blob: edb7d70a33d71b38829ffc46bdcbc346c44d7b42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/FlutterTextInputPlugin.h"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#include "unicode/uchar.h"
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
#include "flutter/fml/platform/darwin/string_range_sanitization.h"
static const char kTextAffinityDownstream[] = "TextAffinity.downstream";
static const char kTextAffinityUpstream[] = "TextAffinity.upstream";
// A delay before enabling the accessibility of FlutterTextInputView after
// it is activated.
static constexpr double kUITextInputAccessibilityEnablingDelaySeconds = 0.5;
// The "canonical" invalid CGRect, similar to CGRectNull, used to
// indicate a CGRect involved in firstRectForRange calculation is
// invalid. The specific value is chosen so that if firstRectForRange
// returns kInvalidFirstRect, iOS will not show the IME candidates view.
const CGRect kInvalidFirstRect = {{-1, -1}, {9999, 9999}};
// The `bounds` value a FlutterTextInputView returns when the floating cursor
// is activated in that view.
// DO NOT use extremely large values (such as CGFloat_MAX) in this rect, for that
// will significantly reduce the precision of the floating cursor's coordinates.
// It is recommended for this CGRect to be roughly centered at caretRectForPosition
// (which currently always return CGRectZero), so the initial floating cursor will
// be placed at (0, 0).
// See the comments in beginFloatingCursorAtPoint and caretRectForPosition.
const CGRect kSpacePanBounds = {{-2500, -2500}, {5000, 5000}};
#pragma mark - TextInput channel method names.
// See
static NSString* const kShowMethod = @"";
static NSString* const kHideMethod = @"TextInput.hide";
static NSString* const kSetClientMethod = @"TextInput.setClient";
static NSString* const kSetPlatformViewClientMethod = @"TextInput.setPlatformViewClient";
static NSString* const kSetEditingStateMethod = @"TextInput.setEditingState";
static NSString* const kClearClientMethod = @"TextInput.clearClient";
static NSString* const kSetEditableSizeAndTransformMethod =
static NSString* const kSetMarkedTextRectMethod = @"TextInput.setMarkedTextRect";
static NSString* const kFinishAutofillContextMethod = @"TextInput.finishAutofillContext";
static NSString* const kSetSelectionRectsMethod = @"TextInput.setSelectionRects";
static NSString* const kStartLiveTextInputMethod = @"TextInput.startLiveTextInput";
#pragma mark - TextInputConfiguration Field Names
static NSString* const kSecureTextEntry = @"obscureText";
static NSString* const kKeyboardType = @"inputType";
static NSString* const kKeyboardAppearance = @"keyboardAppearance";
static NSString* const kInputAction = @"inputAction";
static NSString* const kEnableDeltaModel = @"enableDeltaModel";
static NSString* const kEnableInteractiveSelection = @"enableInteractiveSelection";
static NSString* const kSmartDashesType = @"smartDashesType";
static NSString* const kSmartQuotesType = @"smartQuotesType";
static NSString* const kAssociatedAutofillFields = @"fields";
// TextInputConfiguration.autofill and sub-field names
static NSString* const kAutofillProperties = @"autofill";
static NSString* const kAutofillId = @"uniqueIdentifier";
static NSString* const kAutofillEditingValue = @"editingValue";
static NSString* const kAutofillHints = @"hints";
static NSString* const kAutocorrectionType = @"autocorrect";
#pragma mark - Static Functions
// "TextInputType.none" is a made-up input type that's typically
// used when there's an in-app virtual keyboard. If
// "TextInputType.none" is specified, disable the system
// keyboard.
static BOOL ShouldShowSystemKeyboard(NSDictionary* type) {
NSString* inputType = type[@"name"];
return ![inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputType.none"];
static UIKeyboardType ToUIKeyboardType(NSDictionary* type) {
NSString* inputType = type[@"name"];
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputType.address"]) {
return UIKeyboardTypeDefault;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputType.datetime"]) {
return UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputType.emailAddress"]) {
return UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputType.multiline"]) {
return UIKeyboardTypeDefault;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@""]) {
return UIKeyboardTypeNamePhonePad;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputType.number"]) {
if ([type[@"signed"] boolValue]) {
return UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation;
if ([type[@"decimal"] boolValue]) {
return UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad;
return UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@""]) {
return UIKeyboardTypePhonePad;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputType.text"]) {
return UIKeyboardTypeDefault;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputType.url"]) {
return UIKeyboardTypeURL;
return UIKeyboardTypeDefault;
static UITextAutocapitalizationType ToUITextAutoCapitalizationType(NSDictionary* type) {
NSString* textCapitalization = type[@"textCapitalization"];
if ([textCapitalization isEqualToString:@"TextCapitalization.characters"]) {
return UITextAutocapitalizationTypeAllCharacters;
} else if ([textCapitalization isEqualToString:@"TextCapitalization.sentences"]) {
return UITextAutocapitalizationTypeSentences;
} else if ([textCapitalization isEqualToString:@"TextCapitalization.words"]) {
return UITextAutocapitalizationTypeWords;
return UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone;
static UIReturnKeyType ToUIReturnKeyType(NSString* inputType) {
// Where did the term "unspecified" come from? iOS has a "default" and Android
// has "unspecified." These 2 terms seem to mean the same thing but we need
// to pick just one. "unspecified" was chosen because "default" is often a
// reserved word in languages with switch statements (dart, java, etc).
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputAction.unspecified"]) {
return UIReturnKeyDefault;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputAction.done"]) {
return UIReturnKeyDone;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputAction.go"]) {
return UIReturnKeyGo;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputAction.send"]) {
return UIReturnKeySend;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@""]) {
return UIReturnKeySearch;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@""]) {
return UIReturnKeyNext;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputAction.continueAction"]) {
return UIReturnKeyContinue;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputAction.join"]) {
return UIReturnKeyJoin;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputAction.route"]) {
return UIReturnKeyRoute;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputAction.emergencyCall"]) {
return UIReturnKeyEmergencyCall;
if ([inputType isEqualToString:@"TextInputAction.newline"]) {
return UIReturnKeyDefault;
// Present default key if bad input type is given.
return UIReturnKeyDefault;
static UITextContentType ToUITextContentType(NSArray<NSString*>* hints) {
if (!hints || hints.count == 0) {
// If no hints are specified, use the default content type nil.
return nil;
NSString* hint = hints[0];
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"addressCityAndState"]) {
return UITextContentTypeAddressCityAndState;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"addressState"]) {
return UITextContentTypeAddressState;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"addressCity"]) {
return UITextContentTypeAddressCity;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"sublocality"]) {
return UITextContentTypeSublocality;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"streetAddressLine1"]) {
return UITextContentTypeStreetAddressLine1;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"streetAddressLine2"]) {
return UITextContentTypeStreetAddressLine2;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"countryName"]) {
return UITextContentTypeCountryName;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"fullStreetAddress"]) {
return UITextContentTypeFullStreetAddress;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"postalCode"]) {
return UITextContentTypePostalCode;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"location"]) {
return UITextContentTypeLocation;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"creditCardNumber"]) {
return UITextContentTypeCreditCardNumber;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"email"]) {
return UITextContentTypeEmailAddress;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"jobTitle"]) {
return UITextContentTypeJobTitle;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"givenName"]) {
return UITextContentTypeGivenName;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"middleName"]) {
return UITextContentTypeMiddleName;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"familyName"]) {
return UITextContentTypeFamilyName;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"name"]) {
return UITextContentTypeName;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"namePrefix"]) {
return UITextContentTypeNamePrefix;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"nameSuffix"]) {
return UITextContentTypeNameSuffix;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"nickname"]) {
return UITextContentTypeNickname;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"organizationName"]) {
return UITextContentTypeOrganizationName;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"telephoneNumber"]) {
return UITextContentTypeTelephoneNumber;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"password"]) {
return UITextContentTypePassword;
if (@available(iOS 12.0, *)) {
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"oneTimeCode"]) {
return UITextContentTypeOneTimeCode;
if ([hint isEqualToString:@"newPassword"]) {
return UITextContentTypeNewPassword;
return hints[0];
// Retrieves the autofillId from an input field's configuration. Returns
// nil if the field is nil and the input field is not a password field.
static NSString* AutofillIdFromDictionary(NSDictionary* dictionary) {
NSDictionary* autofill = dictionary[kAutofillProperties];
if (autofill) {
return autofill[kAutofillId];
// When autofill is nil, the field may still need an autofill id
// if the field is for password.
return [dictionary[kSecureTextEntry] boolValue] ? @"password" : nil;
// # Autofill Implementation Notes:
// Currently there're 2 types of autofills on iOS:
// - Regular autofill, including contact information and one-time-code,
// takes place in the form of predictive text in the quick type bar.
// This type of autofill does not save user input, and the keyboard
// currently only populates the focused field when a predictive text entry
// is selected by the user.
// - Password autofill, includes automatic strong password and regular
// password autofill. The former happens automatically when a
// "new password" field is detected and focused, and only that password
// field will be populated. The latter appears in the quick type bar when
// an eligible input field (which either has a UITextContentTypePassword
// contentType, or is a secure text entry) becomes the first responder, and may
// fill both the username and the password fields. iOS will attempt
// to save user input for both kinds of password fields. It's relatively
// tricky to deal with password autofill since it can autofill more than one
// field at a time and may employ heuristics based on what other text fields
// are in the same view controller.
// When a flutter text field is focused, and autofill is not explicitly disabled
// for it ("autofillable"), the framework collects its attributes and checks if
// it's in an AutofillGroup, and collects the attributes of other autofillable
// text fields in the same AutofillGroup if so. The attributes are sent to the
// text input plugin via a "TextInput.setClient" platform channel message. If
// autofill is disabled for a text field, its "autofill" field will be nil in
// the configuration json.
// The text input plugin then tries to determine which kind of autofill the text
// field needs. If the AutofillGroup the text field belongs to contains an
// autofillable text field that's password related, this text 's autofill type
// will be kFlutterAutofillTypePassword. If autofill is disabled for a text field,
// then its type will be kFlutterAutofillTypeNone. Otherwise the text field will
// have an autofill type of kFlutterAutofillTypeRegular.
// The text input plugin creates a new UIView for every kFlutterAutofillTypeNone
// text field. The UIView instance is never reused for other flutter text fields
// since the software keyboard often uses the identity of a UIView to distinguish
// different views and provides the same predictive text suggestions or restore
// the composing region if a UIView is reused for a different flutter text field.
// The text input plugin creates a new "autofill context" if the text field has
// the type of kFlutterAutofillTypePassword, to represent the AutofillGroup of
// the text field, and creates one FlutterTextInputView for every text field in
// the AutofillGroup.
