| // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| // This file is auto-generated from |
| // ui/gl/generate_bindings.py |
| // It's formatted by clang-format using chromium coding style: |
| // clang-format -i -style=chromium filename |
| // DO NOT EDIT! |
| |
| |
| namespace gfx { |
| |
| class GLContext; |
| |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glActiveTextureProc)(GLenum texture); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glAttachShaderProc)(GLuint program, |
| GLuint shader); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBeginQueryProc)(GLenum target, GLuint id); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBeginTransformFeedbackProc)( |
| GLenum primitiveMode); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBindAttribLocationProc)(GLuint program, |
| GLuint index, |
| const char* name); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBindBufferProc)(GLenum target, GLuint buffer); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBindBufferBaseProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLuint buffer); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBindBufferRangeProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLuint buffer, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr size); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBindFragDataLocationProc)(GLuint program, |
| GLuint colorNumber, |
| const char* name); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBindFragDataLocationIndexedProc)( |
| GLuint program, |
| GLuint colorNumber, |
| GLuint index, |
| const char* name); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBindFramebufferEXTProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLuint framebuffer); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBindRenderbufferEXTProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLuint renderbuffer); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBindSamplerProc)(GLuint unit, GLuint sampler); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBindTextureProc)(GLenum target, GLuint texture); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBindTransformFeedbackProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLuint id); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBindVertexArrayOESProc)(GLuint array); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBlendBarrierKHRProc)(void); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBlendColorProc)(GLclampf red, |
| GLclampf green, |
| GLclampf blue, |
| GLclampf alpha); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBlendEquationProc)(GLenum mode); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBlendEquationSeparateProc)(GLenum modeRGB, |
| GLenum modeAlpha); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBlendFuncProc)(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBlendFuncSeparateProc)(GLenum srcRGB, |
| GLenum dstRGB, |
| GLenum srcAlpha, |
| GLenum dstAlpha); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBlitFramebufferProc)(GLint srcX0, |
| GLint srcY0, |
| GLint srcX1, |
| GLint srcY1, |
| GLint dstX0, |
| GLint dstY0, |
| GLint dstX1, |
| GLint dstY1, |
| GLbitfield mask, |
| GLenum filter); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBlitFramebufferANGLEProc)(GLint srcX0, |
| GLint srcY0, |
| GLint srcX1, |
| GLint srcY1, |
| GLint dstX0, |
| GLint dstY0, |
| GLint dstX1, |
| GLint dstY1, |
| GLbitfield mask, |
| GLenum filter); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBlitFramebufferEXTProc)(GLint srcX0, |
| GLint srcY0, |
| GLint srcX1, |
| GLint srcY1, |
| GLint dstX0, |
| GLint dstY0, |
| GLint dstX1, |
| GLint dstY1, |
| GLbitfield mask, |
| GLenum filter); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBufferDataProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLsizeiptr size, |
| const void* data, |
| GLenum usage); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glBufferSubDataProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr size, |
| const void* data); |
| typedef GLenum(GL_BINDING_CALL* glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTProc)(GLenum target); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glClearProc)(GLbitfield mask); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glClearBufferfiProc)(GLenum buffer, |
| GLint drawbuffer, |
| const GLfloat depth, |
| GLint stencil); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glClearBufferfvProc)(GLenum buffer, |
| GLint drawbuffer, |
| const GLfloat* value); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glClearBufferivProc)(GLenum buffer, |
| GLint drawbuffer, |
| const GLint* value); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glClearBufferuivProc)(GLenum buffer, |
| GLint drawbuffer, |
| const GLuint* value); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glClearColorProc)(GLclampf red, |
| GLclampf green, |
| GLclampf blue, |
| GLclampf alpha); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glClearDepthProc)(GLclampd depth); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glClearDepthfProc)(GLclampf depth); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glClearStencilProc)(GLint s); |
| typedef GLenum(GL_BINDING_CALL* glClientWaitSyncProc)(GLsync sync, |
| GLbitfield flags, |
| GLuint64 timeout); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glColorMaskProc)(GLboolean red, |
| GLboolean green, |
| GLboolean blue, |
| GLboolean alpha); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glCompileShaderProc)(GLuint shader); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glCompressedTexImage2DProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border, |
| GLsizei imageSize, |
| const void* data); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glCompressedTexImage3DProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLint border, |
| GLsizei imageSize, |
| const void* data); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glCompressedTexSubImage2DProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLsizei imageSize, |
| const void* data); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glCopyBufferSubDataProc)(GLenum readTarget, |
| GLenum writeTarget, |
| GLintptr readOffset, |
| GLintptr writeOffset, |
| GLsizeiptr size); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glCopyTexImage2DProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glCopyTexSubImage2DProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glCopyTexSubImage3DProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLint zoffset, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| typedef GLuint(GL_BINDING_CALL* glCreateProgramProc)(void); |
| typedef GLuint(GL_BINDING_CALL* glCreateShaderProc)(GLenum type); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glCullFaceProc)(GLenum mode); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDebugMessageCallbackKHRProc)( |
| GLDEBUGPROCKHR callback, |
| const void* userparam); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDebugMessageControlKHRProc)(GLenum source, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLenum severity, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint* ids, |
| GLboolean enabled); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDebugMessageInsertKHRProc)(GLenum source, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLuint id, |
| GLenum severity, |
| GLsizei length, |
| const GLchar* buf); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDeleteBuffersARBProc)(GLsizei n, |
| const GLuint* buffers); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDeleteFencesAPPLEProc)(GLsizei n, |
| const GLuint* fences); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDeleteFencesNVProc)(GLsizei n, |
| const GLuint* fences); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDeleteFramebuffersEXTProc)( |
| GLsizei n, |
| const GLuint* framebuffers); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDeleteProgramProc)(GLuint program); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDeleteQueriesProc)(GLsizei n, |
| const GLuint* ids); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTProc)( |
| GLsizei n, |
| const GLuint* renderbuffers); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDeleteSamplersProc)(GLsizei n, |
| const GLuint* samplers); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDeleteShaderProc)(GLuint shader); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDeleteSyncProc)(GLsync sync); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDeleteTexturesProc)(GLsizei n, |
| const GLuint* textures); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDeleteTransformFeedbacksProc)( |
| GLsizei n, |
| const GLuint* ids); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDeleteVertexArraysOESProc)( |
| GLsizei n, |
| const GLuint* arrays); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDepthFuncProc)(GLenum func); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDepthMaskProc)(GLboolean flag); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDepthRangeProc)(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDepthRangefProc)(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDetachShaderProc)(GLuint program, |
| GLuint shader); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDisableProc)(GLenum cap); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDisableVertexAttribArrayProc)(GLuint index); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDiscardFramebufferEXTProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLsizei numAttachments, |
| const GLenum* attachments); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDrawArraysProc)(GLenum mode, |
| GLint first, |
| GLsizei count); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEProc)( |
| GLenum mode, |
| GLint first, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLsizei primcount); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDrawBufferProc)(GLenum mode); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDrawBuffersARBProc)(GLsizei n, |
| const GLenum* bufs); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDrawElementsProc)(GLenum mode, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* indices); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEProc)( |
| GLenum mode, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* indices, |
| GLsizei primcount); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glDrawRangeElementsProc)(GLenum mode, |
| GLuint start, |
| GLuint end, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* indices); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLeglImageOES image); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLeglImageOES image); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glEnableProc)(GLenum cap); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glEnableVertexAttribArrayProc)(GLuint index); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glEndQueryProc)(GLenum target); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glEndTransformFeedbackProc)(void); |
| typedef GLsync(GL_BINDING_CALL* glFenceSyncProc)(GLenum condition, |
| GLbitfield flags); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glFinishProc)(void); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glFinishFenceAPPLEProc)(GLuint fence); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glFinishFenceNVProc)(GLuint fence); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glFlushProc)(void); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glFlushMappedBufferRangeProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr length); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum renderbuffertarget, |
| GLuint renderbuffer); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glFramebufferTexture2DEXTProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum textarget, |
| GLuint texture, |
| GLint level); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum textarget, |
| GLuint texture, |
| GLint level, |
| GLsizei samples); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum textarget, |
| GLuint texture, |
| GLint level, |
| GLsizei samples); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glFramebufferTextureLayerProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLuint texture, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint layer); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glFrontFaceProc)(GLenum mode); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGenBuffersARBProc)(GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGenerateMipmapEXTProc)(GLenum target); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGenFencesAPPLEProc)(GLsizei n, GLuint* fences); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGenFencesNVProc)(GLsizei n, GLuint* fences); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGenFramebuffersEXTProc)(GLsizei n, |
| GLuint* framebuffers); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGenQueriesProc)(GLsizei n, GLuint* ids); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGenRenderbuffersEXTProc)(GLsizei n, |
| GLuint* renderbuffers); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGenSamplersProc)(GLsizei n, GLuint* samplers); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGenTexturesProc)(GLsizei n, GLuint* textures); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGenTransformFeedbacksProc)(GLsizei n, |
| GLuint* ids); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGenVertexArraysOESProc)(GLsizei n, |
| GLuint* arrays); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetActiveAttribProc)(GLuint program, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLsizei bufsize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| GLint* size, |
| GLenum* type, |
| char* name); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetActiveUniformProc)(GLuint program, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLsizei bufsize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| GLint* size, |
