blob: 5155cea49aec8fea67b48f7191c939a6c70fbfc9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for the cmd_helper module."""
import unittest
import subprocess
from pylib import cmd_helper
class CmdHelperSingleQuoteTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testSingleQuote_basic(self):
def testSingleQuote_withSpaces(self):
self.assertEquals("'hello world'",
cmd_helper.SingleQuote('hello world'))
def testSingleQuote_withUnsafeChars(self):
self.assertEquals("""'hello'"'"'; rm -rf /'""",
cmd_helper.SingleQuote("hello'; rm -rf /"))
def testSingleQuote_dontExpand(self):
test_string = 'hello $TEST_VAR'
cmd = 'TEST_VAR=world; echo %s' % cmd_helper.SingleQuote(test_string)
cmd_helper.GetCmdOutput(cmd, shell=True).rstrip())
class CmdHelperDoubleQuoteTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testDoubleQuote_basic(self):
def testDoubleQuote_withSpaces(self):
self.assertEquals('"hello world"',
cmd_helper.DoubleQuote('hello world'))
def testDoubleQuote_withUnsafeChars(self):
self.assertEquals('''"hello\\"; rm -rf /"''',
cmd_helper.DoubleQuote('hello"; rm -rf /'))
def testSingleQuote_doExpand(self):
test_string = 'hello $TEST_VAR'
cmd = 'TEST_VAR=world; echo %s' % cmd_helper.DoubleQuote(test_string)
self.assertEquals('hello world',
cmd_helper.GetCmdOutput(cmd, shell=True).rstrip())
class CmdHelperIterCmdOutputLinesTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test IterCmdOutputLines with some calls to the unix 'seq' command."""
def testIterCmdOutputLines_success(self):
for num, line in enumerate(
cmd_helper.IterCmdOutputLines(['seq', '10']), 1):
self.assertEquals(num, int(line))
def testIterCmdOutputLines_exitStatusFail(self):
with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
for num, line in enumerate(
cmd_helper.IterCmdOutputLines('seq 10 && false', shell=True), 1):
self.assertEquals(num, int(line))
# after reading all the output we get an exit status of 1
def testIterCmdOutputLines_exitStatusIgnored(self):
for num, line in enumerate(
cmd_helper.IterCmdOutputLines('seq 10 && false', shell=True,
check_status=False), 1):
self.assertEquals(num, int(line))
def testIterCmdOutputLines_exitStatusSkipped(self):
for num, line in enumerate(
cmd_helper.IterCmdOutputLines('seq 10 && false', shell=True), 1):
self.assertEquals(num, int(line))
# no exception will be raised because we don't attempt to read past
# the end of the output and, thus, the status never gets checked
if num == 10: