blob: b964a6fca2aec09e7a7978d9428d9cdc68226e70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/flutter_windows_view.h"
#include <chrono>
#include "flutter/fml/platform/win/wstring_conversion.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/common/accessibility_bridge.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/keyboard_key_channel_handler.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/text_input_plugin.h"
#include "flutter/third_party/accessibility/ax/platform/ax_platform_node_win.h"
namespace flutter {
namespace {
// The maximum duration to block the platform thread for while waiting
// for a window resize operation to complete.
constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds kWindowResizeTimeout{100};
/// Returns true if the surface will be updated as part of the resize process.
/// This is called on window resize to determine if the platform thread needs
/// to be blocked until the frame with the right size has been rendered. It
/// should be kept in-sync with how the engine deals with a new surface request
/// as seen in `CreateOrUpdateSurface` in `GPUSurfaceGL`.
bool SurfaceWillUpdate(size_t cur_width,
size_t cur_height,
size_t target_width,
size_t target_height) {
// TODO ( : Avoid special
// handling for zero dimensions.
bool non_zero_target_dims = target_height > 0 && target_width > 0;
bool not_same_size =
(cur_height != target_height) || (cur_width != target_width);
return non_zero_target_dims && not_same_size;
/// Update the surface's swap interval to block until the v-blank iff
/// the system compositor is disabled.
void UpdateVsync(const FlutterWindowsEngine& engine,
const WindowBindingHandler& window) {
AngleSurfaceManager* surface_manager = engine.surface_manager();
if (!surface_manager) {
// Updating the vsync makes the EGL context and render surface current.
// If the engine is running, the render surface should only be made current on
// the raster thread. If the engine is initializing, the raster thread doesn't
// exist yet and the render surface can be made current on the platform
// thread.
auto needs_vsync = window.NeedsVSync();
if (engine.running()) {
engine.PostRasterThreadTask([surface_manager, needs_vsync]() {
} else {
// Release the EGL context so that the raster thread can use it.
if (!surface_manager->ClearCurrent()) {
<< "Unable to clear current surface after updating the swap interval";
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<WindowBindingHandler> window_binding) {
// Take the binding handler, and give it a pointer back to self.
binding_handler_ = std::move(window_binding);
render_target_ = std::make_unique<WindowsRenderTarget>(
FlutterWindowsView::~FlutterWindowsView() {
// The engine renders into the view's surface. The engine must be
// shutdown before the view's resources can be destroyed.
if (engine_) {
void FlutterWindowsView::SetEngine(FlutterWindowsEngine* engine) {
FML_DCHECK(engine_ == nullptr);
FML_DCHECK(engine != nullptr);
engine_ = engine;
PhysicalWindowBounds bounds = binding_handler_->GetPhysicalWindowBounds();
SendWindowMetrics(bounds.width, bounds.height,
uint32_t FlutterWindowsView::GetFrameBufferId(size_t width, size_t height) {
// Called on an engine-controlled (non-platform) thread.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(resize_mutex_);
if (resize_status_ != ResizeState::kResizeStarted) {
return kWindowFrameBufferID;
if (resize_target_width_ == width && resize_target_height_ == height) {
// Platform thread is blocked for the entire duration until the
// resize_status_ is set to kDone.
engine_->surface_manager()->ResizeSurface(GetRenderTarget(), width, height,
resize_status_ = ResizeState::kFrameGenerated;
return kWindowFrameBufferID;
void FlutterWindowsView::UpdateFlutterCursor(const std::string& cursor_name) {
void FlutterWindowsView::SetFlutterCursor(HCURSOR cursor) {
void FlutterWindowsView::ForceRedraw() {
if (resize_status_ == ResizeState::kDone) {
// Request new frame.
void FlutterWindowsView::OnWindowSizeChanged(size_t width, size_t height) {
// Called on the platform thread.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(resize_mutex_);
if (!engine_->surface_manager()) {
SendWindowMetrics(width, height, binding_handler_->GetDpiScale());
EGLint surface_width, surface_height;
bool surface_will_update =
SurfaceWillUpdate(surface_width, surface_height, width, height);
if (surface_will_update) {
resize_status_ = ResizeState::kResizeStarted;
resize_target_width_ = width;
resize_target_height_ = height;
SendWindowMetrics(width, height, binding_handler_->GetDpiScale());
if (surface_will_update) {
// Block the platform thread until:
// 1. GetFrameBufferId is called with the right frame size.
