blob: cd6abe34f9aceef4d675d2fe6c8a565489967988 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of engine;
/// How far is the light source from the surface of the UI.
/// Must be kept in sync with `flow/layers/`.
const double kLightHeight = 600.0;
/// The radius of the light source. The positive radius creates a penumbra in
/// the shadow, which we express using a blur effect.
/// Must be kept in sync with `flow/layers/`.
const double kLightRadius = 800.0;
/// The X offset of the list source relative to the center of the shape.
/// This shifts the shadow along the X asix as if the light beams at an angle.
const double kLightOffsetX = -200.0;
/// The Y offset of the list source relative to the center of the shape.
/// This shifts the shadow along the Y asix as if the light beams at an angle.
const double kLightOffsetY = -400.0;
/// Computes the offset that moves the shadow due to the light hitting the
/// shape at an angle.
/// ------ light
/// \
/// \
/// \
/// \
/// \
/// --------- shape
/// |\
/// | \
/// | \
/// ------------x---x------------
/// |<->| offset
/// This is not a complete physical model. For example, this does not take into
/// account the size of the shape (this function doesn't even take the shape as
/// a parameter). It's just a good enough approximation.
ui.Offset computeShadowOffset(double elevation) {
if (elevation == 0.0) {
final double dx = -kLightOffsetX * elevation / kLightHeight;
final double dy = -kLightOffsetY * elevation / kLightHeight;
return ui.Offset(dx, dy);
/// Computes the rectangle that contains the penumbra of the shadow cast by
/// the [shape] that's elevated above the surface of the screen at [elevation].
ui.Rect computePenumbraBounds(ui.Rect shape, double elevation) {
if (elevation == 0.0) {
return shape;
// tangent for x
final double tx = (kLightRadius + shape.width * 0.5) / kLightHeight;
// tangent for y
final double ty = (kLightRadius + shape.height * 0.5) / kLightHeight;
final double dx = elevation * tx;
final double dy = elevation * ty;
final ui.Offset offset = computeShadowOffset(elevation);
return ui.Rect.fromLTRB(
shape.left - dx, - dy,
shape.right + dx,
shape.bottom + dy,
/// Information needed to render a shadow using CSS or canvas.
class SurfaceShadowData {
const SurfaceShadowData({
@required this.blurWidth,
@required this.offset,
/// The length in pixels of the shadow.
/// This is different from the `sigma` used by blur filters. This value
/// contains the entire shadow, so, for example, to compute the shadow
/// bounds it is sufficient to add this value to the width of the shape
/// that casts it.
final double blurWidth;
/// The offset of the shadow relative to the shape as computed by
/// [computeShadowOffset].
final ui.Offset offset;
/// Computes the shadow for [shape] based on its [elevation] from the surface
/// of the screen.
/// The algorithm approximates the math done by the C++ implementation from
/// `` but it's not exact, since on the Web we do not
/// (cannot) use Skia's shadow API directly. However, this algorithms is
/// consistent with [computePenumbraBounds] used by [RecordingCanvas] during
/// bounds estimation.
SurfaceShadowData computeShadow(ui.Rect shape, double elevation) {
if (elevation == 0.0) {
return null;
final double penumbraTangentX =
(kLightRadius + shape.width * 0.5) / kLightHeight;
final double penumbraTangentY =
(kLightRadius + shape.height * 0.5) / kLightHeight;
final double penumbraWidth = elevation * penumbraTangentX;
final double penumbraHeight = elevation * penumbraTangentY;
return SurfaceShadowData(
// There's no way to express different blur along different dimensions, so
// we use the narrower of the two to prevent the shadow blur from being longer
// than the shape itself, using min instead of average of penumbra values.
blurWidth: math.min(penumbraWidth, penumbraHeight),
offset: computeShadowOffset(elevation),
/// Applies a CSS shadow to the [shape].
void applyCssShadow(
html.Element element, ui.Rect shape, double elevation, ui.Color color) {
final SurfaceShadowData shadow = computeShadow(shape, elevation);
if (shadow == null) { = 'none';
} else {
// Multiply by 0.4 to make shadows less aggressive (
final double alpha = 0.4 * color.alpha / 255; = '${shadow.offset.dx}px ${shadow.offset.dy}px '
'${shadow.blurWidth}px 0px rgba(${}, ${}, ${}, $alpha)';