blob: 76d7da58c24220d1666a52b485e4c3c9e8c376f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:js_util';
import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
void main() {
internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain);
void testMain() {
int callOrder = 1;
int initCalled = 0;
int runCalled = 0;
setUp(() {
callOrder = 1;
initCalled = 0;
runCalled = 0;
Future<void> mockInit ([JsFlutterConfiguration? configuration]) async {
initCalled = callOrder++;
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1));
void mockRunApp () {
runCalled = callOrder++;
test('autoStart() immediately calls init and run', () async {
final AppBootstrap bootstrap = AppBootstrap(
initializeEngine: mockInit,
runApp: mockRunApp,
await bootstrap.autoStart();
expect(initCalled, 1, reason: 'initEngine should be called first.');
expect(runCalled, 2, reason: 'runApp should be called after init.');
test('engineInitializer autoStart() does the same as Dart autoStart()', () async {
final AppBootstrap bootstrap = AppBootstrap(
initializeEngine: mockInit,
runApp: mockRunApp,
final FlutterEngineInitializer engineInitializer = bootstrap.prepareEngineInitializer();
expect(engineInitializer, isNotNull);
final Object maybeApp = await promiseToFuture<Object>(callMethod<Object>(engineInitializer, 'autoStart', <Object?>[]));
expect(maybeApp, isA<FlutterApp>());
expect(initCalled, 1, reason: 'initEngine should be called first.');
expect(runCalled, 2, reason: 'runApp should be called after init.');
test('engineInitializer initEngine() calls init and returns an appRunner', () async {
final AppBootstrap bootstrap = AppBootstrap(
initializeEngine: mockInit,
runApp: mockRunApp,
final FlutterEngineInitializer engineInitializer = bootstrap.prepareEngineInitializer();
final Object maybeAppInitializer = await promiseToFuture<Object>(callMethod<Object>(engineInitializer, 'initializeEngine', <Object?>[]));
expect(maybeAppInitializer, isA<FlutterAppRunner>());
expect(initCalled, 1, reason: 'initEngine should have been called.');
expect(runCalled, 0, reason: 'runApp should not have been called.');
test('appRunner runApp() calls run and returns a FlutterApp', () async {
final AppBootstrap bootstrap = AppBootstrap(
initializeEngine: mockInit,
runApp: mockRunApp,
final FlutterEngineInitializer engineInitializer = bootstrap.prepareEngineInitializer();
final Object appInitializer = await promiseToFuture<Object>(callMethod<Object>(engineInitializer, 'initializeEngine', <Object?>[]));
final Object maybeApp = await promiseToFuture<Object>(callMethod<Object>(appInitializer, 'runApp', <Object?>[]));
expect(maybeApp, isA<FlutterApp>());
expect(initCalled, 1, reason: 'initEngine should have been called.');
expect(runCalled, 2, reason: 'runApp should have been called.');