blob: c4612194bf7120ab3c157f97b8b5f0f3bcaa20cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:js/js_util.dart' as js_util;
/// This file contains static interop classes for interacting with the DOM and
/// some helpers. All of the classes in this file are named after their
/// counterparts in the DOM. To extend any of these classes, simply add an
/// external method to the appropriate class's extension. To add a new class,
/// simply name the class after it's counterpart in the DOM and prefix the
/// class name with `Dom`.
/// NOTE: After the new static interop DOM API is released in the Dart SDK,
/// these classes will be replaced by typedefs.
/// NOTE: Currently, optional parameters do not behave as expected.
/// For the time being, avoid passing optional parameters directly to JS.
class DomWindow {}
extension DomWindowExtension on DomWindow {
external DomConsole get console;
external DomDocument get document;
external DomNavigator get navigator;
external DomPerformance get performance;
Future<Object?> fetch(String url) =>
js_util.promiseToFuture(js_util.callMethod(this, 'fetch', <String>[url]));
class DomConsole {}
extension DomConsoleExtension on DomConsole {
external void warn(Object? arg);
external DomWindow get domWindow;
class DomNavigator {}
extension DomNavigatorExtension on DomNavigator {
external int? get maxTouchPoints;
external String get vendor;
external String get language;
external String? get platform;
external String get userAgent;
class DomDocument {}
extension DomDocumentExtension on DomDocument {
external DomElement? querySelector(String selectors);
external /* List<Node> */ List<Object?> querySelectorAll(String selectors);
DomElement createElement(String name, [Object? options]) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'createElement',
<Object>[name, if (options != null) options]) as DomElement;
external DomHTMLScriptElement? get currentScript;
external DomElement createElementNS(
String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName);
class DomHTMLDocument extends DomDocument {}
extension DomHTMLDocumentExtension on DomHTMLDocument {
external DomHTMLHeadElement? get head;
external DomHTMLBodyElement? get body;
external DomHTMLDocument get domDocument;
class DomEventTarget {}
extension DomEventTargetExtension on DomEventTarget {
void addEventListener(String type, DomEventListener? listener,
[bool? useCapture]) {
if (listener != null) {
js_util.callMethod(this, 'addEventListener',
<Object>[type, listener, if (useCapture != null) useCapture]);
void removeEventListener(String type, DomEventListener? listener,
[bool? useCapture]) {
if (listener != null) {
js_util.callMethod(this, 'removeEventListener',
<Object>[type, listener, if (useCapture != null) useCapture]);
typedef DomEventListener = void Function(DomEvent event);
class DomEvent {}
extension DomEventExtension on DomEvent {
external DomEventTarget? get target;
external void preventDefault();
external void stopPropagation();
class DomProgressEvent extends DomEvent {}
extension DomProgressEventExtension on DomProgressEvent {
external int? get loaded;
external int? get total;
class DomNode extends DomEventTarget {}
extension DomNodeExtension on DomNode {
external DomNode appendChild(DomNode node);
external DomElement? get parentElement;
external DomNode? get parentNode;
external DomNode insertBefore(DomNode newNode, DomNode? referenceNode);
void remove() {
if (parentNode != null) {
final DomNode parent = parentNode!;
external DomNode removeChild(DomNode child);
external bool? get isConnected;
class DomElement extends DomNode {}
DomElement createDomElement(String tag) => domDocument.createElement(tag);
extension DomElementExtension on DomElement {
external /* List<DomElement> */ List<Object?> get children;
external String get id;
external set id(String id);
external set spellcheck(bool? value);
external DomCSSStyleDeclaration get style;
external void append(DomNode node);
external String? getAttribute(String attributeName);
external void prepend(DomNode node);
external DomElement? querySelector(String selectors);
external void setAttribute(String name, Object value);
class DomCSSStyleDeclaration {}
extension DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension on DomCSSStyleDeclaration {
set width(String value) => setProperty('width', value, '');
set height(String value) => setProperty('height', value, '');
set position(String value) => setProperty('position', value, '');
set clip(String value) => setProperty('clip', value, '');
set clipPath(String value) => setProperty('clip-path', value, '');
set transform(String value) => setProperty('transform', value, '');
set transformOrigin(String value) =>
setProperty('transform-origin', value, '');
set opacity(String value) => setProperty('opacity', value, '');
set color(String value) => setProperty('color', value, '');
set top(String value) => setProperty('top', value, '');
set left(String value) => setProperty('left', value, '');
set right(String value) => setProperty('right', value, '');
set bottom(String value) => setProperty('bottom', value, '');
set backgroundColor(String value) =>
setProperty('background-color', value, '');
String get width => getPropertyValue('width');