// The text input plugin will try to reuse a UIView if a flutter text field's
// type is kFlutterAutofillTypeRegular, and has the same autofill id.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FlutterAutofillType) {
// The field does not have autofillable content. Additionally if
// the field is currently in the autofill context, it will be
// removed from the context without triggering autofill save.
static BOOL IsFieldPasswordRelated(NSDictionary* configuration) {
// Autofill is explicitly disabled if the id isn't present.
if (!AutofillIdFromDictionary(configuration)) {
return NO;
BOOL isSecureTextEntry = [configuration[kSecureTextEntry] boolValue];
if (isSecureTextEntry) {
return YES;
NSDictionary* autofill = configuration[kAutofillProperties];
UITextContentType contentType = ToUITextContentType(autofill[kAutofillHints]);
if ([contentType isEqualToString:UITextContentTypePassword] ||
[contentType isEqualToString:UITextContentTypeUsername]) {
return YES;
if (@available(iOS 12.0, *)) {
if ([contentType isEqualToString:UITextContentTypeNewPassword]) {
return YES;
return NO;
static FlutterAutofillType AutofillTypeOf(NSDictionary* configuration) {
for (NSDictionary* field in configuration[kAssociatedAutofillFields]) {
if (IsFieldPasswordRelated(field)) {
return kFlutterAutofillTypePassword;
if (IsFieldPasswordRelated(configuration)) {
return kFlutterAutofillTypePassword;
NSDictionary* autofill = configuration[kAutofillProperties];
UITextContentType contentType = ToUITextContentType(autofill[kAutofillHints]);
return !autofill || [contentType isEqualToString:@""] ? kFlutterAutofillTypeNone
: kFlutterAutofillTypeRegular;
static BOOL IsApproximatelyEqual(float x, float y, float delta) {
return fabsf(x - y) <= delta;
// Checks whether point should be considered closer to selectionRect compared to
// otherSelectionRect.
// If checkRightBoundary is set, the right-center point on selectionRect and
// otherSelectionRect will be used instead of the left-center point.
// This uses special (empirically determined using a 1st gen iPad pro, 9.7" model running
// iOS 14.7.1) logic for determining the closer rect, rather than a simple distance calculation.
// First, the closer vertical distance is determined. Within the closest y distance, if the point is
// above the bottom of the closest rect, the x distance will be minimized; however, if the point is
// below the bottom of the rect, the x value will be maximized.
static BOOL IsSelectionRectCloserToPoint(CGPoint point,
CGRect selectionRect,
CGRect otherSelectionRect,
BOOL checkRightBoundary) {
CGPoint pointForSelectionRect =
CGPointMake(selectionRect.origin.x + (checkRightBoundary ? selectionRect.size.width : 0),
selectionRect.origin.y + selectionRect.size.height * 0.5);
float yDist = fabs(pointForSelectionRect.y - point.y);
float xDist = fabs(pointForSelectionRect.x - point.x);
CGPoint pointForOtherSelectionRect =
CGPointMake(otherSelectionRect.origin.x + (checkRightBoundary ? selectionRect.size.width : 0),
otherSelectionRect.origin.y + otherSelectionRect.size.height * 0.5);
float yDistOther = fabs(pointForOtherSelectionRect.y - point.y);
float xDistOther = fabs(pointForOtherSelectionRect.x - point.x);
// This serves a similar purpose to IsApproximatelyEqual, allowing a little buffer before
// declaring something closer vertically to account for the small variations in size and position
// of SelectionRects, especially when dealing with emoji.
BOOL isCloserVertically = yDist < yDistOther - 1;
BOOL isEqualVertically = IsApproximatelyEqual(yDist, yDistOther, 1);
BOOL isAboveBottomOfLine = point.y <= selectionRect.origin.y + selectionRect.size.height;
BOOL isCloserHorizontally = xDist <= xDistOther;
BOOL isBelowBottomOfLine = point.y > selectionRect.origin.y + selectionRect.size.height;
BOOL isFartherToRight =
selectionRect.origin.x + (checkRightBoundary ? selectionRect.size.width : 0) >
return (isCloserVertically ||
(isEqualVertically && ((isAboveBottomOfLine && isCloserHorizontally) ||
(isBelowBottomOfLine && isFartherToRight))));
#pragma mark - FlutterTextPosition
@implementation FlutterTextPosition
+ (instancetype)positionWithIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
return [[[FlutterTextPosition alloc] initWithIndex:index] autorelease];
- (instancetype)initWithIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_index = index;
return self;
#pragma mark - FlutterTextRange
@implementation FlutterTextRange
+ (instancetype)rangeWithNSRange:(NSRange)range {
return [[[FlutterTextRange alloc] initWithNSRange:range] autorelease];
- (instancetype)initWithNSRange:(NSRange)range {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_range = range;
return self;
- (UITextPosition*)start {
return [FlutterTextPosition positionWithIndex:self.range.location];
- (UITextPosition*)end {
return [FlutterTextPosition positionWithIndex:self.range.location + self.range.length];
- (BOOL)isEmpty {
return self.range.length == 0;
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone*)zone {
return [[FlutterTextRange allocWithZone:zone] initWithNSRange:self.range];
- (BOOL)isEqualTo:(FlutterTextRange*)other {
return NSEqualRanges(self.range, other.range);
#pragma mark - FlutterTokenizer
@interface FlutterTokenizer ()
@property(nonatomic, assign) FlutterTextInputView* textInputView;
@implementation FlutterTokenizer
- (instancetype)initWithTextInput:(UIResponder<UITextInput>*)textInput {
NSAssert([textInput isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextInputView class]],
@"The FlutterTokenizer can only be used in a FlutterTextInputView");
self = [super initWithTextInput:textInput];
if (self) {
_textInputView = (FlutterTextInputView*)textInput;
return self;
- (UITextRange*)rangeEnclosingPosition:(UITextPosition*)position
inDirection:(UITextDirection)direction {
UITextRange* result;
switch (granularity) {
case UITextGranularityLine:
// The default UITextInputStringTokenizer does not handle line granularity
// correctly. We need to implement our own line tokenizer.
result = [self lineEnclosingPosition:position];
case UITextGranularityCharacter:
case UITextGranularityWord:
case UITextGranularitySentence:
case UITextGranularityParagraph:
case UITextGranularityDocument:
// The UITextInputStringTokenizer can handle all these cases correctly.
result = [super rangeEnclosingPosition:position
return result;
- (UITextRange*)lineEnclosingPosition:(UITextPosition*)position {
// Gets the first line break position after the input position.
NSString* textAfter = [_textInputView
textInRange:[_textInputView textRangeFromPosition:position
toPosition:[_textInputView endOfDocument]]];
NSArray<NSString*>* linesAfter = [textAfter componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"];
NSInteger offSetToLineBreak = [linesAfter firstObject].length;
UITextPosition* lineBreakAfter = [_textInputView positionFromPosition:position
// Gets the first line break position before the input position.
NSString* textBefore = [_textInputView
textInRange:[_textInputView textRangeFromPosition:[_textInputView beginningOfDocument]
NSArray<NSString*>* linesBefore = [textBefore componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"];
NSInteger offSetFromLineBreak = [linesBefore lastObject].length;
UITextPosition* lineBreakBefore = [_textInputView positionFromPosition:position
return [_textInputView textRangeFromPosition:lineBreakBefore toPosition:lineBreakAfter];
#pragma mark - FlutterTextSelectionRect
@implementation FlutterTextSelectionRect
@synthesize rect = _rect;
@synthesize writingDirection = _writingDirection;
@synthesize containsStart = _containsStart;
@synthesize containsEnd = _containsEnd;
@synthesize isVertical = _isVertical;
+ (instancetype)selectionRectWithRectAndInfo:(CGRect)rect
isVertical:(BOOL)isVertical {
return [[[FlutterTextSelectionRect alloc] initWithRectAndInfo:rect
isVertical:isVertical] autorelease];
+ (instancetype)selectionRectWithRect:(CGRect)rect position:(NSUInteger)position {
return [[[FlutterTextSelectionRect alloc] initWithRectAndInfo:rect
isVertical:NO] autorelease];
- (instancetype)initWithRectAndInfo:(CGRect)rect
isVertical:(BOOL)isVertical {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.rect = rect;
self.position = position;
self.writingDirection = writingDirection;
self.containsStart = containsStart;
self.containsEnd = containsEnd;
self.isVertical = isVertical;
return self;
#pragma mark - FlutterTextPlaceholder
@implementation FlutterTextPlaceholder
- (NSArray<UITextSelectionRect*>*)rects {
// Returning anything other than an empty array here seems to cause PencilKit to enter an
// infinite loop of allocating placeholders until the app crashes
return @[];
// A FlutterTextInputView that masquerades as a UITextField, and forwards
// selectors it can't respond to to a shared UITextField instance.
// Relevant API docs claim that password autofill supports any custom view
// that adopts the UITextInput protocol, automatic strong password seems to
// currently only support UITextFields, and password saving only supports
// UITextFields and UITextViews, as of iOS 13.5.
@interface FlutterSecureTextInputView : FlutterTextInputView
@property(nonatomic, retain, readonly) UITextField* textField;
@implementation FlutterSecureTextInputView {
UITextField* _textField;
- (void)dealloc {
[_textField release];
[super dealloc];
- (UITextField*)textField {
if (!_textField) {
_textField = [[UITextField alloc] init];
return _textField;
- (BOOL)isKindOfClass:(Class)aClass {
return [super isKindOfClass:aClass] || (aClass == [UITextField class]);
- (NSMethodSignature*)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector {
NSMethodSignature* signature = [super methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
if (!signature) {
signature = [self.textField methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
return signature;
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation*)anInvocation {
[anInvocation invokeWithTarget:self.textField];
@interface FlutterTextInputPlugin ()
@property(nonatomic, readonly) fml::WeakPtr<FlutterTextInputPlugin> weakPtr;
@property(nonatomic, readonly) id<FlutterTextInputDelegate> textInputDelegate;
@interface FlutterTextInputView ()
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* autofillId;
@property(nonatomic, readonly) CATransform3D editableTransform;
@property(nonatomic, assign) CGRect markedRect;
@property(nonatomic) BOOL isVisibleToAutofill;
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL accessibilityEnabled;
- (void)setEditableTransform:(NSArray*)matrix;
@implementation FlutterTextInputView {
int _textInputClient;
const char* _selectionAffinity;
FlutterTextRange* _selectedTextRange;
UIInputViewController* _inputViewController;
CGRect _cachedFirstRect;
FlutterScribbleInteractionStatus _scribbleInteractionStatus;
BOOL _hasPlaceholder;
// Whether to show the system keyboard when this view
// becomes the first responder. Typically set to false
// when the app shows its own in-flutter keyboard.
bool _isSystemKeyboardEnabled;
bool _isFloatingCursorActive;
fml::WeakPtr<FlutterTextInputPlugin> _textInputPlugin;
// The view has reached end of life, and is no longer
// allowed to access its textInputDelegate.