| GLenum* type, |
| char* name); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetActiveUniformBlockivProc)( |
| GLuint program, |
| GLuint uniformBlockIndex, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetActiveUniformBlockNameProc)( |
| GLuint program, |
| GLuint uniformBlockIndex, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| char* uniformBlockName); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetActiveUniformsivProc)( |
| GLuint program, |
| GLsizei uniformCount, |
| const GLuint* uniformIndices, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetAttachedShadersProc)(GLuint program, |
| GLsizei maxcount, |
| GLsizei* count, |
| GLuint* shaders); |
| typedef GLint(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetAttribLocationProc)(GLuint program, |
| const char* name); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetBooleanvProc)(GLenum pname, |
| GLboolean* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetBufferParameterivProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef GLuint(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetDebugMessageLogKHRProc)( |
| GLuint count, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLenum* sources, |
| GLenum* types, |
| GLuint* ids, |
| GLenum* severities, |
| GLsizei* lengths, |
| GLchar* messageLog); |
| typedef GLenum(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetErrorProc)(void); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetFenceivNVProc)(GLuint fence, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetFloatvProc)(GLenum pname, GLfloat* params); |
| typedef GLint(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetFragDataLocationProc)(GLuint program, |
| const char* name); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef GLenum(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBProc)(void); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetInteger64i_vProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLint64* data); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetInteger64vProc)(GLenum pname, |
| GLint64* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetIntegeri_vProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLint* data); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetIntegervProc)(GLenum pname, GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetInternalformativProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetProgramBinaryProc)(GLuint program, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| GLenum* binaryFormat, |
| GLvoid* binary); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetProgramInfoLogProc)(GLuint program, |
| GLsizei bufsize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| char* infolog); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetProgramivProc)(GLuint program, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef GLint(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetProgramResourceLocationProc)( |
| GLuint program, |
| GLenum programInterface, |
| const char* name); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetQueryivProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetQueryObjecti64vProc)(GLuint id, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint64* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetQueryObjectivProc)(GLuint id, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetQueryObjectui64vProc)(GLuint id, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLuint64* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetQueryObjectuivProc)(GLuint id, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLuint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetSamplerParameterfvProc)(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLfloat* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetSamplerParameterivProc)(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetShaderInfoLogProc)(GLuint shader, |
| GLsizei bufsize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| char* infolog); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetShaderivProc)(GLuint shader, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetShaderPrecisionFormatProc)( |
| GLenum shadertype, |
| GLenum precisiontype, |
| GLint* range, |
| GLint* precision); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetShaderSourceProc)(GLuint shader, |
| GLsizei bufsize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| char* source); |
| typedef const GLubyte*(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetStringProc)(GLenum name); |
| typedef const GLubyte*(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetStringiProc)(GLenum name, |
| GLuint index); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetSyncivProc)(GLsync sync, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| GLint* values); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetTexLevelParameterfvProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLfloat* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetTexLevelParameterivProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetTexParameterfvProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLfloat* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetTexParameterivProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingProc)( |
| GLuint program, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| GLsizei* size, |
| GLenum* type, |
| char* name); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEProc)( |
| GLuint shader, |
| GLsizei bufsize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| char* source); |
| typedef GLuint(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetUniformBlockIndexProc)( |
| GLuint program, |
| const char* uniformBlockName); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetUniformfvProc)(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLfloat* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetUniformIndicesProc)( |
| GLuint program, |
| GLsizei uniformCount, |
| const char* const* uniformNames, |
| GLuint* uniformIndices); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetUniformivProc)(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef GLint(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetUniformLocationProc)(GLuint program, |
| const char* name); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetVertexAttribfvProc)(GLuint index, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLfloat* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetVertexAttribivProc)(GLuint index, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glGetVertexAttribPointervProc)(GLuint index, |
| GLenum pname, |
| void** pointer); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glHintProc)(GLenum target, GLenum mode); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glInsertEventMarkerEXTProc)(GLsizei length, |
| const char* marker); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glInvalidateFramebufferProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLsizei numAttachments, |
| const GLenum* attachments); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glInvalidateSubFramebufferProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLsizei numAttachments, |
| const GLenum* attachments, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLint width, |
| GLint height); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glIsBufferProc)(GLuint buffer); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glIsEnabledProc)(GLenum cap); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glIsFenceAPPLEProc)(GLuint fence); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glIsFenceNVProc)(GLuint fence); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glIsFramebufferEXTProc)(GLuint framebuffer); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glIsProgramProc)(GLuint program); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glIsQueryProc)(GLuint query); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glIsRenderbufferEXTProc)( |
| GLuint renderbuffer); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glIsSamplerProc)(GLuint sampler); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glIsShaderProc)(GLuint shader); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glIsSyncProc)(GLsync sync); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glIsTextureProc)(GLuint texture); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glIsTransformFeedbackProc)(GLuint id); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glIsVertexArrayOESProc)(GLuint array); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glLineWidthProc)(GLfloat width); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glLinkProgramProc)(GLuint program); |
| typedef void*(GL_BINDING_CALL* glMapBufferProc)(GLenum target, GLenum access); |
| typedef void*(GL_BINDING_CALL* glMapBufferRangeProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr length, |
| GLbitfield access); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glMatrixLoadfEXTProc)(GLenum matrixMode, |
| const GLfloat* m); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTProc)(GLenum matrixMode); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glObjectLabelKHRProc)(GLenum identifier, |
| GLuint name, |
| GLsizei length, |
| const GLchar* label); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glPauseTransformFeedbackProc)(void); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glPixelStoreiProc)(GLenum pname, GLint param); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glPointParameteriProc)(GLenum pname, GLint param); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glPolygonOffsetProc)(GLfloat factor, |
| GLfloat units); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glPopDebugGroupKHRProc)(void); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glPopGroupMarkerEXTProc)(void); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glProgramBinaryProc)(GLuint program, |
| GLenum binaryFormat, |
| const GLvoid* binary, |
| GLsizei length); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glProgramParameteriProc)(GLuint program, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint value); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glPushDebugGroupKHRProc)(GLenum source, |
| GLuint id, |
| GLsizei length, |
| const GLchar* message); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glPushGroupMarkerEXTProc)(GLsizei length, |
| const char* marker); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glQueryCounterProc)(GLuint id, GLenum target); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glReadBufferProc)(GLenum src); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glReadPixelsProc)(GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| void* pixels); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glReleaseShaderCompilerProc)(void); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glRenderbufferStorageEXTProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLEProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGProc)( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLEProc)(void); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glResumeTransformFeedbackProc)(void); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glSampleCoverageProc)(GLclampf value, |
| GLboolean invert); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glSamplerParameterfProc)(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLfloat param); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glSamplerParameterfvProc)(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLfloat* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glSamplerParameteriProc)(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint param); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glSamplerParameterivProc)(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glScissorProc)(GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glSetFenceAPPLEProc)(GLuint fence); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glSetFenceNVProc)(GLuint fence, GLenum condition); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glShaderBinaryProc)(GLsizei n, |
| const GLuint* shaders, |
| GLenum binaryformat, |
| const void* binary, |
| GLsizei length); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glShaderSourceProc)(GLuint shader, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const char* const* str, |
| const GLint* length); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glStencilFuncProc)(GLenum func, |
| GLint ref, |
| GLuint mask); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glStencilFuncSeparateProc)(GLenum face, |
| GLenum func, |
| GLint ref, |
| GLuint mask); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glStencilMaskProc)(GLuint mask); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glStencilMaskSeparateProc)(GLenum face, |
| GLuint mask); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glStencilOpProc)(GLenum fail, |
| GLenum zfail, |
| GLenum zpass); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glStencilOpSeparateProc)(GLenum face, |
| GLenum fail, |
| GLenum zfail, |
