blob: d237d696fb9dbcbd22c4e564be227c2a828e7152 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart';
import '../matchers.dart';
const double kTolerance = 0.001;
void main() {
internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain);
void testMain() {
group('PathMetric length', () {
test('empty path', () {
final Path path = Path();
expect(path.computeMetrics().isEmpty, isTrue);
test('simple line', () {
final Path path = Path();
path.moveTo(100.0, 50.0);
path.lineTo(200.0, 100.0);
expect(path.computeMetrics().isEmpty, isFalse);
final List<PathMetric> metrics = path.computeMetrics().toList();
expect(metrics.length, 1);
expect(metrics[0].length, within(distance: kTolerance, from: 111.803));
test('2 lines', () {
final Path path = Path();
path.moveTo(100.0, 50.0);
path.lineTo(200.0, 50.0);
path.lineTo(100.0, 200.0);
expect(path.computeMetrics().isEmpty, isFalse);
final List<PathMetric> metrics = path.computeMetrics().toList();
expect(metrics.length, 1);
expect(metrics[0].length, within(distance: kTolerance, from: 280.277));
test('2 lines forceClosed', () {
final Path path = Path();
path.moveTo(100.0, 50.0);
path.lineTo(200.0, 50.0);
path.lineTo(100.0, 200.0);
expect(path.computeMetrics(forceClosed: true).isEmpty, isFalse);
final List<PathMetric> metrics =
path.computeMetrics(forceClosed: true).toList();
expect(metrics.length, 1);
expect(metrics[0].length, within(distance: kTolerance, from: 430.277));
test('2 subpaths', () {
final Path path = Path();
path.moveTo(100.0, 50.0);
path.lineTo(200.0, 100.0);
path.moveTo(200.0, 100.0);
path.lineTo(200.0, 200.0);
final List<double> contourLengths = computeLengths(path.computeMetrics());
expect(contourLengths.length, 2);
expect(contourLengths[0], within(distance: kTolerance, from: 111.803));
expect(contourLengths[1], within(distance: kTolerance, from: 100.0));
test('quadratic curve', () {
final Path path = Path();
path.moveTo(20, 100);
path.quadraticBezierTo(80, 10, 140, 110);
final List<double> contourLengths = computeLengths(path.computeMetrics());
expect(contourLengths.length, 1);
expect(contourLengths[0], within(distance: kTolerance, from: 159.473));
test('cubic curve', () {
final Path path = Path();
path.moveTo(20, 100);
path.cubicTo(80, 10, 120, 90, 140, 40);
final List<double> contourLengths = computeLengths(path.computeMetrics());
expect(contourLengths.length, 1);
expect(contourLengths[0], within(distance: kTolerance, from: 146.567));
test('addRect', () {
final Path path = Path();
path.addRect(const Rect.fromLTRB(20, 30, 220, 130));
final List<double> contourLengths = computeLengths(path.computeMetrics());
expect(contourLengths.length, 1);
expect(contourLengths[0], within(distance: kTolerance, from: 600.0));
test('addRRect with zero radius', () {
final Path path = Path();
path.addRRect(RRect.fromLTRBR(20, 30, 220, 130,;
final List<double> contourLengths = computeLengths(path.computeMetrics());
expect(contourLengths.length, 1);
expect(contourLengths[0], within(distance: kTolerance, from: 600.0));
test('addRRect with elliptical radius', () {
final Path path = Path();
path.addRRect(RRect.fromLTRBR(20, 30, 220, 130, const Radius.elliptical(8, 4)));
final List<double> contourLengths = computeLengths(path.computeMetrics());
expect(contourLengths.length, 1);
expect(contourLengths[0], within(distance: kTolerance, from: 590.408));
test('arcToPoint < 90 degrees', () {
const double rx = 100;
const double ry = 100;
const double cx = 150;
const double cy = 100;
const double startAngle = 0.0;
const double endAngle = 90.0;
