blob: de119a2842e732796fb14280819961cecf63b72b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of engine;
/// Handles clipboard related platform messages.
class ClipboardMessageHandler {
/// Helper to handle copy to clipboard functionality.
CopyToClipboardStrategy _copyToClipboardStrategy = CopyToClipboardStrategy();
/// Helper to handle copy to clipboard functionality.
PasteFromClipboardStrategy _pasteFromClipboardStrategy =
/// Handles the platform message which stores the given text to the clipboard.
void setDataMethodCall(
MethodCall methodCall, ui.PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback) {
const MethodCodec codec = JSONMethodCodec();
.then((bool success) {
if (success) {
} else {
code: 'copy_fail', message: 'Clipboard.setData failed'));
}).catchError((dynamic _) {
code: 'copy_fail', message: 'Clipboard.setData failed'));
/// Handles the platform message which retrieves text data from the clipboard.
void getDataMethodCall(ui.PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback) {
const MethodCodec codec = JSONMethodCodec();
_pasteFromClipboardStrategy.getData().then((String data) {
final Map<String, dynamic> map = <String, dynamic>{'text': data};
}).catchError((dynamic error) {
print('Could not get text from clipboard: $error');
code: 'paste_fail', message: 'Clipboard.getData failed'));
/// Methods used by tests.
set pasteFromClipboardStrategy(PasteFromClipboardStrategy strategy) {
_pasteFromClipboardStrategy = strategy;
set copyToClipboardStrategy(CopyToClipboardStrategy strategy) {
_copyToClipboardStrategy = strategy;
/// Provides functionality for writing text to clipboard.
/// A concrete implementation is picked at runtime based on the available
/// APIs and the browser.
abstract class CopyToClipboardStrategy {
factory CopyToClipboardStrategy() {
return (html.window.navigator.clipboard?.writeText != null)
? ClipboardAPICopyStrategy()
: ExecCommandCopyStrategy();
/// Places the text onto the browser Clipboard.
/// Returns `true` for a successful action.
/// Returns `false` for an uncessful action or when there is an excaption.
Future<bool> setData(String text);
/// Provides functionality for reading text from clipboard.
/// A concrete implementation is picked at runtime based on the available
/// APIs and the browser.
abstract class PasteFromClipboardStrategy {
factory PasteFromClipboardStrategy() {
return (browserEngine == BrowserEngine.firefox ||
html.window.navigator.clipboard?.readText == null)
? ExecCommandPasteStrategy()
: ClipboardAPIPasteStrategy();
/// Returns text from the system Clipboard.
Future<String> getData();
/// Provides copy functionality for browsers which supports ClipboardAPI.
/// Works on Chrome and Firefox browsers.
/// See:
class ClipboardAPICopyStrategy implements CopyToClipboardStrategy {
Future<bool> setData(String text) async {
try {
await html.window.navigator.clipboard.writeText(text);
} catch (e) {
print('copy is not successful ${e.message}');
return Future.value(false);
return Future.value(true);
/// Provides paste functionality for browsers which supports `clipboard.readText`.
/// Works on Chrome. Firefox only supports `readText` if the target element is
/// in content editable mode.
/// See:
/// See:
class ClipboardAPIPasteStrategy implements PasteFromClipboardStrategy {
Future<String> getData() async {
return html.window.navigator.clipboard.readText();
/// Provides a fallback strategy for browsers which does not support ClipboardAPI.
class ExecCommandCopyStrategy implements CopyToClipboardStrategy {
Future<bool> setData(String text) {
return Future.value(_setDataSync(text));
bool _setDataSync(String text) {
// Copy content to clipboard with execCommand.
// See:
final html.TextAreaElement tempTextArea = _appendTemporaryTextArea();
tempTextArea.value = text;
bool result = false;
try {
result = html.document.execCommand('copy');
if (!result) {
print('copy is not successful');
} catch (e) {
print('copy is not successful ${e.message}');
} finally {
return result;
html.TextAreaElement _appendTemporaryTextArea() {
final html.TextAreaElement tempElement = html.TextAreaElement();
final html.CssStyleDeclaration elementStyle =;
..position = 'absolute' = '-99999px'
..left = '-99999px'
..opacity = '0'
..color = 'transparent'
..backgroundColor = 'transparent'
..background = 'transparent';
return tempElement;
void _removeTemporaryTextArea(html.HtmlElement element) {
/// Provides a fallback strategy for browsers which does not support ClipboardAPI.
class ExecCommandPasteStrategy implements PasteFromClipboardStrategy {
Future<String> getData() {
// TODO(nurhan):
// TODO(nurhan):
print('Paste is not implemented for this browser.');
throw UnimplementedError();