BOOL _decommissioned;
bool _enableInteractiveSelection;
UITextInteraction* _textInteraction API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0));
@synthesize tokenizer = _tokenizer;
- (instancetype)initWithOwner:(FlutterTextInputPlugin*)textInputPlugin {
self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
if (self) {
_textInputPlugin = textInputPlugin.weakPtr;
_textInputClient = 0;
_selectionAffinity = kTextAffinityUpstream;
// UITextInput
_text = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
_markedText = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
_selectedTextRange = [[FlutterTextRange alloc] initWithNSRange:NSMakeRange(0, 0)];
_markedRect = kInvalidFirstRect;
_cachedFirstRect = kInvalidFirstRect;
_scribbleInteractionStatus = FlutterScribbleInteractionStatusNone;
// Initialize with the zero matrix which is not
// an affine transform.
_editableTransform = CATransform3D();
_isFloatingCursorActive = false;
// UITextInputTraits
_autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeSentences;
_autocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionTypeDefault;
_spellCheckingType = UITextSpellCheckingTypeDefault;
_enablesReturnKeyAutomatically = NO;
_keyboardAppearance = UIKeyboardAppearanceDefault;
_keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeDefault;
_returnKeyType = UIReturnKeyDone;
_secureTextEntry = NO;
_enableDeltaModel = NO;
_enableInteractiveSelection = YES;
_accessibilityEnabled = NO;
_decommissioned = NO;
_smartQuotesType = UITextSmartQuotesTypeYes;
_smartDashesType = UITextSmartDashesTypeYes;
_selectionRects = [[NSArray alloc] init];
if (@available(iOS 14.0, *)) {
UIScribbleInteraction* interaction =
[[[UIScribbleInteraction alloc] initWithDelegate:self] autorelease];
[self addInteraction:interaction];
return self;
- (void)configureWithDictionary:(NSDictionary*)configuration {
NSAssert(!_decommissioned, @"Attempt to reuse a decommissioned view, for %@", configuration);
NSDictionary* inputType = configuration[kKeyboardType];
NSString* keyboardAppearance = configuration[kKeyboardAppearance];
NSDictionary* autofill = configuration[kAutofillProperties];
self.secureTextEntry = [configuration[kSecureTextEntry] boolValue];
self.enableDeltaModel = [configuration[kEnableDeltaModel] boolValue];
_isSystemKeyboardEnabled = ShouldShowSystemKeyboard(inputType);
self.keyboardType = ToUIKeyboardType(inputType);
self.returnKeyType = ToUIReturnKeyType(configuration[kInputAction]);
self.autocapitalizationType = ToUITextAutoCapitalizationType(configuration);
_enableInteractiveSelection = [configuration[kEnableInteractiveSelection] boolValue];
NSString* smartDashesType = configuration[kSmartDashesType];
// This index comes from the SmartDashesType enum in the framework.
bool smartDashesIsDisabled = smartDashesType && [smartDashesType isEqualToString:@"0"];
self.smartDashesType = smartDashesIsDisabled ? UITextSmartDashesTypeNo : UITextSmartDashesTypeYes;
NSString* smartQuotesType = configuration[kSmartQuotesType];
// This index comes from the SmartQuotesType enum in the framework.
bool smartQuotesIsDisabled = smartQuotesType && [smartQuotesType isEqualToString:@"0"];
self.smartQuotesType = smartQuotesIsDisabled ? UITextSmartQuotesTypeNo : UITextSmartQuotesTypeYes;
if ([keyboardAppearance isEqualToString:@"Brightness.dark"]) {
self.keyboardAppearance = UIKeyboardAppearanceDark;
} else if ([keyboardAppearance isEqualToString:@"Brightness.light"]) {
self.keyboardAppearance = UIKeyboardAppearanceLight;
} else {
self.keyboardAppearance = UIKeyboardAppearanceDefault;
NSString* autocorrect = configuration[kAutocorrectionType];
self.autocorrectionType = autocorrect && ![autocorrect boolValue]
? UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo
: UITextAutocorrectionTypeDefault;
self.autofillId = AutofillIdFromDictionary(configuration);
if (autofill == nil) {
self.textContentType = @"";
} else {
self.textContentType = ToUITextContentType(autofill[kAutofillHints]);
[self setTextInputState:autofill[kAutofillEditingValue]];
NSAssert(_autofillId, @"The autofill configuration must contain an autofill id");
// The input field needs to be visible for the system autofill
// to find it.
self.isVisibleToAutofill = autofill || _secureTextEntry;
- (UITextContentType)textContentType {
return _textContentType;
// Prevent UIKit from showing selection handles or highlights. This is needed
// because Scribble interactions require the view to have it's actual frame on
// the screen.
- (UIColor*)insertionPointColor {
return [UIColor clearColor];
- (UIColor*)selectionBarColor {
return [UIColor clearColor];
- (UIColor*)selectionHighlightColor {
return [UIColor clearColor];
- (UIInputViewController*)inputViewController {
if (_isSystemKeyboardEnabled) {
return nil;
if (!_inputViewController) {
_inputViewController = [[UIInputViewController alloc] init];
return _inputViewController;
- (id<FlutterTextInputDelegate>)textInputDelegate {
return _textInputPlugin.get().textInputDelegate;
// Declares that the view has reached end of life, and
// is no longer allowed to access its textInputDelegate.
// UIKit may retain this view (even after it's been removed
// from the view hierarchy) so that it may outlive the plugin/engine,
// in which case _textInputDelegate will become a dangling pointer.
// The text input plugin needs to call decommission when it should
// not have access to its FlutterTextInputDelegate any more.
- (void)decommission {
_decommissioned = YES;
- (void)dealloc {
[_text release];
[_markedText release];
[_markedTextRange release];
[_selectedTextRange release];
[_tokenizer release];
[_autofillId release];
[_inputViewController release];
[_selectionRects release];
[_markedTextStyle release];
[_textContentType release];
[_textInteraction release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)setTextInputClient:(int)client {
_textInputClient = client;
_hasPlaceholder = NO;
- (UITextInteraction*)textInteraction API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0)) {
if (!_textInteraction) {
_textInteraction =
[[UITextInteraction textInteractionForMode:UITextInteractionModeEditable] retain];
_textInteraction.textInput = self;
return _textInteraction;
- (void)setTextInputState:(NSDictionary*)state {
if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) {
// [UITextInteraction willMoveToView:] sometimes sets the textInput's inputDelegate
// to nil. This is likely a bug in UIKit. In order to inform the keyboard of text
// and selection changes when that happens, add a dummy UITextInteraction to this
// view so it sets a valid inputDelegate that we can call textWillChange et al. on.
// See
if (!self.inputDelegate && self.isFirstResponder) {
[self addInteraction:self.textInteraction];
NSString* newText = state[@"text"];
BOOL textChanged = ![self.text isEqualToString:newText];
if (textChanged) {
[self.inputDelegate textWillChange:self];
[self.text setString:newText];
NSInteger composingBase = [state[@"composingBase"] intValue];
NSInteger composingExtent = [state[@"composingExtent"] intValue];
NSRange composingRange = [self clampSelection:NSMakeRange(MIN(composingBase, composingExtent),
ABS(composingBase - composingExtent))
self.markedTextRange =
composingRange.length > 0 ? [FlutterTextRange rangeWithNSRange:composingRange] : nil;
NSRange selectedRange = [self clampSelectionFromBase:[state[@"selectionBase"] intValue]
extent:[state[@"selectionExtent"] intValue]
NSRange oldSelectedRange = [(FlutterTextRange*)self.selectedTextRange range];
if (!NSEqualRanges(selectedRange, oldSelectedRange)) {
[self.inputDelegate selectionWillChange:self];
[self setSelectedTextRangeLocal:[FlutterTextRange rangeWithNSRange:selectedRange]];
_selectionAffinity = kTextAffinityDownstream;
if ([state[@"selectionAffinity"] isEqualToString:@(kTextAffinityUpstream)]) {
_selectionAffinity = kTextAffinityUpstream;
[self.inputDelegate selectionDidChange:self];
if (textChanged) {
[self.inputDelegate textDidChange:self];
if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) {
if (_textInteraction) {
[self removeInteraction:_textInteraction];
// Forward touches to the viewResponder to allow tapping inside the UITextField as normal.
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event {
_scribbleFocusStatus = FlutterScribbleFocusStatusUnfocused;
[self resetScribbleInteractionStatusIfEnding];
[self.viewResponder touchesBegan:touches withEvent:event];
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event {
[self.viewResponder touchesMoved:touches withEvent:event];
- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event {
[self.viewResponder touchesEnded:touches withEvent:event];
- (void)touchesCancelled:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event {
[self.viewResponder touchesCancelled:touches withEvent:event];
- (void)touchesEstimatedPropertiesUpdated:(NSSet*)touches {
[self.viewResponder touchesEstimatedPropertiesUpdated:touches];
// Extracts the selection information from the editing state dictionary.
// The state may contain an invalid selection, such as when no selection was
// explicitly set in the framework. This is handled here by setting the
// selection to (0,0). In contrast, Android handles this situation by
// clearing the selection, but the result in both cases is that the cursor
// is placed at the beginning of the field.
- (NSRange)clampSelectionFromBase:(int)selectionBase
forText:(NSString*)text {
int loc = MIN(selectionBase, selectionExtent);
int len = ABS(selectionExtent - selectionBase);
return loc < 0 ? NSMakeRange(0, 0)
: [self clampSelection:NSMakeRange(loc, len) forText:self.text];
- (NSRange)clampSelection:(NSRange)range forText:(NSString*)text {
NSUInteger start = MIN(MAX(range.location, 0), text.length);
NSUInteger length = MIN(range.length, text.length - start);
return NSMakeRange(start, length);
- (BOOL)isVisibleToAutofill {
return self.frame.size.width > 0 && self.frame.size.height > 0;
// An input view is generally ignored by password autofill attempts, if it's
// not the first responder and is zero-sized. For input fields that are in the
// autofill context but do not belong to the current autofill group, setting
// their frames to CGRectZero prevents ios autofill from taking them into
// account.
