blob: 4ca7c5c540eb9447f5223b489f2f4a3c9932730e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of engine;
/// Generic callback signature, used by [_futurize].
typedef Callback<T> = void Function(T result);
/// Signature for a method that receives a [_Callback].
/// Return value should be null on success, and a string error message on
/// failure.
typedef Callbacker<T> = String Function(Callback<T> callback);
/// Converts a method that receives a value-returning callback to a method that
/// returns a Future.
/// Return a [String] to cause an [Exception] to be synchronously thrown with
/// that string as a message.
/// If the callback is called with null, the future completes with an error.
/// Example usage:
/// ```dart
/// typedef IntCallback = void Function(int result);
/// String _doSomethingAndCallback(IntCallback callback) {
/// new Timer(new Duration(seconds: 1), () { callback(1); });
/// }
/// Future<int> doSomething() {
/// return _futurize(_doSomethingAndCallback);
/// }
/// ```
Future<T> futurize<T>(Callbacker<T> callbacker) {
final Completer<T> completer = Completer<T>.sync();
final String error = callbacker((T t) {
if (t == null) {
completer.completeError(Exception('operation failed'));
} else {
if (error != null) {
throw Exception(error);
return completer.future;
/// Converts [matrix] to CSS transform value.
String matrix4ToCssTransform(Matrix4 matrix) {
return float64ListToCssTransform(;
/// Applies a transform to the [element].
/// See [float64ListToCssTransform] for details on how the CSS value is chosen.
void setElementTransform(html.Element element, Float64List matrix4) {
..transformOrigin = '0 0 0'
..transform = float64ListToCssTransform(matrix4);
/// Converts [matrix] to CSS transform value.
/// To avoid blurry text on some screens this function uses a 2D CSS transform
/// if it detects that [matrix] is a 2D transform. Otherwise, it uses a 3D CSS
/// transform.
/// See also:
/// *
/// *
String float64ListToCssTransform(Float64List matrix) {
assert(matrix.length == 16);
final TransformKind transformKind = transformKindOf(matrix);
if (transformKind == TransformKind.transform2d) {
return float64ListToCssTransform2d(matrix);
} else if (transformKind == TransformKind.complex) {
return float64ListToCssTransform3d(matrix);
} else {
assert(transformKind == TransformKind.identity);
return null;
/// The kind of effect a transform matrix performs.
enum TransformKind {
/// No effect.
/// We do not want to set any CSS properties in this case.
/// A transform that contains only 2d scale, rotation, and translation.
/// We prefer to use "matrix" instead of "matrix3d" in this case.
/// All other kinds of transforms.
/// In this case we will use "matrix3d".
/// Detects the kind of transform the [matrix] performs.
TransformKind transformKindOf(Float64List matrix) {
assert(matrix.length == 16);
final Float64List m = matrix;
// If matrix contains scaling, rotation, z translation or
// perspective transform, it is not considered simple.
final bool isSimple2dTransform =
m[15] == 1.0 && // start reading from the last element to eliminate range checks in subsequent reads.
m[14] == 0.0 && // z translation is NOT simple
// m[13] - y translation is simple
// m[12] - x translation is simple
m[11] == 0.0 &&
m[10] == 1.0 &&
m[9] == 0.0 &&
m[8] == 0.0 &&
m[7] == 0.0 &&
m[6] == 0.0 &&
// m[5] - scale y is simple
// m[4] - 2D rotation is simple
m[3] == 0.0 &&
m[2] == 0.0;
// m[1] - 2D rotation is simple
// m[0] - scale x is simple
if (!isSimple2dTransform) {
return TransformKind.complex;
// From this point on we're sure the transform is 2D, but we don't know if
// it's identity or not. To check, we need to look at the remaining elements
// that were not checked above.
final bool isIdentityTransform =
m[0] == 1.0 &&
m[1] == 0.0 &&
m[4] == 0.0 &&
m[5] == 1.0 &&
m[12] == 0.0 &&
m[13] == 0.0;
if (isIdentityTransform) {
return TransformKind.identity;
} else {
return TransformKind.transform2d;
/// Returns `true` is the [matrix] describes an identity transformation.
bool isIdentityFloat64ListTransform(Float64List matrix) {
assert(matrix.length == 16);
return transformKindOf(matrix) == TransformKind.identity;
/// Converts [matrix] to CSS transform 2D matrix value.
/// The [matrix] must not be a [TransformKind.complex] transform, because CSS
/// `matrix` can only express 2D transforms. [TransformKind.identity] is
/// permitted. However, it is inefficient to construct a matrix for an identity
/// transform. Consider removing the CSS `transform` property from elements
/// that apply identity transform.