| GLenum zpass); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glTestFenceAPPLEProc)(GLuint fence); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glTestFenceNVProc)(GLuint fence); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glTexImage2DProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* pixels); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glTexImage3DProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLint border, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* pixels); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glTexParameterfProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLfloat param); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glTexParameterfvProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLfloat* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glTexParameteriProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint param); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glTexParameterivProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint* params); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glTexStorage2DEXTProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei levels, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glTexStorage3DProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei levels, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glTexSubImage2DProc)(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* pixels); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glTextureBarrierNVProc)(void); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glTransformFeedbackVaryingsProc)( |
| GLuint program, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const char* const* varyings, |
| GLenum bufferMode); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform1fProc)(GLint location, GLfloat x); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform1fvProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat* v); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform1iProc)(GLint location, GLint x); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform1ivProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint* v); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform1uiProc)(GLint location, GLuint v0); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform1uivProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint* v); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform2fProc)(GLint location, |
| GLfloat x, |
| GLfloat y); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform2fvProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat* v); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform2iProc)(GLint location, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform2ivProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint* v); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform2uiProc)(GLint location, |
| GLuint v0, |
| GLuint v1); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform2uivProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint* v); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform3fProc)(GLint location, |
| GLfloat x, |
| GLfloat y, |
| GLfloat z); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform3fvProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat* v); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform3iProc)(GLint location, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLint z); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform3ivProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint* v); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform3uiProc)(GLint location, |
| GLuint v0, |
| GLuint v1, |
| GLuint v2); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform3uivProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint* v); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform4fProc)(GLint location, |
| GLfloat x, |
| GLfloat y, |
| GLfloat z, |
| GLfloat w); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform4fvProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat* v); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform4iProc)(GLint location, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLint z, |
| GLint w); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform4ivProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint* v); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform4uiProc)(GLint location, |
| GLuint v0, |
| GLuint v1, |
| GLuint v2, |
| GLuint v3); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniform4uivProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint* v); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniformBlockBindingProc)( |
| GLuint program, |
| GLuint uniformBlockIndex, |
| GLuint uniformBlockBinding); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniformMatrix2fvProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniformMatrix2x3fvProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniformMatrix2x4fvProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniformMatrix3fvProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniformMatrix3x2fvProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniformMatrix3x4fvProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniformMatrix4fvProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniformMatrix4x2fvProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUniformMatrix4x3fvProc)(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value); |
| typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUnmapBufferProc)(GLenum target); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glUseProgramProc)(GLuint program); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glValidateProgramProc)(GLuint program); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttrib1fProc)(GLuint indx, GLfloat x); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttrib1fvProc)(GLuint indx, |
| const GLfloat* values); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttrib2fProc)(GLuint indx, |
| GLfloat x, |
| GLfloat y); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttrib2fvProc)(GLuint indx, |
| const GLfloat* values); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttrib3fProc)(GLuint indx, |
| GLfloat x, |
| GLfloat y, |
| GLfloat z); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttrib3fvProc)(GLuint indx, |
| const GLfloat* values); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttrib4fProc)(GLuint indx, |
| GLfloat x, |
| GLfloat y, |
| GLfloat z, |
| GLfloat w); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttrib4fvProc)(GLuint indx, |
| const GLfloat* values); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEProc)(GLuint index, |
| GLuint divisor); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttribI4iProc)(GLuint indx, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLint z, |
| GLint w); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttribI4ivProc)(GLuint indx, |
| const GLint* values); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttribI4uiProc)(GLuint indx, |
| GLuint x, |
| GLuint y, |
| GLuint z, |
| GLuint w); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttribI4uivProc)(GLuint indx, |
| const GLuint* values); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttribIPointerProc)(GLuint indx, |
| GLint size, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLsizei stride, |
| const void* ptr); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glVertexAttribPointerProc)(GLuint indx, |
| GLint size, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLboolean normalized, |
| GLsizei stride, |
| const void* ptr); |
| typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL* glViewportProc)(GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height); |
| typedef GLenum(GL_BINDING_CALL* glWaitSyncProc)(GLsync sync, |
| GLbitfield flags, |
| GLuint64 timeout); |
| |
| struct ExtensionsGL { |
| bool b_GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit; |
| bool b_GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample; |
| bool b_GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays; |
| bool b_GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source; |
| bool b_GL_APPLE_fence; |
| bool b_GL_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample; |
| bool b_GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object; |
| bool b_GL_ARB_draw_buffers; |
| bool b_GL_ARB_draw_instanced; |
| bool b_GL_ARB_get_program_binary; |
| bool b_GL_ARB_instanced_arrays; |
| bool b_GL_ARB_map_buffer_range; |
| bool b_GL_ARB_occlusion_query; |
| bool b_GL_ARB_robustness; |
| bool b_GL_ARB_sync; |
| bool b_GL_ARB_texture_storage; |
| bool b_GL_ARB_timer_query; |
| bool b_GL_ARB_vertex_array_object; |
| bool b_GL_CHROMIUM_gles_depth_binding_hack; |
| bool b_GL_EXT_debug_marker; |
| bool b_GL_EXT_direct_state_access; |
| bool b_GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer; |
| bool b_GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query; |
| bool b_GL_EXT_draw_buffers; |
| bool b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit; |
| bool b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample; |
| bool b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object; |
| bool b_GL_EXT_map_buffer_range; |
| bool b_GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture; |
| bool b_GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean; |
| bool b_GL_EXT_robustness; |
| bool b_GL_EXT_texture_storage; |
| bool b_GL_EXT_timer_query; |
| bool b_GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture; |
| bool b_GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced; |
| bool b_GL_KHR_debug; |
| bool b_GL_KHR_robustness; |
| bool b_GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced; |
| bool b_GL_NV_fence; |
| bool b_GL_NV_path_rendering; |
| bool b_GL_NV_texture_barrier; |
| bool b_GL_OES_EGL_image; |
| bool b_GL_OES_get_program_binary; |
| bool b_GL_OES_mapbuffer; |
| bool b_GL_OES_vertex_array_object; |
| }; |
| |
| struct ProcsGL { |
| glActiveTextureProc glActiveTextureFn; |
| glAttachShaderProc glAttachShaderFn; |
| glBeginQueryProc glBeginQueryFn; |
| glBeginTransformFeedbackProc glBeginTransformFeedbackFn; |
| glBindAttribLocationProc glBindAttribLocationFn; |
| glBindBufferProc glBindBufferFn; |
| glBindBufferBaseProc glBindBufferBaseFn; |
| glBindBufferRangeProc glBindBufferRangeFn; |
| glBindFragDataLocationProc glBindFragDataLocationFn; |
| glBindFragDataLocationIndexedProc glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn; |
| glBindFramebufferEXTProc glBindFramebufferEXTFn; |
| glBindRenderbufferEXTProc glBindRenderbufferEXTFn; |
| glBindSamplerProc glBindSamplerFn; |
| glBindTextureProc glBindTextureFn; |
| glBindTransformFeedbackProc glBindTransformFeedbackFn; |
| glBindVertexArrayOESProc glBindVertexArrayOESFn; |
| glBlendBarrierKHRProc glBlendBarrierKHRFn; |
| glBlendColorProc glBlendColorFn; |
| glBlendEquationProc glBlendEquationFn; |
| glBlendEquationSeparateProc glBlendEquationSeparateFn; |
| glBlendFuncProc glBlendFuncFn; |
| glBlendFuncSeparateProc glBlendFuncSeparateFn; |
| glBlitFramebufferProc glBlitFramebufferFn; |
| glBlitFramebufferANGLEProc glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn; |
| glBlitFramebufferEXTProc glBlitFramebufferEXTFn; |
| glBufferDataProc glBufferDataFn; |
| glBufferSubDataProc glBufferSubDataFn; |
| glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTProc glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn; |
| glClearProc glClearFn; |
| glClearBufferfiProc glClearBufferfiFn; |
| glClearBufferfvProc glClearBufferfvFn; |
| glClearBufferivProc glClearBufferivFn; |
| glClearBufferuivProc glClearBufferuivFn; |
| glClearColorProc glClearColorFn; |
| glClearDepthProc glClearDepthFn; |
| glClearDepthfProc glClearDepthfFn; |
| glClearStencilProc glClearStencilFn; |
| glClientWaitSyncProc glClientWaitSyncFn; |
| glColorMaskProc glColorMaskFn; |
| glCompileShaderProc glCompileShaderFn; |
| glCompressedTexImage2DProc glCompressedTexImage2DFn; |
| glCompressedTexImage3DProc glCompressedTexImage3DFn; |
| glCompressedTexSubImage2DProc glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn; |
| glCopyBufferSubDataProc glCopyBufferSubDataFn; |
| glCopyTexImage2DProc glCopyTexImage2DFn; |
| glCopyTexSubImage2DProc glCopyTexSubImage2DFn; |
| glCopyTexSubImage3DProc glCopyTexSubImage3DFn; |
| glCreateProgramProc glCreateProgramFn; |
| glCreateShaderProc glCreateShaderFn; |
| glCullFaceProc glCullFaceFn; |
| glDebugMessageCallbackKHRProc glDebugMessageCallbackKHRFn; |
| glDebugMessageControlKHRProc glDebugMessageControlKHRFn; |
| glDebugMessageInsertKHRProc glDebugMessageInsertKHRFn; |
| glDeleteBuffersARBProc glDeleteBuffersARBFn; |
| glDeleteFencesAPPLEProc glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn; |
| glDeleteFencesNVProc glDeleteFencesNVFn; |
| glDeleteFramebuffersEXTProc glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn; |
| glDeleteProgramProc glDeleteProgramFn; |
| glDeleteQueriesProc glDeleteQueriesFn; |
| glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTProc glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn; |
| glDeleteSamplersProc glDeleteSamplersFn; |
| glDeleteShaderProc glDeleteShaderFn; |
| glDeleteSyncProc glDeleteSyncFn; |
| glDeleteTexturesProc glDeleteTexturesFn; |
| glDeleteTransformFeedbacksProc glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn; |
| glDeleteVertexArraysOESProc glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn; |
| glDepthFuncProc glDepthFuncFn; |
| glDepthMaskProc glDepthMaskFn; |
| glDepthRangeProc glDepthRangeFn; |
| glDepthRangefProc glDepthRangefFn; |
| glDetachShaderProc glDetachShaderFn; |
| glDisableProc glDisableFn; |
| glDisableVertexAttribArrayProc glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn; |
| glDiscardFramebufferEXTProc glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn; |
| glDrawArraysProc glDrawArraysFn; |
| glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEProc glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn; |
| glDrawBufferProc glDrawBufferFn; |
| glDrawBuffersARBProc glDrawBuffersARBFn; |
| glDrawElementsProc glDrawElementsFn; |
| glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEProc glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn; |
| glDrawRangeElementsProc glDrawRangeElementsFn; |
| glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESProc |
| glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn; |
| glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESProc glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn; |
| glEnableProc glEnableFn; |
| glEnableVertexAttribArrayProc glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn; |
| glEndQueryProc glEndQueryFn; |
| glEndTransformFeedbackProc glEndTransformFeedbackFn; |
| glFenceSyncProc glFenceSyncFn; |
| glFinishProc glFinishFn; |
| glFinishFenceAPPLEProc glFinishFenceAPPLEFn; |
| glFinishFenceNVProc glFinishFenceNVFn; |
| glFlushProc glFlushFn; |
| glFlushMappedBufferRangeProc glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn; |
| glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTProc glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn; |
| glFramebufferTexture2DEXTProc glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn; |
| glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTProc |
| glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn; |
| glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGProc |
| glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn; |
| glFramebufferTextureLayerProc glFramebufferTextureLayerFn; |
| glFrontFaceProc glFrontFaceFn; |
| glGenBuffersARBProc glGenBuffersARBFn; |
| glGenerateMipmapEXTProc glGenerateMipmapEXTFn; |
| glGenFencesAPPLEProc glGenFencesAPPLEFn; |
| glGenFencesNVProc glGenFencesNVFn; |
| glGenFramebuffersEXTProc glGenFramebuffersEXTFn; |
| glGenQueriesProc glGenQueriesFn; |
| glGenRenderbuffersEXTProc glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn; |
| glGenSamplersProc glGenSamplersFn; |
| glGenTexturesProc glGenTexturesFn; |
| glGenTransformFeedbacksProc glGenTransformFeedbacksFn; |
| glGenVertexArraysOESProc glGenVertexArraysOESFn; |
| glGetActiveAttribProc glGetActiveAttribFn; |
| glGetActiveUniformProc glGetActiveUniformFn; |
| glGetActiveUniformBlockivProc glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn; |
| glGetActiveUniformBlockNameProc glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn; |
| glGetActiveUniformsivProc glGetActiveUniformsivFn; |
| glGetAttachedShadersProc glGetAttachedShadersFn; |
| glGetAttribLocationProc glGetAttribLocationFn; |
| glGetBooleanvProc glGetBooleanvFn; |
| glGetBufferParameterivProc glGetBufferParameterivFn; |
| glGetDebugMessageLogKHRProc glGetDebugMessageLogKHRFn; |
| glGetErrorProc glGetErrorFn; |
| glGetFenceivNVProc glGetFenceivNVFn; |
| glGetFloatvProc glGetFloatvFn; |
| glGetFragDataLocationProc glGetFragDataLocationFn; |
| glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTProc |
| glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn; |
| glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBProc glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn; |
| glGetInteger64i_vProc glGetInteger64i_vFn; |
| glGetInteger64vProc glGetInteger64vFn; |
| glGetIntegeri_vProc glGetIntegeri_vFn; |
| glGetIntegervProc glGetIntegervFn; |
| glGetInternalformativProc glGetInternalformativFn; |
| glGetProgramBinaryProc glGetProgramBinaryFn; |
| glGetProgramInfoLogProc glGetProgramInfoLogFn; |
| glGetProgramivProc glGetProgramivFn; |
| glGetProgramResourceLocationProc glGetProgramResourceLocationFn; |
| glGetQueryivProc glGetQueryivFn; |
| glGetQueryObjecti64vProc glGetQueryObjecti64vFn; |
| glGetQueryObjectivProc glGetQueryObjectivFn; |
| glGetQueryObjectui64vProc glGetQueryObjectui64vFn; |
| glGetQueryObjectuivProc glGetQueryObjectuivFn; |
| glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTProc glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn; |
| glGetSamplerParameterfvProc glGetSamplerParameterfvFn; |
| glGetSamplerParameterivProc glGetSamplerParameterivFn; |
| glGetShaderInfoLogProc glGetShaderInfoLogFn; |
| glGetShaderivProc glGetShaderivFn; |
| glGetShaderPrecisionFormatProc glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn; |
| glGetShaderSourceProc glGetShaderSourceFn; |
| glGetStringProc glGetStringFn; |
| glGetStringiProc glGetStringiFn; |
| glGetSyncivProc glGetSyncivFn; |
| glGetTexLevelParameterfvProc glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn; |
| glGetTexLevelParameterivProc glGetTexLevelParameterivFn; |
| glGetTexParameterfvProc glGetTexParameterfvFn; |
| glGetTexParameterivProc glGetTexParameterivFn; |
| glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingProc glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn; |
| glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEProc glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn; |
| glGetUniformBlockIndexProc glGetUniformBlockIndexFn; |
| glGetUniformfvProc glGetUniformfvFn; |
| glGetUniformIndicesProc glGetUniformIndicesFn; |
| glGetUniformivProc glGetUniformivFn; |
| glGetUniformLocationProc glGetUniformLocationFn; |
| glGetVertexAttribfvProc glGetVertexAttribfvFn; |
| glGetVertexAttribivProc glGetVertexAttribivFn; |
| glGetVertexAttribPointervProc glGetVertexAttribPointervFn; |
| glHintProc glHintFn; |
| glInsertEventMarkerEXTProc glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn; |
| glInvalidateFramebufferProc glInvalidateFramebufferFn; |
| glInvalidateSubFramebufferProc glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn; |
| glIsBufferProc glIsBufferFn; |
| glIsEnabledProc glIsEnabledFn; |
| glIsFenceAPPLEProc glIsFenceAPPLEFn; |
| glIsFenceNVProc glIsFenceNVFn; |
| glIsFramebufferEXTProc glIsFramebufferEXTFn; |
| glIsProgramProc glIsProgramFn; |
| glIsQueryProc glIsQueryFn; |
| glIsRenderbufferEXTProc glIsRenderbufferEXTFn; |
| glIsSamplerProc glIsSamplerFn; |
| glIsShaderProc glIsShaderFn; |
| glIsSyncProc glIsSyncFn; |
| glIsTextureProc glIsTextureFn; |
| glIsTransformFeedbackProc glIsTransformFeedbackFn; |
| glIsVertexArrayOESProc glIsVertexArrayOESFn; |
| glLineWidthProc glLineWidthFn; |
| glLinkProgramProc glLinkProgramFn; |
| glMapBufferProc glMapBufferFn; |
| glMapBufferRangeProc glMapBufferRangeFn; |
| glMatrixLoadfEXTProc glMatrixLoadfEXTFn; |
| glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTProc glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn; |
| glObjectLabelKHRProc glObjectLabelKHRFn; |
| glPauseTransformFeedbackProc glPauseTransformFeedbackFn; |
| glPixelStoreiProc glPixelStoreiFn; |
| glPointParameteriProc glPointParameteriFn; |
| glPolygonOffsetProc glPolygonOffsetFn; |
| glPopDebugGroupKHRProc glPopDebugGroupKHRFn; |
| glPopGroupMarkerEXTProc glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn; |
| glProgramBinaryProc glProgramBinaryFn; |
| glProgramParameteriProc glProgramParameteriFn; |
| glPushDebugGroupKHRProc glPushDebugGroupKHRFn; |
| glPushGroupMarkerEXTProc glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn; |
| glQueryCounterProc glQueryCounterFn; |
| glReadBufferProc glReadBufferFn; |
| glReadPixelsProc glReadPixelsFn; |
| glReleaseShaderCompilerProc glReleaseShaderCompilerFn; |
| glRenderbufferStorageEXTProc glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn; |
| glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleProc glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn; |
| glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEProc |
| glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn; |
| glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLEProc |
| glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLEFn; |
| glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTProc glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn; |
| glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGProc glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn; |
| glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLEProc |
| glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLEFn; |
| glResumeTransformFeedbackProc glResumeTransformFeedbackFn; |
| glSampleCoverageProc glSampleCoverageFn; |
| glSamplerParameterfProc glSamplerParameterfFn; |
| glSamplerParameterfvProc glSamplerParameterfvFn; |
| glSamplerParameteriProc glSamplerParameteriFn; |
| glSamplerParameterivProc glSamplerParameterivFn; |
| glScissorProc glScissorFn; |
| glSetFenceAPPLEProc glSetFenceAPPLEFn; |
| glSetFenceNVProc glSetFenceNVFn; |
| glShaderBinaryProc glShaderBinaryFn; |
| glShaderSourceProc glShaderSourceFn; |
| glStencilFuncProc glStencilFuncFn; |
| glStencilFuncSeparateProc glStencilFuncSeparateFn; |
| glStencilMaskProc glStencilMaskFn; |
| glStencilMaskSeparateProc glStencilMaskSeparateFn; |
| glStencilOpProc glStencilOpFn; |
| glStencilOpSeparateProc glStencilOpSeparateFn; |
| glTestFenceAPPLEProc glTestFenceAPPLEFn; |
| glTestFenceNVProc glTestFenceNVFn; |
| glTexImage2DProc glTexImage2DFn; |
| glTexImage3DProc glTexImage3DFn; |
| glTexParameterfProc glTexParameterfFn; |
| glTexParameterfvProc glTexParameterfvFn; |
| glTexParameteriProc glTexParameteriFn; |
| glTexParameterivProc glTexParameterivFn; |
| glTexStorage2DEXTProc glTexStorage2DEXTFn; |
| glTexStorage3DProc glTexStorage3DFn; |
| glTexSubImage2DProc glTexSubImage2DFn; |
| glTextureBarrierNVProc glTextureBarrierNVFn; |
| glTransformFeedbackVaryingsProc glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn; |
| glUniform1fProc glUniform1fFn; |
| glUniform1fvProc glUniform1fvFn; |
| glUniform1iProc glUniform1iFn; |
| glUniform1ivProc glUniform1ivFn; |
| glUniform1uiProc glUniform1uiFn; |
| glUniform1uivProc glUniform1uivFn; |
| glUniform2fProc glUniform2fFn; |
| glUniform2fvProc glUniform2fvFn; |
| glUniform2iProc glUniform2iFn; |
| glUniform2ivProc glUniform2ivFn; |
| glUniform2uiProc glUniform2uiFn; |
| glUniform2uivProc glUniform2uivFn; |
| glUniform3fProc glUniform3fFn; |
| glUniform3fvProc glUniform3fvFn; |
| glUniform3iProc glUniform3iFn; |
| glUniform3ivProc glUniform3ivFn; |
| glUniform3uiProc glUniform3uiFn; |
| glUniform3uivProc glUniform3uivFn; |
| glUniform4fProc glUniform4fFn; |
| glUniform4fvProc glUniform4fvFn; |
| glUniform4iProc glUniform4iFn; |
| glUniform4ivProc glUniform4ivFn; |
| glUniform4uiProc glUniform4uiFn; |
| glUniform4uivProc glUniform4uivFn; |
| glUniformBlockBindingProc glUniformBlockBindingFn; |
| glUniformMatrix2fvProc glUniformMatrix2fvFn; |
| glUniformMatrix2x3fvProc glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn; |
| glUniformMatrix2x4fvProc glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn; |
| glUniformMatrix3fvProc glUniformMatrix3fvFn; |
| glUniformMatrix3x2fvProc glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn; |
| glUniformMatrix3x4fvProc glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn; |
| glUniformMatrix4fvProc glUniformMatrix4fvFn; |
| glUniformMatrix4x2fvProc glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn; |
| glUniformMatrix4x3fvProc glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn; |
| glUnmapBufferProc glUnmapBufferFn; |
| glUseProgramProc glUseProgramFn; |
| glValidateProgramProc glValidateProgramFn; |
| glVertexAttrib1fProc glVertexAttrib1fFn; |
| glVertexAttrib1fvProc glVertexAttrib1fvFn; |
| glVertexAttrib2fProc glVertexAttrib2fFn; |
| glVertexAttrib2fvProc glVertexAttrib2fvFn; |
| glVertexAttrib3fProc glVertexAttrib3fFn; |
| glVertexAttrib3fvProc glVertexAttrib3fvFn; |
| glVertexAttrib4fProc glVertexAttrib4fFn; |
| glVertexAttrib4fvProc glVertexAttrib4fvFn; |
| glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEProc glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn; |
| glVertexAttribI4iProc glVertexAttribI4iFn; |
| glVertexAttribI4ivProc glVertexAttribI4ivFn; |
| glVertexAttribI4uiProc glVertexAttribI4uiFn; |
| glVertexAttribI4uivProc glVertexAttribI4uivFn; |
| glVertexAttribIPointerProc glVertexAttribIPointerFn; |
| glVertexAttribPointerProc glVertexAttribPointerFn; |
| glViewportProc glViewportFn; |
| glWaitSyncProc glWaitSyncFn; |
| }; |
| |
| class GL_EXPORT GLApi { |
| public: |
| GLApi(); |
| virtual ~GLApi(); |
| |
| virtual void glActiveTextureFn(GLenum texture) = 0; |
| virtual void glAttachShaderFn(GLuint program, GLuint shader) = 0; |
| virtual void glBeginQueryFn(GLenum target, GLuint id) = 0; |
| virtual void glBeginTransformFeedbackFn(GLenum primitiveMode) = 0; |
| virtual void glBindAttribLocationFn(GLuint program, |
| GLuint index, |
| const char* name) = 0; |
| virtual void glBindBufferFn(GLenum target, GLuint buffer) = 0; |
| virtual void glBindBufferBaseFn(GLenum target, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLuint buffer) = 0; |
| virtual void glBindBufferRangeFn(GLenum target, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLuint buffer, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr size) = 0; |
| virtual void glBindFragDataLocationFn(GLuint program, |
| GLuint colorNumber, |
| const char* name) = 0; |
| virtual void glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn(GLuint program, |
| GLuint colorNumber, |
| GLuint index, |
| const char* name) = 0; |
| virtual void glBindFramebufferEXTFn(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) = 0; |
| virtual void glBindRenderbufferEXTFn(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) = 0; |
| virtual void glBindSamplerFn(GLuint unit, GLuint sampler) = 0; |
| virtual void glBindTextureFn(GLenum target, GLuint texture) = 0; |
| virtual void glBindTransformFeedbackFn(GLenum target, GLuint id) = 0; |
| virtual void glBindVertexArrayOESFn(GLuint array) = 0; |
| virtual void glBlendBarrierKHRFn(void) = 0; |
| virtual void glBlendColorFn(GLclampf red, |
| GLclampf green, |
| GLclampf blue, |
| GLclampf alpha) = 0; |
| virtual void glBlendEquationFn(GLenum mode) = 0; |
| virtual void glBlendEquationSeparateFn(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha) = 0; |
| virtual void glBlendFuncFn(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor) = 0; |
| virtual void glBlendFuncSeparateFn(GLenum srcRGB, |
| GLenum dstRGB, |
| GLenum srcAlpha, |
| GLenum dstAlpha) = 0; |
| virtual void glBlitFramebufferFn(GLint srcX0, |
| GLint srcY0, |
| GLint srcX1, |
| GLint srcY1, |
| GLint dstX0, |
| GLint dstY0, |
| GLint dstX1, |
| GLint dstY1, |
| GLbitfield mask, |
| GLenum filter) = 0; |
| virtual void glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn(GLint srcX0, |
| GLint srcY0, |
| GLint srcX1, |
| GLint srcY1, |
| GLint dstX0, |
| GLint dstY0, |
| GLint dstX1, |
| GLint dstY1, |
| GLbitfield mask, |
| GLenum filter) = 0; |
| virtual void glBlitFramebufferEXTFn(GLint srcX0, |
| GLint srcY0, |
| GLint srcX1, |
| GLint srcY1, |
| GLint dstX0, |
| GLint dstY0, |
| GLint dstX1, |
| GLint dstY1, |
| GLbitfield mask, |
| GLenum filter) = 0; |
| virtual void glBufferDataFn(GLenum target, |
| GLsizeiptr size, |
| const void* data, |
| GLenum usage) = 0; |
| virtual void glBufferSubDataFn(GLenum target, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr size, |
| const void* data) = 0; |
| virtual GLenum glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn(GLenum target) = 0; |
| virtual void glClearFn(GLbitfield mask) = 0; |
| virtual void glClearBufferfiFn(GLenum buffer, |
| GLint drawbuffer, |
| const GLfloat depth, |
| GLint stencil) = 0; |
| virtual void glClearBufferfvFn(GLenum buffer, |
| GLint drawbuffer, |
| const GLfloat* value) = 0; |
| virtual void glClearBufferivFn(GLenum buffer, |
| GLint drawbuffer, |
| const GLint* value) = 0; |
| virtual void glClearBufferuivFn(GLenum buffer, |
| GLint drawbuffer, |
| const GLuint* value) = 0; |
| virtual void glClearColorFn(GLclampf red, |
| GLclampf green, |
| GLclampf blue, |
| GLclampf alpha) = 0; |
| virtual void glClearDepthFn(GLclampd depth) = 0; |
| virtual void glClearDepthfFn(GLclampf depth) = 0; |
| virtual void glClearStencilFn(GLint s) = 0; |
| virtual GLenum glClientWaitSyncFn(GLsync sync, |
| GLbitfield flags, |
| GLuint64 timeout) = 0; |
| virtual void glColorMaskFn(GLboolean red, |
| GLboolean green, |
| GLboolean blue, |
| GLboolean alpha) = 0; |
| virtual void glCompileShaderFn(GLuint shader) = 0; |
| virtual void glCompressedTexImage2DFn(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border, |
| GLsizei imageSize, |
| const void* data) = 0; |
| virtual void glCompressedTexImage3DFn(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLint border, |
| GLsizei imageSize, |
| const void* data) = 0; |
| virtual void glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLsizei imageSize, |
| const void* data) = 0; |
| virtual void glCopyBufferSubDataFn(GLenum readTarget, |
| GLenum writeTarget, |
| GLintptr readOffset, |
| GLintptr writeOffset, |
| GLsizeiptr size) = 0; |
| virtual void glCopyTexImage2DFn(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border) = 0; |
| virtual void glCopyTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height) = 0; |
| virtual void glCopyTexSubImage3DFn(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLint zoffset, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height) = 0; |
| virtual GLuint glCreateProgramFn(void) = 0; |
| virtual GLuint glCreateShaderFn(GLenum type) = 0; |
| virtual void glCullFaceFn(GLenum mode) = 0; |
| virtual void glDebugMessageCallbackKHRFn(GLDEBUGPROCKHR callback, |
| const void* userparam) = 0; |
| virtual void glDebugMessageControlKHRFn(GLenum source, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLenum severity, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint* ids, |
| GLboolean enabled) = 0; |
| virtual void glDebugMessageInsertKHRFn(GLenum source, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLuint id, |
| GLenum severity, |
| GLsizei length, |
| const GLchar* buf) = 0; |
| virtual void glDeleteBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* buffers) = 0; |
| virtual void glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* fences) = 0; |
| virtual void glDeleteFencesNVFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* fences) = 0; |
| virtual void glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n, |
| const GLuint* framebuffers) = 0; |
| virtual void glDeleteProgramFn(GLuint program) = 0; |
| virtual void glDeleteQueriesFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids) = 0; |
| virtual void glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n, |
| const GLuint* renderbuffers) = 0; |
| virtual void glDeleteSamplersFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* samplers) = 0; |
| virtual void glDeleteShaderFn(GLuint shader) = 0; |
| virtual void glDeleteSyncFn(GLsync sync) = 0; |
| virtual void glDeleteTexturesFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures) = 0; |
| virtual void glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids) = 0; |
| virtual void glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn(GLsizei n, const GLuint* arrays) = 0; |
| virtual void glDepthFuncFn(GLenum func) = 0; |
| virtual void glDepthMaskFn(GLboolean flag) = 0; |
| virtual void glDepthRangeFn(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar) = 0; |
| virtual void glDepthRangefFn(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar) = 0; |
| virtual void glDetachShaderFn(GLuint program, GLuint shader) = 0; |
| virtual void glDisableFn(GLenum cap) = 0; |
| virtual void glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn(GLuint index) = 0; |
| virtual void glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei numAttachments, |
| const GLenum* attachments) = 0; |
| virtual void glDrawArraysFn(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) = 0; |
| virtual void glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn(GLenum mode, |
| GLint first, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLsizei primcount) = 0; |
| virtual void glDrawBufferFn(GLenum mode) = 0; |
| virtual void glDrawBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n, const GLenum* bufs) = 0; |
| virtual void glDrawElementsFn(GLenum mode, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* indices) = 0; |
| virtual void glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn(GLenum mode, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* indices, |
| GLsizei primcount) = 0; |
| virtual void glDrawRangeElementsFn(GLenum mode, |
| GLuint start, |
| GLuint end, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* indices) = 0; |
| virtual void glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn( |
| GLenum target, |
| GLeglImageOES image) = 0; |
| virtual void glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn(GLenum target, |
| GLeglImageOES image) = 0; |
| virtual void glEnableFn(GLenum cap) = 0; |
| virtual void glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn(GLuint index) = 0; |
| virtual void glEndQueryFn(GLenum target) = 0; |
| virtual void glEndTransformFeedbackFn(void) = 0; |
| virtual GLsync glFenceSyncFn(GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags) = 0; |
| virtual void glFinishFn(void) = 0; |
| virtual void glFinishFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) = 0; |
| virtual void glFinishFenceNVFn(GLuint fence) = 0; |
| virtual void glFlushFn(void) = 0; |
| virtual void glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn(GLenum target, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr length) = 0; |
| virtual void glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum renderbuffertarget, |
| GLuint renderbuffer) = 0; |
| virtual void glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum textarget, |
| GLuint texture, |
| GLint level) = 0; |
| virtual void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum textarget, |
| GLuint texture, |
| GLint level, |
| GLsizei samples) = 0; |
| virtual void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum textarget, |
| GLuint texture, |
| GLint level, |
| GLsizei samples) = 0; |
| virtual void glFramebufferTextureLayerFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLuint texture, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint layer) = 0; |
| virtual void glFrontFaceFn(GLenum mode) = 0; |
| virtual void glGenBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers) = 0; |
| virtual void glGenerateMipmapEXTFn(GLenum target) = 0; |
| virtual void glGenFencesAPPLEFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* fences) = 0; |
| virtual void glGenFencesNVFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* fences) = 0; |
| virtual void glGenFramebuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* framebuffers) = 0; |
| virtual void glGenQueriesFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* ids) = 0; |
| virtual void glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* renderbuffers) = 0; |
| virtual void glGenSamplersFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* samplers) = 0; |
| virtual void glGenTexturesFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* textures) = 0; |
| virtual void glGenTransformFeedbacksFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* ids) = 0; |
| virtual void glGenVertexArraysOESFn(GLsizei n, GLuint* arrays) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetActiveAttribFn(GLuint program, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLsizei bufsize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| GLint* size, |
| GLenum* type, |
| char* name) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetActiveUniformFn(GLuint program, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLsizei bufsize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| GLint* size, |
| GLenum* type, |
| char* name) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn(GLuint program, |
| GLuint uniformBlockIndex, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn(GLuint program, |
| GLuint uniformBlockIndex, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| char* uniformBlockName) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetActiveUniformsivFn(GLuint program, |
| GLsizei uniformCount, |
| const GLuint* uniformIndices, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetAttachedShadersFn(GLuint program, |
| GLsizei maxcount, |
| GLsizei* count, |
| GLuint* shaders) = 0; |
| virtual GLint glGetAttribLocationFn(GLuint program, const char* name) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetBooleanvFn(GLenum pname, GLboolean* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetBufferParameterivFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual GLuint glGetDebugMessageLogKHRFn(GLuint count, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLenum* sources, |
| GLenum* types, |
| GLuint* ids, |
| GLenum* severities, |
| GLsizei* lengths, |
| GLchar* messageLog) = 0; |
| virtual GLenum glGetErrorFn(void) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetFenceivNVFn(GLuint fence, GLenum pname, GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetFloatvFn(GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) = 0; |
| virtual GLint glGetFragDataLocationFn(GLuint program, const char* name) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum attachment, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual GLenum glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn(void) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetInteger64i_vFn(GLenum target, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLint64* data) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetInteger64vFn(GLenum pname, GLint64* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetIntegeri_vFn(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint* data) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetIntegervFn(GLenum pname, GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetInternalformativFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetProgramBinaryFn(GLuint program, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| GLenum* binaryFormat, |
| GLvoid* binary) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetProgramInfoLogFn(GLuint program, |
| GLsizei bufsize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| char* infolog) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetProgramivFn(GLuint program, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual GLint glGetProgramResourceLocationFn(GLuint program, |
| GLenum programInterface, |
| const char* name) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetQueryivFn(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetQueryObjecti64vFn(GLuint id, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint64* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetQueryObjectivFn(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetQueryObjectui64vFn(GLuint id, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLuint64* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetQueryObjectuivFn(GLuint id, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLuint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetSamplerParameterfvFn(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLfloat* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetSamplerParameterivFn(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetShaderInfoLogFn(GLuint shader, |
| GLsizei bufsize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| char* infolog) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetShaderivFn(GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn(GLenum shadertype, |
| GLenum precisiontype, |
| GLint* range, |
| GLint* precision) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetShaderSourceFn(GLuint shader, |
| GLsizei bufsize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| char* source) = 0; |
| virtual const GLubyte* glGetStringFn(GLenum name) = 0; |
| virtual const GLubyte* glGetStringiFn(GLenum name, GLuint index) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetSyncivFn(GLsync sync, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| GLint* values) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLfloat* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetTexLevelParameterivFn(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetTexParameterfvFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLfloat* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetTexParameterivFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn(GLuint program, |