// 2. Any pending SwapBuffers calls have been invoked.
resize_cv_.wait_for(lock, kWindowResizeTimeout,
[&resize_status = resize_status_] {
return resize_status == ResizeState::kDone;
void FlutterWindowsView::OnWindowRepaint() {
void FlutterWindowsView::OnPointerMove(double x,
double y,
FlutterPointerDeviceKind device_kind,
int32_t device_id,
int modifiers_state) {
SendPointerMove(x, y, GetOrCreatePointerState(device_kind, device_id));
void FlutterWindowsView::OnPointerDown(
double x,
double y,
FlutterPointerDeviceKind device_kind,
int32_t device_id,
FlutterPointerMouseButtons flutter_button) {
if (flutter_button != 0) {
auto state = GetOrCreatePointerState(device_kind, device_id);
state->buttons |= flutter_button;
SendPointerDown(x, y, state);
void FlutterWindowsView::OnPointerUp(
double x,
double y,
FlutterPointerDeviceKind device_kind,
int32_t device_id,
FlutterPointerMouseButtons flutter_button) {
if (flutter_button != 0) {
auto state = GetOrCreatePointerState(device_kind, device_id);
state->buttons &= ~flutter_button;
SendPointerUp(x, y, state);
void FlutterWindowsView::OnPointerLeave(double x,
double y,
FlutterPointerDeviceKind device_kind,
int32_t device_id) {
SendPointerLeave(x, y, GetOrCreatePointerState(device_kind, device_id));
void FlutterWindowsView::OnPointerPanZoomStart(int32_t device_id) {
PointerLocation point = binding_handler_->GetPrimaryPointerLocation();
SendPointerPanZoomStart(device_id, point.x, point.y);
void FlutterWindowsView::OnPointerPanZoomUpdate(int32_t device_id,
double pan_x,
double pan_y,
double scale,
double rotation) {
SendPointerPanZoomUpdate(device_id, pan_x, pan_y, scale, rotation);
void FlutterWindowsView::OnPointerPanZoomEnd(int32_t device_id) {
void FlutterWindowsView::OnText(const std::u16string& text) {
void FlutterWindowsView::OnKey(int key,
int scancode,
int action,
char32_t character,
bool extended,
bool was_down,
KeyEventCallback callback) {
SendKey(key, scancode, action, character, extended, was_down, callback);
void FlutterWindowsView::OnComposeBegin() {
void FlutterWindowsView::OnComposeCommit() {
void FlutterWindowsView::OnComposeEnd() {
void FlutterWindowsView::OnComposeChange(const std::u16string& text,
int cursor_pos) {
SendComposeChange(text, cursor_pos);
void FlutterWindowsView::OnScroll(double x,
double y,
double delta_x,
double delta_y,
int scroll_offset_multiplier,
FlutterPointerDeviceKind device_kind,
int32_t device_id) {
SendScroll(x, y, delta_x, delta_y, scroll_offset_multiplier, device_kind,
void FlutterWindowsView::OnScrollInertiaCancel(int32_t device_id) {
PointerLocation point = binding_handler_->GetPrimaryPointerLocation();
SendScrollInertiaCancel(device_id, point.x, point.y);
void FlutterWindowsView::OnUpdateSemanticsEnabled(bool enabled) {
gfx::NativeViewAccessible FlutterWindowsView::GetNativeViewAccessible() {
if (!accessibility_bridge_) {
return nullptr;
return accessibility_bridge_->GetChildOfAXFragmentRoot();
void FlutterWindowsView::OnCursorRectUpdated(const Rect& rect) {
void FlutterWindowsView::OnResetImeComposing() {
// Sends new size information to FlutterEngine.