String get height => getPropertyValue('height');
String get position => getPropertyValue('position');
String get clip => getPropertyValue('clip');
String get clipPath => getPropertyValue('clip-path');
String get transform => getPropertyValue('transform');
String get transformOrigin => getPropertyValue('transform-origin');
String get opacity => getPropertyValue('opacity');
String get color => getPropertyValue('color');
String get top => getPropertyValue('top');
String get left => getPropertyValue('left');
String get right => getPropertyValue('right');
String get bottom => getPropertyValue('bottom');
String get backgroundColor => getPropertyValue('background-color');
external String getPropertyValue(String property);
void setProperty(String propertyName, String value, [String? priority]) {
priority ??= '';
this, 'setProperty', <Object>[propertyName, value, priority]);
external String removeProperty(String property);
class DomHTMLElement extends DomElement {}
class DomHTMLMetaElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
extension DomHTMLMetaElementExtension on DomHTMLMetaElement {
external String get name;
external set name(String value);
external String get content;
class DomHTMLHeadElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
class DomHTMLBodyElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
class DomHTMLScriptElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
extension DomHTMLScriptElementExtension on DomHTMLScriptElement {
external set src(String value);
DomHTMLScriptElement createDomHTMLScriptElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('script') as DomHTMLScriptElement;
class DomHTMLDivElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
DomHTMLDivElement createDomHTMLDivElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('div') as DomHTMLDivElement;
class DomPerformance extends DomEventTarget {}
extension DomPerformanceExtension on DomPerformance {
external DomPerformanceEntry? mark(String markName);
external DomPerformanceMeasure? measure(
String measureName, String? startMark, String? endMark);
class DomPerformanceEntry {}
class DomPerformanceMeasure extends DomPerformanceEntry {}
class DomCanvasElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
DomCanvasElement createDomCanvasElement({int? width, int? height}) {
final DomCanvasElement canvas =
domWindow.document.createElement('canvas') as DomCanvasElement;
if (width != null) {
canvas.width = width;
if (height != null) {
canvas.height = height;
return canvas;
extension DomCanvasElementExtension on DomCanvasElement {
external int? get width;
external set width(int? value);
external int? get height;
external set height(int? value);
String toDataURL([String? type]) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'toDataURL', <Object>[if (type != null) type]);
Object? getContext(String contextType, [Map<dynamic, dynamic>? attributes]) {
return js_util.callMethod(this, 'getContext', <Object?>[
if (attributes != null) js_util.jsify(attributes)
DomCanvasRenderingContext2D get context2D =>
getContext('2d')! as DomCanvasRenderingContext2D;
abstract class DomCanvasImageSource {}
class DomCanvasRenderingContext2D {}
extension DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension on DomCanvasRenderingContext2D {
external Object? get fillStyle;
external set fillStyle(Object? style);
external void drawImage(DomCanvasImageSource source, num destX, num destY);
external void fillRect(num x, num y, num width, num height);
external DomImageData getImageData(int x, int y, int sw, int sh);
class DomImageData {}
extension DomImageDataExtension on DomImageData {
external Uint8ClampedList get data;
class DomXMLHttpRequestEventTarget extends DomEventTarget {}
class DomXMLHttpRequest extends DomXMLHttpRequestEventTarget {}
DomXMLHttpRequest createDomXMLHttpRequest() =>
domCallConstructorString('XMLHttpRequest', <Object?>[])!
as DomXMLHttpRequest;
extension DomXMLHttpRequestExtension on DomXMLHttpRequest {
external dynamic get response;
external String get responseType;
external int? get status;
external set responseType(String value);
void open(String method, String url, [bool? async]) => js_util.callMethod(
this, 'open', <Object>[method, url, if (async != null) async]);
external void send();
class DomResponse {}
class DomException {
static const String notSupported = 'NotSupportedError';
extension DomExceptionExtension on DomException {
external String get name;
extension DomResponseExtension on DomResponse {
Future<dynamic> arrayBuffer() => js_util
.promiseToFuture(js_util.callMethod(this, 'arrayBuffer', <Object>[]));
Future<dynamic> json() =>
js_util.promiseToFuture(js_util.callMethod(this, 'json', <Object>[]));
Future<String> text() =>
js_util.promiseToFuture(js_util.callMethod(this, 'text', <Object>[]));
Object? domGetConstructor(String constructorName) =>
js_util.getProperty(domWindow, constructorName);
Object? domCallConstructorString(String constructorName, List<Object?> args) {
final Object? constructor = domGetConstructor(constructorName);
if (constructor == null) {
return null;
return js_util.callConstructor(constructor, args);
bool domInstanceOfString(Object? element, String objectType) =>
js_util.instanceof(element, domGetConstructor(objectType)!);