| GLuint index, |
| GLsizei bufSize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| GLsizei* size, |
| GLenum* type, |
| char* name) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn(GLuint shader, |
| GLsizei bufsize, |
| GLsizei* length, |
| char* source) = 0; |
| virtual GLuint glGetUniformBlockIndexFn(GLuint program, |
| const char* uniformBlockName) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetUniformfvFn(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLfloat* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetUniformIndicesFn(GLuint program, |
| GLsizei uniformCount, |
| const char* const* uniformNames, |
| GLuint* uniformIndices) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetUniformivFn(GLuint program, |
| GLint location, |
| GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual GLint glGetUniformLocationFn(GLuint program, const char* name) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetVertexAttribfvFn(GLuint index, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLfloat* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetVertexAttribivFn(GLuint index, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glGetVertexAttribPointervFn(GLuint index, |
| GLenum pname, |
| void** pointer) = 0; |
| virtual void glHintFn(GLenum target, GLenum mode) = 0; |
| virtual void glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn(GLsizei length, const char* marker) = 0; |
| virtual void glInvalidateFramebufferFn(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei numAttachments, |
| const GLenum* attachments) = 0; |
| virtual void glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei numAttachments, |
| const GLenum* attachments, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLint width, |
| GLint height) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glIsBufferFn(GLuint buffer) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glIsEnabledFn(GLenum cap) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glIsFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glIsFenceNVFn(GLuint fence) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glIsFramebufferEXTFn(GLuint framebuffer) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glIsProgramFn(GLuint program) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glIsQueryFn(GLuint query) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glIsRenderbufferEXTFn(GLuint renderbuffer) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glIsSamplerFn(GLuint sampler) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glIsShaderFn(GLuint shader) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glIsSyncFn(GLsync sync) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glIsTextureFn(GLuint texture) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glIsTransformFeedbackFn(GLuint id) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glIsVertexArrayOESFn(GLuint array) = 0; |
| virtual void glLineWidthFn(GLfloat width) = 0; |
| virtual void glLinkProgramFn(GLuint program) = 0; |
| virtual void* glMapBufferFn(GLenum target, GLenum access) = 0; |
| virtual void* glMapBufferRangeFn(GLenum target, |
| GLintptr offset, |
| GLsizeiptr length, |
| GLbitfield access) = 0; |
| virtual void glMatrixLoadfEXTFn(GLenum matrixMode, const GLfloat* m) = 0; |
| virtual void glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn(GLenum matrixMode) = 0; |
| virtual void glObjectLabelKHRFn(GLenum identifier, |
| GLuint name, |
| GLsizei length, |
| const GLchar* label) = 0; |
| virtual void glPauseTransformFeedbackFn(void) = 0; |
| virtual void glPixelStoreiFn(GLenum pname, GLint param) = 0; |
| virtual void glPointParameteriFn(GLenum pname, GLint param) = 0; |
| virtual void glPolygonOffsetFn(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units) = 0; |
| virtual void glPopDebugGroupKHRFn(void) = 0; |
| virtual void glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn(void) = 0; |
| virtual void glProgramBinaryFn(GLuint program, |
| GLenum binaryFormat, |
| const GLvoid* binary, |
| GLsizei length) = 0; |
| virtual void glProgramParameteriFn(GLuint program, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint value) = 0; |
| virtual void glPushDebugGroupKHRFn(GLenum source, |
| GLuint id, |
| GLsizei length, |
| const GLchar* message) = 0; |
| virtual void glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn(GLsizei length, const char* marker) = 0; |
| virtual void glQueryCounterFn(GLuint id, GLenum target) = 0; |
| virtual void glReadBufferFn(GLenum src) = 0; |
| virtual void glReadPixelsFn(GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| void* pixels) = 0; |
| virtual void glReleaseShaderCompilerFn(void) = 0; |
| virtual void glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height) = 0; |
| virtual void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height) = 0; |
| virtual void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height) = 0; |
| virtual void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLEFn(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height) = 0; |
| virtual void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height) = 0; |
| virtual void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei samples, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height) = 0; |
| virtual void glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLEFn(void) = 0; |
| virtual void glResumeTransformFeedbackFn(void) = 0; |
| virtual void glSampleCoverageFn(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert) = 0; |
| virtual void glSamplerParameterfFn(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLfloat param) = 0; |
| virtual void glSamplerParameterfvFn(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLfloat* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glSamplerParameteriFn(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLint param) = 0; |
| virtual void glSamplerParameterivFn(GLuint sampler, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glScissorFn(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) = 0; |
| virtual void glSetFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) = 0; |
| virtual void glSetFenceNVFn(GLuint fence, GLenum condition) = 0; |
| virtual void glShaderBinaryFn(GLsizei n, |
| const GLuint* shaders, |
| GLenum binaryformat, |
| const void* binary, |
| GLsizei length) = 0; |
| virtual void glShaderSourceFn(GLuint shader, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const char* const* str, |
| const GLint* length) = 0; |
| virtual void glStencilFuncFn(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) = 0; |
| virtual void glStencilFuncSeparateFn(GLenum face, |
| GLenum func, |
| GLint ref, |
| GLuint mask) = 0; |
| virtual void glStencilMaskFn(GLuint mask) = 0; |
| virtual void glStencilMaskSeparateFn(GLenum face, GLuint mask) = 0; |
| virtual void glStencilOpFn(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) = 0; |
| virtual void glStencilOpSeparateFn(GLenum face, |
| GLenum fail, |
| GLenum zfail, |
| GLenum zpass) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glTestFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glTestFenceNVFn(GLuint fence) = 0; |
| virtual void glTexImage2DFn(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLint border, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* pixels) = 0; |
| virtual void glTexImage3DFn(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth, |
| GLint border, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* pixels) = 0; |
| virtual void glTexParameterfFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| GLfloat param) = 0; |
| virtual void glTexParameterfvFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLfloat* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glTexParameteriFn(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) = 0; |
| virtual void glTexParameterivFn(GLenum target, |
| GLenum pname, |
| const GLint* params) = 0; |
| virtual void glTexStorage2DEXTFn(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei levels, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height) = 0; |
| virtual void glTexStorage3DFn(GLenum target, |
| GLsizei levels, |
| GLenum internalformat, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLsizei depth) = 0; |
| virtual void glTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target, |
| GLint level, |
| GLint xoffset, |
| GLint yoffset, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height, |
| GLenum format, |
| GLenum type, |
| const void* pixels) = 0; |
| virtual void glTextureBarrierNVFn(void) = 0; |
| virtual void glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn(GLuint program, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const char* const* varyings, |
| GLenum bufferMode) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform1fFn(GLint location, GLfloat x) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform1fvFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat* v) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform1iFn(GLint location, GLint x) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform1ivFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint* v) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform1uiFn(GLint location, GLuint v0) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform1uivFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint* v) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform2fFn(GLint location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform2fvFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat* v) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform2iFn(GLint location, GLint x, GLint y) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform2ivFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint* v) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform2uiFn(GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform2uivFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint* v) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform3fFn(GLint location, |
| GLfloat x, |
| GLfloat y, |
| GLfloat z) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform3fvFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat* v) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform3iFn(GLint location, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform3ivFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint* v) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform3uiFn(GLint location, |
| GLuint v0, |
| GLuint v1, |
| GLuint v2) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform3uivFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint* v) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform4fFn(GLint location, |
| GLfloat x, |
| GLfloat y, |
| GLfloat z, |
| GLfloat w) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform4fvFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLfloat* v) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform4iFn(GLint location, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLint z, |
| GLint w) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform4ivFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLint* v) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform4uiFn(GLint location, |
| GLuint v0, |
| GLuint v1, |
| GLuint v2, |
| GLuint v3) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniform4uivFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| const GLuint* v) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniformBlockBindingFn(GLuint program, |
| GLuint uniformBlockIndex, |
| GLuint uniformBlockBinding) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniformMatrix2fvFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniformMatrix3fvFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniformMatrix4fvFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value) = 0; |
| virtual void glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn(GLint location, |
| GLsizei count, |
| GLboolean transpose, |
| const GLfloat* value) = 0; |
| virtual GLboolean glUnmapBufferFn(GLenum target) = 0; |
| virtual void glUseProgramFn(GLuint program) = 0; |
| virtual void glValidateProgramFn(GLuint program) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttrib1fFn(GLuint indx, GLfloat x) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttrib1fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttrib2fFn(GLuint indx, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttrib2fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttrib3fFn(GLuint indx, |
| GLfloat x, |
| GLfloat y, |
| GLfloat z) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttrib3fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttrib4fFn(GLuint indx, |
| GLfloat x, |
| GLfloat y, |
| GLfloat z, |
| GLfloat w) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttrib4fvFn(GLuint indx, const GLfloat* values) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn(GLuint index, GLuint divisor) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttribI4iFn(GLuint indx, |
| GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLint z, |
| GLint w) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttribI4ivFn(GLuint indx, const GLint* values) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttribI4uiFn(GLuint indx, |
| GLuint x, |
| GLuint y, |
| GLuint z, |
| GLuint w) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttribI4uivFn(GLuint indx, const GLuint* values) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttribIPointerFn(GLuint indx, |
| GLint size, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLsizei stride, |
| const void* ptr) = 0; |
| virtual void glVertexAttribPointerFn(GLuint indx, |
| GLint size, |
| GLenum type, |
| GLboolean normalized, |
| GLsizei stride, |
| const void* ptr) = 0; |