void FlutterWindowsView::SendWindowMetrics(size_t width,
size_t height,
double dpiScale) const {
FlutterWindowMetricsEvent event = {};
event.struct_size = sizeof(event);
event.width = width;
event.height = height;
event.pixel_ratio = dpiScale;
void FlutterWindowsView::SendInitialBounds() {
PhysicalWindowBounds bounds = binding_handler_->GetPhysicalWindowBounds();
SendWindowMetrics(bounds.width, bounds.height,
FlutterWindowsView::PointerState* FlutterWindowsView::GetOrCreatePointerState(
FlutterPointerDeviceKind device_kind,
int32_t device_id) {
// Create a virtual pointer ID that is unique across all device types
// to prevent pointers from clashing in the engine's converter
// (lib/ui/window/
int32_t pointer_id = (static_cast<int32_t>(device_kind) << 28) | device_id;
auto [it, added] = pointer_states_.try_emplace(pointer_id, nullptr);
if (added) {
auto state = std::make_unique<PointerState>();
state->device_kind = device_kind;
state->pointer_id = pointer_id;
it->second = std::move(state);
return it->second.get();
// Set's |event_data|'s phase to either kMove or kHover depending on the current
// primary mouse button state.
void FlutterWindowsView::SetEventPhaseFromCursorButtonState(
FlutterPointerEvent* event_data,
const PointerState* state) const {
// For details about this logic, see FlutterPointerPhase in the embedder.h
// file.
if (state->buttons == 0) {
event_data->phase = state->flutter_state_is_down
? FlutterPointerPhase::kUp
: FlutterPointerPhase::kHover;
} else {
event_data->phase = state->flutter_state_is_down
? FlutterPointerPhase::kMove
: FlutterPointerPhase::kDown;
void FlutterWindowsView::SendPointerMove(double x,
double y,
PointerState* state) {
FlutterPointerEvent event = {};
event.x = x;
event.y = y;
SetEventPhaseFromCursorButtonState(&event, state);
SendPointerEventWithData(event, state);
void FlutterWindowsView::SendPointerDown(double x,
double y,
PointerState* state) {
FlutterPointerEvent event = {};
event.x = x;
event.y = y;
SetEventPhaseFromCursorButtonState(&event, state);
SendPointerEventWithData(event, state);
state->flutter_state_is_down = true;
void FlutterWindowsView::SendPointerUp(double x,
double y,
PointerState* state) {
FlutterPointerEvent event = {};
event.x = x;
event.y = y;
SetEventPhaseFromCursorButtonState(&event, state);
SendPointerEventWithData(event, state);
if (event.phase == FlutterPointerPhase::kUp) {
state->flutter_state_is_down = false;
void FlutterWindowsView::SendPointerLeave(double x,
double y,
PointerState* state) {
FlutterPointerEvent event = {};
event.x = x;
event.y = y;
event.phase = FlutterPointerPhase::kRemove;
SendPointerEventWithData(event, state);
void FlutterWindowsView::SendPointerPanZoomStart(int32_t device_id,
double x,
double y) {
auto state =
GetOrCreatePointerState(kFlutterPointerDeviceKindTrackpad, device_id);
state->pan_zoom_start_x = x;
state->pan_zoom_start_y = y;
FlutterPointerEvent event = {};
event.x = x;
event.y = y;
event.phase = FlutterPointerPhase::kPanZoomStart;
SendPointerEventWithData(event, state);
void FlutterWindowsView::SendPointerPanZoomUpdate(int32_t device_id,
double pan_x,
double pan_y,
double scale,
double rotation) {
auto state =