- (void)setIsVisibleToAutofill:(BOOL)isVisibleToAutofill {
// This probably needs to change (think it is getting overwritten by the updateSizeAndTransform
// stuff for now).
self.frame = isVisibleToAutofill ? CGRectMake(0, 0, 1, 1) : CGRectZero;
#pragma mark UIScribbleInteractionDelegate
// Checks whether Scribble features are possibly available – meaning this is an iPad running iOS
// 14 or higher.
- (BOOL)isScribbleAvailable {
if (@available(iOS 14.0, *)) {
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
return YES;
return NO;
- (void)scribbleInteractionWillBeginWriting:(UIScribbleInteraction*)interaction
API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0)) {
_scribbleInteractionStatus = FlutterScribbleInteractionStatusStarted;
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputViewScribbleInteractionBegan:self];
- (void)scribbleInteractionDidFinishWriting:(UIScribbleInteraction*)interaction
API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0)) {
_scribbleInteractionStatus = FlutterScribbleInteractionStatusEnding;
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputViewScribbleInteractionFinished:self];
- (BOOL)scribbleInteraction:(UIScribbleInteraction*)interaction
shouldBeginAtLocation:(CGPoint)location API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0)) {
return YES;
- (BOOL)scribbleInteractionShouldDelayFocus:(UIScribbleInteraction*)interaction
API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0)) {
return NO;
#pragma mark - UIResponder Overrides
- (BOOL)canBecomeFirstResponder {
// Only the currently focused input field can
// become the first responder. This prevents iOS
// from changing focus by itself (the framework
// focus will be out of sync if that happens).
return _textInputClient != 0;
- (BOOL)resignFirstResponder {
BOOL success = [super resignFirstResponder];
if (success) {
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputViewDidResignFirstResponder:self];
return success;
- (BOOL)canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender {
// When scribble is available, the FlutterTextInputView will display the native toolbar unless
// these text editing actions are disabled.
if ([self isScribbleAvailable] && sender == NULL) {
return NO;
if (action == @selector(paste:)) {
// Forbid pasting images, memojis, or other non-string content.
return [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard].string != nil;
return [super canPerformAction:action withSender:sender];
#pragma mark - UIResponderStandardEditActions Overrides
- (void)cut:(id)sender {
[UIPasteboard generalPasteboard].string = [self textInRange:_selectedTextRange];
[self replaceRange:_selectedTextRange withText:@""];
- (void)copy:(id)sender {
[UIPasteboard generalPasteboard].string = [self textInRange:_selectedTextRange];
- (void)paste:(id)sender {
NSString* pasteboardString = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard].string;
if (pasteboardString != nil) {
[self insertText:pasteboardString];
- (void)delete:(id)sender {
[self replaceRange:_selectedTextRange withText:@""];
- (void)selectAll:(id)sender {
[self setSelectedTextRange:[self textRangeFromPosition:[self beginningOfDocument]
toPosition:[self endOfDocument]]];
#pragma mark - UITextInput Overrides
- (id<UITextInputTokenizer>)tokenizer {
if (_tokenizer == nil) {
_tokenizer = [[FlutterTokenizer alloc] initWithTextInput:self];
return _tokenizer;
- (UITextRange*)selectedTextRange {
return [[_selectedTextRange copy] autorelease];
// Change the range of selected text, without notifying the framework.
- (void)setSelectedTextRangeLocal:(UITextRange*)selectedTextRange {
if (_selectedTextRange != selectedTextRange) {
UITextRange* oldSelectedRange = _selectedTextRange;
if (self.hasText) {
FlutterTextRange* flutterTextRange = (FlutterTextRange*)selectedTextRange;
_selectedTextRange = [[FlutterTextRange
rangeWithNSRange:fml::RangeForCharactersInRange(self.text, flutterTextRange.range)] copy];
} else {
_selectedTextRange = [selectedTextRange copy];
[oldSelectedRange release];
- (void)setSelectedTextRange:(UITextRange*)selectedTextRange {
if (!_enableInteractiveSelection) {
[self setSelectedTextRangeLocal:selectedTextRange];
if (_enableDeltaModel) {
[self updateEditingStateWithDelta:flutter::TextEditingDelta([self.text UTF8String])];
} else {
[self updateEditingState];
if (_scribbleInteractionStatus != FlutterScribbleInteractionStatusNone ||
_scribbleFocusStatus == FlutterScribbleFocusStatusFocused) {
NSAssert([selectedTextRange isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextRange class]],
@"Expected a FlutterTextRange for range (got %@).", [selectedTextRange class]);
FlutterTextRange* flutterTextRange = (FlutterTextRange*)selectedTextRange;
if (flutterTextRange.range.length > 0) {
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputView:self showToolbar:_textInputClient];
[self resetScribbleInteractionStatusIfEnding];
- (id)insertDictationResultPlaceholder {
return @"";
- (void)removeDictationResultPlaceholder:(id)placeholder willInsertResult:(BOOL)willInsertResult {
- (NSString*)textInRange:(UITextRange*)range {
if (!range) {
return nil;
NSAssert([range isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextRange class]],
@"Expected a FlutterTextRange for range (got %@).", [range class]);
NSRange textRange = ((FlutterTextRange*)range).range;
NSAssert(textRange.location != NSNotFound, @"Expected a valid text range.");
// Sanitize the range to prevent going out of bounds.
NSUInteger location = MIN(textRange.location, self.text.length);
NSUInteger length = MIN(self.text.length - location, textRange.length);
NSRange safeRange = NSMakeRange(location, length);
return [self.text substringWithRange:safeRange];
// Replace the text within the specified range with the given text,
// without notifying the framework.
- (void)replaceRangeLocal:(NSRange)range withText:(NSString*)text {
NSRange selectedRange = _selectedTextRange.range;
// Adjust the text selection:
// * reduce the length by the intersection length
// * adjust the location by newLength - oldLength + intersectionLength
NSRange intersectionRange = NSIntersectionRange(range, selectedRange);
if (range.location <= selectedRange.location) {
selectedRange.location += text.length - range.length;
if (intersectionRange.location != NSNotFound) {
selectedRange.location += intersectionRange.length;
selectedRange.length -= intersectionRange.length;
[self.text replaceCharactersInRange:[self clampSelection:range forText:self.text]
[self setSelectedTextRangeLocal:[FlutterTextRange
rangeWithNSRange:[self clampSelection:selectedRange
- (void)replaceRange:(UITextRange*)range withText:(NSString*)text {
NSString* textBeforeChange = [[self.text copy] autorelease];
NSRange replaceRange = ((FlutterTextRange*)range).range;
[self replaceRangeLocal:replaceRange withText:text];
if (_enableDeltaModel) {
NSRange nextReplaceRange = [self clampSelection:replaceRange forText:textBeforeChange];
[self updateEditingStateWithDelta:flutter::TextEditingDelta(
[textBeforeChange UTF8String],
nextReplaceRange.location + nextReplaceRange.length),
[text UTF8String])];
} else {
[self updateEditingState];
- (BOOL)shouldChangeTextInRange:(UITextRange*)range replacementText:(NSString*)text {
if (self.returnKeyType == UIReturnKeyDefault && [text isEqualToString:@"\n"]) {
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputView:self
return YES;
if ([text isEqualToString:@"\n"]) {
FlutterTextInputAction action;
switch (self.returnKeyType) {
case UIReturnKeyDefault:
action = FlutterTextInputActionUnspecified;
case UIReturnKeyDone:
action = FlutterTextInputActionDone;
case UIReturnKeyGo:
action = FlutterTextInputActionGo;
case UIReturnKeySend:
action = FlutterTextInputActionSend;
case UIReturnKeySearch:
case UIReturnKeyGoogle:
case UIReturnKeyYahoo:
action = FlutterTextInputActionSearch;
case UIReturnKeyNext:
action = FlutterTextInputActionNext;
case UIReturnKeyContinue:
action = FlutterTextInputActionContinue;
case UIReturnKeyJoin:
action = FlutterTextInputActionJoin;
case UIReturnKeyRoute:
action = FlutterTextInputActionRoute;
case UIReturnKeyEmergencyCall:
action = FlutterTextInputActionEmergencyCall;
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputView:self
return NO;
return YES;
- (void)setMarkedText:(NSString*)markedText selectedRange:(NSRange)markedSelectedRange {
NSString* textBeforeChange = [[self.text copy] autorelease];
NSRange selectedRange = _selectedTextRange.range;
NSRange markedTextRange = ((FlutterTextRange*)self.markedTextRange).range;
NSRange actualReplacedRange;
if (_scribbleInteractionStatus != FlutterScribbleInteractionStatusNone ||
_scribbleFocusStatus != FlutterScribbleFocusStatusUnfocused) {
if (markedText == nil) {
markedText = @"";
if (markedTextRange.length > 0) {
// Replace text in the marked range with the new text.
[self replaceRangeLocal:markedTextRange withText:markedText];
actualReplacedRange = markedTextRange;
markedTextRange.length = markedText.length;
} else {
// Replace text in the selected range with the new text.
actualReplacedRange = selectedRange;
[self replaceRangeLocal:selectedRange withText:markedText];
markedTextRange = NSMakeRange(selectedRange.location, markedText.length);
self.markedTextRange =
markedTextRange.length > 0 ? [FlutterTextRange rangeWithNSRange:markedTextRange] : nil;
NSUInteger selectionLocation = markedSelectedRange.location + markedTextRange.location;
selectedRange = NSMakeRange(selectionLocation, markedSelectedRange.length);
[self setSelectedTextRangeLocal:[FlutterTextRange
rangeWithNSRange:[self clampSelection:selectedRange
if (_enableDeltaModel) {
NSRange nextReplaceRange = [self clampSelection:actualReplacedRange forText:textBeforeChange];
[self updateEditingStateWithDelta:flutter::TextEditingDelta(
[textBeforeChange UTF8String],
nextReplaceRange.location + nextReplaceRange.length),
[markedText UTF8String])];
} else {
[self updateEditingState];
- (void)unmarkText {
if (!self.markedTextRange) {
self.markedTextRange = nil;
if (_enableDeltaModel) {
[self updateEditingStateWithDelta:flutter::TextEditingDelta([self.text UTF8String])];
} else {
[self updateEditingState];
- (UITextRange*)textRangeFromPosition:(UITextPosition*)fromPosition
toPosition:(UITextPosition*)toPosition {
NSUInteger fromIndex = ((FlutterTextPosition*)fromPosition).index;
NSUInteger toIndex = ((FlutterTextPosition*)toPosition).index;
if (toIndex >= fromIndex) {
return [FlutterTextRange rangeWithNSRange:NSMakeRange(fromIndex, toIndex - fromIndex)];
} else {
// toIndex can be smaller than fromIndex, because
// UITextInputStringTokenizer does not handle CJK characters
// well in some cases. See:
// Swap fromPosition and toPosition to match the behavior of native
// UITextViews.
