blob: 133e5e16abc5bbbdea5ec394ab0eb5d89eedd5fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import '../../matchers.dart';
void main() {
internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain);
void testMain() {
setUpAll(() async {
await initializeEngine();
group('PlatformViewManager', () {
const String viewType = 'forTest';
const int viewId = 6;
late PlatformViewManager contentManager;
setUp(() {
contentManager = PlatformViewManager();
group('knowsViewType', () {
test('recognizes viewTypes after registering them', () async {
expect(contentManager.knowsViewType(viewType), isFalse);
contentManager.registerFactory(viewType, (int id) => createDomHTMLDivElement());
expect(contentManager.knowsViewType(viewType), isTrue);
group('knowsViewId', () {
test('recognizes viewIds after *rendering* them', () async {
expect(contentManager.knowsViewId(viewId), isFalse);
contentManager.registerFactory(viewType, (int id) => createDomHTMLDivElement());
expect(contentManager.knowsViewId(viewId), isFalse);
contentManager.renderContent(viewType, viewId, null);
expect(contentManager.knowsViewId(viewId), isTrue);
test('forgets viewIds after clearing them', () {
contentManager.registerFactory(viewType, (int id) => createDomHTMLDivElement());
contentManager.renderContent(viewType, viewId, null);
expect(contentManager.knowsViewId(viewId), isTrue);
expect(contentManager.knowsViewId(viewId), isFalse);
group('registerFactory', () {
test('does NOT re-register factories', () async {
viewType, (int id) => createDomHTMLDivElement() = 'pass');
// this should be rejected
viewType, (int id) => createDomHTMLSpanElement() = 'fail');
final DomElement contents =
contentManager.renderContent(viewType, viewId, null);
expect(contents.querySelector('#pass'), isNotNull);
expect(contents.querySelector('#fail'), isNull,
reason: 'Factories cannot be overridden once registered');
group('renderContent', () {
const String unregisteredViewType = 'unregisteredForTest';
const String anotherViewType = 'anotherViewType';
setUp(() {
contentManager.registerFactory(viewType, (int id) {
return createDomHTMLDivElement()..setAttribute('data-viewId', '$id');
contentManager.registerFactory(anotherViewType, (int id) {
return createDomHTMLDivElement()
..setAttribute('data-viewId', '$id') = 'auto' = '55%';
test('refuse to render views for unregistered factories', () async {
try {
contentManager.renderContent(unregisteredViewType, viewId, null);
fail('renderContent should have thrown an Assertion error!');
} catch (e) {
expect(e, isAssertionError);
expect((e as AssertionError).message, contains(unregisteredViewType));
test('rendered markup contains required attributes', () async {
final DomElement content =
contentManager.renderContent(viewType, viewId, null);
expect(content.getAttribute('slot'), contains('$viewId'));
final DomElement userContent = content.querySelector('div')!;
expect(, '100%');
expect(, '100%');
test('slot property has the same value as createPlatformViewSlot', () async {
final DomElement content =
contentManager.renderContent(viewType, viewId, null);
final DomElement slot = createPlatformViewSlot(viewId);
final DomElement innerSlot = slot.querySelector('slot')!;
expect(content.getAttribute('slot'), innerSlot.getAttribute('name'),
'The slot attribute of the rendered content must match the name attribute of the SLOT of a given viewId');
test('do not modify style.height / style.width if passed by the user (anotherViewType)',
() async {
final DomElement content =
contentManager.renderContent(anotherViewType, viewId, null);
final DomElement userContent = content.querySelector('div')!;
expect(, 'auto');
expect(, '55%');
test('returns cached instances of already-rendered content', () async {
final DomElement firstRender =
contentManager.renderContent(viewType, viewId, null);
final DomElement anotherRender =
contentManager.renderContent(viewType, viewId, null);
expect(firstRender, same(anotherRender));