'Dashed text', const Offset(20, 160), style: TextDecorationStyle.dashed);
canvas.drawCircle(const Offset(150, 175), 15, paint..color = const Color(0xFFFF0000));
drawText(canvas, 'Wavy text', const Offset(20, 210), style: TextDecorationStyle.wavy);
canvas.drawCircle(const Offset(150, 225), 15, paint..color = const Color(0xFFFF0000));
}, 200, 250);
expect(image.width, equals(200));
expect(image.height, equals(250));
final bool areEqual =
await fuzzyGoldenImageCompare(image, 'dotted_path_effect_mixed_with_stroked_geometry.png');
expect(areEqual, true);
}, skip: !Platform.isLinux); //
test('Gradients with matrices in Paragraphs render correctly', () async {
final Image image = await toImage((Canvas canvas) {
final Paint p = Paint();
final Float64List transform = Float64List.fromList(<double>[
p.shader = Gradient.radial(
const Offset(2.5, 0.33),
const Color(0xffff0000),
const Color(0xff00ff00),
const Color(0xff0000ff),
const Color(0xffff00ff)
<double>[0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 0.9],
const Offset(2.55, 0.4));
final ParagraphBuilder builder = ParagraphBuilder(ParagraphStyle());
foreground: p,
fontSize: 200,
final Paragraph paragraph =;
paragraph.layout(const ParagraphConstraints(width: 1000));
canvas.drawParagraph(paragraph, const Offset(10, 150));
}, 600, 400);
expect(image.width, equals(600));
expect(image.height, equals(400));
final bool areEqual =
await fuzzyGoldenImageCompare(image, 'text_with_gradient_with_matrix.png');
expect(areEqual, true);
}, skip: !Platform.isLinux); //
test('Canvas.drawParagraph throws when Paragraph.layout was not called', () async {
// Regression test for
bool assertsEnabled = false;
assert(() {
assertsEnabled = true;
return true;
Object? error;
try {
await toImage((Canvas canvas) {
final ParagraphBuilder builder = ParagraphBuilder(ParagraphStyle());
final Paragraph woodstock =;
canvas.drawParagraph(woodstock, const Offset(0, 50));
}, 100, 100);
} catch (e) {
error = e;
if (assertsEnabled) {
expect(error, isNotNull);
} else {
expect(error, isNull);
Matcher closeToTransform(Float64List expected) => (dynamic v) {
final Float64List value = v;
expect(expected.length, equals(16));
expect(value.length, equals(16));
for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
final double vActual = value[r*4 + c];
final double vExpected = expected[r*4 + c];
if ((vActual - vExpected).abs() > 1e-10) {'matrix mismatch at $r, $c, $vActual not close to $vExpected');
Matcher notCloseToTransform(Float64List expected) => (dynamic v) {
final Float64List value = v;
expect(expected.length, equals(16));
expect(value.length, equals(16));
for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
final double vActual = value[r*4 + c];
final double vExpected = expected[r*4 + c];
if ((vActual - vExpected).abs() > 1e-10) {
}'$value is too close to $expected');
test('Canvas.translate affects canvas.getTransform', () async {
final PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
final Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);
canvas.translate(12, 14.5);
final Float64List matrix = Matrix4.translationValues(12, 14.5, 0).storage;
final Float64List curMatrix = canvas.getTransform();
expect(curMatrix, closeToTransform(matrix));
canvas.translate(10, 10);
final Float64List newCurMatrix = canvas.getTransform();
expect(newCurMatrix, notCloseToTransform(matrix));
expect(curMatrix, closeToTransform(matrix));
test('Canvas.scale affects canvas.getTransform', () async {
final PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
final Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);
canvas.scale(12, 14.5);
final Float64List matrix = Matrix4.diagonal3Values(12, 14.5, 1).storage;
final Float64List curMatrix = canvas.getTransform();
expect(curMatrix, closeToTransform(matrix));
canvas.scale(10, 10);
final Float64List newCurMatrix = canvas.getTransform();
expect(newCurMatrix, notCloseToTransform(matrix));
expect(curMatrix, closeToTransform(matrix));
test('Canvas.rotate affects canvas.getTransform', () async {
final PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
final Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);
final Float64List matrix = Matrix4.rotationZ(pi).storage;
final Float64List curMatrix = canvas.getTransform();
expect(curMatrix, closeToTransform(matrix));
canvas.rotate(pi / 2);
final Float64List newCurMatrix = canvas.getTransform();
expect(newCurMatrix, notCloseToTransform(matrix));
expect(curMatrix, closeToTransform(matrix));
test('Canvas.skew affects canvas.getTransform', () async {
final PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
final Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);
canvas.skew(12, 14.5);
final Float64List matrix = (Matrix4.identity()..setEntry(0, 1, 12)..setEntry(1, 0, 14.5)).storage;
final Float64List curMatrix = canvas.getTransform();
expect(curMatrix, closeToTransform(matrix));
canvas.skew(10, 10);
final Float64List newCurMatrix = canvas.getTransform();
expect(newCurMatrix, notCloseToTransform(matrix));
expect(curMatrix, closeToTransform(matrix));
test('Canvas.transform affects canvas.getTransform', () async {
final PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
final Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);
final Float64List matrix = (Matrix4.identity()..translate(12.0, 14.5)..scale(12.0, 14.5)).storage;
final Float64List curMatrix = canvas.getTransform();
expect(curMatrix, closeToTransform(matrix));
canvas.translate(10, 10);
final Float64List newCurMatrix = canvas.getTransform();
expect(newCurMatrix, notCloseToTransform(matrix));
expect(curMatrix, closeToTransform(matrix));
Matcher closeToRect(Rect expected) => (dynamic v) {
final Rect value = v;
expect(value.left, closeTo(expected.left, 1e-6));
expect(, closeTo(, 1e-6));
expect(value.right, closeTo(expected.right, 1e-6));
expect(value.bottom, closeTo(expected.bottom, 1e-6));
Matcher notCloseToRect(Rect expected) => (dynamic v) {
final Rect value = v;
if ((value.left - expected.left).abs() > 1e-6 ||
( - > 1e-6 ||
(value.right - expected.right).abs() > 1e-6 ||
(value.bottom - expected.bottom).abs() > 1e-6) {
}'$value is too close to $expected');
test('Canvas.clipRect affects canvas.getClipBounds', () async {
final PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
final Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);
const Rect clipBounds = Rect.fromLTRB(10.2, 11.3, 20.4, 25.7);
const Rect clipExpandedBounds = Rect.fromLTRB(10, 11, 21, 26);
// Save initial return values for testing restored values
final Rect initialLocalBounds = canvas.getLocalClipBounds();
final Rect initialDestinationBounds = canvas.getDestinationClipBounds();
expect(initialLocalBounds, closeToRect(clipExpandedBounds));
expect(initialDestinationBounds, closeToRect(clipBounds));;
canvas.clipRect(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 15, 15));
// Both clip bounds have changed
expect(canvas.getLocalClipBounds(), notCloseToRect(clipExpandedBounds));
expect(canvas.getDestinationClipBounds(), notCloseToRect(clipBounds));
// Previous return values have not changed
expect(initialLocalBounds, closeToRect(clipExpandedBounds));
expect(initialDestinationBounds, closeToRect(clipBounds));
// save/restore returned the values to their original values
expect(canvas.getLocalClipBounds(), initialLocalBounds);
expect(canvas.getDestinationClipBounds(), initialDestinationBounds);;
canvas.scale(2, 2);
const Rect scaledExpandedBounds = Rect.fromLTRB(5, 5.5, 10.5, 13);
expect(canvas.getLocalClipBounds(), closeToRect(scaledExpandedBounds));
// Destination bounds are unaffected by transform
expect(canvas.getDestinationClipBounds(), closeToRect(clipBounds));
// save/restore returned the values to their original values
expect(canvas.getLocalClipBounds(), initialLocalBounds);
expect(canvas.getDestinationClipBounds(), initialDestinationBounds);
test('Canvas.clipRRect affects canvas.getClipBounds', () async {
final PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
final Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);
const Rect clipBounds = Rect.fromLTRB(10.2, 11.3, 20.4, 25.7);
const Rect clipExpandedBounds = Rect.fromLTRB(10, 11, 21, 26);