String float64ListToCssTransform2d(Float64List matrix) {
assert (transformKindOf(matrix) != TransformKind.complex);
return 'matrix(${matrix[0]},${matrix[1]},${matrix[4]},${matrix[5]},${matrix[12]},${matrix[13]})';
/// Converts [matrix] to a 3D CSS transform value.
String float64ListToCssTransform3d(Float64List matrix) {
assert(matrix.length == 16);
final Float64List m = matrix;
if (m[0] == 1.0 &&
m[1] == 0.0 &&
m[2] == 0.0 &&
m[3] == 0.0 &&
m[4] == 0.0 &&
m[5] == 1.0 &&
m[6] == 0.0 &&
m[7] == 0.0 &&
m[8] == 0.0 &&
m[9] == 0.0 &&
m[10] == 1.0 &&
m[11] == 0.0 &&
// 12 can be anything
// 13 can be anything
m[14] == 0.0 &&
m[15] == 1.0) {
final double tx = m[12];
final double ty = m[13];
return 'translate3d(${tx}px, ${ty}px, 0px)';
} else {
return 'matrix3d(${m[0]},${m[1]},${m[2]},${m[3]},${m[4]},${m[5]},${m[6]},${m[7]},${m[8]},${m[9]},${m[10]},${m[11]},${m[12]},${m[13]},${m[14]},${m[15]})';
bool get assertionsEnabled {
bool k = false;
assert(k = true);
return k;
/// Transforms a [ui.Rect] given the effective [transform].
/// The resulting rect is aligned to the pixel grid, i.e. two of
/// its sides are vertical and two are horizontal. In the presence of rotations
/// the rectangle is inflated such that it fits the rotated rectangle.
ui.Rect transformRect(Matrix4 transform, ui.Rect rect) {
return transformLTRB(transform, rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom);
/// Transforms a rectangle given the effective [transform].
/// This is the same as [transformRect], except that the rect is specified
/// in terms of left, top, right, and bottom edge offsets.
ui.Rect transformLTRB(
Matrix4 transform, double left, double top, double right, double bottom) {
assert(left != null);
assert(top != null);
assert(right != null);
assert(bottom != null);
// Construct a matrix where each row represents a vector pointing at
// one of the four corners of the (left, top, right, bottom) rectangle.
// Using the row-major order allows us to multiply the matrix in-place
// by the transposed current transformation matrix. The vector_math
// library has a convenience function `multiplyTranspose` that performs
// the multiplication without copying. This way we compute the positions
// of all four points in a single matrix-by-matrix multiplication at the
// cost of one `Matrix4` instance and one `Float64List` instance.
// The rejected alternative was to use `Vector3` for each point and
// multiply by the current transform. However, that would cost us four
// `Vector3` instances, four `Float64List` instances, and four
// matrix-by-vector multiplications.
// `Float64List` initializes the array with zeros, so we do not have to
// fill in every single element.
final Float64List pointData = Float64List(16);
// Row 0: top-left
pointData[0] = left;
pointData[4] = top;
pointData[12] = 1;
// Row 1: top-right
pointData[1] = right;
pointData[5] = top;
pointData[13] = 1;
// Row 2: bottom-left
pointData[2] = left;
pointData[6] = bottom;
pointData[14] = 1;
// Row 3: bottom-right
pointData[3] = right;
pointData[7] = bottom;
pointData[15] = 1;
final Matrix4 pointMatrix = Matrix4.fromFloat64List(pointData);
return ui.Rect.fromLTRB(
math.min(math.min(math.min(pointData[0], pointData[1]), pointData[2]),
math.min(math.min(math.min(pointData[4], pointData[5]), pointData[6]),
math.max(math.max(math.max(pointData[0], pointData[1]), pointData[2]),
math.max(math.max(math.max(pointData[4], pointData[5]), pointData[6]),
/// Returns true if [rect] contains every point that is also contained by the
/// [other] rect.
/// Points on the edges of both rectangles are also considered. For example,
/// this returns true when the two rects are equal to each other.
bool rectContainsOther(ui.Rect rect, ui.Rect other) {
return rect.left <= other.left && <= &&
rect.right >= other.right &&
rect.bottom >= other.bottom;
/// Counter used for generating clip path id inside an svg <defs> tag.
int _clipIdCounter = 0;
/// Converts Path to svg element that contains a clip-path definition.
/// Calling this method updates [_clipIdCounter]. The HTML id of the generated
/// clip is set to "svgClip${_clipIdCounter}", e.g. "svgClip123".