return [FlutterTextRange rangeWithNSRange:NSMakeRange(toIndex, fromIndex - toIndex)];
- (NSUInteger)decrementOffsetPosition:(NSUInteger)position {
return fml::RangeForCharacterAtIndex(self.text, MAX(0, position - 1)).location;
- (NSUInteger)incrementOffsetPosition:(NSUInteger)position {
NSRange charRange = fml::RangeForCharacterAtIndex(self.text, position);
return MIN(position + charRange.length, self.text.length);
- (UITextPosition*)positionFromPosition:(UITextPosition*)position offset:(NSInteger)offset {
NSUInteger offsetPosition = ((FlutterTextPosition*)position).index;
NSInteger newLocation = (NSInteger)offsetPosition + offset;
if (newLocation < 0 || newLocation > (NSInteger)self.text.length) {
return nil;
if (_scribbleInteractionStatus != FlutterScribbleInteractionStatusNone) {
return [FlutterTextPosition positionWithIndex:newLocation];
if (offset >= 0) {
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < offset && offsetPosition < self.text.length; ++i) {
offsetPosition = [self incrementOffsetPosition:offsetPosition];
} else {
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < ABS(offset) && offsetPosition > 0; ++i) {
offsetPosition = [self decrementOffsetPosition:offsetPosition];
return [FlutterTextPosition positionWithIndex:offsetPosition];
- (UITextPosition*)positionFromPosition:(UITextPosition*)position
offset:(NSInteger)offset {
// TODO(cbracken) Add RTL handling.
switch (direction) {
case UITextLayoutDirectionLeft:
case UITextLayoutDirectionUp:
return [self positionFromPosition:position offset:offset * -1];
case UITextLayoutDirectionRight:
case UITextLayoutDirectionDown:
return [self positionFromPosition:position offset:1];
- (UITextPosition*)beginningOfDocument {
return [FlutterTextPosition positionWithIndex:0];
- (UITextPosition*)endOfDocument {
return [FlutterTextPosition positionWithIndex:self.text.length];
- (NSComparisonResult)comparePosition:(UITextPosition*)position toPosition:(UITextPosition*)other {
NSUInteger positionIndex = ((FlutterTextPosition*)position).index;
NSUInteger otherIndex = ((FlutterTextPosition*)other).index;
if (positionIndex < otherIndex) {
return NSOrderedAscending;
if (positionIndex > otherIndex) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
return NSOrderedSame;
- (NSInteger)offsetFromPosition:(UITextPosition*)from toPosition:(UITextPosition*)toPosition {
return ((FlutterTextPosition*)toPosition).index - ((FlutterTextPosition*)from).index;
- (UITextPosition*)positionWithinRange:(UITextRange*)range
farthestInDirection:(UITextLayoutDirection)direction {
NSUInteger index;
switch (direction) {
case UITextLayoutDirectionLeft:
case UITextLayoutDirectionUp:
index = ((FlutterTextPosition*)range.start).index;
case UITextLayoutDirectionRight:
case UITextLayoutDirectionDown:
index = ((FlutterTextPosition*)range.end).index;
return [FlutterTextPosition positionWithIndex:index];
- (UITextRange*)characterRangeByExtendingPosition:(UITextPosition*)position
inDirection:(UITextLayoutDirection)direction {
NSUInteger positionIndex = ((FlutterTextPosition*)position).index;
NSUInteger startIndex;
NSUInteger endIndex;
switch (direction) {
case UITextLayoutDirectionLeft:
case UITextLayoutDirectionUp:
startIndex = [self decrementOffsetPosition:positionIndex];
endIndex = positionIndex;
case UITextLayoutDirectionRight:
case UITextLayoutDirectionDown:
startIndex = positionIndex;
endIndex = [self incrementOffsetPosition:positionIndex];
return [FlutterTextRange rangeWithNSRange:NSMakeRange(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex)];
#pragma mark - UITextInput text direction handling
- (UITextWritingDirection)baseWritingDirectionForPosition:(UITextPosition*)position
inDirection:(UITextStorageDirection)direction {
// TODO(cbracken) Add RTL handling.
return UITextWritingDirectionNatural;
- (void)setBaseWritingDirection:(UITextWritingDirection)writingDirection
forRange:(UITextRange*)range {
// TODO(cbracken) Add RTL handling.
#pragma mark - UITextInput cursor, selection rect handling
- (void)setMarkedRect:(CGRect)markedRect {
_markedRect = markedRect;
// Invalidate the cache.
_cachedFirstRect = kInvalidFirstRect;
// This method expects a 4x4 perspective matrix
// stored in a NSArray in column-major order.
- (void)setEditableTransform:(NSArray*)matrix {
CATransform3D* transform = &_editableTransform;
transform->m11 = [matrix[0] doubleValue];
transform->m12 = [matrix[1] doubleValue];
transform->m13 = [matrix[2] doubleValue];
transform->m14 = [matrix[3] doubleValue];
transform->m21 = [matrix[4] doubleValue];
transform->m22 = [matrix[5] doubleValue];
transform->m23 = [matrix[6] doubleValue];
transform->m24 = [matrix[7] doubleValue];
transform->m31 = [matrix[8] doubleValue];
transform->m32 = [matrix[9] doubleValue];
transform->m33 = [matrix[10] doubleValue];
transform->m34 = [matrix[11] doubleValue];
transform->m41 = [matrix[12] doubleValue];
transform->m42 = [matrix[13] doubleValue];
transform->m43 = [matrix[14] doubleValue];
transform->m44 = [matrix[15] doubleValue];
// Invalidate the cache.
_cachedFirstRect = kInvalidFirstRect;
// Returns the bounding CGRect of the transformed incomingRect, in the view's
// coordinates.
- (CGRect)localRectFromFrameworkTransform:(CGRect)incomingRect {
CGPoint points[] = {
CGPointMake(incomingRect.origin.x, incomingRect.origin.y + incomingRect.size.height),
CGPointMake(incomingRect.origin.x + incomingRect.size.width, incomingRect.origin.y),
CGPointMake(incomingRect.origin.x + incomingRect.size.width,
incomingRect.origin.y + incomingRect.size.height)};
CGPoint origin = CGPointMake(CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX);
CGPoint farthest = CGPointMake(-CGFLOAT_MAX, -CGFLOAT_MAX);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
const CGPoint point = points[i];
CGFloat x = _editableTransform.m11 * point.x + _editableTransform.m21 * point.y +
CGFloat y = _editableTransform.m12 * point.x + _editableTransform.m22 * point.y +
const CGFloat w = _editableTransform.m14 * point.x + _editableTransform.m24 * point.y +
if (w == 0.0) {
return kInvalidFirstRect;
} else if (w != 1.0) {
x /= w;
y /= w;
origin.x = MIN(origin.x, x);
origin.y = MIN(origin.y, y);
farthest.x = MAX(farthest.x, x);
farthest.y = MAX(farthest.y, y);
return CGRectMake(origin.x, origin.y, farthest.x - origin.x, farthest.y - origin.y);
// The following methods are required to support force-touch cursor positioning
// and to position the
// candidates view for multi-stage input methods (e.g., Japanese) when using a
// physical keyboard.
- (CGRect)firstRectForRange:(UITextRange*)range {
NSAssert([range.start isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextPosition class]],
@"Expected a FlutterTextPosition for range.start (got %@).", [range.start class]);
NSAssert([range.end isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextPosition class]],
@"Expected a FlutterTextPosition for range.end (got %@).", [range.end class]);
NSUInteger start = ((FlutterTextPosition*)range.start).index;
NSUInteger end = ((FlutterTextPosition*)range.end).index;
if (_markedTextRange != nil) {
// The candidates view can't be shown if the framework has not sent the
// first caret rect.
if (CGRectEqualToRect(kInvalidFirstRect, _markedRect)) {
return kInvalidFirstRect;
if (CGRectEqualToRect(_cachedFirstRect, kInvalidFirstRect)) {
// If the width returned is too small, that means the framework sent us
// the caret rect instead of the marked text rect. Expand it to 0.2 so
// the IME candidates view would show up.
CGRect rect = _markedRect;
if (CGRectIsEmpty(rect)) {
rect = CGRectInset(rect, -0.1, 0);
_cachedFirstRect = [self localRectFromFrameworkTransform:rect];
return _cachedFirstRect;
if (_scribbleInteractionStatus == FlutterScribbleInteractionStatusNone &&
_scribbleFocusStatus == FlutterScribbleFocusStatusUnfocused) {
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputView:self
NSUInteger first = start;
if (end < start) {
first = end;
FlutterTextRange* textRange = [FlutterTextRange
rangeWithNSRange:fml::RangeForCharactersInRange(self.text, NSMakeRange(0, self.text.length))];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [_selectionRects count]; i++) {
BOOL startsOnOrBeforeStartOfRange = _selectionRects[i].position <= first;
BOOL isLastSelectionRect = i + 1 == [_selectionRects count];
BOOL endOfTextIsAfterStartOfRange = isLastSelectionRect && textRange.range.length > first;
BOOL nextSelectionRectIsAfterStartOfRange =
!isLastSelectionRect && _selectionRects[i + 1].position > first;
if (startsOnOrBeforeStartOfRange &&
(endOfTextIsAfterStartOfRange || nextSelectionRectIsAfterStartOfRange)) {
return _selectionRects[i].rect;
return CGRectZero;
- (CGRect)caretRectForPosition:(UITextPosition*)position {
// TODO(cbracken) Implement.
// As of iOS 14.4, this call is used by iOS's
// _UIKeyboardTextSelectionController to determine the position
// of the floating cursor when the user force touches the space
// bar to initiate floating cursor.
// It is recommended to return a value that's roughly the
// center of kSpacePanBounds to make sure the floating cursor
// has ample space in all directions and does not hit kSpacePanBounds.
// See the comments in beginFloatingCursorAtPoint.
return CGRectZero;
- (CGRect)bounds {
return _isFloatingCursorActive ? kSpacePanBounds : super.bounds;
- (UITextPosition*)closestPositionToPoint:(CGPoint)point {
if ([_selectionRects count] == 0) {
NSAssert([_selectedTextRange.start isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextPosition class]],
@"Expected a FlutterTextPosition for position (got %@).",
[_selectedTextRange.start class]);
NSUInteger currentIndex = ((FlutterTextPosition*)_selectedTextRange.start).index;
return [FlutterTextPosition positionWithIndex:currentIndex];
FlutterTextRange* range = [FlutterTextRange
rangeWithNSRange:fml::RangeForCharactersInRange(self.text, NSMakeRange(0, self.text.length))];
return [self closestPositionToPoint:point withinRange:range];
- (NSArray*)selectionRectsForRange:(UITextRange*)range {
// At least in the simulator, swapping to the Japanese keyboard crashes the app as this method
// is called immediately with a UITextRange with a UITextPosition rather than FlutterTextPosition
// for the start and end.
if (![range.start isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextPosition class]]) {
return @[];
NSAssert([range.start isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextPosition class]],
@"Expected a FlutterTextPosition for range.start (got %@).", [range.start class]);
NSAssert([range.end isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextPosition class]],
@"Expected a FlutterTextPosition for range.end (got %@).", [range.end class]);
NSUInteger start = ((FlutterTextPosition*)range.start).index;
NSUInteger end = ((FlutterTextPosition*)range.end).index;
NSMutableArray* rects = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [_selectionRects count]; i++) {
if (_selectionRects[i].position >= start && _selectionRects[i].position <= end) {
float width = _selectionRects[i].rect.size.width;
if (start == end) {
width = 0;
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(_selectionRects[i].rect.origin.x, _selectionRects[i].rect.origin.y,
width, _selectionRects[i].rect.size.height);
FlutterTextSelectionRect* selectionRect = [FlutterTextSelectionRect
containsStart:(i == 0)
containsEnd:(i == fml::RangeForCharactersInRange(
self.text, NSMakeRange(0, self.text.length))
[rects addObject:selectionRect];
return rects;
- (UITextPosition*)closestPositionToPoint:(CGPoint)point withinRange:(UITextRange*)range {
NSAssert([range.start isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextPosition class]],
@"Expected a FlutterTextPosition for range.start (got %@).", [range.start class]);
NSAssert([range.end isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextPosition class]],
@"Expected a FlutterTextPosition for range.end (got %@).", [range.end class]);
NSUInteger start = ((FlutterTextPosition*)range.start).index;
NSUInteger end = ((FlutterTextPosition*)range.end).index;
NSUInteger _closestIndex = 0;
CGRect _closestRect = CGRectZero;
NSUInteger _closestPosition = 0;
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [_selectionRects count]; i++) {
NSUInteger position = _selectionRects[i].position;
if (position >= start && position <= end) {
BOOL isFirst = _closestIndex == 0;
if (isFirst || IsSelectionRectCloserToPoint(point, _selectionRects[i].rect, _closestRect,
/*checkRightBoundary=*/NO)) {
_closestIndex = i;
_closestRect = _selectionRects[i].rect;
_closestPosition = position;
FlutterTextRange* textRange = [FlutterTextRange
rangeWithNSRange:fml::RangeForCharactersInRange(self.text, NSMakeRange(0, self.text.length))];
if ([_selectionRects count] > 0 && textRange.range.length == end) {
NSUInteger i = [_selectionRects count] - 1;
NSUInteger position = _selectionRects[i].position + 1;
if (position <= end) {
if (IsSelectionRectCloserToPoint(point, _selectionRects[i].rect, _closestRect,
/*checkRightBoundary=*/YES)) {
_closestPosition = position;
return [FlutterTextPosition positionWithIndex:_closestPosition];
- (UITextRange*)characterRangeAtPoint:(CGPoint)point {
// TODO(cbracken) Implement.
NSUInteger currentIndex = ((FlutterTextPosition*)_selectedTextRange.start).index;
return [FlutterTextRange rangeWithNSRange:fml::RangeForCharacterAtIndex(self.text, currentIndex)];
- (void)beginFloatingCursorAtPoint:(CGPoint)point {
// For "beginFloatingCursorAtPoint" and "updateFloatingCursorAtPoint", "point" is roughly:
// CGPoint(
// width >= 0 ? point.x.clamp(boundingBox.left, boundingBox.right) : point.x,
// height >= 0 ? point.y.clamp(, boundingBox.bottom) : point.y,
// )
// where
// point = keyboardPanGestureRecognizer.translationInView(textInputView) +
// caretRectForPosition boundingBox = self.convertRect(bounds, fromView:textInputView)
// bounds = self._selectionClipRect ?? self.bounds
// It's tricky to provide accurate "bounds" and "caretRectForPosition" so it's preferred to
// bypass the clamping and implement the same clamping logic in the framework where we have easy
// access to the bounding box of the input field and the caret location.
// The current implementation returns kSpacePanBounds for "bounds" when
// "_isFloatingCursorActive" is true. kSpacePanBounds centers "caretRectForPosition" so the
// floating cursor has enough clearance in all directions to move around.
// It seems impossible to use a negative "width" or "height", as the "convertRect"
// call always turns a CGRect's negative dimensions into non-negative values, e.g.,
// (1, 2, -3, -4) would become (-2, -2, 3, 4).
_isFloatingCursorActive = true;
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputView:self
withPosition:@{@"X" : @(point.x), @"Y" : @(point.y)}];
- (void)updateFloatingCursorAtPoint:(CGPoint)point {
_isFloatingCursorActive = true;
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputView:self
withPosition:@{@"X" : @(point.x), @"Y" : @(point.y)}];
- (void)endFloatingCursor {
_isFloatingCursorActive = false;
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputView:self
withPosition:@{@"X" : @(0), @"Y" : @(0)}];
#pragma mark - UIKeyInput Overrides
- (void)updateEditingState {
NSUInteger selectionBase = ((FlutterTextPosition*)_selectedTextRange.start).index;
NSUInteger selectionExtent = ((FlutterTextPosition*)_selectedTextRange.end).index;
// Empty compositing range is represented by the framework's TextRange.empty.
NSInteger composingBase = -1;
NSInteger composingExtent = -1;
if (self.markedTextRange != nil) {
composingBase = ((FlutterTextPosition*)self.markedTextRange.start).index;
composingExtent = ((FlutterTextPosition*)self.markedTextRange.end).index;
NSDictionary* state = @{
@"selectionBase" : @(selectionBase),
@"selectionExtent" : @(selectionExtent),
@"selectionAffinity" : @(_selectionAffinity),
@"selectionIsDirectional" : @(false),
@"composingBase" : @(composingBase),
@"composingExtent" : @(composingExtent),
@"text" : [NSString stringWithString:self.text],
if (_textInputClient == 0 && _autofillId != nil) {
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputView:self
} else {
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputView:self
- (void)updateEditingStateWithDelta:(flutter::TextEditingDelta)delta {
NSUInteger selectionBase = ((FlutterTextPosition*)_selectedTextRange.start).index;
NSUInteger selectionExtent = ((FlutterTextPosition*)_selectedTextRange.end).index;
// Empty compositing range is represented by the framework's TextRange.empty.
NSInteger composingBase = -1;
NSInteger composingExtent = -1;
if (self.markedTextRange != nil) {
composingBase = ((FlutterTextPosition*)self.markedTextRange.start).index;
composingExtent = ((FlutterTextPosition*)self.markedTextRange.end).index;
NSDictionary* deltaToFramework = @{
@"oldText" : @(delta.old_text().c_str()),
@"deltaText" : @(delta.delta_text().c_str()),
@"deltaStart" : @(delta.delta_start()),
@"deltaEnd" : @(delta.delta_end()),
@"selectionBase" : @(selectionBase),
@"selectionExtent" : @(selectionExtent),
@"selectionAffinity" : @(_selectionAffinity),
@"selectionIsDirectional" : @(false),
@"composingBase" : @(composingBase),
@"composingExtent" : @(composingExtent),
NSDictionary* deltas = @{
@"deltas" : @[ deltaToFramework ],
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputView:self
- (BOOL)hasText {
return self.text.length > 0;
- (void)insertText:(NSString*)text {
NSMutableArray<FlutterTextSelectionRect*>* copiedRects =
[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[_selectionRects count]];
NSAssert([_selectedTextRange.start isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextPosition class]],
@"Expected a FlutterTextPosition for position (got %@).",
[_selectedTextRange.start class]);
NSUInteger insertPosition = ((FlutterTextPosition*)_selectedTextRange.start).index;
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [_selectionRects count]; i++) {
NSUInteger rectPosition = _selectionRects[i].position;
if (rectPosition == insertPosition) {
for (NSUInteger j = 0; j <= text.length; j++) {
addObject:[FlutterTextSelectionRect selectionRectWithRect:_selectionRects[i].rect
position:rectPosition + j]];
} else {
if (rectPosition > insertPosition) {
rectPosition = rectPosition + text.length;
[copiedRects addObject:[FlutterTextSelectionRect selectionRectWithRect:_selectionRects[i].rect
_scribbleFocusStatus = FlutterScribbleFocusStatusUnfocused;
[self resetScribbleInteractionStatusIfEnding];
self.selectionRects = copiedRects;
[copiedRects release];
_selectionAffinity = kTextAffinityDownstream;
[self replaceRange:_selectedTextRange withText:text];
- (UITextPlaceholder*)insertTextPlaceholderWithSize:(CGSize)size API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0)) {
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputView:self
_hasPlaceholder = YES;
return [[[FlutterTextPlaceholder alloc] init] autorelease];
- (void)removeTextPlaceholder:(UITextPlaceholder*)textPlaceholder API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0)) {
_hasPlaceholder = NO;
[self.textInputDelegate flutterTextInputView:self removeTextPlaceholder:_textInputClient];
- (void)deleteBackward {
_selectionAffinity = kTextAffinityDownstream;
_scribbleFocusStatus = FlutterScribbleFocusStatusUnfocused;
[self resetScribbleInteractionStatusIfEnding];
// When deleting Thai vowel, _selectedTextRange has location
// but does not have length, so we have to manually set it.
// In addition, we needed to delete only a part of grapheme cluster
// because it is the expected behavior of Thai input.
// This is needed for correct handling of the deletion of Thai vowel input.
// TODO(cbracken): Get a good understanding of expected behavior of Thai
// input and ensure that this is the correct solution.
if (_selectedTextRange.isEmpty && [self hasText]) {
UITextRange* oldSelectedRange = _selectedTextRange;
NSRange oldRange = ((FlutterTextRange*)oldSelectedRange).range;
if (oldRange.location > 0) {
NSRange newRange = NSMakeRange(oldRange.location - 1, 1);
// We should check if the last character is a part of emoji.
// If so, we must delete the entire emoji to prevent the text from being malformed.