GetOrCreatePointerState(kFlutterPointerDeviceKindTrackpad, device_id);
FlutterPointerEvent event = {};
event.x = state->pan_zoom_start_x;
event.y = state->pan_zoom_start_y;
event.pan_x = pan_x;
event.pan_y = pan_y;
event.scale = scale;
event.rotation = rotation;
event.phase = FlutterPointerPhase::kPanZoomUpdate;
SendPointerEventWithData(event, state);
void FlutterWindowsView::SendPointerPanZoomEnd(int32_t device_id) {
auto state =
GetOrCreatePointerState(kFlutterPointerDeviceKindTrackpad, device_id);
FlutterPointerEvent event = {};
event.x = state->pan_zoom_start_x;
event.y = state->pan_zoom_start_y;
event.phase = FlutterPointerPhase::kPanZoomEnd;
SendPointerEventWithData(event, state);
void FlutterWindowsView::SendText(const std::u16string& text) {
void FlutterWindowsView::SendKey(int key,
int scancode,
int action,
char32_t character,
bool extended,
bool was_down,
KeyEventCallback callback) {
key, scancode, action, character, extended, was_down,
[=, callback = std::move(callback)](bool handled) {
if (!handled) {
key, scancode, action, character, extended, was_down);
void FlutterWindowsView::SendComposeBegin() {
void FlutterWindowsView::SendComposeCommit() {
void FlutterWindowsView::SendComposeEnd() {
void FlutterWindowsView::SendComposeChange(const std::u16string& text,
int cursor_pos) {
engine_->text_input_plugin()->ComposeChangeHook(text, cursor_pos);
void FlutterWindowsView::SendScroll(double x,
double y,
double delta_x,
double delta_y,
int scroll_offset_multiplier,
FlutterPointerDeviceKind device_kind,
int32_t device_id) {
auto state = GetOrCreatePointerState(device_kind, device_id);
FlutterPointerEvent event = {};
event.x = x;
event.y = y;
event.signal_kind = FlutterPointerSignalKind::kFlutterPointerSignalKindScroll;
event.scroll_delta_x = delta_x * scroll_offset_multiplier;
event.scroll_delta_y = delta_y * scroll_offset_multiplier;
SetEventPhaseFromCursorButtonState(&event, state);
SendPointerEventWithData(event, state);
void FlutterWindowsView::SendScrollInertiaCancel(int32_t device_id,
double x,
double y) {
auto state =
GetOrCreatePointerState(kFlutterPointerDeviceKindTrackpad, device_id);
FlutterPointerEvent event = {};
event.x = x;
event.y = y;
event.signal_kind =
SetEventPhaseFromCursorButtonState(&event, state);
SendPointerEventWithData(event, state);
void FlutterWindowsView::SendPointerEventWithData(
const FlutterPointerEvent& event_data,
PointerState* state) {
// If sending anything other than an add, and the pointer isn't already added,
// synthesize an add to satisfy Flutter's expectations about events.
if (!state->flutter_state_is_added &&
event_data.phase != FlutterPointerPhase::kAdd) {
FlutterPointerEvent event = {};
event.phase = FlutterPointerPhase::kAdd;
event.x = event_data.x;
event.y = event_data.y;
event.buttons = 0;
SendPointerEventWithData(event, state);
// Don't double-add (e.g., if events are delivered out of order, so an add has
// already been synthesized).
if (state->flutter_state_is_added &&
event_data.phase == FlutterPointerPhase::kAdd) {
FlutterPointerEvent event = event_data;
event.device_kind = state->device_kind;
event.device = state->pointer_id;
event.buttons = state->buttons;
// Set metadata that's always the same regardless of the event.
event.struct_size = sizeof(event);
event.timestamp =
if (event_data.phase == FlutterPointerPhase::kAdd) {
state->flutter_state_is_added = true;
} else if (event_data.phase == FlutterPointerPhase::kRemove) {
auto it = pointer_states_.find(state->pointer_id);
if (it != pointer_states_.end()) {
bool FlutterWindowsView::SwapBuffers() {
// Called on an engine-controlled (non-platform) thread.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(resize_mutex_);
switch (resize_status_) {
// SwapBuffer requests during resize are ignored until the frame with the
// right dimensions has been generated. This is marked with
// kFrameGenerated resize status.
case ResizeState::kResizeStarted:
return false;
case ResizeState::kFrameGenerated: {
bool visible = binding_handler_->IsVisible();
bool swap_buffers_result;
// For visible windows swap the buffers while resize handler is waiting.
// For invisible windows unblock the handler first and then swap buffers.
// SwapBuffers waits for vsync and there's no point doing that for
// invisible windows.
if (visible) {
swap_buffers_result = engine_->surface_manager()->SwapBuffers();
resize_status_ = ResizeState::kDone;
if (!visible) {
swap_buffers_result = engine_->surface_manager()->SwapBuffers();
return swap_buffers_result;
case ResizeState::kDone:
return engine_->surface_manager()->SwapBuffers();
bool FlutterWindowsView::PresentSoftwareBitmap(const void* allocation,
size_t row_bytes,
size_t height) {
return binding_handler_->OnBitmapSurfaceUpdated(allocation, row_bytes,
void FlutterWindowsView::CreateRenderSurface() {
if (engine_ && engine_->surface_manager()) {
PhysicalWindowBounds bounds = binding_handler_->GetPhysicalWindowBounds();
engine_->surface_manager()->CreateSurface(GetRenderTarget(), bounds.width,
UpdateVsync(*engine_, *binding_handler_);
resize_target_width_ = bounds.width;
resize_target_height_ = bounds.height;
void FlutterWindowsView::DestroyRenderSurface() {
if (engine_ && engine_->surface_manager()) {
void FlutterWindowsView::OnHighContrastChanged() {
WindowsRenderTarget* FlutterWindowsView::GetRenderTarget() const {
return render_target_.get();
PlatformWindow FlutterWindowsView::GetPlatformWindow() const {
return binding_handler_->GetPlatformWindow();
FlutterWindowsEngine* FlutterWindowsView::GetEngine() {
return engine_;
void FlutterWindowsView::AnnounceAlert(const std::wstring& text) {
auto alert_delegate = binding_handler_->GetAlertDelegate();
if (!alert_delegate) {
ui::AXPlatformNodeWin* alert_node = binding_handler_->GetAlert();
NotifyWinEventWrapper(alert_node, ax::mojom::Event::kAlert);
void FlutterWindowsView::NotifyWinEventWrapper(ui::AXPlatformNodeWin* node,
ax::mojom::Event event) {
if (node) {
ui::AXFragmentRootDelegateWin* FlutterWindowsView::GetAxFragmentRootDelegate() {
return accessibility_bridge_.get();
ui::AXPlatformNodeWin* FlutterWindowsView::AlertNode() const {
return binding_handler_->GetAlert();
FlutterWindowsView::CreateAccessibilityBridge() {
return std::make_shared<AccessibilityBridgeWindows>(this);
void FlutterWindowsView::UpdateSemanticsEnabled(bool enabled) {
if (semantics_enabled_ != enabled) {
semantics_enabled_ = enabled;
if (!semantics_enabled_ && accessibility_bridge_) {
} else if (semantics_enabled_ && !accessibility_bridge_) {
accessibility_bridge_ = CreateAccessibilityBridge();
void FlutterWindowsView::OnDwmCompositionChanged() {
UpdateVsync(*engine_, *binding_handler_);
void FlutterWindowsView::OnWindowStateEvent(HWND hwnd, WindowStateEvent event) {
if (engine_) {
engine_->OnWindowStateEvent(hwnd, event);
} // namespace flutter