String _pathToSvgClipPath(ui.Path path,
{double offsetX = 0,
double offsetY = 0,
double scaleX = 1.0,
double scaleY = 1.0}) {
_clipIdCounter += 1;
final StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
sb.write('<svg width="0" height="0" '
final String clipId = 'svgClip$_clipIdCounter';
sb.write('<clipPath id=$clipId clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox">');
sb.write('<path transform="scale($scaleX, $scaleY)" fill="#FFFFFF" d="');
pathToSvg(path, sb, offsetX: offsetX, offsetY: offsetY);
return sb.toString();
/// Converts color to a css compatible attribute value.
String colorToCssString(ui.Color color) {
if (color == null) {
return null;
final int value = color.value;
if ((0xff000000 & value) == 0xff000000) {
return _colorToCssStringRgbOnly(color);
} else {
final double alpha = ((value >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0;
final StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
sb.write(((value >> 16) & 0xFF).toString());
sb.write(((value >> 8) & 0xFF).toString());
sb.write((value & 0xFF).toString());
return sb.toString();
/// Returns the CSS value of this color without the alpha component.
/// This is useful when painting shadows as on the Web shadow opacity combines
/// with the paint opacity.
String _colorToCssStringRgbOnly(ui.Color color) {
final int value = color.value;
final String paddedValue = '00000${value.toRadixString(16)}';
return '#${paddedValue.substring(paddedValue.length - 6)}';
/// Converts color components to a CSS compatible attribute value.
String colorComponentsToCssString(int r, int g, int b, int a) {
if (a == 255) {
return 'rgb($r,$g,$b)';
} else {
final double alphaRatio = a / 255;
return 'rgba($r,$g,$b,${alphaRatio.toStringAsFixed(2)})';
/// Determines if the (dynamic) exception passed in is a NS_ERROR_FAILURE
/// (from Firefox).
/// NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) is the most general of all the (Firefox)
/// errors and occurs for all errors for which a more specific error code does
/// not apply. (
/// Other browsers do not throw this exception.
/// In Flutter, this exception happens when we try to perform some operations on
/// a Canvas when the application is rendered in a display:none iframe.
/// We need this in [BitmapCanvas] and [RecordingCanvas] to swallow this
/// Firefox exception without interfering with others (potentially useful
/// for the programmer).
bool _isNsErrorFailureException(dynamic e) {
return js_util.getProperty(e, 'name') == 'NS_ERROR_FAILURE';
/// From:
/// Generic font families are a fallback mechanism, a means of preserving some
/// of the style sheet author's intent when none of the specified fonts are
/// available. Generic family names are keywords and must not be quoted. A
/// generic font family should be the last item in the list of font family
/// names.
const Set<String> _genericFontFamilies = <String>{
/// A default fallback font family in case an unloaded font has been requested.
/// For iOS, default to Helvetica, where it should be available, otherwise
/// default to Arial.
final String _fallbackFontFamily =
operatingSystem == OperatingSystem.iOs ? 'Helvetica' : 'Arial';
/// Create a font-family string appropriate for CSS.
/// If the given [fontFamily] is a generic font-family, then just return it.
/// Otherwise, wrap the family name in quotes and add a fallback font family.
String canonicalizeFontFamily(String fontFamily) {
if (_genericFontFamilies.contains(fontFamily)) {
return fontFamily;
return '"$fontFamily", $_fallbackFontFamily, sans-serif';
/// Converts a list of [Offset] to a typed array of floats.
Float32List offsetListToFloat32List(List<ui.Offset> offsetList) {
if (offsetList == null) {
return null;
final int length = offsetList.length;
final floatList = Float32List(length * 2);
for (int i = 0, destIndex = 0; i < length; i++, destIndex += 2) {
floatList[destIndex] = offsetList[i].dx;
floatList[destIndex + 1] = offsetList[i].dy;
return floatList;
/// Apply this function to container elements in the HTML render tree (this is
/// not relevant to semantics tree).
/// On WebKit browsers this will apply `z-order: 0` to ensure that clips are
/// applied correctly. Otherwise, the browser will refuse to clip its contents.
/// Other possible fixes that were rejected:
/// * Use 3D transform instead of 2D: this does not work because it causes text
/// blurriness:
void applyWebkitClipFix(html.Element containerElement) {
if (browserEngine == BrowserEngine.webkit) { = '0';
final ByteData _fontChangeMessage = JSONMessageCodec().encodeMessage(<String, dynamic>{'type': 'fontsChange'});
FutureOr<void> sendFontChangeMessage() async {
if (window._onPlatformMessage != null)
(_) {},