const double startRad = startAngle * math.pi / 180.0;
const double endRad = endAngle * math.pi / 180.0;
final double startX = cx + (rx * math.cos(startRad));
final double startY = cy + (ry * math.sin(startRad));
final double endX = cx + (rx * math.cos(endRad));
final double endY = cy + (ry * math.sin(endRad));
final bool largeArc = (endAngle - startAngle).abs() > 180.0;
final Path path = Path()
..moveTo(startX, startY)
..arcToPoint(Offset(endX, endY),
radius: const Radius.elliptical(rx, ry),
largeArc: largeArc);
final List<double> contourLengths = computeLengths(path.computeMetrics());
expect(contourLengths.length, 1);
expect(contourLengths[0], within(distance: kTolerance, from: 156.827));
test('arcToPoint 180 degrees', () {
const double rx = 100;
const double ry = 100;
const double cx = 150;
const double cy = 100;
const double startAngle = 0.0;
const double endAngle = 180.0;
const double startRad = startAngle * math.pi / 180.0;
const double endRad = endAngle * math.pi / 180.0;
final double startX = cx + (rx * math.cos(startRad));
final double startY = cy + (ry * math.sin(startRad));
final double endX = cx + (rx * math.cos(endRad));
final double endY = cy + (ry * math.sin(endRad));
final bool largeArc = (endAngle - startAngle).abs() > 180.0;
final Path path = Path()
..moveTo(startX, startY)
..arcToPoint(Offset(endX, endY),
radius: const Radius.elliptical(rx, ry),
largeArc: largeArc);
final List<double> contourLengths = computeLengths(path.computeMetrics());
expect(contourLengths.length, 1);
expect(contourLengths[0], within(distance: kTolerance, from: 313.654));
test('arcToPoint 270 degrees', () {
const double rx = 100;
const double ry = 100;
const double cx = 150;
const double cy = 100;
const double startAngle = 0.0;
const double endAngle = 270.0;
const double startRad = startAngle * math.pi / 180.0;
const double endRad = endAngle * math.pi / 180.0;
final double startX = cx + (rx * math.cos(startRad));
final double startY = cy + (ry * math.sin(startRad));
final double endX = cx + (rx * math.cos(endRad));
final double endY = cy + (ry * math.sin(endRad));
final bool largeArc = (endAngle - startAngle).abs() > 180.0;
final Path path = Path()
..moveTo(startX, startY)
..arcToPoint(Offset(endX, endY),
radius: const Radius.elliptical(rx, ry),
largeArc: largeArc);
final List<double> contourLengths = computeLengths(path.computeMetrics());
expect(contourLengths.length, 1);
expect(contourLengths[0], within(distance: kTolerance, from: 470.482));
test('arcToPoint 270 degrees rx!=ry', () {
const double rx = 100;
const double ry = 50;
const double cx = 150;
const double cy = 100;
const double startAngle = 0.0;
const double endAngle = 270.0;
const double startRad = startAngle * math.pi / 180.0;
const double endRad = endAngle * math.pi / 180.0;
final double startX = cx + (rx * math.cos(startRad));
final double startY = cy + (ry * math.sin(startRad));
final double endX = cx + (rx * math.cos(endRad));
final double endY = cy + (ry * math.sin(endRad));
final bool largeArc = (endAngle - startAngle).abs() > 180.0;
final Path path = Path()
..moveTo(startX, startY)
..arcToPoint(Offset(endX, endY),
radius: const Radius.elliptical(rx, ry),
largeArc: largeArc);
final List<double> contourLengths = computeLengths(path.computeMetrics());
expect(contourLengths.length, 1);
expect(contourLengths[0], within(distance: kTolerance, from: 362.733));
List<double> computeLengths(PathMetrics pathMetrics) {
final List<double> lengths = <double>[];
for (final PathMetric metric in pathMetrics) {
return lengths;