NSRange charRange = fml::RangeForCharacterAtIndex(self.text, oldRange.location - 1);
UChar32 codePoint;
BOOL gotCodePoint = [self.text getBytes:&codePoint
if (gotCodePoint && u_hasBinaryProperty(codePoint, UCHAR_EMOJI)) {
newRange = NSMakeRange(charRange.location, oldRange.location - charRange.location);
_selectedTextRange = [[FlutterTextRange rangeWithNSRange:newRange] copy];
[oldSelectedRange release];
if (!_selectedTextRange.isEmpty) {
[self replaceRange:_selectedTextRange withText:@""];
- (void)postAccessibilityNotification:(UIAccessibilityNotifications)notification target:(id)target {
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(notification, target);
- (void)accessibilityElementDidBecomeFocused {
if ([self accessibilityElementIsFocused]) {
// For most of the cases, this flutter text input view should never
// receive the focus. If we do receive the focus, we make the best effort
// to send the focus back to the real text field.
[self postAccessibilityNotification:UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification
- (BOOL)accessibilityElementsHidden {
return !_accessibilityEnabled;
- (void)resetScribbleInteractionStatusIfEnding {
if (_scribbleInteractionStatus == FlutterScribbleInteractionStatusEnding) {
_scribbleInteractionStatus = FlutterScribbleInteractionStatusNone;
#pragma mark - Key Events Handling
- (void)pressesBegan:(NSSet<UIPress*>*)presses
withEvent:(UIPressesEvent*)event API_AVAILABLE(ios(9.0)) {
[_textInputPlugin.get().viewController pressesBegan:presses withEvent:event];
- (void)pressesChanged:(NSSet<UIPress*>*)presses
withEvent:(UIPressesEvent*)event API_AVAILABLE(ios(9.0)) {
[_textInputPlugin.get().viewController pressesChanged:presses withEvent:event];
- (void)pressesEnded:(NSSet<UIPress*>*)presses
withEvent:(UIPressesEvent*)event API_AVAILABLE(ios(9.0)) {
[_textInputPlugin.get().viewController pressesEnded:presses withEvent:event];
- (void)pressesCancelled:(NSSet<UIPress*>*)presses
withEvent:(UIPressesEvent*)event API_AVAILABLE(ios(9.0)) {
[_textInputPlugin.get().viewController pressesCancelled:presses withEvent:event];
* Hides `FlutterTextInputView` from iOS accessibility system so it
* does not show up twice, once where it is in the `UIView` hierarchy,
* and a second time as part of the `SemanticsObject` hierarchy.
* This prevents the `FlutterTextInputView` from receiving the focus
* due to swiping gesture.
* There are other cases the `FlutterTextInputView` may receive
* focus. One example is during screen changes, the accessibility
* tree will undergo a dramatic structural update. The Voiceover may
* decide to focus the `FlutterTextInputView` that is not involved
* in the structural update instead. If that happens, the
* `FlutterTextInputView` will make a best effort to direct the
* focus back to the `SemanticsObject`.
@interface FlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityHider : UIView {
@implementation FlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityHider {
- (BOOL)accessibilityElementsHidden {
return YES;
@interface FlutterTextInputPlugin ()
- (void)enableActiveViewAccessibility;
@interface FlutterTimerProxy : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, assign) FlutterTextInputPlugin* target;
@implementation FlutterTimerProxy
+ (instancetype)proxyWithTarget:(FlutterTextInputPlugin*)target {
FlutterTimerProxy* proxy = [[self new] autorelease];
if (proxy) { = target;
return proxy;
- (void)enableActiveViewAccessibility {
[ enableActiveViewAccessibility];
@interface FlutterTextInputPlugin ()
// The current password-autofillable input fields that have yet to be saved.
@property(nonatomic, readonly)
NSMutableDictionary<NSString*, FlutterTextInputView*>* autofillContext;
@property(nonatomic, retain) FlutterTextInputView* activeView;
@property(nonatomic, retain) FlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityHider* inputHider;
@property(nonatomic, readonly) id<FlutterViewResponder> viewResponder;
@implementation FlutterTextInputPlugin {
NSTimer* _enableFlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityTimer;
std::unique_ptr<fml::WeakPtrFactory<FlutterTextInputPlugin>> _weakFactory;
id<FlutterTextInputDelegate> _textInputDelegate;
- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id<FlutterTextInputDelegate>)textInputDelegate {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// `_textInputDelegate` is a weak reference because it should retain FlutterTextInputPlugin.
_textInputDelegate = textInputDelegate;
_weakFactory = std::make_unique<fml::WeakPtrFactory<FlutterTextInputPlugin>>(self);
_autofillContext = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_inputHider = [[FlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityHider alloc] init];
_scribbleElements = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[self hideTextInput];
[_activeView release];
[_inputHider release];
[_autofillContext release];
[_scribbleElements release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)removeEnableFlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityTimer {
if (_enableFlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityTimer) {
[_enableFlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityTimer invalidate];
[_enableFlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityTimer release];
_enableFlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityTimer = nil;
- (UIView<UITextInput>*)textInputView {
return _activeView;
- (id<FlutterTextInputDelegate>)textInputDelegate {
return _textInputDelegate;
- (fml::WeakPtr<FlutterTextInputPlugin>)weakPtr {
return _weakFactory->GetWeakPtr();
- (void)handleMethodCall:(FlutterMethodCall*)call result:(FlutterResult)result {
NSString* method = call.method;
id args = call.arguments;
if ([method isEqualToString:kShowMethod]) {
[self showTextInput];
} else if ([method isEqualToString:kHideMethod]) {
[self hideTextInput];
} else if ([method isEqualToString:kSetClientMethod]) {
[self setTextInputClient:[args[0] intValue] withConfiguration:args[1]];
} else if ([method isEqualToString:kSetPlatformViewClientMethod]) {
// This method call has a `platformViewId` argument, but we do not need it for iOS for now.
[self setPlatformViewTextInputClient];
} else if ([method isEqualToString:kSetEditingStateMethod]) {
[self setTextInputEditingState:args];
} else if ([method isEqualToString:kClearClientMethod]) {
[self clearTextInputClient];
} else if ([method isEqualToString:kSetEditableSizeAndTransformMethod]) {
[self setEditableSizeAndTransform:args];
} else if ([method isEqualToString:kSetMarkedTextRectMethod]) {
[self updateMarkedRect:args];
} else if ([method isEqualToString:kFinishAutofillContextMethod]) {
[self triggerAutofillSave:[args boolValue]];
} else if ([method isEqualToString:kSetSelectionRectsMethod]) {
[self setSelectionRects:args];
} else if ([method isEqualToString:kStartLiveTextInputMethod]) {
[self startLiveTextInput];
} else {
- (void)setEditableSizeAndTransform:(NSDictionary*)dictionary {
[_activeView setEditableTransform:dictionary[@"transform"]];
if ([_activeView isScribbleAvailable]) {
// This is necessary to set up where the scribble interactable element will be.
int leftIndex = 12;
int topIndex = 13;
_inputHider.frame =
CGRectMake([dictionary[@"transform"][leftIndex] intValue],
[dictionary[@"transform"][topIndex] intValue], [dictionary[@"width"] intValue],
[dictionary[@"height"] intValue]);
_activeView.frame =
CGRectMake(0, 0, [dictionary[@"width"] intValue], [dictionary[@"height"] intValue]);
_activeView.tintColor = [UIColor clearColor];
- (void)updateMarkedRect:(NSDictionary*)dictionary {
NSAssert(dictionary[@"x"] != nil && dictionary[@"y"] != nil && dictionary[@"width"] != nil &&
dictionary[@"height"] != nil,
@"Expected a dictionary representing a CGRect, got %@", dictionary);
CGRect rect = CGRectMake([dictionary[@"x"] doubleValue], [dictionary[@"y"] doubleValue],
[dictionary[@"width"] doubleValue], [dictionary[@"height"] doubleValue]);
_activeView.markedRect = rect.size.width < 0 && rect.size.height < 0 ? kInvalidFirstRect : rect;
- (void)setSelectionRects:(NSArray*)rects {
NSMutableArray<FlutterTextSelectionRect*>* rectsAsRect =
[[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[rects count]] autorelease];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [rects count]; i++) {
NSArray<NSNumber*>* rect = rects[i];
selectionRectWithRect:CGRectMake([rect[0] floatValue], [rect[1] floatValue],
[rect[2] floatValue], [rect[3] floatValue])
position:[rect[4] unsignedIntegerValue]]];
_activeView.selectionRects = rectsAsRect;
- (void)startLiveTextInput {
if (@available(iOS 15.0, *)) {
if (_activeView == nil || !_activeView.isFirstResponder) {
[_activeView captureTextFromCamera:nil];
- (void)showTextInput {
_activeView.viewResponder = _viewResponder;
[self addToInputParentViewIfNeeded:_activeView];
// Adds a delay to prevent the text view from receiving accessibility
// focus in case it is activated during semantics updates.
// One common case is when the app navigates to a page with an auto
// focused text field. The text field will activate the FlutterTextInputView
// with a semantics update sent to the engine. The voiceover will focus
// the newly attached active view while performing accessibility update.
// This results in accessibility focus stuck at the FlutterTextInputView.
if (!_enableFlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityTimer) {
_enableFlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityTimer =
[[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:kUITextInputAccessibilityEnablingDelaySeconds
target:[FlutterTimerProxy proxyWithTarget:self]
repeats:NO] retain];
[_activeView becomeFirstResponder];
- (void)enableActiveViewAccessibility {
if (_activeView.isFirstResponder) {
_activeView.accessibilityEnabled = YES;
[self removeEnableFlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityTimer];
- (void)hideTextInput {
[self removeEnableFlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityTimer];
_activeView.accessibilityEnabled = NO;
[_activeView resignFirstResponder];
[_activeView removeFromSuperview];
[_inputHider removeFromSuperview];
- (void)triggerAutofillSave:(BOOL)saveEntries {
[_activeView resignFirstResponder];
if (saveEntries) {
// Make all the input fields in the autofill context visible,
// then remove them to trigger autofill save.
[self cleanUpViewHierarchy:YES clearText:YES delayRemoval:NO];
[_autofillContext removeAllObjects];
[self changeInputViewsAutofillVisibility:YES];
} else {
[_autofillContext removeAllObjects];
[self cleanUpViewHierarchy:YES clearText:!saveEntries delayRemoval:NO];
[self addToInputParentViewIfNeeded:_activeView];
- (void)setPlatformViewTextInputClient {
// No need to track the platformViewID (unlike in Android). When a platform view
// becomes the first responder, simply hide this dummy text input view (`_activeView`)
// for the previously focused widget.
[self removeEnableFlutterTextInputViewAccessibilityTimer];
_activeView.accessibilityEnabled = NO;
[_activeView removeFromSuperview];
[_inputHider removeFromSuperview];
- (void)setTextInputClient:(int)client withConfiguration:(NSDictionary*)configuration {
[self resetAllClientIds];
// Hide all input views from autofill, only make those in the new configuration visible
// to autofill.
[self changeInputViewsAutofillVisibility:NO];
// Update the current active view.
switch (AutofillTypeOf(configuration)) {
case kFlutterAutofillTypeNone:
self.activeView = [self createInputViewWith:configuration];
case kFlutterAutofillTypeRegular:
// If the group does not involve password autofill, only install the
// input view that's being focused.
self.activeView = [self updateAndShowAutofillViews:nil
case kFlutterAutofillTypePassword:
self.activeView = [self updateAndShowAutofillViews:configuration[kAssociatedAutofillFields]
[_activeView setTextInputClient:client];
[_activeView reloadInputViews];
// Clean up views that no longer need to be in the view hierarchy, according to
// the current autofill context. The "garbage" input views are already made
// invisible to autofill and they can't `becomeFirstResponder`, we only remove
// them to free up resources and reduce the number of input views in the view
// hierarchy.
// The garbage views are decommissioned immediately, but the removeFromSuperview
// call is scheduled on the runloop and delayed by 0.1s so we don't remove the
// text fields immediately (which seems to make the keyboard flicker).
// See:
[self cleanUpViewHierarchy:NO clearText:YES delayRemoval:YES];
// Creates and shows an input field that is not password related and has no autofill
// info. This method returns a new FlutterTextInputView instance when called, since
// UIKit uses the identity of `UITextInput` instances (or the identity of the input
// views) to decide whether the IME's internal states should be reset. See:
// .
- (FlutterTextInputView*)createInputViewWith:(NSDictionary*)configuration {
NSString* autofillId = AutofillIdFromDictionary(configuration);
if (autofillId) {
[_autofillContext removeObjectForKey:autofillId];
FlutterTextInputView* newView = [[FlutterTextInputView alloc] initWithOwner:self];
[newView configureWithDictionary:configuration];
[self addToInputParentViewIfNeeded:newView];
for (NSDictionary* field in configuration[kAssociatedAutofillFields]) {
NSString* autofillId = AutofillIdFromDictionary(field);
if (autofillId && AutofillTypeOf(field) == kFlutterAutofillTypeNone) {
[_autofillContext removeObjectForKey:autofillId];
return [newView autorelease];
- (FlutterTextInputView*)updateAndShowAutofillViews:(NSArray*)fields
isPasswordRelated:(BOOL)isPassword {
FlutterTextInputView* focused = nil;
NSString* focusedId = AutofillIdFromDictionary(focusedField);
NSAssert(focusedId, @"autofillId must not be null for the focused field: %@", focusedField);
if (!fields) {
// DO NOT push the current autofillable input fields to the context even
// if it's password-related, because it is not in an autofill group.
focused = [self getOrCreateAutofillableView:focusedField isPasswordAutofill:isPassword];
[_autofillContext removeObjectForKey:focusedId];
for (NSDictionary* field in fields) {
NSString* autofillId = AutofillIdFromDictionary(field);
NSAssert(autofillId, @"autofillId must not be null for field: %@", field);
BOOL hasHints = AutofillTypeOf(field) != kFlutterAutofillTypeNone;
BOOL isFocused = [focusedId isEqualToString:autofillId];
if (isFocused) {
focused = [self getOrCreateAutofillableView:field isPasswordAutofill:isPassword];
if (hasHints) {
// Push the current input field to the context if it has hints.
_autofillContext[autofillId] = isFocused ? focused
: [self getOrCreateAutofillableView:field
} else {
// Mark for deletion.
[_autofillContext removeObjectForKey:autofillId];
NSAssert(focused, @"The current focused input view must not be nil.");
return focused;
// Returns a new non-reusable input view (and put it into the view hierarchy), or get the
// view from the current autofill context, if an input view with the same autofill id
// already exists in the context.
// This is generally used for input fields that are autofillable (UIKit tracks these veiws
// for autofill purposes so they should not be reused for a different type of views).
- (FlutterTextInputView*)getOrCreateAutofillableView:(NSDictionary*)field
isPasswordAutofill:(BOOL)needsPasswordAutofill {
NSString* autofillId = AutofillIdFromDictionary(field);
FlutterTextInputView* inputView = _autofillContext[autofillId];
if (!inputView) {
inputView =
needsPasswordAutofill ? [FlutterSecureTextInputView alloc] : [FlutterTextInputView alloc];
inputView = [[inputView initWithOwner:self] autorelease];
[self addToInputParentViewIfNeeded:inputView];
[inputView configureWithDictionary:field];
return inputView;
// The UIView to add FlutterTextInputViews to.
- (UIView*)hostView {
UIView* host = _viewController.view;
NSAssert(host != nullptr,
@"The application must have a host view since the keyboard client "
@"must be part of the responder chain to function. The host view controller is %@",
return host;
// The UIView to add FlutterTextInputViews to.
- (NSArray<UIView*>*)textInputViews {
return _inputHider.subviews;
// Decommissions (See the "decommission" method on FlutterTextInputView) and removes
// every installed input field, unless it's in the current autofill context.
// The active view will be decommissioned and removed from its superview too, if
// includeActiveView is YES.
// When clearText is YES, the text on the input fields will be set to empty before
// they are removed from the view hierarchy, to avoid triggering autofill save.
// If delayRemoval is true, removeFromSuperview will be scheduled on the runloop and
// will be delayed by 0.1s so we don't remove the text fields immediately (which seems
// to make the keyboard flicker).
// See:
- (void)cleanUpViewHierarchy:(BOOL)includeActiveView
delayRemoval:(BOOL)delayRemoval {
for (UIView* view in self.textInputViews) {
if ([view isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextInputView class]] &&
(includeActiveView || view != _activeView)) {
FlutterTextInputView* inputView = (FlutterTextInputView*)view;
if (_autofillContext[inputView.autofillId] != view) {
if (clearText) {
[inputView replaceRangeLocal:NSMakeRange(0, inputView.text.length) withText:@""];
[inputView decommission];
if (delayRemoval) {
[inputView performSelector:@selector(removeFromSuperview) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.1];
} else {
[inputView removeFromSuperview];
// Changes the visibility of every FlutterTextInputView currently in the
// view hierarchy.
- (void)changeInputViewsAutofillVisibility:(BOOL)newVisibility {
for (UIView* view in self.textInputViews) {
if ([view isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextInputView class]]) {
FlutterTextInputView* inputView = (FlutterTextInputView*)view;
inputView.isVisibleToAutofill = newVisibility;
// Resets the client id of every FlutterTextInputView in the view hierarchy
// to 0.
// Called before establishing a new text input connection.
// For views in the current autofill context, they need to
// stay in the view hierachy but should not be allowed to
// send messages (other than autofill related ones) to the
// framework.
- (void)resetAllClientIds {
for (UIView* view in self.textInputViews) {
if ([view isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextInputView class]]) {
FlutterTextInputView* inputView = (FlutterTextInputView*)view;
[inputView setTextInputClient:0];
- (void)addToInputParentViewIfNeeded:(FlutterTextInputView*)inputView {
if (![inputView isDescendantOfView:_inputHider]) {
[_inputHider addSubview:inputView];
UIView* parentView = self.hostView;
if (_inputHider.superview != parentView) {
[parentView addSubview:_inputHider];
- (void)setTextInputEditingState:(NSDictionary*)state {
[_activeView setTextInputState:state];
- (void)clearTextInputClient {
[_activeView setTextInputClient:0];
_activeView.frame = CGRectZero;
#pragma mark UIIndirectScribbleInteractionDelegate
- (BOOL)indirectScribbleInteraction:(UIIndirectScribbleInteraction*)interaction
API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0)) {
return _activeView.scribbleFocusStatus == FlutterScribbleFocusStatusFocused;
- (void)indirectScribbleInteraction:(UIIndirectScribbleInteraction*)interaction
completion:(void (^)(UIResponder<UITextInput>* focusedInput))completion
API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0)) {
_activeView.scribbleFocusStatus = FlutterScribbleFocusStatusFocusing;
[_indirectScribbleDelegate flutterTextInputPlugin:self
result:^(id _Nullable result) {
_activeView.scribbleFocusStatus =
- (BOOL)indirectScribbleInteraction:(UIIndirectScribbleInteraction*)interaction
API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0)) {
return NO;
- (void)indirectScribbleInteraction:(UIIndirectScribbleInteraction*)interaction
API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0)) {
- (void)indirectScribbleInteraction:(UIIndirectScribbleInteraction*)interaction
API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0)) {
- (CGRect)indirectScribbleInteraction:(UIIndirectScribbleInteraction*)interaction
API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0)) {
NSValue* elementValue = [_scribbleElements objectForKey:elementIdentifier];
if (elementValue == nil) {
return CGRectZero;
return [elementValue CGRectValue];
- (void)indirectScribbleInteraction:(UIIndirectScribbleInteraction*)interaction
(void (^)(NSArray<UIScribbleElementIdentifier>* elements))completion
API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0)) {
result:^(id _Nullable result) {
NSMutableArray<UIScribbleElementIdentifier>* elements =
[[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
if ([result isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
for (NSArray* elementArray in result) {
[elements addObject:elementArray[0]];
[elementArray[1] floatValue],
[elementArray[2] floatValue],
[elementArray[3] floatValue],
[elementArray[4] floatValue])]
#pragma mark - Methods related to Scribble support
- (void)setupIndirectScribbleInteraction:(id<FlutterViewResponder>)viewResponder {
if (_viewResponder != viewResponder) {
if (@available(iOS 14.0, *)) {
UIView* parentView = viewResponder.view;
if (parentView != nil) {
UIIndirectScribbleInteraction* scribbleInteraction = [[[UIIndirectScribbleInteraction alloc]
initWithDelegate:(id<UIIndirectScribbleInteractionDelegate>)self] autorelease];
[parentView addInteraction:scribbleInteraction];
_viewResponder = viewResponder;
- (void)resetViewResponder {
_viewResponder = nil;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark FlutterKeySecondaryResponder
* Handles key down events received from the view controller, responding YES if
* the event was handled.
- (BOOL)handlePress:(nonnull FlutterUIPressProxy*)press API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) {
return NO;