final RRect clip = RRect.fromRectAndRadius(clipBounds, const Radius.circular(3));
// Save initial return values for testing restored values
final Rect initialLocalBounds = canvas.getLocalClipBounds();
final Rect initialDestinationBounds = canvas.getDestinationClipBounds();
expect(initialLocalBounds, closeToRect(clipExpandedBounds));
expect(initialDestinationBounds, closeToRect(clipBounds));;
canvas.clipRect(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 15, 15));
// Both clip bounds have changed
expect(canvas.getLocalClipBounds(), notCloseToRect(clipExpandedBounds));
expect(canvas.getDestinationClipBounds(), notCloseToRect(clipBounds));
// Previous return values have not changed
expect(initialLocalBounds, closeToRect(clipExpandedBounds));
expect(initialDestinationBounds, closeToRect(clipBounds));
// save/restore returned the values to their original values
expect(canvas.getLocalClipBounds(), initialLocalBounds);
expect(canvas.getDestinationClipBounds(), initialDestinationBounds);;
canvas.scale(2, 2);
const Rect scaledExpandedBounds = Rect.fromLTRB(5, 5.5, 10.5, 13);
expect(canvas.getLocalClipBounds(), closeToRect(scaledExpandedBounds));
// Destination bounds are unaffected by transform
expect(canvas.getDestinationClipBounds(), closeToRect(clipBounds));
// save/restore returned the values to their original values
expect(canvas.getLocalClipBounds(), initialLocalBounds);
expect(canvas.getDestinationClipBounds(), initialDestinationBounds);
test('Canvas.clipPath affects canvas.getClipBounds', () async {
final PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
final Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);
const Rect clipBounds = Rect.fromLTRB(10.2, 11.3, 20.4, 25.7);
const Rect clipExpandedBounds = Rect.fromLTRB(10, 11, 21, 26);
final Path clip = Path()..addRect(clipBounds)..addOval(clipBounds);
// Save initial return values for testing restored values
final Rect initialLocalBounds = canvas.getLocalClipBounds();
final Rect initialDestinationBounds = canvas.getDestinationClipBounds();
expect(initialLocalBounds, closeToRect(clipExpandedBounds));
expect(initialDestinationBounds, closeToRect(clipBounds));;
canvas.clipRect(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 15, 15));
// Both clip bounds have changed
expect(canvas.getLocalClipBounds(), notCloseToRect(clipExpandedBounds));
expect(canvas.getDestinationClipBounds(), notCloseToRect(clipBounds));
// Previous return values have not changed
expect(initialLocalBounds, closeToRect(clipExpandedBounds));
expect(initialDestinationBounds, closeToRect(clipBounds));
// save/restore returned the values to their original values
expect(canvas.getLocalClipBounds(), initialLocalBounds);
expect(canvas.getDestinationClipBounds(), initialDestinationBounds);;
canvas.scale(2, 2);
const Rect scaledExpandedBounds = Rect.fromLTRB(5, 5.5, 10.5, 13);
expect(canvas.getLocalClipBounds(), closeToRect(scaledExpandedBounds));
// Destination bounds are unaffected by transform
expect(canvas.getDestinationClipBounds(), closeToRect(clipBounds));
// save/restore returned the values to their original values
expect(canvas.getLocalClipBounds(), initialLocalBounds);
expect(canvas.getDestinationClipBounds(), initialDestinationBounds);
test('Canvas.clipRect(diff) does not affect canvas.getClipBounds', () async {
final PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
final Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);
const Rect clipBounds = Rect.fromLTRB(10.2, 11.3, 20.4, 25.7);
const Rect clipExpandedBounds = Rect.fromLTRB(10, 11, 21, 26);
// Save initial return values for testing restored values
final Rect initialLocalBounds = canvas.getLocalClipBounds();
final Rect initialDestinationBounds = canvas.getDestinationClipBounds();
expect(initialLocalBounds, closeToRect(clipExpandedBounds));
expect(initialDestinationBounds, closeToRect(clipBounds));
canvas.clipRect(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 15, 15), clipOp: ClipOp.difference);
expect(canvas.getLocalClipBounds(), initialLocalBounds);
expect(canvas.getDestinationClipBounds(), initialDestinationBounds);