blob: 18406ad8c7d31a81d955eb6f36a5a34dcf4e98aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart' show immutable;
/// A subtree of a JSON object as well as its path.
class JsonContext<T> {
/// Create a [JsonContext] that represents a subtree.
const JsonContext(this.current, this.path);
/// The content of the subtree.
final T current;
/// The path from the root.
final List<String> path;
/// Create a [JsonContext] that represents the root of a tree.
static JsonContext<Map<String, dynamic>> root(Map<String, dynamic> root) {
return JsonContext<Map<String, dynamic>>(root, const <String>[]);
/// A JSON object.
typedef JsonObject = Map<String, dynamic>;
/// A JSON array.
typedef JsonArray = List<dynamic>;
String _jsonTypeErrorMessage(List<String> currentPath, String nextKey, Type expectedType, Type actualType) {
return 'Unexpected value at path ${currentPath.join('.')}.$nextKey: '
'Expects $expectedType but got $actualType.';
/// Returns a JSON object's specified key.
/// If the result is not of type `T`, throws an `ArgumentError`.
JsonContext<T> jsonGetKey<T>(JsonContext<JsonObject> context, String key) {
final dynamic result = context.current[key];
if (result is! T) {
throw ArgumentError(_jsonTypeErrorMessage(context.path, key, T, result.runtimeType));
return JsonContext<T>(result, <String>[...context.path, key]);
/// Returns a JSON array's specified index.
/// If the subtree is not of type `T`, throws an `ArgumentError`.
JsonContext<T> jsonGetIndex<T>(JsonContext<JsonArray> context, int index) {
final dynamic result = context.current[index];
if (result is! T) {
throw ArgumentError(_jsonTypeErrorMessage(context.path, '$index', T, result.runtimeType));
return JsonContext<T>(result, <String>[...context.path, '$index']);
List<dynamic> _jsonPathSplit(String path) {
return path.split('.').map((String key) {
final int? index = int.tryParse(key);
if (index != null) {
return index;
} else {
return key;
/// Returns the value at `path` of a JSON tree.
/// The path is split using `.`. Integral elements are considered as array
/// indexes, while others are considered as map indexes.
/// If the final result is not of type `T`, throws an `ArgumentError`.
JsonContext<T> jsonGetPath<T>(JsonContext<dynamic> context, String path) {
JsonContext<dynamic> current = context;
void jsonGetKeyOrIndex<M>(dynamic key, int depth) {
assert(key is String || key is int, 'Key at $depth is a ${key.runtimeType}.');
if (key is String) {
current = jsonGetKey<M>(current as JsonContext<JsonObject>, key);
} else if (key is int) {
current = jsonGetIndex<M>(current as JsonContext<JsonArray>, key);
} else {
void jsonGetKeyOrIndexForNext(dynamic key, dynamic nextKey, int depth) {
assert(nextKey is String || nextKey is int, 'Key at ${depth + 1} is a ${key.runtimeType}.');
if (nextKey is String) {
jsonGetKeyOrIndex<JsonObject>(key, depth);
} else if (nextKey is int) {
jsonGetKeyOrIndex<JsonArray>(key, depth);
} else {
final List<dynamic> pathSegments = _jsonPathSplit(path);
for (int depth = 0; depth < pathSegments.length; depth += 1) {
if (depth != pathSegments.length - 1) {
jsonGetKeyOrIndexForNext(pathSegments[depth], pathSegments[depth + 1], depth);
} else {
jsonGetKeyOrIndex<T>(pathSegments[depth], depth);
return current as JsonContext<T>;