blob: 713fddf712ca6b44decbf5c3804eeed9792e688b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of engine;
const bool _debugLogHistoryActions = false;
class TestHistoryEntry {
final dynamic state;
final String title;
final String url;
const TestHistoryEntry(this.state, this.title, this.url);
String toString() {
return '$runtimeType(state:$state, title:"$title", url:"$url")';
/// This location strategy mimics the browser's history as closely as possible
/// while doing it all in memory with no interaction with the browser.
/// It keeps a list of history entries and event listeners in memory and
/// manipulates them in order to achieve the desired functionality.
class TestLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy {
/// Creates a instance of [TestLocationStrategy] with an empty string as the
/// path.
factory TestLocationStrategy() => TestLocationStrategy.fromEntry(TestHistoryEntry(null, null, ''));
/// Creates an instance of [TestLocationStrategy] and populates it with a list
/// that has [initialEntry] as the only item.
TestLocationStrategy.fromEntry(TestHistoryEntry initialEntry)
: _currentEntryIndex = 0,
history = <TestHistoryEntry>[initialEntry];
String get path => ensureLeading(currentEntry.url, '/');
int _currentEntryIndex;
int get currentEntryIndex => _currentEntryIndex;
final List<TestHistoryEntry> history;
TestHistoryEntry get currentEntry {
return history[_currentEntryIndex];
set currentEntry(TestHistoryEntry entry) {
history[_currentEntryIndex] = entry;
/// Whether we are still within the history of the Flutter Web app. This
/// remains true until we go back in history beyond the entry where the app
/// started.
bool get withinAppHistory => _currentEntryIndex >= 0;
void pushState(dynamic state, String title, String url) {
// When pushing a new state, we need to remove all entries that exist after
// the current entry.
// If the user goes A -> B -> C -> D, then goes back to B and pushes a new
// entry called E, we should end up with: A -> B -> E in the history list.
history.removeRange(_currentEntryIndex, history.length);
history.add(TestHistoryEntry(state, title, url));
if (_debugLogHistoryActions) {
print('$runtimeType.pushState(...) -> $this');
void replaceState(dynamic state, String title, String url) {
if (url == null || url == '') {
url = currentEntry.url;
currentEntry = TestHistoryEntry(state, title, url);
if (_debugLogHistoryActions) {
print('$runtimeType.replaceState(...) -> $this');
/// This simulates the case where a user types in a url manually. It causes
/// a new state to be pushed, and all event listeners will be invoked.
Future<void> simulateUserTypingUrl(String url) {
return _nextEventLoop(() {
pushState(null, '', url);
Future<void> back() {
// Browsers don't move back in history immediately. They do it at the next
// event loop. So let's simulate that.
return _nextEventLoop(() {
if (withinAppHistory) {
if (_debugLogHistoryActions) {
print('$runtimeType.back() -> $this');
final List<html.EventListener> listeners = <html.EventListener>[];
ui.VoidCallback onPopState(html.EventListener fn) {
return () {
// Schedule a micro task here to avoid removing the listener during
// iteration in [_firePopStateEvent].
scheduleMicrotask(() => listeners.remove(fn));
/// Simulates the scheduling of a new event loop by creating a delayed future.
/// Details explained here:
Future<void> _nextEventLoop(ui.VoidCallback callback) {
return Future<void>.delayed( => callback());
/// Invokes all the attached event listeners in order of
/// attaching. This method should be called asynchronously to make it behave
/// like a real browser.
void _firePopStateEvent() {
final html.PopStateEvent event = html.PopStateEvent(
<String, dynamic>{'state': currentEntry.state},
for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
if (_debugLogHistoryActions) {
print('$runtimeType: fired popstate event $event');
String prepareExternalUrl(String internalUrl) => internalUrl;
String toString() {
final List<String> lines = List<String>(history.length);
for (int i = 0; i < history.length; i++) {
final TestHistoryEntry entry = history[i];
lines[i] = _currentEntryIndex == i ? '* $entry' : ' $entry';
return '$runtimeType: [\n${lines.join('\n')}\n]';