| virtual void glViewportFn(GLint x, |
| GLint y, |
| GLsizei width, |
| GLsizei height) = 0; |
| virtual GLenum glWaitSyncFn(GLsync sync, |
| GLbitfield flags, |
| GLuint64 timeout) = 0; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace gfx |
| |
| #define glActiveTexture ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glActiveTextureFn |
| #define glAttachShader ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glAttachShaderFn |
| #define glBeginQuery ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBeginQueryFn |
| #define glBeginTransformFeedback \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBeginTransformFeedbackFn |
| #define glBindAttribLocation ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindAttribLocationFn |
| #define glBindBuffer ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindBufferFn |
| #define glBindBufferBase ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindBufferBaseFn |
| #define glBindBufferRange ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindBufferRangeFn |
| #define glBindFragDataLocation \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindFragDataLocationFn |
| #define glBindFragDataLocationIndexed \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn |
| #define glBindFramebufferEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindFramebufferEXTFn |
| #define glBindRenderbufferEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindRenderbufferEXTFn |
| #define glBindSampler ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindSamplerFn |
| #define glBindTexture ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindTextureFn |
| #define glBindTransformFeedback \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindTransformFeedbackFn |
| #define glBindVertexArrayOES ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindVertexArrayOESFn |
| #define glBlendBarrierKHR ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlendBarrierKHRFn |
| #define glBlendColor ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlendColorFn |
| #define glBlendEquation ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlendEquationFn |
| #define glBlendEquationSeparate \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlendEquationSeparateFn |
| #define glBlendFunc ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlendFuncFn |
| #define glBlendFuncSeparate ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlendFuncSeparateFn |
| #define glBlitFramebuffer ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlitFramebufferFn |
| #define glBlitFramebufferANGLE \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn |
| #define glBlitFramebufferEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlitFramebufferEXTFn |
| #define glBufferData ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBufferDataFn |
| #define glBufferSubData ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBufferSubDataFn |
| #define glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn |
| #define glClear ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearFn |
| #define glClearBufferfi ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearBufferfiFn |
| #define glClearBufferfv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearBufferfvFn |
| #define glClearBufferiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearBufferivFn |
| #define glClearBufferuiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearBufferuivFn |
| #define glClearColor ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearColorFn |
| #define glClearDepth ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearDepthFn |
| #define glClearDepthf ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearDepthfFn |
| #define glClearStencil ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearStencilFn |
| #define glClientWaitSync ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClientWaitSyncFn |
| #define glColorMask ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glColorMaskFn |
| #define glCompileShader ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCompileShaderFn |
| #define glCompressedTexImage2D \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCompressedTexImage2DFn |
| #define glCompressedTexImage3D \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCompressedTexImage3DFn |
| #define glCompressedTexSubImage2D \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn |
| #define glCopyBufferSubData ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCopyBufferSubDataFn |
| #define glCopyTexImage2D ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCopyTexImage2DFn |
| #define glCopyTexSubImage2D ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCopyTexSubImage2DFn |
| #define glCopyTexSubImage3D ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCopyTexSubImage3DFn |
| #define glCreateProgram ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCreateProgramFn |
| #define glCreateShader ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCreateShaderFn |
| #define glCullFace ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCullFaceFn |
| #define glDebugMessageCallbackKHR \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDebugMessageCallbackKHRFn |
| #define glDebugMessageControlKHR \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDebugMessageControlKHRFn |
| #define glDebugMessageInsertKHR \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDebugMessageInsertKHRFn |
| #define glDeleteBuffersARB ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteBuffersARBFn |
| #define glDeleteFencesAPPLE ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn |
| #define glDeleteFencesNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteFencesNVFn |
| #define glDeleteFramebuffersEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn |
| #define glDeleteProgram ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteProgramFn |
| #define glDeleteQueries ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteQueriesFn |
| #define glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn |
| #define glDeleteSamplers ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteSamplersFn |
| #define glDeleteShader ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteShaderFn |
| #define glDeleteSync ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteSyncFn |
| #define glDeleteTextures ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteTexturesFn |
| #define glDeleteTransformFeedbacks \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn |
| #define glDeleteVertexArraysOES \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn |
| #define glDepthFunc ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDepthFuncFn |
| #define glDepthMask ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDepthMaskFn |
| #define glDepthRange ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDepthRangeFn |
| #define glDepthRangef ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDepthRangefFn |
| #define glDetachShader ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDetachShaderFn |
| #define glDisable ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDisableFn |
| #define glDisableVertexAttribArray \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn |
| #define glDiscardFramebufferEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn |
| #define glDrawArrays ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDrawArraysFn |
| #define glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn |
| #define glDrawBuffer ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDrawBufferFn |
| #define glDrawBuffersARB ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDrawBuffersARBFn |
| #define glDrawElements ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDrawElementsFn |
| #define glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn |
| #define glDrawRangeElements ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDrawRangeElementsFn |
| #define glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn |
| #define glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn |
| #define glEnable ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glEnableFn |
| #define glEnableVertexAttribArray \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn |
| #define glEndQuery ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glEndQueryFn |
| #define glEndTransformFeedback \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glEndTransformFeedbackFn |
| #define glFenceSync ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFenceSyncFn |
| #define glFinish ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFinishFn |
| #define glFinishFenceAPPLE ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFinishFenceAPPLEFn |
| #define glFinishFenceNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFinishFenceNVFn |
| #define glFlush ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFlushFn |
| #define glFlushMappedBufferRange \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn |
| #define glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn |
| #define glFramebufferTexture2DEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn |
| #define glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn |
| #define glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn |
| #define glFramebufferTextureLayer \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFramebufferTextureLayerFn |
| #define glFrontFace ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFrontFaceFn |
| #define glGenBuffersARB ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenBuffersARBFn |
| #define glGenerateMipmapEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenerateMipmapEXTFn |
| #define glGenFencesAPPLE ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenFencesAPPLEFn |
| #define glGenFencesNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenFencesNVFn |
| #define glGenFramebuffersEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenFramebuffersEXTFn |
| #define glGenQueries ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenQueriesFn |
| #define glGenRenderbuffersEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn |
| #define glGenSamplers ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenSamplersFn |
| #define glGenTextures ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenTexturesFn |
| #define glGenTransformFeedbacks \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenTransformFeedbacksFn |
| #define glGenVertexArraysOES ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenVertexArraysOESFn |
| #define glGetActiveAttrib ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetActiveAttribFn |
| #define glGetActiveUniform ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetActiveUniformFn |
| #define glGetActiveUniformBlockiv \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn |
| #define glGetActiveUniformBlockName \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn |
| #define glGetActiveUniformsiv \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetActiveUniformsivFn |
| #define glGetAttachedShaders ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetAttachedShadersFn |
| #define glGetAttribLocation ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetAttribLocationFn |
| #define glGetBooleanv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetBooleanvFn |
| #define glGetBufferParameteriv \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetBufferParameterivFn |
| #define glGetDebugMessageLogKHR \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetDebugMessageLogKHRFn |
| #define glGetError ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetErrorFn |
| #define glGetFenceivNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetFenceivNVFn |
| #define glGetFloatv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetFloatvFn |
| #define glGetFragDataLocation \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetFragDataLocationFn |
| #define glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn |
| #define glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn |
| #define glGetInteger64i_v ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetInteger64i_vFn |
| #define glGetInteger64v ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetInteger64vFn |
| #define glGetIntegeri_v ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetIntegeri_vFn |
| #define glGetIntegerv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetIntegervFn |
| #define glGetInternalformativ \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetInternalformativFn |
| #define glGetProgramBinary ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetProgramBinaryFn |
| #define glGetProgramInfoLog ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetProgramInfoLogFn |
| #define glGetProgramiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetProgramivFn |
| #define glGetProgramResourceLocation \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetProgramResourceLocationFn |
| #define glGetQueryiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetQueryivFn |
| #define glGetQueryObjecti64v ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetQueryObjecti64vFn |
| #define glGetQueryObjectiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetQueryObjectivFn |
| #define glGetQueryObjectui64v \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetQueryObjectui64vFn |
| #define glGetQueryObjectuiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetQueryObjectuivFn |
| #define glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn |
| #define glGetSamplerParameterfv \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetSamplerParameterfvFn |
| #define glGetSamplerParameteriv \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetSamplerParameterivFn |
| #define glGetShaderInfoLog ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetShaderInfoLogFn |
| #define glGetShaderiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetShaderivFn |
| #define glGetShaderPrecisionFormat \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn |
| #define glGetShaderSource ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetShaderSourceFn |
| #define glGetString ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetStringFn |
| #define glGetStringi ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetStringiFn |
| #define glGetSynciv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetSyncivFn |
| #define glGetTexLevelParameterfv \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn |
| #define glGetTexLevelParameteriv \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetTexLevelParameterivFn |
| #define glGetTexParameterfv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetTexParameterfvFn |
| #define glGetTexParameteriv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetTexParameterivFn |
| #define glGetTransformFeedbackVarying \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn |
| #define glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn |
| #define glGetUniformBlockIndex \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetUniformBlockIndexFn |
| #define glGetUniformfv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetUniformfvFn |
| #define glGetUniformIndices ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetUniformIndicesFn |
| #define glGetUniformiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetUniformivFn |
| #define glGetUniformLocation ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetUniformLocationFn |
| #define glGetVertexAttribfv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetVertexAttribfvFn |
| #define glGetVertexAttribiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetVertexAttribivFn |
| #define glGetVertexAttribPointerv \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetVertexAttribPointervFn |
| #define glHint ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glHintFn |
| #define glInsertEventMarkerEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn |
| #define glInvalidateFramebuffer \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glInvalidateFramebufferFn |
| #define glInvalidateSubFramebuffer \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn |
| #define glIsBuffer ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsBufferFn |
| #define glIsEnabled ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsEnabledFn |
| #define glIsFenceAPPLE ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsFenceAPPLEFn |
| #define glIsFenceNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsFenceNVFn |
| #define glIsFramebufferEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsFramebufferEXTFn |
| #define glIsProgram ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsProgramFn |
| #define glIsQuery ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsQueryFn |
| #define glIsRenderbufferEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsRenderbufferEXTFn |
| #define glIsSampler ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsSamplerFn |
| #define glIsShader ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsShaderFn |
| #define glIsSync ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsSyncFn |
| #define glIsTexture ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsTextureFn |
| #define glIsTransformFeedback \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsTransformFeedbackFn |
| #define glIsVertexArrayOES ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsVertexArrayOESFn |
| #define glLineWidth ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glLineWidthFn |
| #define glLinkProgram ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glLinkProgramFn |
| #define glMapBuffer ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glMapBufferFn |
| #define glMapBufferRange ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glMapBufferRangeFn |
| #define glMatrixLoadfEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glMatrixLoadfEXTFn |
| #define glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn |
| #define glObjectLabelKHR ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glObjectLabelKHRFn |
| #define glPauseTransformFeedback \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glPauseTransformFeedbackFn |
| #define glPixelStorei ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glPixelStoreiFn |
| #define glPointParameteri ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glPointParameteriFn |
| #define glPolygonOffset ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glPolygonOffsetFn |
| #define glPopDebugGroupKHR ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glPopDebugGroupKHRFn |
| #define glPopGroupMarkerEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn |
| #define glProgramBinary ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glProgramBinaryFn |
| #define glProgramParameteri ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glProgramParameteriFn |
| #define glPushDebugGroupKHR ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glPushDebugGroupKHRFn |
| #define glPushGroupMarkerEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn |
| #define glQueryCounter ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glQueryCounterFn |
| #define glReadBuffer ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glReadBufferFn |
| #define glReadPixels ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glReadPixelsFn |
| #define glReleaseShaderCompiler \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glReleaseShaderCompilerFn |
| #define glRenderbufferStorageEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn |
| #define glRenderbufferStorageMultisample \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn |
| #define glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn |
| #define glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLEFn |
| #define glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn |
| #define glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn |
| #define glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLEFn |
| #define glResumeTransformFeedback \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glResumeTransformFeedbackFn |
| #define glSampleCoverage ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glSampleCoverageFn |
| #define glSamplerParameterf ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glSamplerParameterfFn |
| #define glSamplerParameterfv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glSamplerParameterfvFn |
| #define glSamplerParameteri ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glSamplerParameteriFn |
| #define glSamplerParameteriv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glSamplerParameterivFn |
| #define glScissor ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glScissorFn |
| #define glSetFenceAPPLE ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glSetFenceAPPLEFn |
| #define glSetFenceNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glSetFenceNVFn |
| #define glShaderBinary ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glShaderBinaryFn |
| #define glShaderSource ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glShaderSourceFn |
| #define glStencilFunc ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glStencilFuncFn |
| #define glStencilFuncSeparate \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glStencilFuncSeparateFn |
| #define glStencilMask ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glStencilMaskFn |
| #define glStencilMaskSeparate \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glStencilMaskSeparateFn |
| #define glStencilOp ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glStencilOpFn |
| #define glStencilOpSeparate ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glStencilOpSeparateFn |
| #define glTestFenceAPPLE ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTestFenceAPPLEFn |
| #define glTestFenceNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTestFenceNVFn |
| #define glTexImage2D ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexImage2DFn |
| #define glTexImage3D ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexImage3DFn |
| #define glTexParameterf ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexParameterfFn |
| #define glTexParameterfv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexParameterfvFn |
| #define glTexParameteri ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexParameteriFn |
| #define glTexParameteriv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexParameterivFn |
| #define glTexStorage2DEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexStorage2DEXTFn |
| #define glTexStorage3D ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexStorage3DFn |
| #define glTexSubImage2D ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexSubImage2DFn |
| #define glTextureBarrierNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTextureBarrierNVFn |
| #define glTransformFeedbackVaryings \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn |
| #define glUniform1f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform1fFn |
| #define glUniform1fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform1fvFn |
| #define glUniform1i ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform1iFn |
| #define glUniform1iv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform1ivFn |
| #define glUniform1ui ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform1uiFn |
| #define glUniform1uiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform1uivFn |
| #define glUniform2f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform2fFn |
| #define glUniform2fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform2fvFn |
| #define glUniform2i ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform2iFn |
| #define glUniform2iv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform2ivFn |
| #define glUniform2ui ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform2uiFn |
| #define glUniform2uiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform2uivFn |
| #define glUniform3f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform3fFn |
| #define glUniform3fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform3fvFn |
| #define glUniform3i ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform3iFn |
| #define glUniform3iv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform3ivFn |
| #define glUniform3ui ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform3uiFn |
| #define glUniform3uiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform3uivFn |
| #define glUniform4f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform4fFn |
| #define glUniform4fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform4fvFn |
| #define glUniform4i ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform4iFn |
| #define glUniform4iv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform4ivFn |
| #define glUniform4ui ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform4uiFn |
| #define glUniform4uiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform4uivFn |
| #define glUniformBlockBinding \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformBlockBindingFn |
| #define glUniformMatrix2fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix2fvFn |
| #define glUniformMatrix2x3fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn |
| #define glUniformMatrix2x4fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn |
| #define glUniformMatrix3fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix3fvFn |
| #define glUniformMatrix3x2fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn |
| #define glUniformMatrix3x4fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn |
| #define glUniformMatrix4fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix4fvFn |
| #define glUniformMatrix4x2fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn |
| #define glUniformMatrix4x3fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn |
| #define glUnmapBuffer ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUnmapBufferFn |
| #define glUseProgram ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUseProgramFn |
| #define glValidateProgram ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glValidateProgramFn |
| #define glVertexAttrib1f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib1fFn |
| #define glVertexAttrib1fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib1fvFn |
| #define glVertexAttrib2f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib2fFn |
| #define glVertexAttrib2fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib2fvFn |
| #define glVertexAttrib3f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib3fFn |
| #define glVertexAttrib3fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib3fvFn |
| #define glVertexAttrib4f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib4fFn |
| #define glVertexAttrib4fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib4fvFn |
| #define glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn |
| #define glVertexAttribI4i ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttribI4iFn |
| #define glVertexAttribI4iv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttribI4ivFn |
| #define glVertexAttribI4ui ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttribI4uiFn |
| #define glVertexAttribI4uiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttribI4uivFn |
| #define glVertexAttribIPointer \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttribIPointerFn |
| #define glVertexAttribPointer \ |
| ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttribPointerFn |
| #define glViewport ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glViewportFn |
| #define glWaitSync ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glWaitSyncFn |
| |