blob: 03c435ec0b369214f32e3ce27593c4d0b686006d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterPlatformViewController.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/common/framework/Headers/FlutterChannels.h"
#import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/TestFlutterPlatformView.h"
#include "flutter/testing/testing.h"
namespace flutter::testing {
TEST(FlutterPlatformViewController, TestCreatePlatformViewNoMatchingViewType) {
// Use id so we can access handleMethodCall method.
id platformViewController = [[FlutterPlatformViewController alloc] init];
FlutterMethodCall* methodCall =
[FlutterMethodCall methodCallWithMethodName:@"create"
@"id" : @2,
@"viewType" : @"FlutterPlatformViewMock"
__block bool errored = false;
FlutterResult result = ^(id result) {
if ([result isKindOfClass:[FlutterError class]]) {
errored = true;
[platformViewController handleMethodCall:methodCall result:result];
// We expect the call to error since no factories are registered.
TEST(FlutterPlatformViewController, TestRegisterPlatformViewFactoryAndCreate) {
// Use id so we can access handleMethodCall method.
id platformViewController = [[FlutterPlatformViewController alloc] init];
TestFlutterPlatformViewFactory* factory = [TestFlutterPlatformViewFactory alloc];
[platformViewController registerViewFactory:factory withId:@"MockPlatformView"];
FlutterMethodCall* methodCall =
[FlutterMethodCall methodCallWithMethodName:@"create"
@"id" : @2,
@"viewType" : @"MockPlatformView"
__block bool success = false;
FlutterResult result = ^(id result) {
// If a platform view is successfully created, the result is nil.
if (result == nil) {
success = true;
[platformViewController handleMethodCall:methodCall result:result];
TEST(FlutterPlatformViewController, TestCreateAndDispose) {
// Use id so we can access handleMethodCall method.
id platformViewController = [[FlutterPlatformViewController alloc] init];
TestFlutterPlatformViewFactory* factory = [TestFlutterPlatformViewFactory alloc];
[platformViewController registerViewFactory:factory withId:@"MockPlatformView"];
FlutterMethodCall* methodCallOnCreate =
[FlutterMethodCall methodCallWithMethodName:@"create"
@"id" : @2,
@"viewType" : @"MockPlatformView"
__block bool created = false;
FlutterResult resultOnCreate = ^(id result) {
// If a platform view is successfully created, the result is nil.
if (result == nil) {
created = true;
[platformViewController handleMethodCall:methodCallOnCreate result:resultOnCreate];
FlutterMethodCall* methodCallOnDispose =
[FlutterMethodCall methodCallWithMethodName:@"dispose"
arguments:[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:2]];
__block bool disposed = false;
FlutterResult resultOnDispose = ^(id result) {
// If a platform view is successfully created, the result is nil.
if (result == nil) {
disposed = true;
[platformViewController handleMethodCall:methodCallOnDispose result:resultOnDispose];
TEST(FlutterPlatformViewController, TestDisposeOnMissingViewId) {
// Use id so we can access handleMethodCall method.
id platformViewController = [[FlutterPlatformViewController alloc] init];
FlutterMethodCall* methodCall =
[FlutterMethodCall methodCallWithMethodName:@"dispose"
arguments:[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:20]];
__block bool errored = false;
FlutterResult result = ^(id result) {
if ([result isKindOfClass:[FlutterError class]]) {
errored = true;
[platformViewController handleMethodCall:methodCall result:result];
} // namespace flutter::testing